Short Comics

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10 Second Brawl

(Jegal Soo-Yun enters a Chinese place after
closing hours)
Jegal: Evening, Tao-san.
Tao: Evening. How was work?
Jegal: Got away with 4 clean shots today. Bonus
money for bonus work.
(Jegal is shown shooting four armored people)
Jegal: Some maniacs who were experimenting
with bugs or something. Put a quick end to
them on a government request.
Tao: Would you like the special duck sauce fried
rice then? Just to celebrate your good luck.
Jegal: (sits) Tao-San, there no need-
Tao: Its on the house! My treat. Be back in 5
(Jegal waits for her food.)
(A gun touches her head from behind.)
???: No sudden moves, assassin.
Jegal: You’ve got me confused with someone
else! I’m just a college kid who hangs out at this
(The gun is bonked at her head.)
???: Drop the act. I know who you are.
(Expression of realisation.)
???: Turn around. Slowly.
(Soo-Yun turns around)
(A woman with a yellow mask is revealed.)
Sibcho: So this is the fabled assassin? A young
girl is the Paperclip Fox?
Jegal: Have I seen you before?
Sibcho: You killed my crew today, Soo-Yun.
Jegal: Oh right! The clean shots!
Sibcho: You shot me as well. But luckily, I can
take more than one puny piece of metal in my
head. You killed my friends and now I will do
the same you.
Jegal: Boring. Plus you made a big mistake
coming in person. I can kill you in ten seconds
or less.
Sibcho: A ten second brawl, eh? Too bad you
will be a lifeless corpse before that happens.
(Pulls trigger)
(Gun jams.)
Sibcho: WHAT THE- (tries to shoot again and
Jegal: That weapon is not meant for close range
shooting. It will tend to jam on you if you’re not
Sibcho: Tch!
Jegal: Engravings…give you no tactical
advantage whatsoever.
Sibcho: I’LL KILL YOU MYSELF! (Powers up and
buffs out)
(Sibcho rushes at Jegal, who uses her paper
clips to blind her.)
(She takes out a sharp paperclip and shoves it
straight into Sibcho’s throat, killing her.)
(Tao San returns)
Tao: One special with duck sauce coming right
Jegal: Thanks!
Tao: (looking at the dead Sibcho) Another one
of your adversaries?
Jegal: Yep. Turns out one of my four kills wasn’t
very clean after all.
Tao: You better order in the next time around,
instead of leaving me to clean up your mess
every time!
Jegal: I know, Tao-san.
Mr. Gupta’s tea
Mr. Gupta: This tea is too hot. (After cooling it
down) Its too cold!

Lassi is good
(Satnam boards the local from Bandra. He goes
into the first class and sits. As he does, he sees
a boy crying in the corner.)
(He takes out a lassi and extends his hand to
the boy)
Boy: I don’t want it.
Satnam: Its lassi.
Boy: I don’t care. I went through the worst day
of my life today.
Boy: (takes the lassi) Thanks.
(Both of them push their straws into the lassi
pack and sip it together)

A day in life
(Aashna wakes up from her sleep and walks
down her home. She prepares to cook.)
(She snags Eggs from the real world and cooks a
triple sunshine egg for herself. She eats it while
“reading” her table which metamorphoses into
a book.)

Waiting for a juice can

(Jegal is shown waiting for a juice can after
inserting money)
(She sees a girl approaching and sees her insert
a coin.)
(Seeing an opportunity, Jegal quickly throws a
paperclip inside and fishes out her can real
(The girl takes her can and goes happily.)
(Jegal takes her can and goes on her way.)

To save a life
(It is night. A teen is helping his friend walk.
They are on an empty street.)
Boy: Hold on for a little while longer.

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