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Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 1



India's total market for sourcing continues to grow at a higher rate, diverging from the IT-BPM
sector. India is the world 's largest sourcing target, accounting for roughly 55 per cent of the
US$ 185-190 billion pie overall business sourcing organizations in 2017-18. Indian IT and Its
associations have developed more than 1,000 total transportation living spaces in around 80
countries around the world. With about 75% of the country's total automated capacity, India has
become the world's propelled limit purpose

Company scale:

Indian IT & Its industry generated US$ 181 billion from 201819. Business charges fell to $137
billion in FY19 while group wages (tallying hardware) fell to $44 billion. In 2018, expenditure
on information technology in India needed to grow by more than 9 per cent to reach US$ 87.1
billion. This is dependent on automated segment payment to make up 38 per cent of the
estimated US$ 350 billion industry pay by 2025.

Growths / Theories:

Gigantic initiatives from crucial countries have pulled the inside aptitudes and characteristics of
Indian IT. According to data released by the Department of Industrial Policed Promotion (DIPP),
from April 200 to December 2018, the computer programming and hardware division in India
pulled entirely receives Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the amount of US$ 35.82 billion.
Indian IT companies such as Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Tech Mahindra are stepping up their
commitments and demonstrating driving considerations in blockchain, manmade customer
understanding using headway orientation, innovative networks of work, in order to make
isolated commitments.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 2

2018 The region's PE interests remained at USD 2.400 million. The subsidy (VC) interests in
the IT and Its fragment remained at US$ 53.0 million during Q4 2018 Pay advance in the BFSI
vertical remained at 6.80 percent you-y between July September 2018. As of March 2018, there
were over 1,140 GICs working outside of India.

According to the corresponding chapter of the Indian IT and Its division’s tremendous changes
are: NASSCOM has switched into an online phase that focuses on developing more than 2
million technology specialists and training 2 million more future agents and undergraduates.

Initiatives of Administration part of vital exercises carried out in India by the governing body
to drive the IT and ITeS section is as follows:

In the interim budget for 201920, the Government of India announced plans for the provision of
a national AI * program and the creation of a National AI * passage. National Computer
Products Policy-2019 was passed by the Union Cabinet to make India an item thing country. As
part of the Union Budget 2018-19, NITI Aayog presents a national level program. The
Government has defined information technology as one of 12 key organizational units for which
an action plan is being planned. Furthermore, the governing body has established a Rs 5,000
crore (US$ 745.82 million) fund to recognize the capabilities of these manager support divisions.

Below are the organization's accomplishments (2017-18)

1) Approximately Indian IT (200) companies accessible of some 80 countries.

2) Indian IT passages are expected to land all things considered to have been raised ever usual
at US$ 126 billion from 2017-18.
3) In 2018-19 Indian IT firms made the highest pay ever at US$ 181 billion.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 3

Future Forward: -

Rising technologies now offer a drastically different degree of opportunity for India's top IT
companies. Passage pay for the company needs to rise 7-9 per cent year-on-year U.S.$ 135137
billion a year to FY19. The company is expected to produce US$ 350 billion by 2025 and BPM
is focused on talking to US$ 50-55 billion out of the total pay. India is the world's most notable
offshoring destination for IT associations. Having demonstrated its ability to reach customers
onshore and ocean organizations at large,

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 4

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 5
India is the biggest sourcing destination in the world, accounting for about 55 per cent of the
US$ 18,5190 billion market in 201718. India's highly skilled technical graduate talent pool is
one of the world's largest and has a low-cost advantage, 56 times cheaper than the US.

At 137 billion US$ in 201819. Digital export revenue accounts for around 20 per cent of the
industry's overall export revenue. India's IT industry accounted for about 7.7% of India's GDP
and is estimated to contribute 10% of India's GDP by 2025. To triple to US$ 7.1 billion by 2022,
helping to increase big data adoption, analytics, artificial intelligence and (IoT) The cloud
market in India is expected to grow according to Cloud Next Wave of Growth in India

The Indian ITBPM market is expected to rise to US$ 350 billion by 2025, and out of total
revenue, BPM is expected to account for US$ 5055 billion. In addition, digital sector revenues
are projected to represent 38% of total industry revenues by 2025. In India the IT industry
employs almost 3.97 million people, of whom 105,000 were added in FY18. The industry has
added some 105,000 jobs in FY18, and is predicted to add more than 250,000 new jobs in 2019.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 6

India's transfers of hardware stay probable to increase by 78 per cent in FY19^.
The Indian Government has extended tax holidays for India's software development parks
(STPI) and different financial zones (SEZs) to the IT industry. In addition, the country offers
administrative luxury and sole space go-ahead for building equipment.

The growth in the IT sector is probably the highest of anything that has become a multibillion-
dollar industry in the span of a decade or so. This industry has small and big players, each
seeking to carve a niche for themselves.

There has been a recent spurt in the huge demand for and implementation of information (IT),
both globally and in India. A new technology that has found its applications in the business,
workplaces and homes in the years to come is seen as multbillion dollar industry. What had be
gun as simply hardware or a computeroriented industry in the 1970s has now become a
multidimensional force of growing impact on quality of life.

Indian IT industry plays an extremely important role in creating national wealth. During the
last few years, the Indian market scenario has undergone a vast shift. The government's new
economic policy and liberalization agenda have created new challenges for the Indian business
sector and for the employees.
Economic policy has demanded the adoption of new, and to some degree global, human
resource management principles in India. Human capital is an essential contribution to a long-
term survival and growth of every business.
The idea of controlling human resources is rapidly becoming a most critical feature of a moder
n boss.


An assessment on human resource practice in the information development industry by a

fundamental master gathering complement the criticalness of keeping pace with creating
headways and holds workforce with appealing aptitudes. At this moment business circumstance,
endeavors have comprehended that dynamic human resource course of action can help make a

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 7

strong work power and an advantageous proactive working environment. In the affiliation, stress
for delegate assessment has been high.

A couple of assessments and improvements have been attempted and more affiliation has found.
It is critical to face these issues in their appropriate assessment structures. Anyway, there is a
great deal of uncertainty about current assessment practices in various affiliations. The
authenticity, objectivity and estimation of assessments are normally truly tended to. To lay it
out simply, delegate assessment shows that there are a bigger number of requests than answers.

The mid 1970s believed tremendous to be relationship as an overwhelming player in the

business. The example was to give an extent of organizations to customers. After a short time
in the mid-eighties, three critical examples started rising, which changed the business.

The underlying, an obviously smaller size of gear got available as a result of advancement called
immense scale coordination of circuits or what is typically known as 'chips' it is directly
normally understood that the force of hardware of the 70s, which was as tremendous as an office
room, is right now down to the power of PC.

The second altogether detectable example that rose was that the size and cost of the gear became
pointless when appeared differently in relation to the item improvement. This made
programming logically weighty and an obviously progressively convincing gadget in the
headway and use of system. The mid 80s saw the ascent of noteworthy gear and an enormous
combination of programming.

