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Before performing this ritual, cleanse

your body. Take a clean shower. Reserve

1 glass of the water you take a shower
for yourself... Then pour this shower
water on the 4 floors of your house.
There will be a strong magnetism
interaction around your house. Before
performing this spell, prepare the
following materials. Prepare your sage,
White candle, Yellow candle, Red candle
and Black candle. Get a quartz crystal
stone. Write your own name on the
dried olive leaf.

This spell will definitely not be in your

home. You have to go to the forest to
cast this spell. Find a big rock you go
into the forest. Begin to light the
candles in turn on the rock. Light the
white candle first, then the yellow
candle, then the red candle, then the
black candle. Burn the sage tea in the
flame of candles and put it next to it as
incense. Put your shower water next to
the candles. With your eyes closed,
contemplate the transformation and the
powers in your mind until the candles
are gone. After a while, you will see that
energy and power come to you.
Gradually you will see the energy
moving through your body.

Burn the olive leaf with your name on

the candles and rub the ashes in your
palms. You will begin to feel the energy
of nature. The energy will come directly
to you. Your heartbeat may slow or
speed up because it's coming too fast.
This energy system will give you a
short-term side effect and then pass.
Now you will have received the energy
and powers.

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