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Received: 24 July 2021 Revised: 10 November 2021 Accepted: 21 December 2021

DOI: 10.1002/mp.15487


Dose calculations for preclinical radiobiology experiments

conducted with single-field cabinet irradiators

Courage Mahuvava1 Nolan Matthew Esplen1 Yannick Poirier2

Stephen F. Kry3 Magdalena Bazalova-Carter1

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Abstract
University of Victoria, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada
Purpose: To provide percentage depth dose (PDD) data along the central axis
for dosimetry calculations in small-animal radiation biology experiments per-
Department of Radiation Oncology,
University of Maryland School of Medicine,
formed in cabinet irradiators. The PDDs are provided as a function of source-
Baltimore MD, USA to-surface distance (SSD), field size, and animal size.
Department of Radiation Physics, University Methods: The X-ray tube designs for four biological cabinet irradiators, the
of Texas MD Anderson, Cancer Centre, RS2000, RT250, MultiRad350, and XRAD320, were simulated using the BEAM-
Houston, Texas, USA nrc Monte Carlo code to generate 160, 200, 250, and 320 kVp photon beams,
respectively. The 320 kVp beam was simulated with two filtrations: a soft F1 alu-
Courage Mahuvava, Department of Physics
minium filter and a hard F2 thoraeus filter made of aluminium, tin, and copper.
and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Victoria, Beams were collimated into circular fields with diameters of 0.5–10 cm at SSDs
BC V8P 5C2, Canada. of 10–60 cm. Monte Carlo dose calculations in 1–5-cm diameter homogeneous
(soft tissue) small-animal phantoms as well as in heterogeneous phantoms with
Funding information
3-mm diameter cylindrical lung and bone inserts (rib and cortical bone) were
Compute Canada; Natural Sciences and performed using DOSXYZnrc. The calculated depth doses in three test-cases
Engineering Research Council of Canada were estimated by applying SSD, field size, and animal size correction factors
(NSERC); Canada Research Chair Program
to a reference case (40-cm SSD, 1-cm field, and 5-cm animal size), and these
results were compared with the specifically simulated (i.e., expected) doses to
assess the accuracy of this method. Dosimetry for two test-case scenarios of
160 and 250 kVp beams (representative of end-user beam qualities) was also
performed, whereby the simulated PDDs at two different depths were compared
with the results based on the interpolation from reference data.
Results: The depth doses for three test-cases calculated at 200, 320 kVp F1,
and 320 kVp F2 with half value layers (HVLs) ranging from ∼0.6 to 3.6 mm
Cu, agreed well with the expected doses, yielding dose differences of 1.2%,
0.1%, and 1.0%, respectively. The two end-user test-cases for 160 and 250 kVp
beams with respective HVLs of ∼0.8 and 1.8 mm Cu yielded dose differences
of 1.4% and 3.2% between the simulated and the interpolated PDDs. The dose
increase at the bone-tissue proximal interface ranged from 1.2 to 2.5 times the
dose in soft tissue for rib and 1.3 to 3.7 times for cortical bone. The dose drop-off
at 1-cm depth beyond the bone ranged from 1.3% to 6.0% for rib and 3.2% to
11.7% for cortical bone. No drastic dose perturbations occurred in the presence
of lung, with lung-tissue interface dose of >99% of soft tissue dose and <3%
dose increase at 1-cm depth beyond lung.
Conclusions: The developed dose estimation method can be used to translate
the measured dose at a point to dose at any depth in small-animal phantoms,
making it feasible for preclinical calculation of dose distributions in animals irra-
diated with cabinet-style irradiators. The dosimetric impact of bone must be
accurately quantified as dramatic dose perturbations at and beyond the bone
interfaces can occur due to the relative importance of the photoelectric effect

Med Phys. 2022;1–13. © 2022 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 1


at kilovoltage energies. These results will help improve dosimetric accuracy in

preclinical experiments.

depth-dose, Monte Carlo, radiobiology dosimetry, small-animal radiotherapy, TG-319

