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The Death of the Dead

(A piece for speech choir contest)

By Nasif T. Macaslang


(Crying – woman)
Where am I? who are you? Leave me alone! (Scream!)

Chorus I:
Death…. Death... is near to come, the master of judgment and the king of aristocracy!
Alas! What are we today? Do we manifest the true image of being a Filipino?
Oh, shameful! The replica of an ideal Filipino has almost vanished.

The advent of truth is yet to come. Though negligence of duty is still the sickness of every
individual; poverty, corruption, harassment, oppression, is society’s uncured maladies.

Some of our leaders of today are leaders of their unfulfilled promises, and leaders of their

Chorus II:

Death…. Death... is near to come, the master of judgment and the king of aristocracy!
Now, the sign has come! The sign of devastation and the sign of condemnation!

Sons of God are blinded with mundane things, and drowned with their sweet thirst; Thirst of
their interest and thirst of their selfish welfare.

Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?! Mommy! (Crying!)

Chorus III:

Death…. Death... is near to come, the master of judgment and the king of aristocracy!
Death is craving to castigate the sinner of the sin; and indemnify the innocents of violence.

I am innocent! Let go of me! Please!

Chorus IV:

Death…. Death... is near to come, the master of judgment and the king of aristocracy!
The tomb of terror and brutality clamors for the unscrupulous façade of tolerance.

Come with us! Let us go to the haven of sacred place;
Come with us! And see the indignation of have.

No! No! I am not part of you! This is hell! This is hell!

Chorus V:
Death…. Death... is near to come, the master of judgment and the king of aristocracy!
Death!.... Death…. Segregates the abode of ecstasy and breaks the manacle of steadfast enmity.
Death is kind to the humanity of faith and benevolence.
Death is furious to the evils of his own deeds.

Let us all awaken our senses, and depart from this seducing world.
Strengthening of our faith is the answer to untangle the knot of blindness.
You! You! You! Shall not kill!
You shall not oppress! You shall not corrupt! And you shall not deny the existence of God!

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