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Youssef Rajeh
Bibi Hakim
May 24th, 2023

In the article “Facebook is killing communication”, Emile Visage asserts that Facebook is

danger to people using it to communicate. According to the author, Facebook is hazard because it

corrodes real time, face to face communication and networking skills. Secondly, Facebook leads

to surface relationships, it contributes to illness among youth who are its popular users. Emile

Visage’s argument is wrong. Facebook is not a risk. The author has failed to recognise that youth

and elders always can find a time for face-to-face communication and networking skills,

Facebook doesn’t lead to shallow relationships and it makes our communication with family and

friends easier, Facebook doesn’t play a part in our health especially among young people, they

well-guided to keep their selves healthy.

First, Visage believes the Facebook is dangerous because it is hard to Facebook users to

meet people face to face and establish a real conversation with them. However, Visage fails to

consider that all Facebook users are belong to their families, they have friends in real life.

Facebook user can find time, if they want to, to communicate with friends and relatives, they can

use Facebook to invite friends for a non-planned trip and discuss the time and schedule for this

trip easily, Facebook conversation can play a role in building self-confidence and communication

skills more than can you imagine. Facebook conversation can also be the cheapest way to

communicate in this time, everyone has internet connection and a Facebook account installed on

his device, so you can stay up to date with all friends without any cost. Thus, Facebook is not

risky for any generation. In conclusion, Facebook is like a digital community, we know each

other in real life and we use it to communicate with others in case of distance or illness, and it is

free to use and available to everyone.

Secondly, Visage argues that Facebook is danger because” Facebook leads to shallow

relationships.” However, Visage focuses on a negative point of view and forgot that almost all

friends in Facebook are real friends, not just a list of people and numbers. If you have a real

friend in your friends list in Facebook, you are able to communicate with this person any time

you want and wherever you are. Many countries around the world, in last two decades, have

wars and most of them have to leave their homes and immigrate to other countries to find a

peaceful place to live. If they don’t have Facebook and other social media application, they

couldn’t communicate with their relatives and hear about their families. You can also decide how

shallow your relationship is either on Facebook or in your real life. Thus, Facebook is not guilty

because it doesn’t lead to shallow relationships and you can reach your friends regardless of

where they are. To summarize, Facebook is a tool to improve our skills and communicate with

others easily and free, it can’t lead to shallow relationships and it can establish a daily routine by

talking with friends and family daily.

Finally, Visage argues that Facebook makes people more indolent and contributes to

sickness. However, Visage fails to consider that Facebook is an easy way to communicate. In

elementary schools, students start learning about time management and how you can spend your

day and achieve your tasks at the same time. They can’t blame Facebook if they misused this

opportunity to communicate. Also, you can follow some health pages on Facebook to learn how

to live healthy and how you can manage your time and find a way to do what you have to do. In

a nutshell, Facebook can’t prevent exercising and healthy life, but it can motivates to attend gym

classes and eat healthy, it can also helps to manage your time by building a schedule for your

daily routine.

To sum up, Visage’s argument that says Facebook is risk “to people using it to

communicate” must be rejected because Facebook and other social media websites are not sinful

and risky, they have been built to facilitate our lives and make distances shorter, it is designed to

live every single detail in your life with your family and friend, even if they are thousands miles

away, also without any cost because it is free and available to everyone. Remember, technology

will always be at the forefront, driving innovation and shaping the world we live in.

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