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Sometimes you’re just to busy or in an awkward situation to engage in a full on

sexting conversation. For this weeks master sexting series we have some perfect
filler sexts you can send so your partner knows you are thinking about doing all
kinds of dirty things with them, even if you cant go into them at the moment.

I don’t really have anything to talk about but I want to talk to you, hi sexy.

My hands. My lips. My hips. Your body. Tonight.

I was dreaming about you last night… It was so hot!

That shirt/skirt/dress looked so amazing on you last night. Made it hard to keep my
mind on anything else…

Looking forward to having you later.

I had so many dirty thoughts today… Guess who inspired them all? ?

I can’t wait to feel you in all the right ways in all the right places.

Would you be mad if we made Saturday ‘Naked Day’?

Wanna sneak away for a “snack” together during lunch?

Tonight, I’m going to take it slow and savor every inch of you <3

I smile at my phone like an idiot when I’m texting you.

Tell me 3 things that make you the most excited. I’ll make sure you get at least 2
out of 3… Deal?

I think we are going to have a lot of fun together ?

I wish I could just spend the whole day together with you, naked.

I would love a picture of you to hold me over until I can see you later!

I like you even on bad days, when everyone else annoys me.

I have an extra ticket for tonight and I need to invite a sexy… Know anyone?

We will see you next week for more tips and tricks to help you master sexting!

Why First Dates Often Fall Short: Exploring the ChallengesPublished 1 week ago on
June 12, 2023By Pamela

First dates are an important milestone in the pursuit of romantic connections. They
offer the opportunity to get to know someone new and potentially form a meaningful
relationship. However, it is a commonly acknowledged fact that first dates often
fail to live up to expectations. In this essay, we will explore various reasons why
first dates don’t always work out as intended, shedding light on the challenges
individuals face during this initial encounter.
1. Unrealistic Expectations:
One significant reason first dates often fall short is the burden of unrealistic
expectations placed on them. Due to the portrayal of idealized relationships in
popular media, individuals may anticipate an instant spark, deep connection, or
perfect chemistry. However, such expectations can create undue pressure and lead to
disappointment if the date doesn’t meet those lofty ideals.

2. Nervousness and Anxiety:

First dates can be nerve-wracking experiences for many people. Anxiety and
nervousness often accompany the anticipation of meeting someone new and the desire
to make a good impression. These emotional states can hinder genuine communication
and prevent individuals from being their authentic selves. Consequently, the
interaction may lack depth and fail to foster a genuine connection.

3. Lack of Compatibility:
Incompatibility is a common hurdle encountered during first dates. Despite initial
online or offline interactions, it is challenging to gauge whether two individuals
will truly click until they meet face-to-face. Differences in values, interests,
and personality traits can become evident during this initial encounter, making it
challenging to build a solid foundation for a lasting relationship.

4. Limited Time and External Distractions:

First dates often occur within a specific time frame, typically a few hours. This
limited time can restrict the depth of conversation and inhibit the opportunity to
explore topics of shared interest thoroughly. Additionally, external distractions
such as noisy surroundings or interruptions can disrupt the flow of conversation
and prevent a genuine connection from forming.

5. Pressure of Impressions:
First dates are often seen as a platform for individuals to showcase their best
selves. People may feel pressured to present an idealized version of themselves,
which can lead to inauthentic interactions. This pressure to impress can hinder
genuine conversation and prevent individuals from truly getting to know each other
on a deeper level.

6. Communication Challenges:
Effective communication is essential for any successful relationship. However, on a
first date, individuals may struggle to find the right balance between self-
disclosure and maintaining appropriate boundaries. Opening up too much or too
little can create misunderstandings and hinder the development of a genuine

First dates are challenging encounters that often fail to meet expectations.
Unrealistic expectations, nervousness and anxiety, compatibility issues, limited
time, the pressure to impress, and communication challenges all contribute to the
difficulties faced during these initial encounters. However, it is important to
remember that first dates do not define the potential for a successful
relationship. They are merely a starting point, and with open-mindedness, patience,
and continued effort, deeper connections can be forged beyond the first date.

how to real sexting conversations

What’s hotter than real sexting conversations? Sexting is wildly popular on, where real girls with real profiles connect instantly — live talk,
email and most recently: text message. It’s a fantastic way to “sample” a few
Talkers at a time, so you can find out who you click with before going live.

Real sexting conversations, as hot as you like! Here’s one right now to get you

Hey baby you are hot!!!!!!

Hello, sweetie… what’s up?

You know what!

I think I do but I’d like you to tell me.

You tell me!

What do you want to know?

What are you wearing?

T-shirt and jeans, bare feet, red pedicure.

