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GolfStyles LLC

Independent Contractor

Con dentiality Agreement

Mary Ann Galapon Natividad



Sta. Veronica, Guimba, Nueva Ecija



5% Commission on Converted Leads contacted

by Contractor & sold by Company.

Average of $20 to $30 each.

(Commissions are paid weekly once converted sales

are paid in full.)

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have

read and agree to all provisions of this

Independent Contractor / Con dentiality /

Non-Compete agreement.



Mary Ann Natividad 6/22/2023



In consideration of compensation received for services provided for GolfStyles, LLC (“Company”), you,

(“Independent Contractor”) agree as follows:

1. Acknowledgments.

(A) This Independent Contractor Agreement (the “Agreement”) materially restricts Independent Contractor’s

right to disclose or use, during and after the working relationship with Company, information learned or

developed by Independent Contractor’s during Independent Contractor’s working relationship with Company.

(B) It is agreed by and between Company and the Contractor that his or her role in the relationship to

Company will be that of an Independent Contractor. Contractor is not an employee, representative, or agent

of Company. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to make Independent Contractor a partner or joint

venturer of the Company for any purpose.

(C) It is understood that as an Independent Contractor, the Contractor is responsible for reporting all

amounts paid as income to Independent Contractor and Company will not withhold any income taxes or social

security taxes or pay employment security taxes or any other taxes on Independent Contractor’s behalf.

Contractor is responsible for paying any and all taxes, income or otherwise including estimated taxes, incurred

as a result of the compensation paid by Company to Contractor for services rendered under this agreement.

Contractor is not entitled to the rights or bene ts a orded to Company’s employees, including disability or

unemployment insurance, worker’s compensation, medical insurance, sick leave, or any other employment

bene t. Contractor is responsible for providing, at Contractor’s own expense, disability, unemployment,

worker’s compensation, automobile insurance, and other insurance, permits, licenses, taxes of any kind, etc.

Contractor agrees to indemnify Company for any claims, costs, losses, fees, penalties, interest, or damages

su ered by Company resulting from Contractor’s failure to comply with this provision.

(D) Independent Contractor understands that this Agreement is vitally important to the protection of

Company’s business. Company is entitled to enforce the Agreement and seek appropriate injunctions or

restraining orders, as well as monetary damages, if Independent Contractor violates the Agreement.

(E) Independent Contractor has been advised to, and acknowledges that he/she has had the opportunity to

consult an attorney before accepting the terms of this Agreement.

(F) Independent Contractor agrees to work with Company as an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR and

Independent Contractor agrees to render services on behalf of Company and to undertake assignments

selected by him/her from Company. Company may o er additional or di erent duties for Independent

Contractor to select from. The Company is under no obligation to provide assignments and Independent

Contractor is under no obligation to accept assignments. Independent Contractor agrees to keep the

Company informed of work in progress.

2. De nitions. As used in this Agreement:

(A) Company includes Golfstyles LLC and all its present and future parent companies, subsidiaries, a liates,

and assigns;

(B) “Con dential Information” means any information which now or in the future is not generally known and

which is: (1) proprietary to Company or (2) known by Company and proprietary to (or treated as con dential

by) anyone with whom Company does business. Con dential Information includes, without limitation,

business operations, business plans, internal structure, nancial a airs, nancial information, intellectual

property, programs, software, systems, procedures, manuals, con dential reports, lists of and all information

concerning actual or potential customers or clients, trade secrets, formulas, developmental or experimental

work, trademarks, copyrights or any other proprietary right protection, inventions, products, source codes,

databases, designs, schematics, research and development, manufacturing, engineering, purchasing, nance,

distribution, sales and marketing methods, as well as the amount, nature, and type of services, equipment,

products and methods used and preferred by Company and Company’s clients, and the fees paid by

Company’s clients. All information which is treated by Company as con dential is Con dential Information,

whether originated by Independent Contractor or by others. Any Con dential Information acquired by

Independent Contractor is the property of Company.

(C) “Services” means any service performed by Independent Contractor for Company including telemarketing,

cold calling, advertising sales, sign sales, and any other sales related service etc. whether done under

Company’s supervision and direction or independently.

(E) “Compete.” and “to Compete with Company” means to engage in the same or any similar business as the

Company in any manner whatsoever, including, but not limited to, competing as a proprietor, partner,

investor, stockholder, director, o cer, employee, consultant, independent contractor, or otherwise, within the

continental United States and Canada. at the time that such Independent Contractor rst ceased to work with

the Company.

(F) “Customer.” of the Company is any person or business for whom the Company has performed or

attempted to sell signs, advertising, perform services, or sold or attempted to sell any product or service,

whether or not for compensation, regardless of the date of such rendition, sale, or attempted rendition or

sale. A partial list of the Company’s Customers may be included as a schedule to the original of this Agreement

maintained by the Secretary of the Company. All parties agree and acknowledge that this list, as amended

from time to time, is true and accurate, but it is not necessarily a complete list of the Customers and that the

restrictions in this section shall apply to all of the Customers and not merely to those listed on such schedule.