The third noteworthy improvement that happened towards the 80s, which influenced the
hardware, and programming industry, was the speed and the use of satellite correspondence.
This made it functional for the customers to find a good pace of hardware or programming
wherever around the world on basic telephone lines.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 8


In the mid-eighties, three huge examples started rising, which adjusted the information
development industry. It created in the late 80s, as a blend of a couple of perspectives; hardware,
programming and correspondence. It became clear that information development had a wide
extent of degree – verified a combination of gear, a couple of working system, innumerable
application programming that empowers improvement and easies interface with the customer.

Indian IT industry is expecting a very imperative activity in making National wealth. The Indian
business circumstance has encountered a huge change during latest couple of years. The new
money related. The money related plan has required grasping new and to some degree overall
thoughts of regulating HR in India. HR are a critical asset for any industry to persevere through
and support as time goes on. The possibility of Human Resource Management is logically
transforming into a most critical limit of a propelled director.

Information TECHNOLOGY rose in the late 80s, as a mix of a couple of highlights; gear,
programming and correspondence. It became clear that information development had a wide
extent of degree – verified a combination of hardware, a couple of working structure,
incalculable application programming that supports headway and easies interface with the
customer. It specialization have empowered working in various territory, for instance, banking,
account, mining, steel, transportation, government, etc.

IT Vision: 2020 at national level across various areas of development. A separate study of mai
n zones in the vital structure, innovations at the forefront and Progress has been given up, with
budgetary implications. Within two years, more than 5,000 zone experts from the business, go
vernment, R&D workplaces and academia have been joined for a picked-
up area understanding through investigation.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 9

Deliberate action plans were determined on short, medium and long stretch reasons u to 2020
AD and tended to seventeen main development areas of primary importance to the country;
approximately 100 sub-parts for express nuances were checked.
The movement was completed out of sight of India 's brief and heterogeneous social milieu an
d thus developed a country express dream. For seventeen districts the groups participated. Gro
wing function was passed by a chairman and included a goofficial, facilitator, and master sheet
s that were checked to see huge sub-district s.

The average creation foreseeing approach such as conceptualization, situation rating, Delphi, a
pparent social opportunity structures (NGT, etc.) Were to some degree balance for the movem
ent to draw out the vision. The board's perspective / situation studies, Delphi responses; NGT r
ankings were developed as the rationale for landing on recommendations for action guidelines,
tactics, and action plate

While Technology Vision: 2020 exercises confirmed customary development portions such as
Agro-Food Manufacturing, Chemical Industry, Engineering Industry, Electronics,
etc., as a result of its gigantic capacity for expansion and business age, this article revolves aro
und Service Component. For their forced applications, the organizations part draws vivaciousl
y on Information Technology.

The economy's 'tertiary segment' of organizations covers a broad array of activities suchas trad
ing, banking and recording, infotainment, property, transportation, defense, board, and concent
rated consultancy among a few others. Today’s organizational commitment portion remains ab
ove 40 percent of India's total GDP. The component by and by uses nearly 20 million people f
or ads, HRD organisations, government association testing and accreditation in India. IT expec
t the prime occupation of knowledge for all the recently cited regions to take care of, collect an
d navigate with the ultimate aim of showcasing enhanced organizations to the clie

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 10



Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is a foremost worldwide IT, consu
ltancy, and business process services provider. We use cognitive computing, hyperautomation,
robotics, fog, analytics and developing knowledges Technologies to benefit our customers adj
ust new worl and make them successfulWe have over 175,000 committeeemployees serving c
ustomers across six continents, which is an internationally recognized company for its compre
hensive service portfolio, clear promise to sustainability and decent corporate nationality. We'r
e bringing ideas together and connecting the dots tocreate a better, exciting new future.

Wipro Spirit:

Wipro 's Spirit is central to Wipro. These are the principles we hold. It's about who we really a
re. It is our personality. It is continuously mirrored in all of our behaviours. The Spirit is profo
undly embedded in Wipro's inalterable nature. Yet it also includes what we will strive to be. T
his is the undivided combination of the four principles. It is a light to the Soul. It is that which
gives us a strong sense of mission and direction. It energizes us and represents the touchstone f
or everything we do.

When we make our customers successful, we succeed. We 're working together to sharpen our
perspectives and improve that progress. We perform excellently. Ever. We love every and ever
y human being. We cultivate an open environment which encourages people to learn, share an
d develop. We support diversity of thought, cultures and individuals. We are going to be regio
nal in our thinking and in our actions. We are responsible world citizens. We are enlivened by
the profound relation between individuals, ideas, societies and climate. Integrity is our heart, a
nd the cornerstone of everything. It's about goin by the rules, but more. It's about delivering on
our obligations

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 11

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 12
Wipro Info Tech is the foremost planned IT partner for businesses across Bharat, the Central E
ast and Asia-Pacific-offering integrated IT solutions.
With our complete outsourcing, consultancy services, business strategies and professional serv
ices, we prepare, deploy, manage and sustain the IT lifecycle Wipro Data Tech helps push you
r company momentum-no matter which domain you are in.

Financed via our high excellence procedures and wealth of expertise handling multinational cu
stomers through various market verticals, we adapt IT strategies to the company objectives. W
ipro Data tech also assists you with your hardware and IT network needs together with our bes
t breed technology partners.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 13

Wipro Info Tech is part of Wipro Limited's USD 2.39 billion (NASDAQ: WIT) the various au
thorizations we received reflect our dedication to quality assurance for every service we povid
e. Wipro Info Tech became the primary universal softwarecompany to reach SEICMM Level 5
the first IT business hit 6 Sigma, and the primary IT firm.
First world organization to reach Level 5 PCMM. Our presence in India is currently extending
nine regional offices in addition to KSA, UAE, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and ot
hrAsia-Pacific and Middle East offices. Products-Services:

Wipro Info tech lets you extract full value from your IT investments in today's world where IT
infrastructure dramas a main role in deciding the success your business organization.We delive
r a wide variety of IT lifecycle services to our clients. From technology ptimisation to risk red
uction, there is a relentless need for scalable, sensitive and economical technologies to be asses
sed, implemented and controlled. Outsourcing noncore activities will help you turn your busin
ess into a leaner and smarter enterprise, with greater adaptability to evolving marketand econo
mic trends.

In a maturing outsourcing market where both customers and vendors are increasingly adept at
recognizing the basics required to create a enduring relationship, Wipro Info tech offers you a
partnership that goes beyond just offering a solution. Spurred on by the goal of developing ne
w business processes and creative models to help our clients achieve new levels of productivit
y, differentiation and versatility, Wipro Info tech offers you Complete Outsourcing Services.

