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Case Analysis Template

Tóm tt mc tiêu mà mình hng n là gì: to ra mt c hi mi

Ghi li nhng gii pháp, ánh giá các gii phá
a ra các tiêu chí ánh giá c th ( a ra các gii pháp

• Summarize the objective of your proposal
– Create new growth opportunities
• Supplement the objective with numbers
– E.g. 10-15% growth in revenue per year
Key issues to tackle
• List the issues that need to be solved
Evaluate options
• Criterion
• Options
• Evaluation of options
a các khuyn ngh gii quyt mà ch th gp phi:

• Market analysis - có th hoàn toàn mi

- chnh sa li gii pháp mi
- sáng to
– Five Forces mô hình 5 ngun lc ca porter
mô hình 5c

– 5C analysis: company, collaborators, customers,

phân tích swot

competitors, climate/context
– Business model canvas
• Financial analysis
– Cost (fixed, variable)
– Revenue prediction
• Details of your recommendation
• How your recommendation solves the issues
• Timeline
• Resources estimation
• Contingencies
• Risk mitigation
• Reiterate the objective, issues, recommendation,
and benefits

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