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CHINESE LITERATURE autonomous regions, 4 municipalities, and 2 Special

Administrative Regions

 The flag of the People's Republic of China

(‘Fivestar Red Flag') is a red field with a large
yellow five-pointed star and four smaller yellow
five pointed stars (arranged in a vertical arc toward
the middle of the flag) in the upper hoist-side
The red color symbolizes the communist
revolution. Red is also the traditional color in DYNASTIES
Chinese culture. 1. Shang Dynasty (about 1700-1050 BC)
Golden yellow is the official color of the Manchu  Development of Chinese Writing
dynasty and is very dear to Chinese people. Yellow  The first dynasty for which there is historical
also implies that China belongs to the Chinese record and archaeological evidence is the Shang
people, a "yellow race”. Dynasty.
 The large star represents the Communist Party.  It was a small empire in northern central China.
The four smaller stars represent the four social No documents from that country survive, but
classes of the traditional Chinese society - the there are archaeological finds of hieroglyphic
working class, the peasantry, the urban petty writing on bronze wares and oracle bones.
bourgeoisie, and the national bourgeoisie  The hieroglyphic writing system later evolved
(capitalists) - united under the Communist Party of into ideographic and partly-phonetic Chinese
China. Five 5-pointed stars reflects the importance characters.
of the number five in Chinese philosophy (The
number 5 is associated with the five elements - 2. Zhou Dynasty (1045-255 BC)
Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, and Metal - and hence, it Basic Philosophical and Religious Literature
was historically associated with the Emperor of  Their dynasty lasted for about 800 years.
China).  The great literary works of philosophy and
religion that became the basis for Chinese religious
and social belief stem from what is called the Spring
and Autumn Period (770-476) and the Warring
States Period (475-221).
 Taoism, Confucian literature, and other
prominent religious and philosophical schools all
emerged during these periods.

Han Chinese ( 93.3%) 55 ethnic groups 3. Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC)

 Miao Literary Disaster and Legalism

 This Dynasty had big armies and conquered the
 li
 Mongolian
 Once the Ch'in emperor had control, he wanted
Official Language: Standard Mandarin Chinese
to keep it, and they squelched any opposition to his
Religions and Beliefs: Buddhism, Confucianism,
Taoism, Islam, Atheism, Catholicism, Protestantism
 A big philosophical and religious school then
Currency and Monetary Unit: Renminbi/ Yuan
was called Mohism.
Administrative Demarcations: 23 provinces, 5
 An early form of Buddhism was also established  One of the four great classics called Journey to
in China at that time, but their temples and literature the West about a monk going to India was written
were destroyed and even less is known about them. during this time of isolation.
4. Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD)  Novels were the era's main contribution.
Scientific and Historical Texts
 The Han Dynasty era lasted for 400 years.
 At the beginning of the era, Confucianism was 8. Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368)
revived. Confucian texts were rewritten and Drama and Great Fictional Novels
republished. The Mongols established the very rich Yuan
 The resulting ideology was the official ideology Dynasty.
of the Han Dynasty and influenced political  The Mongols were nomadic people who herded
thinking afterwards. cattle north of the Tang Empire and wandered over
 The era's major contributions were historical a large area fighting on horseback.
texts and scientific works.  It was a big empire with high technology, a big
population and a big army.
5. Tang Dynasty (618-907)  It was an era of some historically renowned
Early Woodblock Printing and Poetry dramatic playwrights and novelists who wrote in
 The Tang Dynasty had a big empire that vernacular language.
benefited from trade with the west along the Silk
Road, battled with the Tibetan Empire, and INTRODUCTION
experienced the growing influence of organized  To many Westerners, Chinese literature remains
Buddhist religions. a hidden seam in the rich strata of Chinese culture.
 This era's main contribution to Chinese literature As a matter of fact, it is a treasure of a very
was in the poetry of Dufu, Li Bai and many other considerable number of brilliant and profound
poets. Dufu and Li Bai are often thought of as works as each dynasty, in the long history of China,
China's greatest poets. has passed down its legacy of magnificent events
and works.
6. Song Dynasty (960-1279)  For 3500 years, the Chinese have woven a
Early Woodblock Printing, Travel Literature, variety of genres and forms encompassing poetry,
Poetry, Scientific Texts and the Neo-Confucian essays, fiction and drama; each in its own way
Classics reflecting the social climate of its day through the
 Military technology greatly advanced. They high spirit of art. Chinese literature has its own
traded little with the west due to the presence of values and tastes, its own reigning cultural tradition
warring Muslim states on the old trade routes. and its own critical system of theory.
 There wasn't territorial expansion, but the empire
was continuously attacked by nomadic tribes and Famous works in Chinese literature:
countries around them. 1. Tao Te Ching
 So the era is divided into two eras called the 2. The Art of War
Northern Sung (960-1127) and Southern Sung 3. Tang Poems
(1127-1279) eras. 4. The Analects
5. Doctrine of the Mean
7. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) - Novels 6. The Great Learning
 The Chinese rebelled against the Mongols, and 7. Classic of Filial Piety
the Ming Dynasty era began about 1368.
1. Tao Te Ching ~ Lao-tzu
“Always without desire, we must be found, what may be called the state of Harmony. This
'If its deep mystery we would sound; Equilibrium is the great root from which grow all
But if desire always within us be, the human acting in the world, and this Harmony is
Its outer fringe is all that we shall see.” the universal path which they all should pursue."
– Tao Te Ching