3. Term. The term of this Agreement begins on acceptance of this Agreement by Independent Contractor.

Independent Contractor’s working relationship with Company is “at will” and may be terminated by

Independent Contractor or Company at any time with or without cause. Independent Contractor may

terminate the working relationship by giving written notice to Company or refusing to accept further

assignments from Company; however, Independent Contractor’s obligations in this Agreement will survive

termination of the working relationship.

4. Performance of Services.Independent Contractor will render services to the best of Independent

Contractor's ability for and on behalf of Company. Contractor will comply with all laws, statutes, ordinances,

rules, and regulations relating to the services. It is recognized and agreed that in connection with the service

to be performed for Company, Contractor may be obligated to expend money for travel or other business

expenses, including telephone expenses, lodging, automobile expenses, automobile insurance required by

law, (Company nor its insurance carriers have any responsibility or liability for any damages, injury or death

arising from any accident involving the Contractor.). Independent Contractor shall be responsible for ANY

AND ALL EXPENSES THAT MAY BE INCURRED in providing services for Company, and Contractor shall

indemnify and hold Company harmless for claims made by any entity for payment for such expenses incurred.

5. Con dentiality. Independent Contractor will not release or use con dential information outside the

business of the Company, during his or her working relationship with the Company or during the three (3)

year period beginning on the date of most recent termination of his or her working relationship with the

Company for any reason whether voluntary or involuntary.

6. Services Performed. Any and all services performed by Independent Contractor either solely or jointly with

others during Independent Contractor’s working relationship with the Company is the sole and exclusive

property of Company. Independent Contractor shall transfer and assign to Company all rights and interest in

and to any such services. Contractor will never assert any legal right, even after the termination of

Independent Contractor’s working relationship by Company in respect to any services performed by

Independent Contractor for Company.. Independent Contractor shall deliver to Company, all documents and

lists as Independent Contractor has accumulated to protect Company’s interest. Independent Contractor

agrees that compensation paid to Independent Contractor in the course of the working relationship is

adequate and full compensation for all Services Performed by Contractor for Company. When Independent

Contractor’s working relationship terminates the Independent Contractor will return to Company within forty

eight (48) hours all Records.

7. Return of Materials. Independent Contractor may have access to records of the Company. Records are all

contracts, agreements, nancial books, instruments and documents, client lists, memoranda, rolodexes,

telephone and address books, letters, research, data, reports, programs, software, tapes, reference materials,

sketches, drawings, documentation, tools, sample signs, apparatus, and any other materials furnished to

Independent Contractor by Company or which were prepared or made, in whole or in part, by Independent

Contractor in connection with Independent Contractor’s working relationship with Company. When the

Independent Contractor’s working relationship terminates, the Independent Contractor will immediately

return to Company all Records and will neither make nor retain any copies of any Records during or after

termination of the working relationship.

8. Representation, Warranty & Indemnity. Independent Contractor represents and warrants that: (A)

Independent Contractor is not subject to any noncompetition agreement or any other agreement restricting

Independent Contractor’s services for Company; (B) all parts of any work delivered by Independent Contractor

to Company or its clients will be originally created by Independent Contractor and, to the best of Independent

Contractor’s knowledge, free from any claim or right, interest or ownership by any third party; and (C)

Independent Contractor will comply with all applicable laws during Independent Contractor’s working

relationship. If Independent Contractor violates any of these promises, or if these representations or

warranties are ever determined to have been untrue, Independent Contractor will indemnify, defend, and

hold Company (and its o cers and other agents) harmless from any damage, claims, expenses or costs of any

kind (including attorneys fees and other legal costs) which Company incurs as a direct or indirect result.

9. Nonsolicitation & Noncompete.

(A) Independent Contractor further agrees that for a period of three (3) years following the date upon which

Independent Contractor’s working relationship with Company is terminated, Independent Contractor will not,

directly or intentionally indirectly, for Independent Contractor or any other rm or person; (1) divert, take

away, or solicit any Company customer or client, or otherwise interfere with or damage Independent

Contractor’s actual or reasonably prospective contractual dealings with any parties; (2) solicit, employ or

attempt to employ, any of Company’s employees in or for any competing business.

(B) During, and for three (3) years after termination of Independent Contractor’s working relationship with

Company, Independent Contractor will not directly or indirectly, for any other rm or person: (1) engage in

work for the purpose of, or which has the probable e ect of, competing with Company’s business; including

any other company selling any similar advertising, products, systems or services or (2) perform any services

for, including planning and consulting, or accept employment from, any competitor of Company.