This powerful service model ensures innovative solutions that provide full visibility of th proc
ess resulting in preemptive problem or problem solving long before they can manifest and imp
act your business results.
Our strategies avoid the nascent paradigm of providing ad hoc strategies that concentrate on pr
icing, labor disputes and contracts at the granular level within tower groups to solutions that ai
m to be a strategic corporate initiative. This ensures results are delivered against service rates,
wider relationships that allow service providers to respond rapidly and flexibly, as well as the t
ransition of daily responsibilities.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 14

We also provide consulting services at Wipro Data tech as part of our consultancy experience
across various domains. Our numerous consulting practices allow you to achieve execution ex
cellence to help drive your business momentum amid globalisationrelated challenges and custo
mer loyalty dynamics. By leveraging IT capital through our services, we create a strong found
ation for empowering the operations with technology. This involves finding areas of pain, prov
iding the right resources to improve or solve them, implementing strategic business and IT tool
s, and managing the lifecycle of a project. Those are all accomplished through our centered qu
ality, which meets ISO 9000, Six Sigma, SEI CMM

Wipro Info Tech has a dominant lead in leveraging essential IT services for customers in India
the Middle East and AsiaPacific with over two decades of experience. Our services are further
sponsored by strategic collaborations by about of the creature’s largest knowledge companies-
among others Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, IBM.

Our services include:

• To speak
• Processes Systems
• Occupational Training
• To outsource

Items: -Products:

Your organization's IT infrastructure needs to be reliable, salutary, flexible and able to withsta
nd the pressures of everyday activities and business processes. To do so, you need missioncriti
cal solutions and IT products that enable your business to deliver faster and more efficient resu
lts. For over two decades of experience providing quality IT solutions and products across strat
egic services Wipro Info tech is well placed to handle your technical requirements from PC lap
tops and servers to essential software product requirements we deliver products that match the
current global quality standards.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 15

Our tailored solutions are based on leading IT product platform.
Our customized IT product platform solutions complement your business needs. The distr
ibution capacities of Wipro Info tech products are driven by close partnerships with some
of the world's leading technology corporations. Our strategic alliances have been in place
for more than a decade, including IBM Cisco Microsoft and Sun among others, and this i
s a reflection of the constant quality that we bring to your company.

Table 3.1 Sector wise classification of Companies

Sectors Companies






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The company was founded by Mohamed Premji as 'Western India Palm Refined Oil Limited' in
Almanor, Maharashtra on 29 December 1945 and later abbreviated to 'Whip.' It was initially
founded as a manufacturer of vegetables and refined oils under the trade names of Kian,
Sunflower and Camelin Amalner, Maharashtra, British India in 1966, after the death of
Mohamed Premji, his son Azim Pemji took over Wipro as his c. On 7 June 1977 the company
name changed from Western India's Vegetable Products Limit


Wipro launched its mobile hydraulic cylinders & heavy-duty automotive cylinders product line
in 1988.[6] Under the name of Wipro GE Medical Systems Pvt, a joint venture of General
Electric of the United States. Ltd. was founded in 1989 for the manufacture, sale and service of
diagnostic and imaging products.[11] Tipping systems and hydraulic Eaton products were
introduced in 1991. In 1992 the division of Wipro Fluid Power established the capability of
providing standard hydraulic cylinders for construction equipment and truck tipping systems. In
1990 the infant toiletries range "Santoor"talcum powder and "Wipro Baby Soft" was launched.

From 1994–2000:

In 1995 Wipro established an Overseas Design Center for client projects abroad, Odyssey 21
Wipro had acquired Wipro Acer in 1999. Wipro has launched new products, for example
personal computers (PCs) from Wipro Sup Genius. In 1999, the company became the first Indian
PC range accredited for the year 2000 (Y2 K) to achieve hardware certification for all models
from the US-based National Software Testing Laboratory (NSTL).

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 19

In April of that year Wipro Infotech and Wipro Systems became integrated with Wipro. In
199495, five of the production and manufacturing plants at Wipro achieved ISO 9001


Wipro became the first software technology and services company in India to be certified
according to ISO 14001 in February 2002. With the launch of a range of CFLs under the brand
name Wipro Smart lite, Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting Group have joined the compact
fluorescent lamps market. As the firm expanded, a survey showed that for 5 years Wipro has
been the top wealth producer (19972002). It establishes a wholly owned subsidiary (Wipro
Consumer Care Limited) for manufacturing personal care and lighting products. Wipro entered
the club on $1 trillion in 2004. And I have also worked with Intel. In 2006, Wipro acquired the
US-based technology services consultancy mango Inc. and a new company


In April 2011, Wipro and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) signed an ag
reement to purchase their global practices in oil and gas information technology. In 2012, Wip
ro hired more than 70,000 temporary employees in the US. In 2012, Wipro purchased $35 mill
ion from Promax Applications Group (PAG), Australian Trade Promotions Management firm.
Also, in that year Wipro Ltd. divided its customer care, lighting, furniture, infrastructure engin
eering (hydraulics and water and medical diagnostics) into a separate business called 'Wipro E
nterprises Ltd.These companies jointly contributed around 10 per cent of Wipro Limited's pre
demerger revenues.
In 2014 Wipro employed a 10-yearagreement with ATCO, a Calgary, Alberta, for $1.2 billion
Corporation based in Canadian Energy and Utilities. That was Wipro's biggest deal in its histor
y Wipro revealed in October 2016 it was purchasing Appirio, a cloud computing firm headqua
rtered in Indianapolis, aimedat $500 million. The firm extended London actions in the year 20

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 20

Future: 2019-2020:

In 2019, Wipro Customer Maintenance and AngHortaleza Business employed a segment buyin
g agreement to sell 100 per cent of latter's interest in the private maintenance company Squish
Corporation, thefirms publicized on Monday, April 29. Wipro has an AIOp business partner,
Moogsoft. Rational Interaction, a digital customer experience consultancy based in Seattle, wa
s acquired by Wipro in February 2020.

Western Products of India Limited:

Wipro Limited is an IT service provider that involves system development, management,

outsourcing of information systems, IT enabled services, and R&D services. In 1981, Wipro
joined the technology industry and employs more than 160,000 people and customers in 110
countries. [62] IT revenue for the year ended 31 March 2015 was $7.1 billion, with a repeat
share ratio of more than 95 per cent.

GE Wipro Medical Systems

Wipro GE Medical Systems Limited is a joint venture which Wipro has entered into with GE
Healthcare South Asia. The collaboration, which began in 1990,[65] now encompasses medical
equipment and tools, healthcare Technology, and programs that help healthcare professionals
tackle cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. Across all goods Six Sigma quality standards
are strictly adhered to.

