Understanding Gap Between Men and Women - L3

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Topic: Understanding gap between men and women

Source: http://fullspate.digitalcounterrevolution.co.uk/archive/venusmars.html

Words: Climax, Impression, Rarely, Rosy, Friction, Irritation, Apparent, Insist,

Appreciate, Overwhelm, Relief, Express, Self-esteem, Competent, Perceive,
Admire, Respect

Love stories generally build up to a romantic climax and then end, leaving us with
the impression that the couple lived happily ever after. Sadly, the reality is rarely
as rosy as this.

When the initial period of knowing someone is over, little misunderstandings

start occurring, causing friction, irritation, long cold silences or angry rows.

Why is there this friction between men and women? The root cause of the
problem, apparently, is that men and women don't understand just how different
they are emotionally. Men and women respond to problems in very different
ways and have very different emotional needs. When people insist on their own
needs and fail to properly appreciate the needs of their partners there is bound to
be friction.

Women, typically, deal with problems and stresses by talking about how they feel.
A woman may easily feel overwhelmed and by talking she will find relief and feel
less upset. What really matters is expressing her, exploring her emotions and
getting the support from a loving relationship in which she feels that she is

On the other hand, a man's self-esteem is built on a sense of how competent he is,
so he feels he must develop the skills to solve his problems on his own. Asking for
help is perceived as an admission of weakness and incompetence. Rather than
looking for understanding, men want their partners to admire them for the way
they achieve their goals.

Counselors think that with a little help men and women can understand each
other better and learn to respect their differences.

Discussion points:

1. What is the difference between how men and women handle stress?
Explain in your own words.
2. How can men and women make their relationship better?


Grammar exercises:

1. Explain the use of Present continuous tense.. Practice by making new

2. Explain the use “Rather”, “Really”, “Generally”. Practice by making new

Picture Exercise: Understanding woman

Source: https://in.pinterest.com


1. What is the meaning behind this picture? Please explain.

2. Explain with an example the difficulty you face in understanding the
opposite gender.

Home-work: Watch this video and write a summary of how man and woman
are different

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MZgIiJNvPo



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