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Process Specification

Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

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Distribution Restricted YES NO X Suppliers Portal Access Allowed YES X NO

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To access to Restricted Documents:
- Safran Landing Systems/ Landing Gear and Integration Division Supplier, submit completed file FORM-

SL 26
SLS-376 to your local Supplier Quality Representative
- Safran Landing Systems/ Landing Gear and Integration Division personnel, contact the Material &

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Processes laboratory of your site

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Issue N° Date Changes
In urkm
1 12/13/2005 Creation of PCS-3100.
2 22/09/2006 Changes to reflect customer requirements.
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3 27/01/2009 Minor changes following NUCAP audit.

4 06/08/2018 Changes to apply the Pr-5300.
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5 06/03/2020 Typos, clarifications & Minor changes to put in accorcance with Pr-5300 Is D
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Compiled by N. GARRIGOU : NDT Level 3 for Bidos Lab (F)

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Approved on file

C. DURRANT : NDT Level 3 for Gloucester Lab (UK) Approved on file

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Ai d b

J. EL-RABBANI : Special Processes Quality Assurance (C) Approved on file

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Agreed by
V. COSSART : Group leader of Operations (F)
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Approved on file
Tu n

I. BENNETT : Design referent (UK) Approved on file

of Dow

R. LEE : Stress Referent (C) Approved on file

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Specification prime
P. TAYLOR: Materials and Processes Laboratory Manager (F) Approved on file
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For reference only when printed. Check revision level prior to use for possible updates.
The information and data provided herein are proprietary to Safran Landing Systems (and/or its affiliated companies) and are supplied in confidence.
Copyright, and/or any other rights in this document, vest in Safran Landing Systems (and/or its affiliated companies). No right or license is granted to the
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Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

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1. SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

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2. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 4

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3. DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 4

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4. HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................................................................. 5

5. In urkm
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO PR-5300 ............................................................................................... 5

6. ALLEVIATIONS TO PR-5300 ........................................................................................................................ 8

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7. AFA/NON AFA PARTS .................................................................................................................................. 8

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rlin y:

A. SAMPLING RULES AND SAMPLING PLAN ................................................................................................... 9

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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable.
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020


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Magnetic Particle Inspection

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1. Scope

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A. This specification describes the Magnetic Particle Inspection process that is applied to both non-electroplated

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parts and electroplated parts at Safran Landing Systems/ Landing Gear and Integration Division.

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B. This specification cancels and supersedes PCS-3100 issue 4.

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C. This specification cancels and supersedes IFC40-052-01MD, M-DLNDT2 and M-DLNDT3, Part 1.

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D. This specification is based on the application of Safran specification Pr-5300. The requirements of the Safran

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specification which are not modified by the present document are directly applicable.

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E. This specification meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM E1444.
In urkm
F. Magnetic particle inspection is used to detect Cracks, Laps, Seams, Inclusions and other discontinuities on or
near the surface in parts made of Ferro-Magnetic materials, including most steels (except austenitic stainless
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G. Magnetic Particle Inspection may be applied to raw material, finished and semi-finished parts, welds and in-
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service parts. For production parts, Magnetic Particle Inspection shall be performed after completion of all
grinding, machining, forming, straightening, welding and heat treatment operations and prior to Shot Peening or
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the application of Protective Finishing such as, Priming or Painting.

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H. When specified, electroplated parts, heat-treated to 1370 MPa (200 ksi) and above, with plating thickness of
maximum 50 μm (0.0020 in) for non-ferromagnetic coating or maximum 30 μm (0.0012 in) for ferromagnetic
Ai d b

coating, which is not subsequently machined or ground, shall be examined in accordance with this specification,
this operation shall be carried out immediately after completion of Plating and De-Embrittlement.
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rk loa

NOTE: The above requirement is applicable for all Boeing 787 Program parts. A letter “Z” within the part
number shall identify the parts applicable to this program.
Tu n
of Dow

I. When specified, electroplated parts, heat treated to 1370 MPa (200 ksi) and above, with a plating thickness in
excess of 50 μm (0.0020 in) for non-ferromagnetic coating or in excess of 30 μm (0.0012 in) for ferromagnetic
coating, which are subsequently ground, shall be examined in accordance with this specification.
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J. In-Process inspections on semi-finished parts shall not be substituted for the Final Inspection.
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K. All Class 1 finished parts shall be 100% final clearance inspected.

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L. When the process is called on the drawing for on the finish part, all Class 2 and 3 parts shall be 100% final
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clearance inspected.

M. If not stated on the finished part drawing, sampling of Class 2 or 3 parts may be carried out when approved by
Safran Landing Systems / Landing Gear and Integration Division.
Note: The approval is not mandatory if the sampling defined in Appendix A is respected.
N. The implementation date of this new issue is no later than 12 months after publication.