2. Art of War ~ Sun Tzu 6. The Great Learning ~ Confucius

“Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor “Things being investigated, knowledge became
damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure complete.
spent, other chieftains will spring up to take Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts
advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however were sincere.
wise, will be able to avert the consequences that Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then
must ensue." rectified.
Their hearts being rectified, their persons were
3. Tang Poems cultivated.
“How beautiful she looks, opening the pearly Their persons being cultivated, their families were
casement, regulated.
And how quiet she leans, and how troubled her Their families being regulated, their states were
brow is! rightly governed.
You may see the tears now, bright on her cheek, Their states being rightly governed, the whole
But not the man she so bitterly loves." kingdom was made tranquil and happy."
Li Bai, A Bitter Love.
Ching, The Book of Changes
4. The Analects ~Confucius  This famous system of 64 hexagrams plus their
• "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to commentaries and transformations is at the root of
others." Chinese thought. ~ Tr. Wilhelm (en, fr).
• "To study without thinking is futile. To think
without studying is dangerous"
• "Your faults define you. From your very faults Reading Chinese Literature
one can know your quality”  The main disadvantage of written Chinese is the
• "A gentleman should be slow to speak and great number of characters it contains: Even basic
prompt to act." reading and writing require a knowledge of more
• "The fact remains that I have never seen a man than 1,000 characters. This has often made it
who 'loved virtue as much as sex” difficult to spread the skills of reading and writing
• "Demand much from yourself, little from others, into certain areas of the country. But even with this
and you will prevent discontent." disadvantage, Chinese has been a potent factor in
• "If there is one word that could guide one's entire shaping and maintaining a cultural continuity for
life, it is reciprocity." millions of people.

5. The Doctrine of the Mean ~ Confucius

“While there are no stirrings of pleasure, anger, The Splendor of Chinese Literature
sorrow, or joy, the mind may be said to be in the • Chinese literature can be used as an escape into a
state of Equilibrium. When those feelings have been beautiful world and time, a guide to virtuous living,
stirred, and they act in their due degree, there ensues
and a historical map through images and
philosophy. Emperor Cheng of Han, Zang Yu (d. 5 BC)
• The analects was written and compiled within a • synthesize the Lu and Qi version by taking the Lu
century after Confucius' death (d. 473) by version as authoritative and selectively adding
Confucius first and second generation pupils. sections from the Qi version, and produced a
• During Warring state period (476 BC - 221 BC) composite text of the Analects known as the "Zhang
the text was completed Hou Lun".
• Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) the book was • This text was recognized by Zhang Yu's
widely known and transmitted throughout China in contemporaries and by subsequent Han scholars as
a mostly complete form. superior to either individual version, and is the text
• Some scholars have proposed dates as late as 140 that is recognized as the Analects today.
BC for the text's compilation. • Before the late twentieth century the oldest
existing copy of the Analects known to scholars was
Liu Xiang (Han Dynasty Scholar) two versions of found in the "Stone Classics of the Xinping Era", a
the Analect: copy of the Confucian classics written in stone in
1. Lu version contains 20 chapters the old Eastern Han dynasty.
2. Qi version contains 22 chapters, including • Archaeologists have since discovered two
chapters that are not found in the Lu version handwritten copies of the Analects that were written
• Both versions had in common; the Lu version had around 50 BC, during the Western Han dynasty.
more passages. Each version had its own masters, • They are known as the "Dingzhou Analects", and
scholars, and transmitters. the "Pyongyang Analects"