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He also focused on pl technology. Capitalization Theory of allocation: Premji said Wipro has
theory of capital allocation Providing investors with daily and safe payouts while holding two
significant ones Considerations: one, building long Wipro, transforming from a vegetable oil
corporation into an Information Technology pioneer. In his final letter to shareholders, Premji
remembered Wipro 's journey of seven decades Wipro 's founder and chairman, Azim Premji,
says the IT firm will increase its emphasis on four major bets — Digital, Cloud, Software
Services and Cyber Security — and Wipro’s 5.01 percent, subject to board approval, would
substantially increase investment in those bets.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 23


Strengths Weaknesses

Technology Savvy
Complex management system
Employment Generation potential
High cost of operations
Economic resources spread globally

Employee and Social Welfare

Opportunities Threats

Young Talent International Competition

Global business Statutory Non-compliances
Technical manpower Foreign government Regulations

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Customer and Customer Satisfaction:

"The most important guest on our premises is a customer. He doesn't count on us. We depend
on Him. "-Mahatma Gandhi.

A consumer can be in-house or external.

• External consumers are the ones buying our products / services.

• Internal consumers are individuals / departments using the product of the company as their su
pply and the company is their supplier.

Why is Happiness?

"Satisfaction is the sensation of satisfaction or disappointment of a individual rising from liken

ing a professed output (or outcome) of product with respect his / her expectations.
1. Satisfaction is an indicator of an emotion.

2. Satisfaction is the result of the interplay between consumer preferences and productr
service results.

3. Satisfaction is the compensation that a consumer gets for making the choice.

Tempestuous & consumer preferences are constantly evolving in the current business situation
environments, companies should agree on solutions that provide an opportunity for their cons
umer by simply delivering products or administrations the way they need it.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 26

Around the stage where the consumer has to search a large amount of options, highligts, analy
ze systems & execute strategies, providing each specific customer a one-of-a-
kind item can go a long way in that the value of the basic leadership process for the purchaser.
Customer service is a continuous cycle that does not start or conclude with a purchase.
It covers the entire ownership experience from choosing a product, to purchasing, to repeat pur
chase through aftercare. The customer service process specifically consists of three stages, na

1) Presales: at this point, consumer expectations are established through the various sources of
knowledge, such as ads, word of mouth, etc.
2) In sales: when the consumer learns how to manage the inquiries and deliver the goods
3) The period after sales: this refers to the period in which the customer started using the produ
ct. Both the desire of the customer and the experience together will decide the satisfaction leve
l. Such standards include:

Pre-sales deadline

Clear, useful information is available on:

1. The Service or Item.

2. Dimension of its price.

3. Its main advantages or benefits.

4. The quality of it.

5. The quality or point of sale.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 27

6. How to get them.

7. During time of sale

8. Risk of drug inspection.

9. Providing an enticing atmosphere for purchases.

10. Attentive and courteous service.

11. The delivery is fair and dependable.

12. Quality enhancement of products & services.

13. Immediate recourse in case of receipt of complaint.

After-sales time

1. Assistance or guidance should be given where appropriate.

2. Replace or refund immediately, if applicable.

3. Process for quick & straight forward grievances.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 28

Effective maintenance & repair service.
Formed the above debate, consumer loyalty is seen to stretch beyond the main product or servi
ce offerings. Marketing decision-makers must begin by trying to understand the
elements that together will decide the levels of satisfaction. Instead list the elements in
logical order to define what needs to be done to increase the level of customer satisfaction. It c
an only be achieved if a program is implemented by the marketer

Recent customer consummation trends include:

➢ Consumer Feedback Customer focus means keeping in mind.

➢ customer expectations or worrying about customer wishes.

➢ Price Correct.

➢ Right Number.

➢ Right Time and Reasonable Quality.

Customer Cheer:

It is no longer an obscure idea and every company in India and abroad is trying to achieve that
height. Consumer Happiness has given way to customer pleasure and the evergreen buzzword
has been that. What is consumer pleasure? Customer satisfaction is more than just a gesture to
wards pleasing customers. Customer satisfaction pleasure is a stage where the consumer really
loves having something more than they expect. Consumer has become the center of companies
in the present marketing scenario. The neo idea of customer happiness is replacing customer se
rvice – very true to India too. Not all production firms need to start thinking

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 29

Why is customer satisfaction supremely important?

Essentially each time comes from two categories, new customer and repeat customer because
of the company's sale. Attracting new customers often costs more than keeping present custom
ers. Hence maintenance of customers is more important than attraction of customers. Customer
loyalty to happy Customer is essential to customer retention.

• Order now.
• Conversations about the company positively with others.
• Pay little attention to rival labels and publicity.
• Buys additional goods from the same service.

One Japanese agent told the magazines that "our point is to satisfy the clients, our poin is to ca
ptivate the client." In all honesty the phenomenal sponsors are higher. You go behind putting t
ogether the small wishes for the clients, as they're teasing a customer, the customer is thinking
about the one relationship of practically more partners. The enchanted consumers are more per
suasive in their gutsy than the Media advance.
By and by letting us think what happens when the association makes a dissatisfied customer, w
hile we have pointed out, a happy customer edifies to eleven people three peope about a traditi
onal thing experience, a confused customer question. In reality, 13 per cent of the people who
had a problem with an affiliation protest about the association to over 20 people in one assess
ment. Expect that every person who heard the horrifying story encouraged 11 people. Consider
whoever said another eleven, and early. Clearly, horrible verbal attempts are faster than ridicul
ous casual exchange and vehicle successfully poison the rage of the open about the partnership
Right now, shoulder to contact.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 30


A mark is a name, word, logo, symbol or design, or a combination of it, intended for.
Differentiate and differentiate between the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers
and those of its competitors.

Incubation of the mark equity concept:

The 1980's marked a turning point in brand design. Management came to understand that a co
mpany's principal asset was actually its brand names. Much writing accompanied this incubati
on of the. Brand Equity concept or the brand's financial interest.
In addition, the advent of brands in activities that had previously opposed or were foreign tren
ds, e.g. in manufacturing, finance, the service sector, etc., vouched for the brands'new significa
nce. This is evidenced by the importance that so many distributors put on their own brand pro

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 31

A strong brand is comprised of:


Image Differe


ion Pricing

Benefits. Cones Image:

Visual awareness promoting brand and customer desire

Income. Following the Marking

Potential distinction. Separate yourself from the rivalry

Performance. I mean quality. Impacts customer loyalty, revenue return, growth

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 32

Tariffs. A value part, and a quality suggestion

Delivery-Distribution. Accessibility implies (none)exclusive

Presence ...... presence. Press coverage contributes to label identification

Your branding overs

Potential distinction. Separate yourself from the rivalry

Performance. I mean quality. Impacts customer loyalty, revenue return, growth

Tariffs. A value part, and a quality suggestion

Delivery-Distribution. Accessibility implies (non)exclusive

Presence ...... presence. Press coverage contributes to label identification

Brands vary in how much influence and interest they have in the market place. David Aaker ha
s distinguished five customer attitudes toward their brand, from the lowest to the highest:

i. Customers are changing brands, especially for reasons of price.

ii. Satisfied client. No need to turn brand.

iii. Customer is pleased, and the change of brand will incur costs.

iv. Customer respects the label and considers it as a buddy

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 33

v. Consumers are committed to the label. Brand equity is strongly related to the number o
f customers of a company in classes 3, 4 and 5. It is also related to the degree, accordin
g to Aaker.
i. Recognition of marque name
ii. Perceived label standard
iii. Strong mental.

