HCMproject - Interview Questionnaire

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Human Capital Management Project Interview questionnaire

Hello Sir/Ma’am, I am Shorya Vaidwan, currently pursuing my MBA from IIM Shillong, working on a
Human Capital Management project as part of the coursework. We have to prepare a report on
Human capital trends with special focus on influence of AI enabled technologies. For this we have to
conduct interviews with business managers/ management students on the subject. The interviews
will be anonymous, that is no individual or their organization will be quoted or identified. Questions
are open-ended and there are no right or wrong answers. All data will be confidential and used only
for research and academic purpose. On request, we will also provide you with a copy of the final

The questions that need to be answered:

Q1. Describe your role in the organization/company. For how long have you been working in the
Industry? What is your last academic qualification?

Q2. In your career, have you observed or experienced any major changes triggered by technology?
What were they? And in what ways did that impact on the capabilities of a business manager?

Q3. In what ways do you think, the recent AI based technologies will impact on the way business is
done in the Indian context? Can be answered in context of AI & ChatGPT.
Q4. In what ways do you think such a technology will change the way business is done? Can be
answered in terms of domains which will be benefitted and some which will suffer.

Q5. What skills and competencies will be critical to be an effective business manager with respect to
future trends in AI based technologies?

Q6. Any further comments on this topic. Please elaborate.


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