1 INTRODUCTION butions delivered by cabinet irradiators without image-

guidance. Monte Carlo simulations can be used but are
Translational radiotherapy research requires preclinical complex and time-intensive, particularly when attempt-
in vivo models to facilitate the shift from in vitro experi- ing to describe complex irradiation geometries without a
ments toward clinical application as an important inter- computed tomography (CT) dataset.
mediary step prior to clinical trials.1 Evaluating novel or In kV X-ray clinical treatments performed on humans,
revised radiotherapy treatments directly in human sub- physicists have typically relied on published percent-
jects is unfeasible due to the high costs associated with age depth dose (PDD) curves such as those from the
clinical trial length and logistics, and ethical considera- British Journal of Radiology Supplement 25 (BJR-25).12
tions from unknown or unanticipated adverse effects.2 However, these are difficult to apply to small animals, as
As a result, there has been increased focus in develop- they are provided for a limited number of beam quali-
ing radiation research platforms to study radiation biol- ties, assume a semi-infinite backscattering environment
ogy in small animals.3–5 However, as in human clini- not present in biological research, and are only provided
cal treatments, the success and reproducibility of these for large field sizes. Even when a given irradiator closely
experiments still relies on the ability of investigators to matches the BJR-25 dataset, the accuracy of the PDD
deliver an accurate amount of radiation dose, which has can be poor.13 In this context, individual users, who may
proven challenging in preclinical research.6,7 or may not possess radiation physics knowledge, are left
Many preclinical radiation research experiments are to perform dosimetry on an ad hoc basis, their approach
performed with small animals using kilovoltage (kV) X- varying from institution to institution, which is frequently
rays, which is expected to increase in importance due not reported in many radiobiological publications.10,14,15
to security concerns surrounding radioactive gamma In this study, we provide PDD data for five of the
sources.8–10 However, there is currently a lack of tools most common beam qualities10 used in cabinet kV X-
with which to perform accurate preclinical dosimetry ray irradiators, for a variety of irradiation geometries of
from kV X-rays. Reference dosimetry protocols pro- varying animal size, source-to-surface-distance (SSD),
vide methodologies to calculate and measure dose to and field size. These provide a framework to allow for
a point,11 but not dose distributions in the rest of the interpolation of doses across a wide range of beams
animal. While more advanced conformal kV X-ray irradi- and can therefore facilitate more accurate dose calcula-
ators are equipped with image-guidance and treatment tions than are often currently employed. This method-
planning systems,these represent a minority of all radio- ology and published PDD values are supplied to the
biological research. Indeed, a reanalysis of data from a community in the context of the new methodology pro-
previous systematic review10 shows that of 82 studies posed by the American Association of Physicists in
performed on small animals using kV X-rays between Medicine (AAPM) Task Group (TG)-319‘s new guide-
2010 and 2017, only six used conformal small animal lines for accurate dosimetry in radiation biology experi-
irradiators, while Monte Carlo simulations were only ments performed with cabinet irradiators.16
used in one of the 82 studies. Instead, the vast major-
ity of small animal research performed with kV X-rays
is performed using cabinet irradiators, simple devices 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS
which consist only of a fixed X-ray source without image
guidance or treatment planning capabilities. 2.1 Dosimetric methodology proposed
Accurate dosimetry for these irradiators is very chal- by TG-319
lenging. The low energy beams result in a large amount
of scatter that depends strongly on experimental con- The TG-319 report will provide medical physicists with
ditions. This can result in a high degree of uncertainty, general information on how to measure the dose to
even for simple fields. Complications are even greater a point within an animal phantom (could be on the
in the presence of high atomic number heterogeneities surface of a phantom, as illustrated in the schematic
such as bone.8 Unlike megavoltage (MV) X-ray sources in Figure 1a, but the dose at depth might also be of
used in human clinical treatments, to the best of the interest to either estimate the dose in the target or to
authors’ knowledge, no commercial treatment planning healthy tissues (Figure 1b). To provide this information
system is currently available to calculate dose distri- for TG-319 and the broader community in general, a

F I G U R E 1 (a) Measured dose to a point (red circle) in the small animal. (b) The focus of this study, which is to determine the percentage
depth-dose (PDD) correction to convert this dose to the location where dose is of interest (green circle) in a small animal phantom mimicking
the experimental animal using Monte Carlo simulations. This is useful for dose calculation at a prescribed position in the organ of interest (target
or organ at risk)

large set of Monte Carlo dose calculations was carried remotely on the Compute Canada Cedar cluster22 using
out in this work for small-animal radiotherapy beams. Intel processors running at 2.1–2.4 GHz. BEAMnrc sim-
These will provide central-axis PDD data containing ulation times ranged from ∼60 to 100 h and DOSXYZnrc
information on a number of aspects that affect accurate simulation times ranged from ∼5 to 40 h.
dosimetry; namely the beam quality, SSD, field size,
animal size as well as the presence of lung and bone
heterogeneities in the animal m odel. This information 2.2.1 Source description
will facilitate the translation of the experimentally mea-
sured dose at a given point to the dose at the desired Table 1 summarizes the specifications of the irradiator
depth in the organ of interest, and therefore support models/beams, which were used in this work. For all of
improved dose calculations for preclinical studies. the X-ray units simulated, the SSD is varied using an
adjustable steel shelf, while circular beam shaping is
assumed to be achieved with a 2-mm thick lead shield
2.2 BEAMnrc simulations placed just above the animal. Also given are the speci-
fications for two cabinet irradiators (based on the Fax-
The Monte Carlo technique used throughout this work itron MultiRad350 and the Rad Source RS2000) used
involved a two-step process: Firstly, Monte Carlo source for end-user test-case dose calculations.
models based on four small-animal irradiators, namely
the PXi XRAD320 (PXi, North Branford, CT), the Fax-
itron MultiRad350 (Faxitron Bioptics, Tucson, AZ), the 2.2.2 Simulation geometry
Phillips RT250 (Philips Medical System, Cleveland, OH),
as well as the Rad Source RS2000 (Rad Source, Buford, BEAMnrc simulations were split into two stages, which
GA) units were used to simulate the production of 320, together comprised the full geometry of the X-ray
250, 200, and 160 kV X-ray beams in BEAMnrc.17 The source and the physical collimator setup, based on
XRAD320 has two different beam filters (F1 and F2), manufacturer specifications. Figure 2 shows the simu-
which were simulated separately. Table 1 gives the spec- lation geometry used to model the biological irradiators,
ifications of each filter. The irradiator models were com- including the source and phase space file (PSF) scor-
missioned or validated with experimental data from pre- ing planes Figure 2a, as well as the orientation of the
vious studies.18–20 homogenous cylindrical phantom relative to the beam
In the second simulation stage, DOSXYZnrc21 was Figure 2b. Dose calculations were also performed in
used to calculate 3D absorbed dose distributions 2-cm diameter cylindrical phantoms with 3-mm diame-
in cylindrical small-animal phantoms using BEAMnrc ter lung, rib, or cortical bone inserts located at 2.5-mm
phase-space files scored just below the beam collima- depth, as shown in Figure 2c.
tion system as the “source.” The global electron and In the first simulation stage, a mono-energetic elec-
photon energy cut-off values, ECUT and PCUT, were tron beam was simulated in a vacuum, impinging
respectively set to 0.521 and 0.01 MeV in all BEAMnrc upon a tungsten anode to generate Bremsstrahlung X-
and DOSXYZnrc simulations. All simulations were run rays, which were subsequently transported through the