Therefore, Brand Value is an intangible commodity, i.e. it can not be seen, felt, heard or smell
ed until it is purchased.

To give an example:

Nearly 84 per cent of ten of the leading FORTUNE 500 Company’s market value was attribute
d to intangible assets in 2006, according to a study conducted. Likewise, a representative analy
sis of listed companies with more than Rs. The Agency's 100 crores Price Waterhouse Coopers
identified 25 companies commanding a market valuation that is more than 4.5 times the book
value of tangible assets on the market today.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 34

A Brand is more than a Product

Chart: Chart showing that a Brand is more than a product

Brand Brand

Organizatio Symbols

Scope P
Attitudes R
Uses O
Quality/ Value D
Functional U Brand/
Benefits CT Customer
of Origin Relationship

User Self-
Imagery Expressive


Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 35


Despite the way brands are a business commodity, the Board is still in a starting point.
The inclination at the moment, generally speaking, is to administer items, which happen to hav
e a name. Anyway, the board brand embodies exceptional and unambiguous reasoning and app
roaches. The company books and displaying books of religious writings have not acclimatized
the full impact of the brand agitation to date. The show of books revolves around the road to in
troducing new items, whilst the progress of the brand is ultimately considered a critical and aut
horitative decision taken by communication, such a ad, packaging and the logo.

Extraordinary system models speak about portfolios of things, however, when associations nee
d to manage their portfolios of images in doubt. A few companies are overseers of things but n
one have brand executives. It can kill insofar as a constantly growing number of products is lo
osened up to a continuously increasing number of isolated items, achieving the assignment of
vital value organization to a few decision places. This can diminish brand an opportunity in the
medium term, as decisions are taken without any mix of decision networks. The brand is not t
he thing that gives meaning to the thing anyway and it portrays its character in both presence.

The evolution of the brand-identity idea

Name Definition:

It is the popular item that sends a single message through the wide variety of goods, actions an
d slogans it includes. Brand identity is a recent concept; however, by the late 80s researchers h
ave already delved into the concept of corporate identity so as to put it simply.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 36


It is what helps organization, or a part of it; believe it really exists and is a cohesive and specia
l entity, different from others, with its own past and location. So we can infer that an identity
meansbeing true to yourself, driven by a personal goal that differs from others as well as being
resistantto change.

A brand name is obviously to be defined once the questions answered are as follows:

1. What is the basic vision and purpose of the brand?

2. What makes it different?

3. How does the company need to fulfil?

4. Why is its underlying character?

5. What is its value?

6. Which are the signals that make it recognizable?

Why talk about identity and not about image?

The brand logo is side by side with the recipient. Image analysis focuses on how a commodity,
a brand etc. is viewed in other classes. The picture refers to how certain groups decipher all the
signals that emanate from the brand's product, facilities, and communiation. Identity is to thesi
de of the sender. In this case the object is to define the context, intent and selfimage of the sym
bol. The picture is both the object and its meaning. Image is followed in terms of brand market
ing identity. We have to know exactly what we want to portray before presenting an picture to
the public. Build an efficient branding plan

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 37

What is a Brand Strategy?

Organizations conduct branding process. The method and the net result closely resemble a face
lift in public relations. How does it happen? One idea may be the guiding structure for the met
hod. That may simply be the point of view of the hiring organization or consultant.

What is a Technique on Branding?

David Aaker believes that a branding. goal is to create a company that resonates with customer
s. Aaker also states that this method will require a threepronged analysis: consumer, competito
r and selfanalysis. Another expert suggests a. Brand strategy is the mechanism by which the pr
oduct is placed in the mind of the consumer to yield a perception of advantage (David Arnold,

Brand Policy Outcomes:

It's important to realize that marking is non near getting your board audience to select you over
the race, but about receiving your forecasts to see you as the lone one who
can to solve their dilemma.
1. Put the message across clearly.
2. Confirms trust.
3. Emotionally link your target prospects.
4. Motivates the Customer.
5. Place Worker Devotion.
It is necessary for them to spend time studying, identifying and constructing their image. After
all, the brand is the source of the promise your customer makes. It is an essential
Cornerstone of your marketing To be effective in branding the business, its consumers and
prospects need to take into account the needs and desires. This you do by integrating your brand
strategies at every point of public interaction with your product.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 38


The essence of human values and attitudes is a topic of growing interest in a number of social
sciences, and particularly in the marketing area. Significant research work has been carried out
in this area, examining the various factors that affect the purchasing behavior of consumers. W
ithin those factors that warrant attention are beliefs, behaviors and lifestyles. Values are genera
l values that allow the consumer to determine the "mode of behavior or endstate of existence is
formyself or informally better to the conflicting or opposite mode of behavior or endstate of be
ing" (Rokeach, 1973, p. 5), and each customer has its own personal value system that "reflects
the choices that an individual makes"Values may also be taken as criteria that consumers use
when making decisions (Rokeach, 1973). Five features are essential to most value description
according to Schwartz (1992). Values are defined as principles or beliefs, about desirable beha
viors and/ored states that go beyond specific circumstances, direct the assortment or assessmen
t of behaviors and proceedings, and are ordered a certain hierarchical significance

Attitudes are characterized as "an acquired tendency to reply to a given thing in a consistently
promising or disapproving manner" (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975, p. 6), or as "positive or negative
feelings directed at any entity, problem, or actions" (Lutz, 1981, p. 233). Attitudes are action w
hich is conceptual, observed and affects (Pieters, 1988). Attitudes are generally thought releva
nt for marketing because of a presumed causal relation between attitudes, expectations, and be

Values must first be triggered to result in actions (Schwartz 1973, 1977; Schwartz & Howard,
1981; Verplanken & Holland, 2002). Personal norms are said to be triggered in Schwartz’s mo
del if there is knowledge of the implications and if there is a duty ascription. The model of nor
m activation has been used to predict behaviors like recycling.

However, values are considered more abstract than attitudes and focus on principles rather tha
n concrete attitude objects (cf. Hitlin & Piliavin 2004). While attitudes can express values, the
y are associated more commonly with utilitarian priorities (Maio & Olson, 1995). Values ener
gize andcontrol measures consistent with value, either directly or implicitly (Rokeach, 1973;

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 39

Williams Jr,
1979) (Verplanken & Holland, 2002). While values are acquired mainly in early childhood (H
ofstede, 1994), they may also be affected by personal experience (Williams Jr, 1979). Values a
re said to motivate cognitive behavior through cognitive networks that comprise attitudes and
beliefs (Rohan, 2000).

