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Olaso, John Nathaniel Y.


1. Identify possible topics which fall under gender studies

- Domestic violence, abuse and sexual assault among men.
2. Distinguish whether they are quantitative, qualitative or mixed method researches.
- Domestic violence Against men
- Domestic violence Against men: No laughing matter
- Male rape: The Silent Victim and the Gender of the Listener
- Six Men Tell Their Stories of Sexual Assault in the Military

3. List down five questions which you want to be answer related to Gender and
1. Can the society accept and considered that sexual abuse among men same with the
seriousness of the offense as in women?
2. Is the coping mechanism of men from sexual abuse same with the women? How
does they differ? Has men generally known Toughness help him in dealing with the

3. Does women empowerment went overboard in a way that domestic abuse among
men is now rising? Does the women's rights have been misuse?

4. How can we eliminate discrimination among domestic abuse men that they
experience in reporting the crime done against them to proper authorities?

5.How does domestic violence and sexual abuse among men breaks the standard
Gender Roles that Society embedded on man?

4. Explain why you want to answer these questions?

- I want to find answers to these questions because I think getting them answered will
help solve or at least makes it clear to me the possible solutions on the problem of
domestic Violence and sexual assault among men. the questions I created tackle some
of the contributing factors or the reason behind why the issue continue to worsen, left
unnoticed, or not given full attention. I hope that persons in authority open their eyes
and take proper and legal action on these matter.

5. Identify why you think these questions are within the scope of Gender Studies?
- Gender studies emerge from the need to analyze how Gender, Sex, Sexuality impact
our lives and explore how our Gender Roles have change throughout our History
especially how it creates inequalities. These questions are under the scope of gender
studies because it tells how the society define gender roles have change, from what
society known that men are always tough, strong and can defend themselves, the topic
and these questions divulge that they are not always, that they are also susceptible to
abuse, to violence not only physical, but also emotional mental and social. They are
also capable of being hurt, but they do not always show that, because they are not as
expressive as women’s. And also the sexual abuse that happens among men is as
traumatizing and devastating as to women’s. that many victims complains their lost of
manliness, their sense of self as men. Many male victims are unable to live a normal
life, are always hiding in fear, unable to fulfill their dreams, and become Anti-social and
uncomfortable to same sex. It is not the fault of the society as a whole, but their
response, how the situation as laughable to some, how they view that domestic abuse
is just being “under the saya” in as Filipinos and the sexual abuse as something that is
not serious. Is the product of our traditional gender roles that society build on us.

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