TA B L E 1 Manufacturer specifications for the small-animal cabinet irradiators used in this study. These parameters were used for beam
production simulations in BEAMnrc. The half -value layers (HVL) of the five beams calculated in MATLAB based on the beam energy spectra in
Figure 3, are also shown

Focal spot HVL

Energy Anode diameter values
Irradiator model (kVp) Filter specificationsǂ angle (◦ ) (mm) (mm Cu)

PXi XRAD320 320 F1: 2 mm Al 30 4.0 0.59

PXi XRAD320 320 F2: 0.75 mm Sn, 0.25 30 4.0 3.57
Cu, 1.5 mm Al
Phillips RT250 200 2 mm Al, 0.5 mm Cu 26 3.0 1.00
Faxitron MultiRad350 250 2 mm Al, 0.5 mm Cu 26 3.0 1.80
Rad Source RS2000 160 0.3 mm Cu 26 3.0 0.78
Al = aluminium, Cu = copper, Sn = Tin.
Abbreviation: HVL, half value layer.

F I G U R E 2 Geometry of the X-ray unit and relative orientation of cylindrical small-animal phantoms for simulating beam production and
collimation in BEAMnrc (a) as well as dose calculations in DOSXYZnrc (b). Heterogeneous phantoms (2-cm diameter) with two different bone
materials as well as lung are shown in (c). Irradiator geometry and material compositions were provided by the manufacturers, while bone
compositions were obtained from the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU)-44 tissue data.23 The
composition of lung (LUNG521ICRU) is available in the ICRU PEGS4 (preprocessor for Electron Gamma Shower v4.0) data in EGSnrc

inherent beryllium filtration and stored in the phase PSF2 (Figure 2a, collected 0.1 cm below the variable
space file PSF1 scored at 5 cm from the focal spot. collimator) for each beam size and SSD; these files were
The energy spectra for each beam in PSF1 are shown later used as sources for the final DOSXYZnrc dose cal-
in Figure 3. A total of 2 × 109 primary particles were culations.
simulated in the PSF1 X-ray phase space simulations. The total number of particles scored in PSF2 ranged
Directional bremsstrahlung splitting (without cross sec- from 7.5 × 106 , for the smallest (0.5 cm diameter) field
tion enhancement)21 with a splitting factor of 2000 and size in the heavily filtered 320 kVp F2 beam, up to 109
a splitting radius of 3.0 cm, defined at 5.0 cm from the for the largest (10-cm diameter) field in the 320 kVp
source, was employed to increase simulation efficiency. F1 beams. The 521ICRU PEGS4 material cross section
In the second BEAMnrc simulation stage, particle data were used. All other user-adjustable transport con-
transport through air and the variable aperture 2-mm trol parameters such as the maximum fractional energy
thick lead collimators was simulated. The output of this loss per step, Russian roulette, skin depth etc., were set
simulation was a set of phase-space files scored at to their default values or switched off.

the reference beam qualities. Reference cases were

defined (1) as a function of animal size with a default
SSD and field size, (2) as a function of field size with a
default SSD and animal size, and (3) as a function of
SSD with a default field size and animal size. That is,
by keeping two parameters to their default values and
varying the third parameter. The default SSD, field size,
and animal size values were 40 cm, 1 cm, and 5 cm,
respectively. The reference cases provide the basis for
test-case dose calculations based on derived correction
factors (CFs) for these three quantities.