In all humans, values are uniformly present (Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz & Bilsky, 1987, 1990)
And differ according to their meaning (Maio & Olson, 1994; Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz, 1992).

Values are organized to form structures of hierarchical value (Rokeach, 1973; Verplanken & H
olland, 2002; Williams Jr, 1979), whereby the higher a value, the more likely it will affect beh
aviour. Work on environmental principles includes universality (Karp, 1996; Schultz & Zelezn
y, 1999), selftranscendence, and openness to change (Karp, 1996). In addition to being groupe
d into a hierarchy, the values are linked to each other.

Consumer interest prioritization has also been an intriguing study. For the years 20042007, the
Finnish government's consumer policy plan provides recommendations to increase the awaren
ess of consumer concerns and to improve consumer skills. Priorities include enhancing econo
mic protection for businesses, ensuring consideration of market interest, creating wellfunctioni
ng public and private sectors, and enhancing consumer trust in IT services (The Finnish Gover
nment, 2004). Latest VAL’s research has examined possible convergence with the Market Val
ue System Dynamics (Santos, Belton and Howick, 2002, 2004, 2007) and the Conflict Analysi
s (Losa and Belton, 2006).

Johnson and Sirkits (2002) research on Thai telecommunications industry landline and mobile
users used reliability, responsiveness, security, empathy and concrete service quality construct
s to examine perceptions as well as service quality expectations. The study showed no substant
ial difference between the different companies and while tangibles proved to be the most impo
rtant thing for the consumers, there was no correlation between consumer expectations of servi
ce quality and behavioral intentions. Wang and Lo (2002) researched the mobile industry in C
hina and used the same five service quality variables as Johnson and Sirkits (2002)

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 40

Athanassopoulos and Iliakopoulos(2003) studied residential customers of a European telecom
munications firm, A study of Korean mobile telecommunications services (Kim et al., 2004) e
xamined the impact of various service characteristics on customer satisfaction, and the impact
of reliability and switching barriers on customer loyalty, Ayden and Ozers (2005) research sho
ws the service efficiency, custody and customer loyalty.

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler

Marketing management uses economic tools and competitive strategy to analyze the context in
which the company operates within the sector. These include Porter's five forces, analysis of st
rategic competitor groups, analyzes of the value chain and others. In competitor analysis, mark
eters create detailed profiles of each competitor in the market, using SWOT analysis to focus o
n their relative strengths and weaknesses in competition. To perform marketing analysis, mark
eting management often conducts market research and marketing research.

Marketing management Report

Marketing management uses economics methods and strategic strategies to evaluate the nature
of the market in which the company works. These include the five powers from Porter, analyz
ing strategic competitor classes, analyzing the value chain and others. In competitor analysis,
marketers create comprehensive profiles of each competitor in the market, using SWOT analys
is to concentrate on their relative competitive strengths and weaknesses. Marketing managers
must analyze the cost structure of each company, sources of income, capital and competencies,
competitive positioning and product differentiation, degree of vertical integration, historical re
sponses for developers in the industry

Raghavendra (2005) gave the consumer mind idea about their approach, understanding and act
ion for a specific brand. Products and services of highquality help to achieve customer loyalty
In his study HongYoul Ha inspects how shopper information giving
out affects consumers' perception of risk prior to purchase

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 41

(HongYoul Ha - The Properties of Buyer Risk Awareness on PrePurchase Material Research P
aper from Manchester School of Management, 2004).
His study focussed in particular on prepurchase data such as kind, wordof - door, and custom t
he findings show that more than other forms of information do, personalized information andw
ordof - mouth contact influence consumers Consumers depend on thes two factors, because the
y are focused on customer experience and important to the purchasing of goods. Nevertheless,
brand also has a significant effect upon con

Customer perception is the state of mind that customers have about a business when their expe
ctations have been met or exceeded throughout the lifetime of the product (N Priyadarshan and
Harihara, "A Theory on Consumer Perception: A Case Study," ICFAI Journal of Service Mark
eting, Vol. II, June 2005, page no. 56.) or service. Customer attitude attainment leads to compa
ny loyalty and repurchase of products

The first one to pioneer the idea in the hotel industry was a Parsuraman, Leonard L Berry and
Valeria Zeithaml, and was later taken over by all the service sector. They wrote dozens of pape
rs beginning in the year (1985) and followed by a monograph (1990). Their work is the corner
stone of service marketing which supported the point of service quality. They also exhibited a
model (Gap Model) that emphasized the perception of customers and their implications for the
However, Gronross proposed that a service firm must develop quality for its service in order to
compete successfully and it must first define how the quality is perceived by the customers an
d, second, determine how service quality is influenced. Gronross suggested that the more impo
rtant dimension of perceived service is functional quality than technical quality. Hence the mo
st important criterion to be successful in the hospitality sector is a buyer seller relationship.In t
he hospitality sector, viewing the business from the customer perspective has become a strateg
ic necessity to boost the competitiveness of the organizations that belong to this sector. With th
is in mind, it has become a strategic necessity for hotels, resorts, restaurants and pubs belongin
g to this sector constantly arranging their facilities and services according to customers' desires
, tastes and preferences.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 42



1) Need for the Study:

To understand customer satisfaction level and assessing the brand to know the perception and
insights of the customers.

2) Statement of the Problem:

The current economic storm helps enterprises to take a step back and evaluate their core busin
ess and brand for continued relevance. Wipro InfoTech one of the largest software solutions
providers in India does not want to stay behind in the spree of becoming the top brand. The
study tends to find the customer satisfaction level in the Wipro InfoTech’s clients and at the
same time assessing the brand ‘Wipro’. A study on brand assessment and customer satisfaction
for Wipro Info tech.

3) Objectives of the Study:

1) To Understand Brand Assessment And Customer Satisfaction Wipro Info Tech...

2) To Understand The Client Satisfaction Level And The Perception Towards Wipro Product
And Service.
3) To Analyses the Brand Position of the Wipro Product and Service with the Respective

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 43

4) Scope of the Study

This particular study would help Wipro InfoTech in terms of knowing its client’s satisfaction
level towards the services rendered by it. It will help Wipro in assessing how brand ‘Wipro’ has
grown in the recent decades and the effect on it by the economic crisis..

5) Limitation of the Study

1) Lack of technical knowledge

2) Respondents are of top management level
3) Difficulty in conducting telephonic interview

Methodology of Research
Analytical and Concise Analysis in which the researcher uses variables or knowledge already
available and analyzes it to make a critical assessment of the subject.
On the other hand, Concise work decides how things are, and studies. Not only is it data
collection, it is also measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and interpretation.

