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Name: Gabriela Celeste Rodríguez

Date: 17/092022


Part I: Change the color of the modifiers in the following sentences.

1. The man with black beard was giving the speech.

2. We saw the man when we were entering the room.
3. Call the boy in red shirt.
4. We met him when he was talking to the lawyer.
5. The writer wrote several books.
6. The man traveled to many countries.
7. The player was playing excellent.
8. The old man was walking slowly.
9. The girl was writing quickly.
10. The movie was interesting.
11. The boy was so exhausted.
12. We came to know the fact after coming here.
13. We were standing in front of a red building.

Part II: Choose the correct sentences.

1. Which of the following sentence is correct?

A) Hearing the good news, I was happy.
B) Hearing the good news, happiness was mine.
C) Hearing the good news, mine was happy.

2. Choose the correct sentences:

A) Entering the room, the light was off.
B) Entering the room, I found the light off.
C) Entering the room, the room was found dark.
3. 3. Having been served lunch__________. The sentence is incomplete. Choose one which
best completes the sentence.
a) The problem was discussed by the members of the committee.
b) It was discussed by the members of the committee the problem.
c) The members of the committee discussed the problem.

4. After jumping off the Yacht, _______.

a) A snake bit the man.
b) The man was bitten by a snake.
c) The man bite the snake.

5. Unlike most birds______________.

a) There are no feathers on vulture´s heads and necks.
b) Vultures do not have feathers on their heads and necks.
c) Feathers are not found on the heads and necks of vultures.

Part III: Write 5 sentences with the next adjectives and 5 sentences with the next adverbs.

 Science has made dramatic progress.

 All I want is a small place of my own.
 Nicolas made a slight movement.
 She made only minimal changes to her boyfriend' house.
 I felt a sharp sting as the blade cut.
 Miguel asked sharply. 
 Time had changed some people enormously.
 The sales of video games has decreased considerably.
 The sales of flowers increased dramatically.
 All are moderately priced around $10 each.

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