2.3.2 Dose estimation and test-case


This section outlines the process by which the PDDs cal-

F I G U R E 3 Normalized energy spectra for the PXi 320 kVp F1,
PXi 320 kVp F2, RT250 200 kVp, MultiRad350 250 kVp as well as the culated in this study can be used for an arbitrary irradi-
RS2000 160 kVp open beams at the PSF1 scoring plane (see ation geometry.
Figure 2), located just below the filter. The half value layer (HVL) Let SSD, FS, and AS be the reference/default sim-
values for the five beams were calculated from these energy spectra ulation parameters and SSD′ , FS′ and AS′ be the test-
in MATLAB and are summarized in Table 1. The energy spectra data
case parameters for source-to-surface distance (SSD),
were generated by BEAMDP24
field size, and animal size, respectively. For a given
beam energy, the calculated dose at depth d for a
2.3 DOSXYZnrc simulations test case, Dcalc (d, SSD′ , FS′ , AS′ ), was estimated by
applying CFs for SSD, field size, and animal size to the
The total dose deposited in each voxel of the cylin- dose in the reference case, Dref (d, SSD, FS, AS). Equa-
drical phantoms was calculated using DOSXYZnrc. tion (1) summarizes the formalism for dose calculation
The cylindrical phantom files, representative of small- at depth d in an arbitrary test case.
animal subjects, were generated in MATLAB ver- ( )
sion R2015a (Mathworks, Nattick, MA). Voxel sizes Dcalc d, SSD′ , FS′ , AS′ = Dref (d, SSD, FS, AS)
were 0.5 × 0.5 × 2 mm3 , with the 2-mm dimension set ( ( ))
Dtest d, SSD′ , FS, AS
along the rotational axis of the cylinder. The statistical ×
uncertainty in the 20 highest-dose voxels was kept Dref (d, SSD, FS, AS)
( ( ))
below 1% in all cases. Photon splitting with a factor of Dtest d, SSD, FS′ , AS
20 was used to increase the efficiency of dose calcula- ×
Dref (d, SSD, FS, AS)
tions in all DOSXYZnrc simulations. A total of 106 −109 ( ( ))
particle histories were simulated for dose deposition Dtest d, SSD, FS, AS′
calculations depending on the number of BEAMnrc ×
Dref (d, SSD, FS, AS)
phase space particles. Interactions important for low
energy photons, such as Rayleigh scattering and bound
Compton scattering, were included in all BEAMnrc and The CF for a given dosimetric parameter (e.g., SSD
DOSXYZnrc simulations. Depth dose curves were then CF, first bracketed term in Equation (1)) is simply the
calculated by scoring the total dose deposited in the ratio of the dose at the desired depth with the test-case
central section of the phantom along the beam axis in SSD (SSD′ ) (and all other parameters equal to refer-
0.5 × 0.5 × 2 mm3 voxels. The plots were normalized ence parameters) to the dose at the same depth with all
to the maximum dose for their respective data sets. parameters set to their default values.
The accuracy of this formalism was evaluated by
comparing the Dcalc value at depth d for several non-
2.3.1 Reference cases reference fields with the dose at d directly simulated
with Monte Carlo Dsim (d, SSD′ , FS′ , AS′ ). The non-
For estimation of dose in test cases, a number of reference test cases are summarized in Table 3. Dose
reference cases with the simulation parameter combi- calculations were also performed in heterogeneous
nations shown in Table 2 were used. These reference phantoms with lung, rib, or cortical bone inserts located
case simulations were performed for the 320 kVp F1, at 2.5-mm depth, as shown in Figure 2c. The PDDs for
200 kVp, and 320 kVp F2 beams with HVLs of 0.59, these phantoms were normalized to the maximum dose
1.00, and 3.57 mm Cu, respectively. Let these be called in a homogenous, soft tissue phantom.

TA B L E 2 Summary of reference-case parameter combinations used in this study

Parameter Default Variable

combination Fixed parameter value parameter Values investigated

1 SSD (cm) 40 Animal size (cm) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Field size (cm) 1
2 SSD (cm) 40 Field size (cm) 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
Animal size (cm) 5
3 Field size (cm) 1 SSD (cm) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
Animal size (cm) 5
Abbreviation: SSD, source-to-surface distance.

TA B L E 3 Summary of test-case parameters for the reference and nonreference cabinet irradiators that were used in this study. The
nonreference cases represent end-user irradiators

Beam quality Reference Nonreference

Parameter Test-case 1 Test-case 2 Test-case 3 End-user test-cases
Model XRAD320 XRAD320 RT250 MultiRad350 RS2000

Energy (kVp) 320 F1 320 F2 200 250 160

Depth (cm) 4 2 1 2 3
Animal size (cm) 5 4 3 5 5
SSD (cm) 60 30 10 20 40
Field size (cm) 3 10 0.5 1 5
Abbreviation: SSD, source-to-surface distance.

TA B L E 4 Composition of lung, rib, and cortical bone used to generate PEGS4 cross-sectional data for Monte Carlo simulations in animal

Bone type Cortical bone Rib (2, 6) LUNG521ICRU

Mass density, (g/cm3 ) 1.92 1.41 0.26

Effective atomic number, Zeff 13.96 12.14 7.88
Composition by weight (%) H (3.4), C (15.5), N (4.2), O H (6.4), C (26.3), N (3.9), O H (10.3), C (10.5), N (3.1),
(43.5), Ca (22.5), P (43.6), Ca (13.1), P (6.0), O (74.9), Na (0.2), P
(10.3), S (0.3), Mg (0.2), S (0.3), Mg (0.1), Na (0.2), S (0.3), CL (0.3), K
Na (0.1) (0.1), K (0.1), Cl (0.1) (0.2)