10. Severability. If any provision or portion of this section of the Agreement is held unreasonable, unlawful,

or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the provision will be deemed to be modi ed to the

extent necessary for the provision to be legally enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Any court of competent jurisdiction may enforce any provision of this section or modify any provision in order

that the provision will be enforced by the court to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

11. Right to an Injunction. The violation by Independent Contractor of the provisions of this Agreement

could cause irreparable injury to Company and there is no adequate remedy at law for violation of those

provisions. Company has, in addition to other legal or equitable remedies, the right to enjoin Independent

Contractor without bond in a court of equity from violating these provisions.

12. Cumulative Provisions. All provisions of sections of this Agreement are cumulative. Compliance with

these sections is a condition precedent to Company's obligation to make payments to Independent Contractor

whether under this Agreement or otherwise. Nothing in this Agreement prohibits Company from pursuing any

other remedies available to it for a breach or threatened breach of any section of this Agreement.

13. Acknowledgment of Reasonableness.

Independent Contractor acknowledges and agrees that:

(A) The foregoing restrictions are reasonable and necessary for the protection of Company’s business in view

of the key position Independent Contractor will hold at Company, the access to sensitive information

Independent Contractor will have as a result of that position, and the extensive damage Independent

Contractor could do to Company’s business if, after having been placed in this position of trust, Independent

Contractor then violates any of those provisions. Independent Contractor further recognizes that Independent

Contractor’s compensation package is more favorable than it would be otherwise because of the sensitive

position of trust Independent Contractor will have and because of Independent Contractor’s promises in this


(B) None of Independent Contractor’s obligations or promises anywhere in this Agreement unreasonably

restricts Independent Contractor’s livelihood or the practice of Independent Contractor’s profession.

Independent Contractor agrees that this agreement is reasonably designed to protect legitimate business

interests of Company and is not overly restrictive;

(C) Independent Contractor’s training, education, experience, and skills enable Independent Contractor to

obtain gainful and professionally acceptable employment in numerous elds, industries, disciplines, and

businesses outside the scope of the restrictions in this Agreement; and

(D) Fully complying with the provisions of this Agreement will work no undue hardship or inconvenience on

Independent Contractor professionally, personally, or in business.

14. Compensation.

(A) Independent Contractor’s compensation during Independent Contractor’s working relationship with

Company is su cient consideration for each and all of Independent Contractor’s obligations in this

Agreement. The Independent Contractor’s compensation may be subject to review and modi cation without

objection by Independent Contractor in the event the Company merges, or is acquired.

(B) Upon the termination of Independent Contractor's working relationship with Company, Independent

Contractor's right to receive any compensation or bonus from Independent Contractor's work, Independent

Contractor's referral of work, or clients generated by Independent Contractor shall cease and Independent

Contractor shall not receive any future compensations. The day before the date of termination of the working

relationship shall be the last day that Independent Contractor can receive any compensation from Company.

15. Expenses. Independent Contractor is not authorized to incur expenses for the Company.

16. Attorney Fees. If any proceeding is brought concerning anything about this Agreement, the prevailing

party shall recover from the other all reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred in the proceeding, in

addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled.

17. Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given by this Agreement to

Company must be in writing and must be given and will be deemed received if and when either hand-

delivered and a signed receipt is given or mailed by registered or certi ed U.S. mail, return receipt requested,

postage prepaid to:

GolfStyles, Inc. / P.O. Box 125 / Mikado, MI 48745, or at any other address as either party noti es the other of

in writing.

18. Venue. This Agreement will be governed by and enforced and construed in accordance with the laws of

the State of Michigan and venue for any lawsuit to enforce the provisions of this Agreement shall be in Alcona

County, State of Michigan.

19. Entire Agreement. This written Agreement, together with all schedules, is the entire and only agreement

between Independent Contractor and Company and supersedes all negotiations, agreements, and

understandings between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof whether written or oral.

Independent Contractor has relied on no representations by Company or any of its employees or principals

except those set forth speci cally in this agreement. This agreement has not, and cannot, be modi ed orally;

and any and all modi cations must be in writing executed by both parties. Independent Contractor may print

this Agreement o of Company’s website or request a copy of the Agreement from the Company at any time.

20. Binding E ect. This Agreement binds and bene ts Company, its successors, and assigns. This Agreement

binds and bene ts Independent Contractor and Independent Contractor's heirs, personal and legal

representatives, and guardians. No portion of this Agreement or interest in it may be assigned by Independent


21. Waiver or Modi cation. Each of the parties has the right to waive compliance with any obligation of this

agreement, but a waiver by any party of any obligation will not be deemed a waiver of compliance with any

other obligation or of its rights to seek redress for any breach of any obligation on any subsequent occasion,

nor will any waiver be deemed e ective unless in writing and signed by all parties. The terms and provisions of

this Agreement may not be modi ed except by written instrument duly executed by a majority of the Board of

Directors and Independent Contractor.

22. Headings. The headings in this Agreement are included for the convenience of reference and will be given

no e ect in the construction of this Agreement.

Audit Trail

Project Details

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