Great I love feet. But tell me about your panties.

Thong, baby. Black lace. Sheer and snug.

Are you wet?

How will you know?

Tell me where your hands are.

Mmmm.. tell me where you want them.

Grab your titties.

Way ahead of you, baby. I’ve been squeezing my DD’s when you type.

Should I pull on my nipples?

No, wait. Tell me how it feels first. Rubbing your tits.

My tits feel great. Firm. Bouncy. Very sensitive.

I like to graze my fingernails across my breasts.

And then pinch my nipples as hard as I can.

(sometimes I squeal!)

Can you imagine my hands gliding across your skin?

Your hands are rough (giggles) and strong and manly.

<knees melting>
<heart pounding>

<pussy moistening>

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.

Now, I need you to take your right hand and start playing with yourself.

Will you do that for me, babe?

Talk me through it.

Check if you’re wet. Slide your right index finger into your pussy crack.

Tell me — are you wet?


Good girl. Now take your middle finger and ease it between your pussy lips.

Take your time. Tell me everything.

I can feel my own pussy heat, so hot on my hand.

So slippery.

I’m drenched.

Can I taste please? Just a drop, I have so much to spare.

Lick your finger, how is it?

Mmmmm…. my pussy juice is sweet, baby, and there’s so much of it for you.

Do you wish I was right there with you right now?

If I was, I’d be kissing on your neck.

Slowly up to your left ear — my voice and hot breath:

“I’m so fuckin’ hard right now.”

Goddamn I’m so hot this is so hot you are so hot

Working my way down your collarbone, your breasts.

Licking every inch of your full left tit before taking that perky nipple into my

Please don’t forget the right one!

Stomach kisses, hip kisses, thigh kisses… know where I’m going?

Spreading for you, baby! Oh please baby oh please eat me up!

Gliding my tongue, flicking your slit.

How’s my pussy, baby?

It’s heaven.

Tell me how you like to eat my pussy.

Your cunt is like candy! Your thighs soft and supple like bubblegum.

<burying my face between your legs>

My clit is on fire! Please can I cum?

Only if we can keep going.

I think your ass is jealous of your pussy.

Turn over, Ima eat your ass.

And then I’m gonna fuck it.

OK I’m back (dropped the phone).

I’m glad you wanna eat my ass too, it’s been awhile.

I am serious about the fucking.

Me too.

No, do you have a dildo or a vibrator? I want you to put it up your ass.

I will wait.

OK I’ve got it.

OMG I can’t believe I’m doing this. It’s HUGE!

Dunno if I can get it all in but I will try. 😉

Good girl.

Lube up.

I have a thick rubber dildo, about 9″ but very wide head especially.

What color?

Purple. Clear-ish. Sparkles.


Shut up I’m tickling my ass with the fat head. heheh

All slippery with lube. Been so long. Pucker! Whoo!

You are funny. Keep going.

I am! OMG so nice. I’m on my back, knees bent.

Legs crossed and in the air.

Twisting dildo head like screw in asshole entrance.

Push it in?

Not yet. Mmm. Nice. Tell me something sweet.

I wish I was there to finger your clit and drip warmed lube on your dildo.

And feather-lick my asshole. I love that.

Nice and light around the pink. Softly exploratory fingers too.

Nice. Good. More.

Push gently baby, open your asshole for my big dick.

You’re too big.

No, no. Relax. Go slow. Breathe baby breathe

How does that feel?

Tell me how my hard cock feels in your tight little asshole.


OK IT IS IN! Holy shit I have all 9 inches in my ass for you!

Take it, baby. That’s me. I’m in your ass and you feel perfect.

I can’t believe you talked me into this!!!!!!

Can you DP?

Ha! I have a candle on my nightstand, dare me?

Do it!

OMG your huge hard dick is filling up my ass

Ramming my cunt with this candle like a sex freak

OMG you better be jerking off.

Amazing. Fucking amazing you pervo we’re pervos!!!!

I am going to be jerking off over this forever.

Me too.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this example of real sexting conversations on,

where you can connect live, one on one with hot horny Talkers right now, with just
the click of a button.
REAL profiles! REAL pictures! Videos, fantasies, so much more. Live talk, email,

And of course… sexting!