The specific cross‑sectional data for the two bone 𝛿Dref , and DSSD be the dose for the test case SSD (first
materials were calculated in MATLAB based on ICRU- numerator in Equation (1)) with associated uncertainty
44 data23 while that of lung (LUNG521ICRU) is avail- 𝛿DSSD , etc.
able in the default 521ICRU PEGS4 data in EGSnrc.The √
√ (
material compositions of lung, rib, and cortical bone are √ 𝛿D )2 ( 𝛿D )2 (
)2 (
√ ref SSD
𝛿Dcalc = |Dcalc | 2 + + +
summarized in Table 4. Dref DSSD DFS DAS
Dose to the medium (bone) was calculated (as
opposed to dose to water with bone density) as
per international recommendations for clinical trial
consistency.25,26 The propagated uncertainty for the calculated dose
(Dcalc ) is the quadratic sum in Equation (2). The
combined uncertainty of the dose difference (𝛿Ddiff )
between the calculated and simulated dose is found by
2.3.3 Uncertainty propagation adding their respective uncertainties (𝛿Dcalc and 𝛿Dsim )
in quadrature as shown in Equation (3).
Let the symbol 𝛿 represent the uncertainty for each of

the dose quantities in Equation (1). For simplicity, also let 2 2
Dref be the reference dose with associated uncertainty 𝛿Ddiff = (𝛿Dcalc ) + (𝛿Dsim ) (3)

F I G U R E 4 Reference-case percentage depth-doses (PDDs) as a function of animal size for the (a) PXi 320 kVp F1, (b) PXi 320 kVp F2,
and (c) RT250 200 kVp beams calculated for 40-cm source-to-surface distance (SSD) and 1-cm field size

Equations (2) and (3) assume that the original uncer- 3.1 Small-animal phantom PDDs for
tainties associated with the simulated doses in Equation reference cases
(1) are uncorrelated and random, which is a reasonable
assumption in this Monte Carlo study. Some general trends are evident from the plots, such
as the relatively high surface dose (>50% of the maxi-
mum dose) as compared to MV beams (≤15% PDD)27
2.4 Dosimetry formalism for end-users generally used in radiotherapy treatments. The simu-
(HVL interpolation) lated surface dose is, however, lower as compared to
typical values for kV beams (usually ∼90%–100%),27
Radiation units come with manufacturer-provided HVLs, and this may be due to partial volume averaging of the
and these values should also be measured by the user, calculation voxel size used (0.5 × 0.5 × 2 mm3 ). The
as will be prescribed in the TG-319 report. So far, the dose fall-off per centimetre can also be observed in
methodology for dose calculation and test case valida- Figure 4, with very small differences in doses at depth
tion has been provided for the reference beam quali- for different animal sizes, except near the beam exit
ties investigated, that is, the 320 kVp F1, 200 kVp, and regions of the phantom due to missing backscatter. The
320 kVp F2 beams with HVLs of 0.59,1.00,and 3.57 mm PDD decreases with increasing depth due to the inverse
Cu, respectively. square law and beam attenuation. In Figure 5, the dose
To perform dosimetry for nonreference irradia- increases in going from a 0.5-cm to 10-cm diameter field
tors/beam qualities, let the right-hand side of Equation size due to increased scatter contribution from the col-
(1), excluding the reference dose term, be the full CF to limator and the phantom. The effect is relatively pro-
rescale the dose from the measured to the prescribed nounced - dose differences up to 15% are apparent as a
position for any given cabinet irradiator. The doses at function of field size. The decrease in dose with increas-
3-cm and 2-cm depth for the 160 and 250 kVp beams ing SSD in Figure 6 is because of the inverse square
with HVLs 0.78 and 1.80 mm Cu, respectively, were sim- law, which dictates a reduction in beam intensity with
ulated in a 5-cm diameter phantom and compared with increasing distance from the source. This effect is more
the results based on the interpolation from reference pronounced for smaller SSDs.
data and the calculation formalism of Section 2.3.2. This Tables S1 and S2 (provided in the supplementary
was accomplished by calculating the full CFs for each of data) give PDD values at depths of 0.5–5.0 cm (in steps
the reference beam qualities investigated as a function of 0.5 cm) in a small-animal phantom as a function
of their corresponding HVLs and then interpolating of beam size and SSD, respectively, for beam qualities
the CFs for the end-user HVLs under investigation ranging from 0.6 to 3.6 mm Cu.
to rescale the reference dose to the treatment field
3.2 Dose estimation and validation for
test cases
Figure 7 shows test-case PDDs for the reference beams
The following figures (Figures 4–6) illustrate the effect (the PXi and RT250 beams) and nonreference end-user
of varying animal size, field size, or SSD on the PDD beams (the MultiRad350 and RS2000 beams) simu-
for cylindrical small-animal phantoms under reference lated for different dosimetric parameters (in Table 3)
conditions. in small-animal phantoms of different sizes. Dose

F I G U R E 5 Reference-case percentage depth-doses (PDDs) as a function of field size for the (a) PXi 320 kVp F1, (b) PXi 320 kVp F2, and
(c) RT250 200 kVp beams for 40-cm source-to-surface distance (SSD) and 5-cm animal size

