Functions of Art

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Functions of
Art is a reflection of society
and culture.

Functions of Art
The idealism of the artist to the
philippine culture and society. It depicts
the Filipino farmers engaged in their
everyday occupation and activities on a
hot sunny day, regardless of their
gender. Due to the usage of nature and
pastel colors the painting gives off a
light visual weight, an irony to the heavy
toil and labor that rice planting entails.
Nonetheless this painting aims to show
the true value of Filipinos, who are
hardworking, hard-working yet happy
with what they are doing. Planting Rice
By: Fernando Amorsolo
Art helps us connect with
others, especially in times of

Functions of Art
A climate-inspired painting, the artist
expresses our climate crisis concerns and
solutions through art. The polar bear is a
representation of not only the polar ice
caps melting, but it also represents how
the animals that inhabit the polar regions
are suffering from their natural habitat
being destroyed. The buildings resting on
top of the polar bear represent how
humans and our use of fossil fuels
contribute to climate change. The goal of
this artwork is to clearly bring awareness
to the effects of climate change, and how it
not only affects us, but also the other
By: Mohammad Hossain
inhabitants of our planet such as animals.

Art helps us understand

ourselves and the world
around us.

Functions of Art
Depicting people struggling with
depression and overwhelmed these

I am with you
By: Chris Crass
Art plays a role recording

Functions of Art
The artwork depicts a nation in
transition, an illusion to the new culture
brought by the americans.

The Musician
By: Vicente Manansala
Art has the power to change
people's perspective and
shape society.

Functions of Art
This artwork depicts that sometimes what we
hear is nothing but garbage. This particular
artwork uses a politician as its subject,
meaning that some of the things that
politicians say are nothing but lies. Lies used to
get more votes, more supporters, etc. The
corrupt politicians use this tactic to rise to
power with the full support of the citizens they
have successfully fooled. This artwork shows a
representation of the words that politicians
says to get votes, all lies and most promises
lead to nothing.

Sewer Talk
By: Pawel Kuczynski
Members: Becina, Krizel Anne
Flores, Sean Michael
Romatico, Dara Clarize
San Pedro, Antonio Luis

Group 8

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