Guide To Writing Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


In writing your introduction, it should be a minimum of 2 pages, maximum of 2 1⁄2 pages,

indented, should be the researchers’ own words.

<1st paragraph>
Write a definition of your main topic/idea of the project. It could be a universally accepted
definition, by a foreign author or a local author.

<2nd paragraph>
Write the practical and theoretical issues that have led you to undertake the research.

1.1 Project Context

Clearly and concisely tell your readers what your project is. Discuss the concepts
underlying the feasibility of the project.
It must answer the following questions in no particular order (in paragraph style):
• What is the concern of the project? What activities in the agency do you want to
enhance through computerization?
• Who will be your respondents and who will be benefited and who will be involved
in this project?
• When is the start and finish of the project or how long is the duration of the project?
• Where is this project conducted and implemented?
• Why do the researchers propose this project?
• How the project development will be conducted?

This capstone project entitled “A Proposed Grading System for the
University of La Salettte, Santiago City” is a software development project focused
on the improvement and implementation of software that will automate the
computation and release of grades of the student.
This project was started last November 2010 and is expected to be finished
by the end of October 2011. This project is intended to help faculty members in the
preparation of the grading sheet. It is believed that with the help of software
developed and designed based on the needs of the clients, tasks will be simplified
and thus makes the faculty member more effective in her teaching. Through this
project, the researchers aim to eliminate the long wait of students in securing their
The system analyst of this project recommends the use of Software
Engineering techniques to come up with the desired software and hardware
requirements and specification.

o Chapter number in Arabic numeral, the word “Chapter” capitalized; Chapter title should be in
boldface, all caps (as typed/printed above, but in black color)
o Verbs should be in present tense whenever appropriate.

1.2 Purpose and Description

This part discusses the purpose of developing this project and a description of its purpose.
This must elaborate what specific actions will be contributed to the development of the project or
what activities in the office will be covered in the project development and why it has to be part
of the whole project.
Identify the challenges, problems, situations, opportunities leading to the proposed project.
Tell your readers why you want to do the work you have proposed; keep in mind that not all may
be familiar with terminology that is unique to your field.


This project entitled “A Proposed Point-of-Sale System for University of La Salette

Canteen” is intended to (improve the existing point of sale / develop a computerized point
of sale) system to automate the sales activities of University of La Salette Canteen.
This project aims to implement a computerized profiling system for the University
of La Salette College of _____ to lessen the enrollment process where the student has to
write every enrollment his/her profile. The automation of such repetitive task is what the
researchers wish to resolve through the development of a Profiling System.

(List the persons who will be benefited and how they will be benefited.)

The College Secretary. This project aims to determine the feasibility of automated profiling
system for the easy collection, storage and retrieval of student information for the help of
the secretary. The secretary is, therefore, an essential participant in the development of the

The Students. This project will aid the researchers in the issues of repeated activity in
writing profile during enrolment. The students will be involved in providing the researchers
with their desired process of submitting and updating their profile.

1.3 Objectives

General objectives will be stated in this part where the researchers must describe what they
wanted to accomplish at the end of this project development. Specific objectives shall be
enumerated in such a way that the objectives will become attainable.


This capstone project entitled “A Proposed Profiling System for University of La

Salette College of Information Technology” aims to develop and implement a
o Chapter number in Arabic numeral, the word “Chapter” capitalized; Chapter title should be in
boldface, all caps (as typed/printed above, but in black color)
o Verbs should be in present tense whenever appropriate.

computerized profiling system to aid the students, the college secretary and the college
dean in securing, storing, retrieving and updating student profile.

Specifically, this capstone project aims to:

• Determine the feasibility of implementing a computerized profiling system for the
College of Information Technology, University of La Salette, Santiago City;
• Develop the system requirements or system specifications based on the roles, and
activities given by the stakeholders and end-users;
• Design and develop ____ system based on the given system requirements and
• Develop strategies in maintaining the implemented software and system; and
• Prove that the developed and implemented system complies with the system
requirements and/or system specifications.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

This part presents what particular activity in the agency is the focus of this project. The
researchers must therefore state on this part the scope meaning what part of the activities in the
office is covered and what is not. The limitations refer to what this project cannot accommodate
or what the researchers of this project are not going to deal with.

The proposed system and how the proposed system will work should NOT be discussed
in this part. Wait until chapter 4 that you have to discuss everything about the system but not now.

This capstone project entitled “A Proposed Grading System for the University of
La Salette College of Information Technology” is focused on the design, development and
implementation of a working Grading System that will be implemented for all faculty
members. Only the process of computation, storage, submission and release of grades in
covered in this project. Account statements, and billing or payments are not part of this

o Chapter number in Arabic numeral, the word “Chapter” capitalized; Chapter title should be in
boldface, all caps (as typed/printed above, but in black color)
o Verbs should be in present tense whenever appropriate.

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