Tenancy Agreement++

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TENANCY AGREEMENT THIS TENANCY AGREEMENT is made this 1 Ogust 2008 BETWEEN ggf NRIC: ghdfg ghdfg, gdg,

gdfg, gfdfg, gdf (hereinafter called "the Landlord") of the one part AND hfghgh NRIC: hgfghfg ghdfg, gdg, gdfg, gfdfg, gdf (hereinafter called "the Tenant") of the other part. WHEREBY IT IS agreed as follows 1. The Landlord hereby agrees to let and the Tenant agrees to rent the hfgh (hereinafter referred to as "the Premises") together with all the fittings, fixtures and furniture therein if any, described in the inventory attached therein upon the terms and conditions stated in the tenancy. 2. The Tenancy shall be for a term of hfgh commencing on the hfgh and ending on the ghfgh. 3. The rent shall be Ringgit Malaysian hfgh per month payable in advance on the first week of each and every month. 4. The Tenant agrees with the Landlord as follows: a. to pay the Landlord a rental deposit of Ringgit Malaysian hfgh upon signing of this Tenancy Agreement the receipt of which the Landlord hereby acknowledges which shall be refunded without interest to the Tenant at the expiration of the term hereby created or earlier lawful termination of this Agreement PROVIDED THAT the Landlord shall be entitled to : i. deduct whatever charges costs and fees payable by the Tenant under this Agreement from the deposit if the said charge costs and fees are outstanding at the expiration of the term hereby created and the balance of the deposit shall be paid to the Tenant when the keys to the premises are handed over to the Landlord; and ii. forfeit the deposit if the Tenant commits a breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Tenancy b. to duly and punctually pay the monthly rental of Ringgit Malaysian hfgh on the first week of each calendar month without any deduction whatsoever. The rental deposit shall not be treated as payment of the rental whatsoever and shall be considered as a security for the due performance of this agreement by the Tenant. c. to keep and yield up at the end or sooner termination of the term the Premises in good and tenantable condition and repair excepting depreciation from fair wear and tear weather and natural causes without neglect of the Tenant. d. To duly and punctually pay all charges for electricity, water and telephone (if any) payable in respect of the Premises. e. not to keep any hazardous or dangerous goods or substances nor do nor suffer anything whereby the Landlord's policy of insurance on the Premises against damage by fire or otherwise may become void or voidable or whereby any increased premiums may be payable in respect thereof. f. Not to cause nor permit or suffer any public or private nuisance in or upon the Premises or anything which shall cause unnecessary annoyance or inconvenience or disturbance to the occupiers of neighboring Premises

g. to observe and comply with all municipal and other by-laws and regulations affecting the Premises which are now in force or which may hereafter be enacted. h. To permit the Landlord and its servant and agents including interested purchasers of the Premises either alone or with workmen at all reasonable times upon giving reasonable notice to the Tenant to enter the Premises and examine the state and condition thereof and to carry out such repairs as the Landlord may think fit. i. Not to use the Premises for any illegal unlawful or immoral purposes. j. Not to make alteration or renovations in the external appearance of the Premises without the prior consent of the Landlord. Any such alteration and/or partitions and ceiling shall be treated as part and parcel of the building and shall not be removed by the Tenant on the expiry of this Tenancy k. at the expiration or earlier lawful determination of the Tenancy hereby created to deliver up to the Landlord vacant possession of the Premises in a clean and tenantable condition together with all keys and original fitting, fixtures and furniture if any described in the inventory attached therein to the premises. l. Not to assign or sublet the said premises without the written consent of the Landlord. m. To indemnify the Landlord against all costs, claims, damages and expenses incurred by the Landlord as a result of the breach by the Tenant of any of the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein. 5. The Landlord agrees with the Tenant as follows: a. to duly and punctually pay all existing rates quit rents and assessments affecting the Premises b. to insure and keep insured the premises from loss or damage by fire and to pay all premium necessary to the purposed c. to keep and maintain in good repair the main structure, walls, floors, ceiling, windows and doors of the Premises and shall be responsible for repairing any damage (not cause by the Tenant or the servants or agent of the Tenant) or defect to the structure of foundation of the Premises, but excluding the replacement of light bulbs, PROVIDED that if such damage is caused by the Tenant or agents of the Tenant, the Tenant shall be liable to make good the damage at its own cost immediately upon being notified by the Landlord d. that the Tenant paying the rent and performing and observing the stipulations and provisions herein contained shall quietly occupy and enjoy the Premises during the tenancy without any interruption by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming under or in trust for them 6. AND IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED as follows a. that the Tenant shall have the right at the expiration of the term hereby created to remove all furniture and fittings belonging to the Tenant PROVIDED that no damages is done to the Premises when removing them. b. in the case the Premises or any part thereof shall at any time during the said term be destroyed or damaged by fire lightning riot tempest or other unforeseen cause so as to become unfit for occupation and use then the Landlord shall not be bound or compelled to rebuild or reinstate the same unless he in his discretion thinks fit. In the event of the Landlord deciding to rebuild and reinstate the Premises then (provided the money payable under any policy of insurance effected by the Landlord shall not have become irrecoverable through any act or default of the Tenant) the rent hereby reserved or a fair and just proportion thereof according to the nature and extent of the damage sustained shall be suspended and cease to be payable until the Premises shall have been again rendered fit for occupation and use. In the event of the Landlord deciding not to rebuild and reinstate the Premises then the rent hereby reserved shall cease and determine from the happening of such destruction or damage as aforesaid and the Tenant will peaceable and quietly leave surrender and yield up to the

Landlord possession of so much of the Premises as shall not have been destroyed. c. if the said rent or any part thereof or any payment payable to the Landlord as stated in this Agreement shall be unpaid for fourteen (14) days after becoming payable (whether the same shall have been formally demanded or not) or if any of the agreements or covenants herein expressed and on the part of the Tenant to be performed or observed shall not be performed or observed or if the Tenant shall become bankrupt or wound-up, whether compulsorily or voluntarily, or enter into any arrangement or composition with its creditors or suffer any distress or execution to be levied on goods then and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for the Landlord at any time thereafter to re-enter upon the Premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this Tenancy shall absolutely determine but without prejudice to the rights of action of the Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach of the Agreement on the part of the Tenant herein contained. d. the Tenant shall have the option to renew the tenancy of the Premises for further term of One (1) year upon the same terms and conditions, covenants and stipulations herein contained PROVIDED THAT: i. notice in writing by the Tenant to exercise the option to renew is given three (3) months before the expiration of the tenancy; and ii. the rent payable on the renewed tenancy shall be reviewed subject to further negotiation and having regard to the prevailing market rate of similar premises in the near vicinity of the premises e. any notice required to be given to either party shall be deemed to be sufficiently served if the same is sent by registered post addressed to such party at the lastknown address and shall be deemed to have been served fourteen (14) days from the date of posting IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and the year first written. SIGNED by the abovenamed Landlord in the presence of

_______________________ Name : NRIC :

_______________________ Name : ggf NRIC : ghdfg Telephone : hfgh Address : ghdfg, , gdfg, gfdfg, gdf.

SIGNED by the abovenamed Tenant in the presence of

_______________________ Name : NRIC :

_______________________ Name : hfghgh NRIC : hgfghfg Telephone : fghfgh Address : gfhfgh, ghfgh, fghfgh, hfg, fghfgh.

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