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Empowerment Technologies


I. Multiple Choices. Direction: Choose and Encircle the correct answer to the following question.
1. indicate the mission, vision, and a short introductory paragraph of your project.
a. Introduction b. Purpose c. Description d. Support
2. to convince your potential funders, indicate the reasons why it is worth their time, effort and money.
a. Introduction b. Purpose c. Description d. Support
3. show in writing all the necessary information that involves in your project such as the sites you are going
to produce and the purpose of each and how they work in unison.
a. Introduction b. Purpose c. Description d. Support
4. you may or may not indicate the budget needed for the project or campaign.
a. Introduction b. Purpose c. Description d. Support
5. if you’re looking for a sponsor, it is important to know how they will contact you.
a. Contact Information b. Purpose c. Description d. Support
6. actual creation of the materials.
a. development b. planning c. purpose d. maintenance
7. research about your topic
a. planning b. development c. purpose d. maintenance
8. the worthiness of your project
a. purpose b. development c. planning d. maintenance
9. improving and updating the website
a. maintenance b. a. purpose c. development d. planning
10. It is a document showing the important details of your project or campaign.
a. concept paper b. paper c. research paper d. survey
11. This information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.
a. multimedia b. text c. graphic d. animation
12. Characters used to construct sentences, phrases, and paragraphs.
a. text b. multimedia c. graphic d. animation
13. Digital representation of non-textual material, such as illustrations, charts or photographs.
a. graphic b. multimedia c. video d. animation
14. It is a set of graphics th at generate an impression of motion.
a.animation b. multimedia c. video d. graphic
15. A digital image that is played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames per second and provides the illusion of
continuous motion.
a. video c. text d. message
16. It is some sort of rhythm, voice or some other sound.
a. audio c. text d. message
17. It is useful to transmit a fixed message.
a. linear multimedia c. text d. message
18. it allows free movement around all aspects of the multimedia in any order.
a. non-linear multimedia c. text d. message
II. Directions: Underline the error in the statement.
1. Sound, music, or audio It is a series of recorded motion picture which are shown on television or viewed
on a screen.
2. Browser-based games can be run and played with installing it in your device.
3. If you want to share a YouTube video, look for the share button at the top of the video.
4. One of the advantages of the multimedia is that it is expensive.
5. The text do not create a word.

1. Your project (concept paper) must meet the SMART criteria. What is SMART?
2. Give the Stages in simplifying ICT project process, in order.
3. Procedures on how to embed YouTube video on your personal website.
4.Give the meaning of ICT
Empowerment Technologies

I. Directions: Match column A to column B.

___ 1. introduction a. research about
___ 2. development your topic
___ 3. planning b. improving and
updating the website
___ 4. purpose c. the worthiness of
___ 5. maintenance your project
d. actual creation of

II. Directions: Write T if the statement is correct, and F if not.

___ 1. ICT can be a medium for advocacy and developmental communication.
___ 2. Advocacy is any action that aims to speak on behalf of a large organizations.
___ 3. ICT4D means Information and Communication Technologies for Development.
___ 4. One of the advantages of social media is you can instantly see your progress.
___ 5. For a successful advocacy, it needs confrontational and conflict.

III. Enumeration
1. According to Silandote Jr. G. (2016), there are three faces of social media
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia.
3. What are the multimedia contents that you can search on certain websites and link to your own web
4. What are the basic elements of multimedia.
5. What are the five elements of a concept paper.

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