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Level Spell Area of Effect Duration Range

1) Life Analysis 1 target - 100’
2) Restful Spirit 1 Corpse Permanent touch
3) Preservation I 1 body 1 day/lvl 10’
4) Lifekeeping I 1 target 1 hr/lvl 10’
5) Dispel Undead I 1 target 50'
6) Eissa's Sanctuary I caster 1 min/lvl self
7) Sacrifice I 1 target 1 hr/lvl touch
8) Preservation II 1 body 1 week/lvl 10’
9) Lifekeeping II 1 target 1 day/lvl 10’
10) Lifegiving I 1 body 1min/lvl 10’
11) Dispel Undead V 5 target 50'
12) Eissa's Sanctuary II caster 1 min/lvl self
13) Sacrifice II 1 target 1 day/lvl 10’
14) Preservation III 1 body 1 month/lvl 10’
15) Lifekeeping III 1 target 1 week/lvl 10’
16) Lifegiving II 1 target P 10’
17) Dispel Undead X 10 target 50'
18) Eissa's Sanctuary III caster 1 min/lvl self
19) Sacrifice III 1 target 1 mos/lvl 10’
20) Preservation True 1 body 1 year/lvl 10’
21) Lifekeeping True 1 target 1 year/lvl 10’
22) Lifegiving III 1 target 1 day/lvl 10’
23) Dispel Undead XX 20 targets 50'
24) Eissa's Sanctuary IV caster 1 min/lvl self
25) Restful Spirit True 10'r/lvl P
30) Lifegiving IV 1 target P 10’
35) Sacrifice True 1 target any 10’
45) Lifegiving True 1 body P 10’
40) Dispel Undead True 1 target/lvl P 10'/lvl
50) Immunity caster 1 min/lvl self

1. Life Analysis – Caster can detect the existence of a soul in a target, or if the target is dead how long
ago the soul has departed up to 1 year/lvl.
3. Restful Spirit – Target corpse will not be able to rise as undead or house any animating spirit or
otherwise be made to occupy a state other than peaceful death or true resurrection that returns the
body to life and re-houses the soul.
3. Preservation I – Caster can preserve a dead body or body part, preventing decomposition.
Preservation can only be used on bodies (or parts) of living beings that are or were capable of life, it
cannot be used to preserve other organic matter.
4. Lifekeeping I – Caster prevents the soul of a target from leaving its body (thus preventing actual
death), although the body will continue to take damage (from bleeding or other effects) for the
duration. If the body is not capable of sustaining life at the end of the duration, then the soul will
5. Dispel Undead I - Caster can "dispel" an undead corporeal or non corporeal entity.
6. Eissa's Sanctuary I - Caster is ignored by any foes who fail an RR v 10th lvl.
7. Sacrifice I - Caster can restore life to a recently dead body (within 1hr/lvl) by giving up his own
soul. The target’s soul is returned to his body with no ill effects (although he is still subject to any
wounds he had). The caster’s soul departs, however this spell also acts as a Preservation I (1 day/lvl)
spell on the caster’s body.
8. Preservation II – As Preservation I, except for duration.
9. Lifekeeping II – As Lifekeeping I, except for duration.
10. Lifegiving I – Caster can return the soul of a being (that has not been dead for more than 1
min/lvl) to its body. If the body is not capable of sustaining life, then the soul will depart again. The
target gets a -15 to all stats (which can be restored via Heal Life Essence).
11. Dispel Undead V - As Dispel Undead I, but affects up to 5 targets.
12. Eissa's Sanctuary II - Caster is ignored by any foes who fail an RR v 20th lvl.
13. Sacrifice II - Caster can restore life to a recently dead body (within 1 day/lvl) by giving up his
own soul. The target’s soul is returned to his body with no ill effects (although he is still subject to
any wounds he had). The caster’s soul departs, however this spell also acts as a Preservation II (1
week/lvl) I spell on the caster’s body.
14. Preservation III – As Preservation I, except for duration.
15. Lifekeeping III – As Lifekeeping I, except for duration.
16. Lifegiving II – As Lifegiving I, except body can have been dead for up to 1 hour/level.
17. Dispel Undead X - As Dispel Undead I, but affects up to 10 targets.
18. Eissa's Sanctuary III - Caster is ignored by any foes who fail an RR v 30th lvl.
19. Sacrifice III - Caster can restore life to a recently dead body (within 1 mos/lvl) by giving up his
own soul. The target’s soul is returned to his body with no ill effects (although he is still subject to
any wounds he had). The caster’s soul departs, however this spell also acts as a Preservation III (1
mos/lvl) I spell on the caster’s body.
20. Preservation True – As Preservation I, except for duration.
21. Lifekeeping True – As Lifekeeping I, except for duration.
22. Lifegiving III – As Lifegiving I, except body can have been dead for up to 1 day/level.
23. Dispel Undead XX - As Dispel Undead I, but affects up to 20 targets.
24. Sanctuary IV - Caster is ignored by any foes who fail an RR v 40th lvl.
25. Restful Spirit True - All corpses within radius are blessed and unable to rise up as undead.
30. Lifegiving IV – As Lifegiving I, except body can have been dead for up to 1 month/level.
35. Sacrifice True - Caster can restore life to a dead body by giving up his own soul. The target’s soul
is returned to his body with no ill effects (although he is still subject to any wounds he had). The
caster’s soul departs, however this spell also acts as a Preservation True (1 yr/lvl) I spell on the caster’s
40. Lifegiving True – As Lifegiving I, except there is no time limit.
45. Dispel Undead True -- As Dispel Undead but affects 1 target/lvl within 10'/lvl of caster.
50. Immunity - Caster cannot move more than a walking pace or take any offensive action but is
immune to ALL direct attacks.

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