F I G U R E 6 Reference-case percentage depth-doses (PDDs) as a function of source-to-surface distance (SSD) for the (a) PXi 320 kVp F1,
(b) PXi 320 kVp F2, and (c) RT250 200 kVp beams calculated for 1-cm field size and 5-cm animal size

calculations (estimated using Equation 1) for the refer-

ence beam test-cases, and comparisons with their cor-
responding simulated (i.e., expected) doses, are shown
in Table 5a-c. The dose calculation results for end-
user beam test-cases are presented in Section 3.4. In
Table 5a-c, the calculated dose, Dcalc , and its uncertainty
were calculated from Equations (1) and (2), respectively,
while the dose-difference uncertainty was calculated
using Equation (3). The CF uncertainties were also
calculated using Equation (2), excluding the reference
dose term. The uncertainty for Dsim was read from the
DOSXYZnrc .3ddose file21 using a MATLAB function.
For these reference beam test-cases, the discrepan-
cies between the dose calculated using CFs derived
from this work (Dcalc ) and the simulated doses (Dsim )
F I G U R E 7 Test-case small-animal phantom percentage
were −0.1%, 1.0%, and 1.2% for the 320 kVp F1,
depth-doses (PDDs) for the 320 kVp F1 beam simulated in a 5-cm
diameter animal phantom with 60-cm source-to-surface distance 320 kVp F2, and RT 250 kVp beams, respectively.
(SSD) and 3-cm field size (blue curve), 320 kVp F2 beam simulated
in a 4-cm diameter phantom with 30-cm SSD and 10-cm field size
(brown curve), and 200 kVp beam simulated in a 3-cm diameter 3.3 Dose calculation in the presence of
phantom with 10-cm SSD, and 0.5-cm field size (orange curve). Two
end-user test-cases are also shown, the MultiRad350 250 kVp beam
lung and bone
(green curve) simulated in a 5-cm diameter phantom with 20-cm
SSD and 1-cm field size, and the RS2000 160kVp beam (red curve) Depth doses and perturbations in the presence of differ-
simulated in a similar phantom with 40-cm SSD and 5-cm field size ent bone types – either cortical or rib, as well as lung -
are shown in Figure 8a-c for reference beam qualities

TA B L E 5 Test-case dose calculation and comparison with the simulated dose for the (a) 320 kVp F1 beam; (b) 320 kVp F2 beam, and (c)
200 kVp beam. Uncertainties (δ) for the doses and for correction factors (CFs) are shown. Dcalc is the calculated dose, Dsim is the simulated
dose, and Ddiff is the dose difference (Dcalc − Dsim ). The CF is the corresponding ratio of the test and reference doses in Equation (1)

(a) PXi XRAD 320 kVp F1 (b) PXi XRAD 320 kVp F2 (c) RT250 200 kVp
Value PDD ± Value PDD ± PDD ±
(cm) δPDD (%) CF ± 𝜹CF (cm) δPDD (%) CF ± 𝜹CF Value (cm) δPDD (%) CF ± 𝜹CF

Depth 4 – – 2 – – 1 – –
Animal size 5 ǂ 38.9 ± 0.6 1.00 ± 0.02 4 ǂ 73.6 ± 0.6 1.00 ± 0.01 3 ǂ 84.7 ± 0.8 1.00 ± 0.01
SSD 60 41.3 ± 0.9 1.06 ± 0.03 30 70.5 ± 0.5 0.96 ± 0.01 10 74.1 ± 0.2 0.87 ± 0.01
Field size 3 44.4 ± 0.3 1.14 ± 0.02 10 82.8 ± 0.4 1.13 ± 0.01 0.5 82.2 ± 0.8 0.97 ± 0.01
Dcalc (%) 47.0 ± 1.7 79.8 ± 1.3 71.5 ± 1.4
Dsim (%) 47.1 ± 0.5 78.8 ± 0.3 70.3 ± 0.2
Ddiff ( %) –0.1 ± 1.8 1.0 ± 1.3 1.2 ± 1.4
indicates the reference case for each beam.

TA B L E 6 Maximum dose (Dmax ) as well as dose at 1-cm depth (D1cm ) for reference beams with the associated dose difference, Ddiff (in
brackets) relative to dose in a homogenous (soft tissue) phantom

Beam Soft tissue Cortical bone Rib (2, 6) Lung

(kVp) Dmax (%) D1cm (%) Dmax (%) D1cm & Ddiff (%) Dmax (%) D1cm & Ddiff (%) Dmax (%) D1cm & Ddiff (%)

320 F1 100.0 80.9 367.3 69.2 (–11.7) 253.4 74.9 (–6.0) 98.6 83.5 +2.6
320 F2 100.0 87.0 133.0 83.8 (–3.2) 118.0 85.7 (–1.3) 99.7 89.2 +2.2
200 100.0 84.4 291.4 78.1 (–6.3) 208.2 81.5 (–2.9) 98.9 86.5 +2.1
*Ddiff = dose @ 1 cm depth with lung/bone −− dose @ 1 cm depth in soft tissue.

