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SEO Writing Tips: 10 Writing Techniques & Guidelines for SEO Content


Capitalize On Content – 10 Tips & Techniques For EO

Content Writing

b EricaGarman

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Discover EO Writing Tips & Techniques

Are ou a content writer? Improve our content writing for EO with
these 10 tips from Titan Growth.

It’s no secret that EO and content go hand-in-hand.

After all, without EO ( our content ma be lost

somewhere on page 50 of the search results; and we all know tra�c on those pages is less
than satisfactor. Likewise, our �rst-page ranking can onl do so much if our content post-
click is crumm. That’s wh a good relationship between EO and great content is essential!
Here are 10 tips on how to write EO content to make our content go further and enhance
our EO e�orts at the same time.

EO Writing Tips to Make Your Content Go Further

1 . Wr i t e f o r  o u r a u d i e n c e � r s t

This EO content writing tip is number one for a reason. It seems eas enough, et so man
companies make content for all the wrong reasons. Write content that appeals to the interests
of our target market or answers their questions. Not all posts need to be about our product
or service, but the all should be industr related. Assert ourself and our compan as an
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SEO Writing Tips: 10 Writing Techniques & Guidelines for SEO Content
expert in our industr b writing EO-friendl content that is interesting and informative, and
do it better than our competition.
2 . Ke e p i t a l l u n d e r t h e s a m e r o o f

Get the credit and tra�c our website deserves b keeping our original content under our
own domain name. That means if ou have a blog opt out of hosting with WordPress or
Blogger and host the blog in a subfolder on our own domain (ie: ).
An time ou have an opportunit to showcase other forms of original content like videos,
infographics or whitepapers, make sure to also embed them onto our website as well and
share from there.

3. Make headlines that pa ck a punc h

You have a ver short amount of text to make a ver big impression. o don’t underestimate
the power of an e�ective headline on EO! Write headlines that are clear, interesting and make
use of rich kewords. In addition to a great headline, also make sure our meta descriptions
are interesting and further elaborate on the topic of our article. Keep in mind that our title
and meta description are what show up in the search results, so make them count!

4. U se keword-rich phra ses

Use relevant, keword rich phrases in our headlines as well as throughout our content to let
both our readers and the search engines know what our post is about. But beware, too man
kewords will not onl turn o� our readers but can result in search engine penalties for
keword stu�ng. Use kewords thoughtfull and sparingl, sticking to a more natural feel. In
addition to using kewords throughout the bod of our post, take advantage blog tags b
tagging a few relevant kewords for each post; most general blogs have tagging capabilities
alread built in.

5 . t r u c t u r e  o u r p o s t s

The contents of our post ma be great but can be easil lost in an unorganized, ine�cient
format. Breaking our content up into smaller paragraphs with headlines makes for an eas
read that will keep our readers engaged. For the search engines, back-end organization is
ke too. Using proper tag hierarch when tagging headlines (
/blog/header-tag-guide-for-seo-success/) (H1 for titles, H2 for subtitles) is important to maintain
a well-structured article.

6. Incorporate imager

Make our posts pop with images! People are visual. Adding an image along with our blog
post can make a big impression. Have a Pinterest account? In addition to promoting our blogs
across our other social media channels, posts with images can also be pinned, adding
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SEO Writing Tips: 10 Writing Techniques & Guidelines for SEO Content
another avenue for tra�c to our website.

7. P r o p e l c o n t e n t w i t h s o c i a l m e d i a

ocial media (s-to-spice-up-our-seo-e�orts-with-social-

media/) is a powerful tool that can help increase the reach of our content and promote
sharing. Post each new article on social media sites and in forums, using engaging descriptions
and a call-to-action. ince the power of social media lies in sharing, it’s also important to have
share buttons on each of our blog posts. If ou want more control of how our links appear
when the’re shared, implementing Twitter Cards for Twitter or Open Graph for Facebook
(technical) can give our shared links a boost, and ma help our click-through rates.

8 . I m p l e m e n t G o o g l e Au t h o r s h i p

Google Authorship is a quick and eas wa to tie content to a certain author, all ou need is a
Google+ account. As a result, our articles come up as rich snippets in the search results
featuring the author’s photo along with the article title. Google Authorship is great for personal
promotion, but can also increase the click through rate to our articles. If ou’re an author,
learn how to set up Authorship (
/googleauthorship.html) for our website.

9. P r o m o t e n a t u r a l l i n k b u i l d i n g

Link building ( has come a

long wa since the das of link buing and link farms, but links are still an important ranking
factor for EO. Linking to our own articles or website in our post ensures a link back to our
website if our article is picked up b another site. If ou get creative with other tpes of
content like infographics and videos, adding an embed code on our site helps to promote
content sharing and also adds a link back to the original source. Creating great EO content
helps increase the shareabilit and the likelihood that other websites will link to it, so aim for

1 0. M o n i t o r  o u r a c t i v i t 

ta on top of our EO friendl content b monitoring our e�orts. Google Analtics is an eas
and free wa to track our page views and the average time spent on a page. Check things like
our bounce rate and time on site to get an idea of how users interact with our website after
landing on our content. If ou see a high drop o� in addition to a low average time spent on
the page, that’s an indication that our content wasn’t relevant to what the were looking for, or
worse, wasn’t interesting. Also, take a look at the number of social interactions (shares, likes,
etc ) to get an idea of the viralit of our post. Just looking at these simple metrics can give ou
a good idea of which content pieces are well-received and liked so that ou can replicate that
tpe of content down the road.

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SEO Writing Tips: 10 Writing Techniques & Guidelines for SEO Content
Both EO and content writing are important pieces to the puzzle, so it’s important to use
qualit techniques for both to ensure higher tra�c and engagement on our website. If ou
have an questions about EO, content or how the work together, feel free to contact us
( for more EO writing tips!

ubmitted b Erica Machin, Titan Growth

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