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ANECTODE Chemistry Exam

Once 5 years ago today in mid-

September I was in tenth grade, I was a
normal student, I had my friends, I
played sports, and played videogames
very often, I always did well in most of
the courses, except for specific courses
that seemed to me boring, as in the case
that I am going to tell you about.

Once already being in 3 period already thinking about

vacations more than anything. I got carried away by
laziness and did not study as I should for an exam,
particularly the Chemistry exam, I remember how the
afternoon of the day before the exam my friends
arrived with a rented play 2 to play Pes.
I completely forgot that I had an exam between the
excitement and the laughter of an afternoon of video
games with good friends.

The next morning when I woke up I started my day

as normal, what I least expected was an exam. I
remember the terror in my body when I got to the
classroom and saw everyone studying. And as a fool
I did the only coherent thing at that moment, I
asked: is there an exam?!
I remember how a colleague looked at my face
laughing and she said to me: obviously bobis.
my mind was in chaos, feelings of fear mixed with
laughter. How could I have forgotten the exam?

Immediately the teacher arrives and says, pencil, eraser and sharpener on the
table please. I remember that they handed me the sheet of paper and they
looked more like hieroglyphs than chemical formulas. I did not understand
In desperation I looked around but we were all equally confused, for the
next 60 minutes I went through all the phases in a situation like this, denial,
anger, sadness and laughter
My only option was to respond randomly. but I needed to add mysticism to
the equation, I raised the pencil and dropped it on the answer sheet and so I
marked and turned in on time, I remember that a classmate looked at me
laughing and said, are you crazy

To my surprise I was able to win the exam at 8.7 out of 10, but I learned
from my mistake and from then on, I clearly studied for my exams.

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