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Asignatura: Inglés III

Docente: Mg. Melisa Sue Ninatanta Castillo

Integrantes :
Ancharayco Ruiz Ampaaro elizabeth
Quiñones Chahuylac Andrea de los Angeles
Ciclo: III
Aula: "B"
I remember that last week I traveled to Ayacucho
with my family. My family and I visited my
grandparents. They organized a party for my
mother. My mother was too excited. My father
danced all night with my mother. My grandmother
used to cook "pachamanca". The next day my
brother and I cleaned the house. I was very tired.
We have a lot of fun with our cousins and aunts,
they enjoy a good life and health, just like my
family, at the end of the day we watch the sunset
together with my family. My brother played soccer
with his friends now he plays with his cousins.

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