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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

2. Associated Documents

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A. Safran Specifications

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(1) Pr-5300 Magnetic Particle Inspection

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(2) Pr-1500 Degreasing

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B. Safran Landing Systems/ Landing Gear and Integration Division Specifications

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(1) PCS-2620 Hot Degreasing

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(2) PCS-2621 Alkaline Degreasing of Parts

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(3) PCS-2622 Cold degreasing (solvent)

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(4) PCS-2800 Temporary Component Protection

(5) PCS-3010 In urkm Determination of Alloys Segregation in Ferromagnetic Materials

(6) PCD-SLS-000107 Special processes – Qualification of Safran Landing System sites
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(7) SREQ-SLS-000005 Requirements to Special Processes Providers.

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(8) LIST-SLS-000124 Safran Landing System special processes and special processes
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specification list.

C. International Specification
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Ai d b

(1) ASTM E1444 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing.

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(2) AMS 2175 Castings, Classification and Inspection.

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(3) AMS 2442 Magnetic Particle Acceptance Criteria for Parts.

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of Dow

(4) ANSI/NCSL Z 540-1 General Requirements for Calibration Laboratories and Measuring
Test Equipment.
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(5) ISO 10012-1 Quality Assurance Requirements for Measuring Equipment.

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3. Definitions
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A. Inspection:

(1) In Process – Inspections performed after completion of some, but not all, manufacturing operations,
which may cause or reveal discontinuities. Used to ensure part quality before investing in further

(2) Final – Inspection performed after completion of all manufacturing operations, which may cause or
reveal discontinuities.

(3) In-Service – Inspection performed on parts, which are in use or storage for their intended purpose.

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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

4. Health and Safety

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A. The implementation of certain special processes involves the use of substances or chemical mixtures

which may represent a risk to health, safety or the environment. In addition to the applicable regulations,

Co for t
Safran Landing Systems/Landing Gear and Integration Division and its subsidiaries (Safran Landing
Systems Canada Inc., Safran Systèmes d’Atterrissage Canada Inc., Safran Landing Systems UK Ltd,
Safran Landing Systems México, S.A. DE C.V., Safran Landing Systems Suzhou Co., Ltd) require that the

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use of certain substances by the operators of these processes (sub-contractors or internal departments) be
prohibited and/or restricted. Such prohibitions and/or restrictions are described in the GRP-0087 Safran

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S -Ju
B. Additionally, in strict compliance with the Health and Safety regulations applicable to them, Safran Landing
Systems/ Landing Gear and Integration Division Landing Gear and Integration Division and its

SL 26
aforementioned subsidiaries:

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• encourage the operators of these processes (sub-contractors or internal departments), to opt for the

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chemical substances presenting a minimal risk for a given family of processes, whenever several
choices are possible.

• In urkm
request from them to collect, to comply with and to implement the recommendations, the uses identified
and the preventive and protective measures provided in the material safety data sheets for the chemical
substances used in the processes and/or resulting from the evaluation of chemical hazards at the place
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of work (workstation).
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Te hm

5. Additional Requirements to Pr-5300

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A. Magnetisation Method
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Ai d b

(1) Only full-wave rectified alternating (FWDC) current or half wave rectified alternating (HWDC) current
shall be use for final and In-Service inspection of parts.
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(2) AC current may be used to verify surface indications.

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(3) Permanent magnets or electromagnetic yokes may be used for “on the wing” inspections.
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of Dow

(4) A current duration of 0.5 second minimum is authorized.

B. Quality Control
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(1) Inspection measuring and test equipment shall be calibrated and certificated having a known valid

relationship to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in accordance with

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ANSI Z 540-1, or system conforming to ISO 10012-1.

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(2) A machine internal shorting test shall be performed at 6 monthly intervals. With the machine set to at
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least 1000 amperes, place a piece of non-conductive material (wood) and clamp between the heads.
An ammeter reading above 20 amperes when the current is activated indicates an internal short. The
equipment shall be repaired prior to processing any production parts.

(3) For machines fitted with quick/fast break equipment, verify operation at 6 monthly intervals. This shall
be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

(4) Water Break Test

1 When using a water vehicle for the inspection of Raw Materials, Castings and Forgings, a water
break test shall be performed and verified prior to use.

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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

2 The water break test is acceptable if an even, continuous film forms over the entire area under test.
If there is a break in the film, the part has not been cleaned correctly or there is insufficient wetting

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agent in the bath and the test is unacceptable. The part(s) shall be re-cleaned or wetting agent

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added to the bath to make the test acceptable.

C. Inspection

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(1) Number of pulses is 2 minimum.

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(2) Examine all surfaces being inspected to the limits of visual accessibility and acuity.

