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Understanding the Administrative Professional

Project #1


Student ID: 991696168
Subject: Administrative Procedures
Professor: Sarah Lionessa
The administrative professional is essential to the success of enterprises. These people oversee

handling administrative duties, supporting executives and personnel, and making sure that day-

to-day operations run smoothly. The role of the administrative professional may be studied in

detail as a study topic. Understanding the many duties, responsibilities, and abilities necessary

for success in this field is necessary. Also, because administrative work is always changing, it is

essential to apply modern research methods to get a thorough grasp of the position.

Moving further to the questions:

Question1- Identify three online systems that you will use for this research project.

These online systems that can be used for this research project are:

a. Indeed: Indeed is an eminent job searching website which accumulates job listings from

different job origins and provides job search tools and resources to the applicants. It is a job

search engine.

Founder(s): Paul Forster and Rony Kahan

Founded on: November 2004

Headquarters: Austin, Taxes

CEO: Chris Hyams

b. LinkedIn: It is one of the largest social networking website for business society. It mainly

helps in seeking for new jobs opportunities, sharing information, connecting to new firms

and professions and etc. It does help in learning new skills that can be put in profession for

further growth. Folks put their profiles on LinkedIn, a networking site for professionals.
Founder(s): Reid Hoffman and Eric Ly

Founded on: May 5, 2003

Headquarters: Sunnyvale, California.

CEO of LinkedIn: Ryan Roslansky

c. ZipRecruiter: ZipRecruiter is the simplest job posting services on the internet. It offers

harmonious experience for job finders as well as job owners. This platform is convenient to

use and systematic application review process makes it adaptable to all in the job market.

Founder(s): Lan Siegel, Joe Edmonds, Ward Poulos, Will Redd

Founded in 2010.

Headquarters: Santa Monica, California

CEO: Lan Siegel

Question 2- List three professional administrative positions posted on each site. Ensure all

three positions clearly indicate your understanding of an administrative assistance role in

the workplace

Administrative and professional positions:

1. Administrative Assistant at Goldman Sachs (posted on Indeed): At Goldman Sachs,

the administrative assistant is responsible for supporting teams and executives with their

administrative needs. Calendar management, planning trips, creating reports, and setting

up meetings are among the duties. Excellent communication abilities, meticulousness,

and the capacity for multitasking are requirements for the position.

2. Executive Assistant at Microsoft (posted on LinkedIn): Executive Assistant manages

schedules and handles private information while providing administrative support to

executives inside the company. The position calls for a high degree of professionalism,

exceptional communication abilities, and the capacity to handle several duties at once.

3. Office Coordinator at Salesforce (posted on ZipRecruiter): The Office Coordinator

manages supplies, plans events, and organizes meetings in addition to providing

administrative assistance to the company's office operations. Excellent organizational

abilities, attention to detail, and the capacity to operate in a fast-paced workplace are

requirements for the position.

Question 3- List minimum 3 reasons why you chose those postings.

Explanations behind Picking these Postings:

These job posts were my pick because:

 They succinctly describe the role that administrative professionals play at work.
 The job descriptions go into great depth about the duties and abilities needed for each


 The firms' standing, and scale indicate the likelihood of professional growth and

educational prospects.

Question 4- List three characteristics that you feel are strong features for these positions

and explain how as an employee, you will benefit from them.

Strong features for these Positions:

1. Growth Potential: The postings point to opportunities for professional development and

learning as well as career advancement within the organization. I can benefit as an

employee from mentorship, training programs, and exposure to various departments and


2. Collaboration in Teams: The organization places a high value on fostering an inclusive

and collaborative work environment, as evidenced by the fact that each posting places an

emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Working with colleagues from a variety of

backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can benefit me as an employee, enhancing

teamwork and creativity.

3. Life balance at work: Work-life balance is essential for job satisfaction and overall well-

being, as indicated by job postings. I can benefit from wellness programs that encourage

healthy living, flexible schedules, and the ability to work from home.

Question 5- List three characteristics that you feel will be challenges for these positions and

list how you can learn from them. Explain how you would either change or adapt to the


Challenges for these Positions:

Environment with high pressure: Due to deadlines, workload, and competing priorities,

administrative professionals may experience high levels of stress. I can overcome this obstacle

by communicating with my manager when feeling overwhelmed, prioritizing tasks, and setting

goals that are doable.

Multitasking: According to job postings, administrative professionals must be able to handle

multiple tasks at once. I can use time management techniques like prioritizing tasks, making a to-

do list, and delegating when necessary to adapt to this challenge.

Attention to Specifics: It can be challenging for administrative professionals to ensure accuracy

and precision in their work. I can develop a method for checking my work, solicit feedback, and

continuously acquire new skills to enhance my attention to detail to overcome this obstacle.
Question 6- List your top three skills you feel are essential for an administrative

professional role.

Top Three Skills for an Administrative Professional Position:

1. Communication: To effectively interact with coworkers, customers, and executives,

administrative professionals need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively.

2. Management of Time: The ability to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and manage

multiple tasks simultaneously is essential for administrative professionals.

3. Problem-Solving: In a fast-paced environment, administrative professionals must be able

to identify issues and offer effective solutions.

Question 7- Explain what you have learned, how will this assist you in your future career(s)

and how this will shape your understanding of the Administrative Professional role. 

What I have Acquired:

I have a clear understanding of the job's scope and responsibilities thanks to my research into the

administrative professional's role. In this position, effective communication, time management,

and problem-solving abilities are also crucial, according to what I've learned. I will apply these

skills to whatever career I choose in the future because they are necessary for success in any

professional setting. In addition, I now understand the significance of administrative

professionals to an organization's smooth operation.

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