Emperor Jing of Han (r. 157 – 141 BC) A. Dingzhou Analects - was discovered in 1973,
• Third version (the "old text version") it was hidden but no transcription of its contents was published
in a wall of the home then believed to be Confucius until 1997.
when the home then believed to be Confucius when B. Pyongyang Analects - was discovered in 1992.
the home was in the process of being destroyed by Academic access to the Pyongyang Analects has
King Gong of Lu (r. 153-128 BC) to expand the been highly restricted, and no academic study on it
king's palace. was published until 2009.
• The new version did not contain the two extra
chapters found in the Qi version, but it split one A. Dingzhou Analects
chapter found in the Lu and Qi version in two, so it • was damaged in a fire shortly after it was
had twenty-one used chapters, and in order of the entombed in the Han dynasty.
chapters was different. • It was further damaged in an earthquake shortly
• The old text version got its name because it was after it was recovered, and the surviving text is just
written in a character system not used since the under half the size of the received text of the
earlier Warring State period (i.e. before 221 BC), Analects. Of the sections that survive
when it was assumed to have been hidden. • It shorter than the received Analects, implying that
• Huan Tan scholar of Han Dynasty, the old text the text of the Analects was still in the process of
version had four hundred characters different from expansion when the Dingzhou Analects was
the Lu version (from which the received text of the entombed. There was evidence that "additions" may
Analects is mostly based), and it seriously differed have been made to the manuscript after it had been
from the Lu version in twenty-seven places. Of completed, indicating that the writer may have
these twenty-seven differences, the received text become aware of at least one other version of the
only agrees with the old text version in two places.
Analects and included "extra" material for the sake  A man who does not think a plan long ahead will
of completeness. find trouble right by his door.
 To repay evil with kindness is the sign of a
generous character. To repay kindness with evil is a
sign of criminal.
 When you see good man, try to emulate his
example, and when you see bad man, search
yourself for his faults.
B. Pyongyang Analects Don't criticize other people's fault; criticize your
• is similar to the Dingzhou Analects; but, because own.
of the secrecy and isolationism of the North Korean  The superior man is always candid and at ease
government, only a very cursory study of it has (with himself or others): the inferior man is always
been made available to international scholars, and worried about something.
its contents are not completely known outside of  A gentleman is ashamed that his words are better
North Korea. than his deeds.
• Scholars do not agree about whether either the  Reading without thinking gives one a disorderly
Dingzhou Analects or the Pyongyang Analects mind, and thinking without reading makes one
represent the Lu version, the Qi version, the old text flighty.
version, or a different version that was independent  That type of scholarship which is bent on
of these three traditions. remembering things in order to answer people's
questions does not qualify one to be a teacher.
Analects Of Confucius:
Analects (Lunyu)
1. simplified Chinese: JAPANESE LITERATURE
2. traditional Chinese:
Japanese Writing System the Modern Japanese
Lún Yữ; literally "Selected Sayings” also known as writing system uses:
the Analects of Confucius, is the collection of  Kanji, ideographs from Chinese characters,
sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese  Kana, a pair of syllabaries, consisting of
philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries. Hiragana, used for native Japanese words,
and · Katakana, used for foreign loanwords
 Do not do unto others what you don't want others and sometimes to replace kanji or hiragana
do to you. for emphasis.
 Men are born pretty much alike, but through
their habits they gradually grow further and further
apart from each other.
 To know what you know and know what you
don't know is the characteristics of one who knows.
 It is easy to be rich and not haughty; it is difficult
to be poor and not grumble.
 Do not worry people about not knowing you, but
strive so that you may be worth knowing. The Period of Japanese Literature
 If a man would be severe towards himself and  Ancient Literature
generous toward others, he would never arouse
 Classical Literature
 Medieval Literature
 Modern Literature ·  Tale of the Heike, an epic account of the
 Edo Period struggle between two clans for control of
 Meiji Period Japan at the end of the twelfth century.

