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Name : Fikri Aldiansyah

Prodi : AK22

Locating People

One of the first and probably one of the most frequent situations a secretary or an
office worker has to face is that of locating people. In this unit we will find examples of
different types of conversation that may take place in the office or on the phone. The
objectives of this unit are :

1. To talk to new people in the office.

2. To talk to clients on the phone.
3. To spell out words.
4. To make polite requests, a polite request is a request for someone to do an action
or action that we want in a more polite way. Polite request is a sentence used to
ask for something (permission, service, goods, etc.) politely.
5. To practice the /I/sound.
6. To learn common acronyms, Acronyms are letters that represent the abbreviated
from of names, places and objects. They can be formed from the initial letters of
a name, such as USA for United States of America, or parts of a series of words,
such as radar: radio detecting and ranging.

Notes :

 Example of Polite requests : Can I take a massage ?

 Example of Spelling : Could you spell that, please ?
 Example of Simple Future : He’ll see you in a minute. I’ll call you tomorrow.
 Example of Pronounciation /1/: it, finish, busy.
Peoplpe at Work

Secretarial or administrative jobs are found in almost any area of work :

education, health, construction, government, sports, travel, commerce, etc. In one way
or another all these areas are related to business, which is a human activity found in all
societies. The objectives of this unit are :
1. To learn how to address clients in a polite manner
2. To talk about habitual actions at work
3. To describe a daily work schedule
4. To practise phone conversations
5. To revise possessive adjectives, frequency adverbs and time expressions
6. To learn vocabulary and expressions commonly used in conversations at work
7. To contrast the // and the sounds

Notes :

 Company organigrams : Human Resources

 Position hierarchies : The Managing Director.
 Asking about people's jobs : What do you do ?, What position do you hold in
your company ?
 Asking about frecuency. How often ? Do you ever ?
 Present simple for habitual actions : He works every Monday. She doesn't work
on Saturdays. They work every day
 Pronunciation /i:/ : repeat, keep, brief

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