investigated. Expected dose enhancement at the bone- 4 DISCUSSION

tissue interface and the proximal dose fall-off relative to
the no-bone case are immediately evident. The 320 kVp This study provides physicists and radiobiologists with
F1 beam (with the lowest HVL) is the most sensitive to Monte Carlo PDD data in simplified small-animal phan-
heterogeneities, especially in the presence of cortical toms under different irradiation scenarios with varying
bone. SSD, field sizes, and animal sizes for some of the most
Since lung tissue has similar atomic number to soft common beam qualities used in radiobiology research.
tissue, lung tissues do not exhibit such a drastic change These PDDs are provided in the context of the new
in dose. Table 6 shows the maximum dose as well as dosimetric guidelines proposed by the upcoming AAPM
dose at 1-cm depth (downstream of the lung/bone) for Task Group 319 report16 to perform and report more
the three beams with the associated dose differences accurate dosimetry in kV X-ray cabinet irradiators.
relative to dose in homogenous soft tissue, that is, in the There are currently few alternatives for cabinet
absence of bone/lung. irradiator end-users to perform dosimetric calculations
themselves. Unlike for MV X-rays with which most physi-
cists are familiar, few published datasets are available
3.4 End-user dose calculations for 160 for these beam qualities. The most widespread, BJR 25,
and 250 kVp beams is only provided for a single SSD, a limited number of
beam qualities, and no field sizes between 0 × 0 cm2
Table 7 shows the CFs for each HVL, which enable dose and 4 × 4 cm2 – the majority of partial body irradiations
calculation for the 160 and 250 kVp test-case scenarios in small animals.12 Furthermore, they are acquired
with respective HVLs of 0.78 and 1.80 mm Cu. The in a conventional wide water tank, which represents a
simulated doses, Dsim (as shown in Figure 7), calculated semi-infinite scatter environment. However, small animal
doses (Dcalc ), and dose differences (Ddiff = Dsim –Dcalc ) experiments are virtually never performed with infinite
are shown. The calculated doses are in reasonable backscatter, which has been shown to introduce up to
agreement with the simulated doses, with respective 5%–25% of dosimetric error for field sizes 1–5 cm in
dose differences of 1.4% and 3.2% for the RS2000 and diameter.28,29 For this reason, even if investigators were
the MultiRad350. able to measure PDD in their own systems (a nontrivial

TA B L E 7 Dose calculation for the MultiRad350 beam (at 2-cm depth) and the RS2000 beam (at 3-cm depth) with simulation parameters
summarized in Table 3

Correction Correction
Irradiator HVL factor factor Dcalc
model (mm Cu) (2-cm depth) (3-cm depth) Dsim (%) (%) Ddiff (%)

XRAD320 F1 0.59 1.18 1.24 – – –

RT250 1.00 1.13 1.06 – – –
XRAD320 F2 3.57 1.10 0.94 – – –
Multirad350 1.80 1.08 – 63.5 66.7 - 3.2
RS2000 0.78 – 1.13 64.0 65.4 -1.4
Abbreviations: HVL, half value layer; PDD, percentage depth-dose; SSD, source-to-surface distance.

challenge due to size constraints), these will not be strate that the results support the use of compiled PDD
representative of their experimental conditions. Some data sets, such as those provided in this work, to trans-
investigators were able to characterize their biological late from a reference field depth-dose to that expected
irradiators using Monte Carlo techniques and calculate in the treatment field.
animal-specific dose distributions.30,31 However, these Dose at the bone-tissue proximal interface ranged
techniques are difficult to implement by the average from 1.2 to 2.5 times higher than the dose in soft tissue
end-user, who often has limited access to resources.14,15 for rib and 1.3 to 3.7 times higher for cortical bone.These
With these PDDs, an investigator can now relate dose results are in agreement with a similar published study,33
from a point – which they measure experimentally – to which reported a dramatic bone dose-enhancement in a
dose at another depth for small animal experiments per- mouse model—up to three times higher when simulating
formed on kV X-ray cabinet irradiators. On their own, irradiation with 225 kV X-rays. In the present study, dose
the PDDs do not provide depth-dose information for a reductions at 1-cm depth beyond the bone interface, rel-
real animal model but provide the basis for depth dose ative to the case without bone, ranged from 1.3% to
estimation based on derived corrections to measured 6.0% for rib and 3.2% to 11.7% for cortical bone. These
doses, as long as heterogeneities are avoided. Dose cal- dose perturbations occur due to electron backscatter on
culations in three different test cases, using PDD CFs the bone surface and absorption inside the bone, owing
derived from the data, and comparisons with their cor- to the importance of photoelectric interactions in high
responding simulated doses were performed to evalu- atomic number materials for kV beams. On the other
ate feasibility for preclinical implementation of the calcu- hand, lung did not exhibit such drastic dose perturba-
lation methodology. The dosimetric impact of lung and tions, with lung-tissue interface dose >99% of the dose
bone was also evaluated. These data will facilitate the in a homogeneous phantom and <3% dose increase at
calculation of dose at the required depth in small-animal 1-cm depth beyond the lung. This is due to the lung’s
models, thereby increasing the accuracy of small animal similar effective atomic number with soft tissue.However,
dosimetry. the lower density lung (𝜌 = 0.26 g/cc) receives a slightly
The depth doses for the three test-cases at 320 F1, higher dose, due to the increased scattering of electrons
320 F2, and 200 kVp agreed well with expected doses, from the higher density soft tissue (𝜌 = 1.0 g/cc).
yielding dose difference magnitudes of 0.1%, 1.0%, The proportion of photons interacting via the photo-
and 1.2%, respectively. Taking into account the prop- electric effect depends on the energy spectrum (and
agated uncertainties, the maximum dose differences consequently the HVL) of the X-ray beam, with more
increase to 2.3%, 2.6%, and 1.7%, respectively, which interactions occurring in beams, which contain a larger
is small compared to the uncertainty generally tolerated number of low-energy photons.34 The calculated HVLs
in radiotherapy.32 The dose estimation technique used of the 320 kVp F1, 200 kVp, and 320 kVp F2 beams
in this work assumes that the CFs for SSD, field size, based on the X-ray spectra in Figure 3 were found to be
and animal size are uncorrelated; therefore, the over- 0.6, 1.0, and 3.6-mm Cu, respectively. The 200 kVp beam
all PDD CF can be obtained by simply multiplying CFs HVL agreed with measured data.20 It must be noted that
for these three terms. However, this still propagates the since we did not have access to the geometry of the mir-
uncertainty in the calculated dose.It is interesting to note ror and ionization chamber, these components were not
that the uncertainties in the dose differences (Ddiff ) of included in the Monte Carlo model of the PXi XRAD unit,
Table 5a-c can be of the same order of magnitude or which might account for the softer beam compared to
larger than the dose difference itself,especially when the what was measured experimentally (with HVL values of
doses in comparison are very close to each other. Never- 0.8–1.12 mm Cu for F1 and 3.7–4.0 mm Cu for F2).30
theless, the small percentage dose differences demon- In Figure 8, the dose perturbation in the presence of