Building sexual tension can be an exciting and enjoyable part of a romantic or

intimate relationship. Here are some tips to help you create and enhance sexual

Flirtation and teasing: Engage in playful banter, witty remarks, and subtle touches
to create a sense of anticipation and attraction. Letting your partner know that
you desire them through light teasing and flirting can build tension.
Eye contact: Maintain prolonged eye contact with your partner to create a sense of
intimacy and connection. Gazing deeply into each other’s eyes can be highly sensual
and can contribute to building sexual tension.
Physical touch: Use gentle and deliberate touches to ignite desire. Lightly brush
your partner’s arm, touch their hand, or give them a sensual massage to build
anticipation and desire.
Verbal communication: Talk openly about your desires, fantasies, and what turns you
on. Expressing your desires and listening to your partner’s can create a shared
understanding and anticipation.
Slow and deliberate pacing: Take your time when engaging in intimate activities.
Slow down the pace and savor each moment, allowing the anticipation to build.
Delaying gratification can heighten desire and sexual tension.
Dress and appearance: Pay attention to your appearance and dress in a way that
makes you feel confident and attractive. Consider wearing clothing that accentuates
your best features and leaves something to the imagination, increasing the intrigue
and tension.
Create a sensual environment: Set the mood by creating a sensual atmosphere. Dim
the lights, light scented candles, play soft music, and incorporate elements that
appeal to the senses. A well-crafted ambiance can contribute to building sexual
Anticipation through anticipation: Use anticipation to build desire. Talk about
what you plan to do later or leave subtle hints about your intentions. Creating a
sense of anticipation can be highly arousing.
Focus on non-sexual intimacy: Prioritize building emotional connection and intimacy
outside of the bedroom. Deepening your emotional bond can contribute to the overall
sexual tension in your relationship.
Experiment and explore: Be open to trying new things and exploring each other’s
boundaries and fantasies. The element of novelty and exploration can help build
sexual tension and keep things exciting.
Remember that building sexual tension should always occur within the boundaries of
consent and respect. Communication is key, so make sure to have open and honest
discussions with your partner about their desires, boundaries, and comfort levels.

An extract from Rudyard Kipling’s poem in “The Elephant’s Child” literally OPENS up
opportunities to practice a key skill as part of a communication skills course as
well as allied skills in active listening and observation.

10:00 AM
Energiser Activity
10:10 AM
Expert Interviews
10:30 AM
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Practice communication, active listening and observation skills

The extract from the poem
"I keep six honest serving-men

(They taught me all I knew);

Their names are What and Why and When

And How and Where and Who."

How to use the extract in a training activity:

The activity focuses on the use of Kipling’s six OPEN questions rather than closed,
hypothetical and supplementary enquiries. thus:

The training exercise works best with no more than 12 participants. It has
transferable utility to a wide range of other training courses such as advocacy,
assertiveness, influencing and anything linked to interview preparation.

Assemble your cohort in a horseshoe -tabled or untabled
Say you are going to practice the use of open questions which will test their
listening and observational skills as well as the use of Kipling’s six open
questions. Make sure you showcase the Kipling six on a flipchart or power point.
Keep them on visible display throughout the activity
Ask for a volunteer
The volunteer has to leave the room and in their absence the group must decide
something they want to know about the volunteer, e.g. favourite sport or last UK
holiday. Something specific and within the bounds of privacy and decency!
When the group are decided on their secret question, invite the volunteer back in
to sit at the front. He or she must make then a statement - anything. So let's
suppose the group want to know her/his favourite football club. Let’s say its
Manchester United. The volunteer does not know this is the topic. He/She makes a
statement, e.g. "On my way here today I saw a squirrel".
The volunteer then turns to the first person in the horseshoe. That person can ask
any OPEN question but it has to be based on the last thing that comes out of the
volunteer’s mouth and any subsequent question must include any or all of the last
words to come out of the mouth of the volunteer.
So let’s imagine the run:
First trainee: - What colour was the squirrel?
Volunteer: Grey
Second trainee: What other colours are there beside grey?
Volunteer: Red
Third Trainee: What other things are RED?
Volunteer: Apples/Blood/Robins/Traffic Lights
Fourth Trainee: (DISASTER COMING) Do you like Robins?
Volunteer: YES! - (Disaster - a closed question has been put. Somebody was not
listening but help is at hand with Number 5)
Fifth Trainee: When you say YES, what do you mean? (forcing Volunteer to open up)
Volunteer: I like red things, especially my favourite football club colour
Number 6: What is your favourite football club?
Volunteer: Manchester United.
It won't be as easy as this - it might go around the table twice.You might have to
blow the whistle and declare the volunteer the winner. It can get competitive. Tons
of industrial language. But you will soon see who is quick on the
feet/deft/creative/active listener/observer etc.

Some simple rules:

The volunteer must always tell the truth but if they detect or suspect the content
of the secret question they have a mandate to be as difficult as they like with
evasive or short answers. This will further test the interviewer’s skills.
People are not allowed to go out of sequence or confer. You will see people at one
end of the table dying to jump in

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