6) Sampling technique
Probability sampling process that relies on data collection from members of the population
who are conveniently available for study involvement. Test value 100.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 44

The precision of the data collection is of greater meaning for the investigation to draw accurate
and true inference. The sources can be broken down into two:
1. Main estimates
2. Secondary figures

First Details
Due to its usability and reliability for collecting data, the main data had stood obtained via a qu
Secondary Facts
Big minor data sources are from many papers, magazines, and blogs and so on.
Formulation of Hypothesis:
1. H0: There Is No Impact On Brand Assessment And Customer Satisfaction At Wipro Info Tech.
2. H1: There Is A Positive Impact On Brand Assessment And Customer Satisfaction At Wipro Info

It remains a non-parametric examination that is generally used in analytical work. With
the chi-square test, we can know whether a possibility has produced a given contrast between
real and desire or whether it has occurred in view of the hypothesis deficiency to fit the
actualities being watched.

Neil Ullman can be used to characterize ' chi - square to decide whether the clear cut
information indicates dependence or whether the two descriptions are permitted. It can also
be used to examine hypothetical populations and genuine information when classifications
are used.

The formula to determine the Chi-Square test

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 45

CHI SQUARE (XC^2) = SIGMA (Oi – Ei) ^2/Ei

C = Degrees of freedom
O = Observed rate
Ei = Expected rate

• The formula for Calculating the Estimating value is given by

Ei = (Row total * Column total) / Total

• The formula for calculating Degree of freedom is given by

Degree of freedom = (No. of column – 1)*(No. of Rows – 1)

The respondents Impact on Brand Assessment which is based on the feedback of the
respondents about the Customer Satisfaction

Labels No Yes Grand Total

Extremely likely 8 6 14

Extremely unlikely 39 18 57

Neutral 11 12 23

Somewhat likely 2 4 6

Somewhat unlikely 0 0 0

Grand Total 60 40 100

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 46

Calculation of Chi- Square table

(Observed (Estimated
(O – E) (O – E)^2 (O – E)^2/E
value) value)

8 11.2 -2.2 4.84 0.432143
39 45.6 -6.6 43.56 0.955263
11 18.4 -7.4 54.76 2.976087
2 4.8 -2.8 7.84 1.633333
0 0 0 0 0
6 2.8 3.2 10.24 3.657143
18 11.4 6.6 43.56 3.821053

12 4.6 7.4 54.76 11.90435

4 1.2 0.8 0.64 0.533333

0 0 0 0 0
Total calculated value 25.9127

Degree of freedom = (No. of column – 1)*(No. of Rows – 1)

= (2 – 1) * (4 -1)
• It can be seen that from the chi square table for Degree of freedom = 4 and level of
significance is 5% then the table value of chi square is 9.49
• Calculated Value (25.91) > Table Value (9.49)

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 47

• Hence, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.

The value of chi square test from the calculation is found to be 25.91 the table value of chi
square is found to be 9.49 by a degree of freedom of 4 at a level of significance of 5%. The
calculated value is greater than the table value (25.91 > 9.49) which determines the null
hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 48

Chapter 1 Introduction -This chapter describe about the company detail its vision and
mission, description of product or services, SWOT analysis, future growth,
information on competitor and economy statement.
Chapter 2 Review literature – This chapter explains the specific literature of the
Chapter 3 Research design and methodology – This chapter describe about the
statement of the problem, need for the research, need for the study,
objective, scope, methodology framing the hypothesis and limitation.
Chapter 4 Analysis and Interpretation – Data analysis and interpretation can be
done with specific tables and graphs.
Chapter 5 Findings, Suggestions And Conclusion – This chapter provides the
information on findings of the study, conclusion and suggestion.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 49


Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 50


Table 1 Process to manage complex projects:

Very Most Fairly

Very few No
thorough thorough thorough
process process
process process process

05 27 09 03 06

competitor 03 12 26 06 03

Interpretation: Customers are satisfied with the capability of Wipro InfoTech’s managing
complex projects as compared to that of the industry.




15 Wipro InfoTech
10 competitor

Very Most Fairly Very few No
thorough thorough thorough process process
process process process

Graph 1 Process to manage complex projects

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 51

Table 2 Competence:

All people Most Some Very few

None are
are people are people are people are
competent competent competent competent

04 35 07 03 01

Competitor 01 32 13 03 01

Interpretation: Customers feel that the people at Wipro are competent are better than that of
the other field engineers in the industry.




Wipro InfoTech

All people Most Some Very few None are
are people are people are people are competent
competent competent competent competent

Graph 2 Competence

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 52

Table 3 Technology and software skills comparison:

Very poor
thorough Quite tech. Basis tech. Weak tech.
tech. competenc competenc competenc
competenc e e e

04 25 16 03 02

03 19 19 05 04

Interpretation: Customers feel that the manpower of Wipro are well equipped and are
technically better compared to the competitors in the industry.

5 Wipro InfoTech
0 competitor

Graph 3 Technology and software skills comparison

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 53

Table 4 Value for money:

Excellent Average Lower Poor

Good value
value value value value

08 29 11 02 00

Competitor 06 28 12 04 00

Interpretation: The customers of Wipro InfoTech feel that it has been providing good value
for money when compared to its competitors.




15 Wipro InfoTech

10 Competitor

Excellent Good Average Lower Poor
value value value value value

Graph 4 Value for money comparison

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 54

Table 5 support beyond project time

Very Below Very

Excellent Good
good average poor

12 15 10 07 06

Competitor 07 10 12 13 08

Interpretation: Most of the customers feel that Wipro is having very good support beyond
project time when compared to competitors.





8 Wipro InfoTech

6 Competitor

Excellent Very good Good Below Very poor

Graph 5 supports beyond project time

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 55

Table 6 Problem Escalation

All Most Few Very few

problems problems problems problems
10 29 10 01 00

Competitor 06 33 09 02 00

Interpretation: Most of the customers of Wipro InfoTech feel that it solves most problems of
them with respect to problem escalation.





Wipro InfoTech
15 Competitor


All problems Most problems Few problems Very few None

Graph 6 Problem escalation

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 56

Table 7 Resolving the Problem after Escalation

All Most Regular Few

problems problems problems problems
09 24 16 01 00

Competitor 07 21 12 06 04

Interpretation: Most of the customers feel that Wipro InfoTech is able to resolve most of the
problems after escalation when compare to competitors.





10 Wipro InfoTech

Graph 7 Resolving the Problem after Escalation

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 57

Table 8 Business with Wipro Info Tech in near future

Very Most Somewhat Somewhat Very

likely likely likely unlikely unlikely
Willingness to do business
in near future with Wipro 24 19 07 00 00

Interpretation: Nearly 50% of customers are willing to continue to make business with Wipro
InfoTech in near future.

