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FROM: South East Regional Operations

Public Relations Office

TO: All South East Region staff – MESD DATE: 7th July 2023

Kindly note the following:

1. The Director Regional Operations, Mr Peter M. Choto will be out of office from from the
4th July to the 21st July 2023. Mr Choto will be in-charge of Mr Simon Coles’s office at
Headquarters (the Deputy Permanent Secretary-Basic Education) who is on leave. The
Director is expected to be back in office on the 24 th July 2023. In his absensia, Mr Tumelo
Rakgabo (CEO-South East Sub) will be in charge of the office.

2. Matlala JSS staff (teaching and non-teaching) will host a one day team building exercise at
Mogobane dam today (07/07/2023). The initiative is geared towards coming up with the
school roadmaps, building stronger team collaboration- all in an effort toward achieving
better academic results. The retreat will also discuss the challenges in the workplace as well
as addressing the social welfare issues. There will be Team building activities such as horse
riding, tag of war, to mention but a few. Mr Utlwanang Maano (Boat & Float PTY LTD) will
also grace the event with Motivational talks.

3. Mr M. Bonang (PEO 1-Learner Support Services) will coordinate the “Substance Use
Prevention Media Based Project workshop scheduled on the 10th to 11th July 2023 at Central
Resource Centre (CRC) for Special Education Tlokweng. The project is geared towards
developing effective Media based substance use prevention messages. 12 schools from 3
regions (South East Region, Kweneng and Ghanzi) will be take part in this project. Standard
6 teachers from 4 schools in South East Region (Phillip Moshotle Memorial, Segoditshane,
Ledumang and Mophane Primary School) will join others from the aforementioned regions.
This project is done in-collaboration with the Claremont Graduate University in USA under
supervision of Prof. Willian Crano.

Thank you

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