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Using homeopathic cell salts to optimize health ....

By Jane MacRoss on Monday, July 21, 2014 at 9:17 PM

When we were taught Homeopathy we learned to use Schuessler's 12 Biochemic Tissue Salts, or Cell
Salts, both as support remedies and also by giving them during the time frames listed below ...
especially to pregnant women to help optimize their health & that of the developing foetus.... 

I consider this protocol to be helpful for everyone.  As you will see there is approximately a week gap
with no remedies being taken between each change of remedies ...

Cell salts are often available in Pharmacies & Health Food Stores. 6X strength

March 24 - April 17......................... Kali Phos & Nat Phos                          

April 24 - May 16............................ Nat Sulph & Calc Sulph

May 23 - June 16............................ Kali Mur & Silica

June 23 - July 18............................. Calc Fluor & Calc Phos

July 26 - August 18.......................... Mag Phos & Nat Mur

August 25 - September 18 ............... Kali Sulph & Ferr Phos

September 26 - October 18.............. Nat Phos & Kali Phos

October 26 - November 18 .............. Calc Sulph & Nat Sulph

November 26 - December 16 ........... Silica & Kali Mur

December 24 - January 16 ............... Calc Phos & Calc Fluor

January 24 - February 16 ................. Nat Mur & Mag Phos

February 24 - March 16 ................... Ferr Phos & Kali Sulph

More detailed information about cell salts & their uses can be found in:

Dr Schuessler's Biochemistry by J. B. Chapman

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