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Programming Worksheet:

Here is a drafting of a small, strange light plot. Inside the hexagons are their dimmer
numbers (what it’s plugged into). In front of each light is the color. Assume downstage is the
bottom of this page. The Pars in the middle are pointed straight down.

1. Remembering to organize by system, channel your lights. Write the channel in the circle
next to the light.
2. Write below the range of channels followed by what system it is (example 91-104 are the
side brown lights)
3. Now let’s patch the hard way: Writing it. Write the channel number followed by the circuit
1 @ 46
2 @ 192

4. Create groups for your channels and write them below.

1 thru 9 group 1. Front Purples.
11 thru 29 group 2. Back reds.
5. If you wanted a scary, spooky look onstage, what lights would you run on and how bright?

6. If you wanted a happy look onstage, what lights would you run on and how bright?

7. If you wanted a sad look onstage, what lights would you run on and how bright?

8. Choose two of the looks above and write down the syntax for how you’d make that look on an
ION. Save one as cue 1 and another as cue 2.
Group 1 at 50 enter
4 -14 at 25 enter
Record Cue 1 enter

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