F I G U R E 8 Effect of cortical bone, rib, and lung on small-animal percentage depth-doses (PDDs) for the (a) PXi 320 kVp F1, (b) PXi 320 kVp
F2, and (c) RT250 200 kVp beams calculated for a 40-cm source-to-surface distance (SSD) and 1-cm field size in a 2-cm diameter cylindrical
phantom. The graphs were plotted on the same y-axis range to easily compare changes in dose perturbations with changing beam quality

bone for the 320 kVp F1 beam is highest, owed to hav- HVL interpolation methodology for cabinet irradiators
ing the lowest HVL of the three beams, followed by the with different HVLs, two test-case scenarios, one for
200 kVp and then the 320 kVp F2 beam. The 320 kVp a 160 kVp beam and another for a 250 kVp beam
F2 beam exhibits a smaller dose perturbation, due to with respective HVLs of 0.78 and 1.80 mm Cu, were
the increased X-ray filtration in the beam, which attenu- simulated and the PDDs at two different depths com-
ates most of the lower-energy photons. The high sensi- pared with the interpolated, formalism-derived results
tivities of kV beams to tissue heterogeneities demon- based on the reference data. The results demonstrate a
strate the importance of including these structures in reasonable agreement, at least for our test-case cabinet
the dose estimation framework. In small animals, this irradiators, with respective dose differences of 1.4%
sensitivity can be reflected in treatment planning uncer- and 3.2% between the simulated and the interpolated
tainties within the organs of interest (targets or organs doses.
at risk). An expanded body of work could include the cre-
These estimated doses were only validated in the ation of a web-based program to calculate dose at
absence of bone. In cases where dose calculations any depth in the animal for an arbitrary beam. Further-
are desired near heterogeneities (especially bone inter- more, the current work concerns itself only with the
faces), additional attention (e.g., Monte Carlo) is needed distribution of physical absorbed dose – the effects
for accurate dose determination. CFs are unlikely to of beam quality, attenuation, and heterogeneities on
be a feasible approach – first, due to difficulties in radiobiological effectiveness (RBE) are not investigated.
quantifying the effective thickness of bone (particularly Previous research in microdosimetry has shown there
the dense cortical bone) in a given animal in the path is a high dependence on the absorbed dose delivered
of the beam without CT image guidance. Second, due in bone marrow immediately adjoining cortical bone.
to the very high dependence of the attenuation of kV It is speculated that this may be driving much of the
beams on the soft X-ray component of the spectrum, RBE differences in bone marrow effects with beam
which leads even modest changes in beam quality to quality.38
have a disproportionate impact on the attenuation in
cortical bone.35,36 Thankfully, in irradiations performed
using cabinet irradiators, targets tend to be relatively 5 CONCLUSIONS
large (≥1 cm), and bones seldom obscure the entire
treatment area outside the cranium. In the absence of The developed dose estimation method can be used
3D dose computation techniques, investigators typically to translate measured doses in the reference point to
calculate dose to water or lung, ignoring the confounding any depth along the central beam axis in a small-animal
effects of bone. A recently published paper by Dewert experiments performed on kV X-ray cabinet irradiators.
and Kunugi37 addresses the difficulty of performing The dosimetric impact of bone must be accurately quan-
reference dosimetry on orthovoltage machines. tified and included in the dose calculation framework as
The presented work gives data for three beams dramatic dose perturbations at and beyond the bone
with HVL values between 0.6 and 3.6 mm Cu. For interfaces can occur due to the relative importance of
a system with different a beam energy or HVL, it is the photoelectric effect at kV beam energies. These
likely possible to interpolate the data presented in results will help improve dosimetric accuracy in preclin-
Figures 4–6 to beams with other HVL values. To test the ical experiments.

AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S 16. Kry SF, Bazalova-Carter M. American Association of Physicists

This research was enabled in part by computing in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group No. 319 - guidelines for accurate
dosimetry in radiation biology experiments (TG-319). Accessed
resources and support provided by Compute Canada.
June 29, 2021.
The author thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering 17. Rogers DWO, Walters B, Kawrakow I. BEAMnrc Users Man-
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada ual. NRC Report PIRS 509(A)revL. Ionizing Radiation Standards.
Research Chair program for their support. National Research Council of Canada; 2004.
18. Bazalova M, Nelson G, Noll JM, Graves EE. Modality compari-
son for small animal radiotherapy: a simulation study. Med Phys.
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. 19. Saikkonen A,Niemelä J,Sipilä P,Keyriläinen J.Commissioning of
the MultiRad 350 cell and small animal x-ray irradiation system.
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