 Post-War Japan
 Contemporary Literature

Ancient Literature Two of the oldest Japanese

 Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matter) relates
to the creation of the world, describes the
gods and goddess of the mythological
period, and contains facts about ancient
 Nihongi (Chronicles of Japan) tells the
history of Japan in poetry and shows the
profound influence of Chinese.
The Heian Period, referred to as the golden
era of Japanese art and literature.
 Man’yoshu (Collection of Myriad Leaves)
Edo Period
The oldest collection of Japanese poetry
 The Tokugawa Period is commonly referred
collected in the year 800
to as the Edo Period. The capital of Japan
 Genji Monogatari(The Tale of Genji) written
moved from Kyoto to Edo (modern Tokyo)
by court lady named Murasaki Shikibu is
Scholarly work continued to be published in
considered the pre-eminent masterpiece of
Chinese, which was the language of the
Heian fiction and the first example of a work
learned much as Latin was in Europe
of fiction in the form of a novel.
Chikamatsu Monzaemon, a kabuki
dramatist, known as the Japan's Shakespeare
Many genres of literature made their début
during the Edo Period, helped by a rising
literacy rate among the growing population
of townspeople, as well as the development
of lending libraries.

Medieval literature
 Japan experienced many civil wars which
led to the development of a warrior class,
and subsequent war tales, histories, and
related stories.
 Work from this period is notable for its
insights into life and death, simple lifestyles,
and Seppuku
Edo Period
The importation of Chinese vernacular fiction that
proved the greatest outside influence on the
development of Early Modern Japanese fiction. · In Japanese fiction, plot development and action
Genres included horror, crime stories, morality have often been of secondary interest to emotional
stories, comedy, and pornography-often issues. In keeping with the general trend toward
accompanied by colorful woodcut prints. reaffirming national characteristics, many old
Meiji Period themes re-emerged, and some authors turned
The Meiji period marks the re-opening of Japan to consciously to the past.
the West, and a period of rapid industrialization.
The introduction of European literature brought free Japanese Drama
verse into the poetic repertoire. It became widely Noh plays the national theatre of Japan, which was
used for longer works embodying new intellectual originally reserved for the nobility. Legend says that
themes. · Young Japanese prose writers and the Noh dance was invented by the gods.
dramatists struggled with a whole galaxy of new Joruri play a puppet play or doll theatre wherein the
ideas and artistic schools, but novelists were the dolls are beautifully made and life-like in size.
first to assimilate some of these concepts Kabuki the play for the masses. It is less intellectual
successfully. and more realistic, even sensational.

Meiji Period
War-time Japan saw the début of several authors
best known for the beauty of their language and
their tales of love and sensuality. · Kawabata
Yasunari, for his narrative mastery, which with
great sensibility expresses the essence of the
Japanese mind" became Japan's first winner of the
Nobel Prize for Literature.

Post-War and Contemporary Literature

World War II, and Japan's defeat, deeply influenced
Japanese literature. Many authors wrote stories of
disaffection, loss of purpose, and the coping with
Prominent writers of the 1970s and 1980s were
identified with intellectual and moral issues in their Japanese Poetry
attempts to raise social and political consciousness. Tanka (5-7-5-7-7) It is a five line poem. The first
Modern Japanese writers covered a wide variety of and third lines have five syllables each and the
subjects, one particularly Japanese approach others seven, making a total of thirtyone syllables
stressed their subjects' inner lives, widening the per poem.
earlier novel's preoccupation with the narrator's Haiku (5-7-5) It is a seventeen-syllable poem of
consciousness. three lines arranged in lines of five-seven-five.
A cool wind blows in with a blanket of silence.
Straining to listen for those first few drops of rain,
The storm begins in earnest.

Autumn moonlight a worm digs silently into the
Haiku A form of minimalist Japanese poetry
Theme: Nature or Seasons
Attempts to be deep or compare two unlike things
Consists of 3 lines and a certain number of syllables
per line.
Haiku has 5-7-5 syllabic structure.

Japanese Haiku the first cold shower even the

monkey seems to want a little coat of straw. old
pond (fu/ru/i/ke ya) a frog jumps (ka/wa/zu
to/bi/ko/mu) the sound of water (mi/zu no o/to) --
both by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)

Kabuki Developed around 1600's Stories based on

folklore, history Highly stylized make up Appeals
to middle class audience that often yells during
performance Bountiful and exaggerated.

Contemporary Influence of Kabuki & Noh 2002

2000 Japanese anime (cartoons) and manga (comic
books) Costume / make up design for modern
movies (such as Star Wars).

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