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vn Khóa học: Collocations - Idioms - Phrasal Verbs - Prepositions

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Collocations - Idioms - Phrasal verbs – Prepositions
Giáo viên: Cô Trang Anh
 Bài học: COLLOCATIONS – EDUCATION(4/4/2022)

1. In the past, the _________ exam was very difficult and only a small minority of candidates got through.
A. national B. mock C. final D. entrance
2. The ____________ year in Vietnam runs from September to May and is divided into 2 semesters.
A. academic B. academically C. academy D. academics
3. The scholarship pays the tuition ____________but students still need to find money for
accommodation, meals and books.
A. fares B. fees C. tips D. fines
4. They were recruited through notices posted around a university_________.
A. dorm B. quad C. square D. campus
5. English, Maths and Literature are __________subjects, which are compulsory in the national
examinations at certain stages of the school education system.
A. center B. heart C. core D. nut
6. A _____________school is an institution where children live within premises while being given formal
A. state B. public C. independent D. boarding
7. Higher education is ____________ education leading to award of an academic degree.
A. primary B. secondary C. tertiary D. formal
8. It’s hard to find a good job if you don’t have a high school___________.
A. certificate B. degree C. diploma D. licence
9. They offer advanced degrees or professional certification through _________learning.
A. remote B. distance C. further D. distant
10. In 1989, he graduated from Yale University with a(n) ____________ degree in political science.
A. bachelor's B. master’s C. doctor’s D. associate
11. In England, the _____________school system is free for all students and paid for by the state.
A. private B. public C. independent D. state
12. Candidates for supervisory jobs must _________a written exam.
A. make B. do C. take D. give
13. RMIT Vietnam holds annual graduation ____________in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

1 Khóa học: Collocations - Idioms - Phrasal Verbs - Prepositions
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A. ceremonies B. celebrations C. anniversaries D. festivals

14. She has a ___________ in physics from Edinburgh.
A. certificate B. degree C. license D. qualification
15. ______________ means education below the level of a university degree for people who have left
A. Higher education B. Secondary education
C. Primary education D. Further education
16. I am now in my final year at secondary school, and in my attempt to _______a place at university, I
am under a lot of study pressure.
A. win B. defeat C. beat D. score
17. Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing _______from school.
A. fair B. truant C. advantage D. date
18. __________ education courses are typically designed to teach diverse skills that every person should
master in order to lead a productive life.
A. Common B. General C. Universal D. Normal
19. Despite his obvious musical talent, he decided to ___________a degree in law.
A. hunt B. chase C. pursue D. follow
20. She has ___________a detailed knowledge of the subject.
A. acquired B. obtained C. achieved D. gain

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