CL 3 Plan

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DATE: 01.02.2023
SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala Plopii Slavitesti
CLASS: 3rd

TIME: 50 minutes
TEACHER: Chiurtu Mihaela Simona
COURSEBOOK: Fairyland 3, Express Publishing O.M. 3418/ 2013 , editura Uniscan
UNIT: Unit 6

LESSON: Vocabulary: Rooms, things in a house/ Structures: There is/there are

TYPE OF LESSON (face to face): Lectie de recapitulare

LESSON SKILS: speaking, reading, listening
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: worksheet, traffic signs, cut-outs, video, flashcards
TEACHING TECHNIQUES: drilling, conversation, exercises, differentiation, cooperative learning

1.1. Identificarea unor detalii din mesaje simple articulate clar si rar in contexte cunoscute/previzibile
1.2. Urmarirea unor instructiuni simplede orientare, in vederea atingerii unui obiectiv
1.3. Manifestarea interesului pentru intelegerea de detalii dintr-o varietate de mesaje orale simple, articulate clar si rar (filme, cantece
pentru copii)
 O1: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to better use structures expressing actions happening now
 O2: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to better use “there is/ there are “structures
 O3: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to better give directions
Anticipated language problems: The Ss may not understand some oral commands or tasks.
Possible solutions: If this happens the oral commands or tasks will be translated into Romanian.
Stages of
Aims Teacher does Students do Materials

- to engage the Ss in The T asks the students about The students answer
a short conversation their mood;
Warm-up 2` - to create a pleasant
Ss-T The T asks if there are any
atmosphere absentees

The T asks the students to read The students take turns and answer;
their homework
- to check
Checking The students check or correct their
5` T-S correctness of the Workbook
homework The T corrects the homework homework
and gives further explanation
where necessary.
The T tells the Ss that they will The students watch the pictures
have revision lessons on 3 give answers.
- to introduce the subjects – the Ss need to find
topic of the lesson out what the subjects are.
T-Ss The students write in their
Lead – in 5` and raise expectation Flashcards
The T writes the title on the notebooks.
white board “Revision –
actions happening now/ There
is/ there are/ Directions”


The T shortly revises the

- to revise respective structures by writing The students listen and write in
T- previously acquired some examples from the Ss their notebooks.
Ss vocabulary and and writing them on the
language structures whiteboard.
Stages of
Aims Teacher does Students do Materials

Stages of
Aims Teacher does Students do Materials

- to practice using The T hands out worksheet no. The Ss pair up and solve the task Worksheets
the previously 2 and tell the Ss they will work together
8’ PW acquired language in pairs. Weaker Ss will cut the
and vocabulary pictures and glue the sentences.
patterns - Actions happening now

The T divides the Ss into 3 Each group answers 3 questions in Youtube video
Practice 7’ GW O2 groups and plays a video in the video, if there is a tie groups https://
order to practice there is/ answer a 4th question (winning
there are structures group recieves a diploma) VZTr1GI

The T keeps the same groups A member of the group holds up a

sign, another one reads the sign and Cardboard
7’ GW O3 and explains to the Ss that they
another one follows the direction road signs
will use road signs to revise
directions. indicated. At the end the sign is
revealed and the other groups
evaluate if the instructions were

O1 - To consolidate The T hand-out worksheet no. 1 The Ss solve the tasks

O2 previously acquired and explains that the Ss will work
Consolidation/ O3 language individually. ( Ss with Special
Reinforcement IW Educational Needs will receive a
5’ Worksheet
T-Ss different worksheet).
Correct answers will be checked
with the whole class general
Feedback 3` T-Ss - to provide feedback The T randomly asks questions to The students answer.
Ss-T 2 or 3 Ss about the revised
Stages of
Aims Teacher does Students do Materials

The T assigns the homework and
- to provide further
Homework 3` T-Ss explains the task: ex 4,5 / p 50; Textbook
ex. 2/55 (textbook)

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