Graph 8 Business with Wipro in near future

Willingness to do business in near future

with Wipro InfoTech



10 Willingness to do business in
near future with Wipro

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 58

Table 9 Strength and Improvement area

Contract MIS Program
Sale sales Review
executio Informatio manageme
s service s
n n nt
09 12 03 07 08 11

04 05 13 10 12 06
nt area

Interpretation: Customers feel the strength of Wipro being their Contract Execution capability
and need a lot of improvement in Post sales services.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 59




Strength area
4 Improvement area

Graph 9 Strength and improvement

Table 10 Wipro division rating

Integration Cost of products consulting

Wipro 6 5 13 26

Interpretation: Customers have rated technology solution consulting of Wipro to be most

efficient and integration as inefficient.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 60






Sustenance-post Integration Cost of products Technology
sales consulting solution

Graph 10 Wipro Division Rating

Table 11 Rating of Wipro Info Tech‘s enterprise products division.

Very poor Poor Average Good Excellent

solution 03 07 10 11 19
integration 07 05 15 13 10

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 61

11 6 10 15 8
05 06 12 12 15
Post sales
08 17 10 09 06

Interpretation: Most of the customers feel that technology solution consulting is excellent in
Wipro InfoTech & post sales support is poor.




Very poor
10 Average
8 Good

integration capability
with technology
Post sales

Graph 11 Rating of Wipro Info Tech‘s enterprise products division.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 62

Table 12 Rating on price

Moderately expensive Moderately Very
inexpensive nor expensive expensive
solution 3 13 15 13 6
Cost of
products 7 13 12 15 3

Integration 11 8 10 15 6
0 3 5 12 30
post sales

Interpretation: Customers have rated Sustenance-Post sales of Wipro to be most expensive and
they have rated technology solution consulting as most inexpensive.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 63




Technology solution
15 consulting

10 Cost of products


Sustenance-post sales

Graph 12 Rating on price

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 64

Table 13 Reference by the clients to their peers to do business with Wipro InfoTech.

Extremely unlikely Neutral Extremely likely

Wipro 2 5 43

Interpretation: Most of the customers i.e., 86% are willing to refer Wipro InfoTech to their
peers and Colleagues and only 4% are not willing to refer Wipro Info tech to their peers.


Extremely unlikely
Extremely likely

Graph 13 Reference by clients to their peers

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 65

Table 14 Openness to share the feedback

Extremely likely Extremely unlikely

Wipro 50 0

Interpretation: All the clients are willing to give feedback to Wipro InfoTech so that it can
improve its services.

Graph 14 Openness to feedback

Extremely likely Extremely unlikely

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 66

Table.15: Feedback System

YES 60 60%
NO 40 40%
TOTAL 100 100%

ANALYSIS: Out of the total respondents most (60%) of the respondents response for YES,
whereas some (40%) of them response for NO.



The above graph shows that most of the respondents responded positively.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 67



The customers feel that authority of client's endeavor may be noteworthy all the while as
picking providers.

Clients of Wipro give extra criticalness to the limit of providers to control the tangled

Customers experience that the individuals at Wipro are readied and better than whatever of
the elective request plans inside the business.

Customers experience that past experience is the most fundamental factor at the same time as
picking the dealer, when stood out from various segments with respect to Credibility.

Wipro InfoTech offers veritable cost for cash to its customers.

Customers experience that Assistance upon breakdown is the most fundamental thing all the
while as picking the trader, diverged from various segments.

Customers have assessed development course of action guiding of Wipro to be commonly


Customers have assessed Sustenance-Post compensation of Wipro to be most extraordinary

steeply-esteemed among different parts.

Customers are set up to insinuate Wipro InfoTech to their partners and Colleagues.

Some of the customers experience that the channel of appointment isn't up to speed.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 68

All the clients are inclined to offer contribution to Wipro.

Some clients instructed that collaborations with respect to the Wipro isn't continually right.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 69


Review at the Prices Charged. Countless them have encouraged to correct the announcements
(cost) blamed for the guide of the Wipro. According to the customers the charge charged by
strategies for the Wipro is bit higher than the contenders.

Timeliness. It way the Wipro individuals need to offer the transporter on plan. The execution
of assignments ought to be done inside or at the date inspiration. This is one of the regions
wherein the Wipro is waiting behind inside the eyes in their supporter.

Should redesign the channel of verbal exchange. It suggests the Wipro should have more than
one channels (diverse dispatch floods) of conversation to talk with the supporter. Differing
individuals must be secured for specific areas of movement.

There is need of headway in specific commitments: Some of the customers are not content
with the particular carrier gave by strategy to the Wipro. They need some more skill inside the
particular assistance.

Problem ought to be raised: According to a bit of the customers the trouble in Wipro isn't
increased by using the most ideal man or woman so it must be finished by technique for the right
man or woman at the ideal time.

Many proposed, overhauling the evaluate region. Prevailing piece of them instructed to
improve the after arrangements carrier. Wipro need to concentrate on submit compensation
commitments which help it in holding customers.

Supporting device must be improved. It way, ensuing to executing the undertaking a portion
of the minor works were taken thought by using the two or three different divisions, which are
not working adequate.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 70

Not have okay aiding mechanical assemblies: It way the again stop oversee for the execution
of key charming.

Pre bargain side intrigue: The pre bargain recreation action experienced by using a bit of the
customers may be genuinely ghastly subsequently they unequivocally admonished improving
the pre bargain interest.

Handover of undertaking: The handover of mission is having brief comings; the particular
status of the task isn't passed on to the customer similarly as the man or woman to whom the
task is hand overed. So it need to give one of a kind thought inside reach over of undertaking
and confirm that genuine praise of assignment is granted to the clients

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 71


Wipro’s customers are happy and satisfied with the services provided by it. The above factors
endorse Wipro Info Tech as brand for Wipro Services Company. The study acknowledges
Wipro as a customer oriented company with the high level of customer satisfaction.

Making the clients delight is very difficult in this World. The same thing is also seen in the case
of Wipro InfoTech, even though the Wipro InfoTech puts its full dedication to satisfy the client
which is not sufficient.

It does not mean that the clients are switching to other companies and it also doesn’t mean that
the clients are not satisfied by Wipro they are satisfied with the performance but they should be
delighted with the service. For any company it is very difficult to satisfy its clients because the
needs changes by company to company and person to person.

The above findings positions Wipro Info Tech as a high brand with high brand equity. Hence
the clients perceive Wipro Info Tech as top notch company and brand in IT and ITES services.

The project execution is the major strength of the Wipro InfoTech; they really work hard and
efficient to complete the project. The team members are dedicated towards their work and there
is a synergy between the team members.

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 72


S N Murthy & U Bhojanna: "Methods of Market Analysis," EXCEL BOOKS, First Edition, N
ew Delhi.

Leon G. C. Schiffman-Customer behavior.

Philip Kotler, "Marketing Strategy," Pearson Education, Eleventh Edition.

Harp W. Boyd, Jr, Ralph Westfall & Stanly F.Stash, Fourth, "Marketing Analysis"

Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore Page 73

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