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D. Acceptance Requirements

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(1) Acceptance standards for the acceptance of castings shall be as per AMS 2175

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(2) Acceptance standards for the acceptance of forgings shall be stated on the Safran Landing

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Systems/Landing Gear and Integration Division Forging Drawing/Inspection Schedule

In urkm
(3) Acceptance standard AMS 2442 shall be applied where called for on the engineering component
drawing. cu
(4) No cracks, laps, folds or seams are permitted on production parts or in-service parts.
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(5) Linear Indication: An indication having a length of three or more times its width.
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(6) The Acceptance Criteria for non-metallic inclusions in all parts shall be in accordance with Table 1.
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(7) Acceptance standard for all parts that contain alloy segregation shall be according to PCS-3010 when
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required by the Safran Landing Systems/Landing Gear and Integration Division Materials and
Ai d b

Processes Laboratory.
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(8) Any parts that are sentenced as un-acceptable to this specification shall be rejected in accordance
with the company procedure and a Non-conformance label/tag shall be attached to the component(s).
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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

Table 1

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Inclusion classes

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Non-Metallic Inclusion Acceptance Criteria
1 2 3 4

Indications not exceeding a length of (mm) are not 2 2 1 0.5

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taken into account

Te l-2
Max length (mm) of an isolated indication 20 8 4 2

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Max length (mm) of aligned indications 40 16 8 3

SL 26
Max length (mm) of cumulated indications over 1 dm² 50 30 15 5

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Min distance between two inclusions (*) on the same 5L 5L 5L 5L

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generator (L = length of the longest indication)
Maximum number of inclusions in 1 sq decimetre, 15 10 7 5
(4 in square, approx)
In urkm
NOTE: (*) Otherwise, both inclusions are counted as one, of a length equal to the total of the lengths of both inclusions.
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If the non-metallic inclusion acceptance class is not stated on the finish drawing, the criteria below shall be
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Inclusion class 4:
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a) For all parts made of re melted steels with UTS (specification minimum) >=1370 MPa (200 ksi)
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Inclusion class 3:
Ai d b

a) For all parts made of air melted steels with UTS (specification minimum) >=1370 MPa (200 ksi)
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b) For all parts made of re melted CRES with UTS (specification minimum) <1370 MPa (200 ksi)
c) For all functional class 1 parts
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Inclusion class 2:
of Dow

a) For all other functional class 2 parts

Inclusion class 1:
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a) For accessory parts (functional class 3 parts)

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E. Unless otherwise stated, parts, which have been accepted using magnetic particle inspection, shall have all
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relevant paperwork ink stamped.

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F. Records of all parts processed through Magnetic Particle Inspection shall be kept in accordance with
document retention procedures and shall be stored for a minimum of 5 years, from delivery of the parts.
These records shall be made available to authorised customer representatives and regulatory authorities
when requested.

G. After cleaning, parts shall be protected per PCS-2800.

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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020

6. Alleviations to Pr-5300

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A. Degreasing process before Magnetic Particle Inspection can be performed as per PCS-2620, PCS-2621

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PCS-2622, or as per Pr-1500 specification. Water break test is not required.

B. For special UV equipment (borescope, camera, etc.), the minimum acceptable intensity is 1000 μW/cm2 at

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part surface.

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C. Magnetic Field Strength can be applied

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(1) The minimum peak values of magnetic field strength are 2400 A/m (30 Gauss).

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(2) The maximum peak values of magnetic field strength shall have sufficient strength to produce
satisfactory indications, but it must not be so strong that it causes the masking of relevant indications by

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non-relevant accumulations of magnetic particles.

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(3) For parts, which are electroplated, with plating thickness of less than or equal to 50 μm (0.0020 in) for
non-ferromagnetic coating or less than or equal to 30 μm (0.0012 in) for ferromagnetic coating and
In urkm
provided that the plating is not followed by machining or grinding, field values shall be 2400 A/m (30
Gauss) minimum. cu
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(4) For parts, which are electroplated, with plating thickness in excess of 50 μm (0.0020 in) for non-
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ferromagnetic coating or in excess of 30 μm (0.0012 in) for ferromagnetic coating and the plating is
subsequently machined or ground, current values shall be used to achieve 4800 A/m (60 Gauss)
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D. For the inspection of raw materials, castings and forgings the use of a water-based vehicle with suitable
conditioner may be used if the surface of the part is 100% machined.
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Ai d b

7. AFA/non AFA Parts

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A. Critical Operation Sheet (COS)/Technical Sheet (TS) shall be compiled when required by SREQ-SLS-
000005, PCD-SLS-000107 and LIST-SLS-000124.
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Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable
Process Specification
Issue: 5
Date: March 6, 2020


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Manufacturing stage: Inspection after final machining (production).
Only a tier 1 supplier (machinist) shall define the batch and launch the sampling rule associated below.

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Sampling rules

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Class 2 Class 3

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(Rm • 1370 MPa STEELS
or 200 ksi) CAST, OTHERS
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Inspection at Inspection not

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100 % mandatory
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Note: If a discontinuity is detected in a sampling, the whole batch shall be inspected.

Ai d b
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Sampling plan
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Sample size
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Batch size
of Dow

AQL = 1 AQL = 2.5 AQL = 6.5

2 to 8 100 % 100 % 2
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9 to 15 100 % 5 2
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16 to 50 13 8 8
clu fid

51 to 90 20 20 13
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91 to 150 20 20 20

151 to 280 50 32 32

281 to 500 50 50 50

501 to 1200 80 80 80

AQL = Acceptable Quality Levels.

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This document is the property of Safran Landing Systems (and/or its affiliated companies) and cannot be reproduced or communicated without its prior written consent.
Ce document est la propriété de Safran Landing Systems (et/ou ses filiales) et ne peut être reproduit ou communiqué sans son autorisation écrite et préalable

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