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7 pictures and 5 questions.

● The green circular ones are chloroplast, cell wall, a plant cell.
● The white one, no defined nucleus, dna is free floating, open cells up to eat. Phag, phin
● Nuclei in pink cells, any animal or mammal, animal cells, epithelial squamous
● Pink string lines, fungi,
● Cork Screw Cells,
● Rectangle, protist, spiral bands inside show that its an autotroph bc green. Autotrophic
● Egg looking ones are individual spherical globes, reproduce by budding - fungi kingdom
● Cladograms- most ancient is down in corner and it goes up the lines and branches off for
new species. Organize by feature
○ Abdominal testes for WARMTH
○ Need to reproduce
○ Seals have a loss of ear flaps
○ Closest is bear
● Venn DIagram
○ B,C, and D are all apart of A.
○ D is separate
○ C part of B but also apart of A

● Largest more generalized taxa as defined by linnaeus is Kingdom

● Capitalize Genus but not species. Genus then Species
● Organisms with no Nucleus - Bacteria and Archaea
● Prokaryotic organisms make out Bacteria and Archaea
● Which category of classification contains most alike in shared characteristics - Species
○ King philip came over for a good spaghetti
● If organism is Phelis Concore, then its genus is phelis
● Eukaryotic organism and prokaryotic can develop parasitic relationships many are good
and decompose. - Protista
○ Unicellular cut out fungi
○ Unicellular and multicellular then fungi

● Algae is protista (grows on top of ponds but autotrophic)

● Matching
○ 6 different kingdoms and descriptions
● Disease causing organisms like E-Coli is Bacteria
● Flower Mosses - Plantae
● Algae - Protista
● Mushrooms - Fungi
● Multicellular, autotrophic, cellulose - Plantae
● Unicellular, prokaryotes with cell walls made of peptidoglycan - Bacteria
● Prokaryotic organisms live in harsh environments - Archaea
● Fish, Insects, Birds - Anamilia
● Multicellular, heterophs, mostly mobile - Animals

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