Sampling Distribution, T, Z, F, Chi Square

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‘Data. - tNoménal data (Yes, nie type dada, coheree YeSC1) ancl No(2? BH) Ondteal data (Ranking and compitiefan type data? ti) Intereval dela (Scaleing and agitee or dlisaguee type? AW) Rakto Pala Cunéls of measurement) A nalysis -@ Univantode, GD Bivariate CH) Mullivontade ~ Qualftalive enformalfon - Non-parametric tes ~ Quantttalive Ynformalion - tatamelrete. lest Note - Fore ordinal dala, you have 4o a8e non-paramelnfe test fox data onalysis a Panametnic Jest - Ontvartate Bivariate, : Malllivarctate: “ntvordale - Only Aingle vartable Bs alse Known 05 deseniplive Mean, Medfan, Modes Standard devia! Non Mean devialtan and vostan, Bivaxtale - eo variable 7 Corerel ation, eguession, Mme Senfes analy Mult -veodtake - Fectore. analysis , dtserimtnant analyss, conjoint analyso , cluster. analysis Nominal dafa- A nonfinal dale. is ene fn ehtch numbers are only used a5 Jabels and have no numerical Boiecbretation Fou eLample respectively > Religion ale and femal can be denoted by 1/2 @ | betutaltonad tevel P Longuoge Spoken 9 Magaxaines read . 4 Walching TV Shoas | Data analysts for nominal data - ; 9 Pencentage 4 Simple 4abal alion 3%* lesi > cross tabulaton Ondtoal data- H fe welated cite the wanks of dafa- For example -S number of brands are, ihete of Try: Companies { Ouk of this 5 brands, ‘he customer ceil yank: them: “data analysis fore ondinal data- |) Median [n) Non- param elnéc Hest Rank Vest iw) Sipe tabulalion lw) (ness fabutalfen ¥) Rank conscelation fest int) Percceolile vit) Decile i] vei) Qualiles: [Interval Dafa- | Most of the behastenal measucement Scales use do measurce “aiitludes ef the wespendence one gale of Lo $64 401, t44 10 a3 intenval dale ‘Dolo. dnchipit fon totervol data- AN igre of multivariate on alysis bles, ") Standard cleviakfon J 9.Co- epbfcient vartance |W) Mean [MAN Ofvartiate analysis Ratio Dafa- AM atéthmelic opercalfons one posstole én tole ‘ype dala-4t include. Yomatrcie mean jFarmomke mean, arithmeks mean standaxd devialton + desk E test, Ztesk and corscelalien both regression onalesis may be ase Example S- Length; Welght age . tocomes distance, co eat Testing of Hypctnests- \Expertmentou tunch - Finst -fénd owk expertmental unit accord Popalalton ing to the reseamch Plot size/populalion size Xy = 5000 Scorple sige %n = 500 1 AS aclual population fs unkgoan te 28, eohak 13 obsemwve on analy /assemplton 18 Qoowns Hypetests Paramelere - Dhe popalatton constants ae Krown ab parameter . fore example = = [ZK R= Ex oN: @ eee constants ane Keser at Stalisties ‘ | dor example - Hand s i | w= Dt IT 08- 20K Testing of Hypothesis - | | Ropalation 7 Producer's Risk | 5 Sample Level of Seqoifveance PP Sampling Consumer's Rsk | APascameters 9 Type D cnnore p stalisties ' > Type D eracare > population size PLange Sample Test } Sample size > Small Sample Jest + Crdtfcal Region > Attercnalive hypothesis FCuiltcat Vatue 9 Null hgpothests 2 Sampling ereroe | * Pepulelion | The aggregate of whele cbservalfon “ pepulalton, St may be ratte and enfintte- |©Popalalion size | ts denoled by tn’ fo Pq periment ts cated © bomple A bral! port of the population 15 Known as Sample: © Sample sig6 The total nambere of samples 5 oown as Abrnple stze ee eS | \ + iM 9s denoted by to ® Sompléng The method of A racotng Sample from population [6 Known as sampling Testing of hypothesis - Hypothesis % @ otherwise Kpacon as Auppesélfon ow taking assamplion H means fixst we have to deni Sample from popalalfon, then oe have do 4est Sample echether é 15 true ov false -4f dis Inue eve have fo accept ‘the lot -4f tt+s false coe have do teefecP the tot - At fmplies that conclusion coe cure. Arautng 15 based en the Sample: So & 1 very Ienportant te test the sample for drawing the cenclusion about population © Sampling erertore 1.15 the enron comefiied te Sampling © Iype T emreore- P (Ho» rane / Rejecting = ok When qou 62e/think thal th &t & connect bat you axe mefecttng W = Probability of dupe T erercen, producer's tsk, @ Iype D erro P (Ho False /accepting) =P when you See/ think that Eb 15 false bul yee te AIF accepting B= Probability of Type B error, consurnen's res Null Mypothesis $115 denoted by ‘Ho’. At is deo defintte stalement of pepelalion parameter and its o hypothests of no déjpercence - Abe We 9s define as Wo: £0 a5 ‘fn thts 35 ts Abe av) camberc: © Aiternalive by pothesis ATs denoted by cue. $119 Fuck alfercnafe 4o the nul! -hypothests yee One Nailed wo tatled uN Right Left Tailed — datled [9 Two failed = 4, 12235 A One tafled ~ Right Tatted (7) = Left datled (4), ) His 0 #85 PIe00 tabled Hit RC 225 ARght dalled J Hy 320425 PLeft Jailed io. 4{\. as o |e Large Sample test [DAF fest draw the Sample HAM Secend caitlin the hypothesis p Then Sample Aesting Jn this 0 76 the boundary potat ane 48 Kpown Sf 30 rthe Sample size ts greater than 3° 18 KY sample test than you can v for Z test ; oe SF m£ 30 sthe sample Stze fs Smaller than Joe 15 Kroc Somple best ro fon T test ,K2,F test hen you tan Dita -02-a014 Sieps Jo Selve the problem of Jesitng 4 Hypo thests- 4). Given Informaficn ‘l) Set up mall hypothesis MW) Set up atierenalive Hypothesis ty). Lewel of Signi ffeance v) dest Stalisife Mi). Compastiston vill, Concluséon Zteat > Criteria 4- Zest fou sngla mean Z test fo two mean lest fore preporifon SEnfle. meon (Problem) Y $b 45 claimed that & Fandom Sample of ico tyres with average défe of tpacqkm ts dtawn Preom o population of tyres which as mean Life af ISace Kms and a bhandand devPalton ch 1248 Kec. Tesk ‘the validity ef the late of BY. andi4. tevel fF Signi ficane | Glven- _ Y= Sample Ste ~100>30 = 15864 > Sample mean | Sample , AR> 15306 + Poputalion mean > uss Population Standard devialton Hot 28 = 15a00 His 20% Iwao \ Level of Significance fs oh = 54h and I'l meer | i Desk stoliatte - = T= ke | Fowenasta | | “Ne | 26a - inac0 \, aus Awe ii = 64 iI 1a4-8 i = 0-55aq Zeal = 0-55a4 ; Tab Sh= 146 | i Kitab ive ass IZeat lX Ziob in yee i 0-559 <1-96 b-55aq 50 e i a 96-60 ‘sis » @ i a = 17 Ml | est the, hypotbests thal tts Sample tomes from a populates jeetth mean 40 and Standaxd devfcatfen |o+ ? Anscoere Gtven- ne éample. Size =400730 % > Sample mean = \1-88 AL> Population mean = ITl-17 & + Peputatfon standored clevialion = 330 Null hypothesis Ho t2u str Aternalive hypothesis yee Fitz Level of Sfgnifrcance 75 Yh 25%. Nest Stalfslic: x = X-2L afte z 2i7h 98 —1Tb IT 3+ 30/ T4058 = oat 3°30/ 20 ~ 0-a 165 + tava Leal =1979 Zhab Sy. = 1-96 “Comparesfons zee] acc CRight tall Jest) Level of Sige feance 19 KA 6% Hest etolisite + = H-W e/Ve = ale- 900. 90 /fas «1g b0/5 oe 0 ‘ = 6 ce Zeal) #16 Ziabs x= 64S (right fail 4st) Comparison = izcal | < Ztab 5% 6 Cp6us Conclusion ~ Btoce the calculated value of z 15 less than that Sabulaled pothesis ak 5 + Level of ségnifitance . jRenee there ts no significance difference under nctt hypothesis $0) at BY Level of stget iPfeance we my conclude that the » adverclis ment campaign has not affected tn Smprovernent or. Theres Yo the sales ak Tv. per dow Given t n= Sample size + too © = Sample mean = 33-5 | Lt = Pepulalion mean» 40 © = Popalalfon shandaxd defialton « fem) x FE m . fai 10- 20 13 tS ~ae fh -ae | 20-30 aco a5 -16 Hg -20 | 20-49 45 (35) 0 ° ° w= 50 13 45 10 t a | po-so m5 200g ‘ a cee efdl> 15 Hat EEd aby » = apt G15) 285+ (hs) - 995 a £1d, 38 + (-r5) Nattt'p hypethests Hot 2 = 40 Aiternalive hypothe ais Hrs we uo Level of Stgotfteance 45 La Td Test sialteie 9 = ofr = 93°5- 40 10 / Jeo {= cal] = 6-5 Z tab «146 Zeal € Z tab Gs {196 ' 9. | onduston - Since the calculafe value of 2% qrecten, than the tabulated value ab 5 */. 2evet of Signt ficance ne may reafect the nul hqpothests ab 5y. Level of sy ‘ance’ g there T6 a sipnt ffeance Aibberence ander nell hypothesis and ihe popalafton mean may neP be 4o- |bulatel | > null otfeance } z : = Larfe Sample fest fon hoo means - Herte we have do test echetner the sorple 75 drawn “fren the Sams popalalten or nol Ho t £2, + £2 Wie 20, FR KL a 5% ov ie ’ Formula - 21 - Me | sgt Note i Sn case of Longe Sample test for two means gf the populalton Standard devialion ane unknown that case énstead of G and 1 gou can use Sand Sa and % f possfble only fon Large Sample - Fomula- 9% —% where Ati 9 Fins! population mean tla > Second popalalion mean Ni > Fist populalfon 6ize Na? Second pepulalfon size 7 Fist populalfon standared devioltor ; 8 3B Second populatfen Standarel deviat¥or FF Ficsk Sample mean Mr Second Sample &meao 01> Firesk Sample size IN, Second Sample Size 8,4 Fish Sample standard deviation 8a>Secoad sample standard devialfon- et = EX As AY Ne nS 0, -feQr-" Na me Ee w= ey man De Bara @) dn onder fo make a Sunveg of buying habits wo marchers Rand & has cheosen at two parcts of -efly GOO Wornen Suppose cuce cheosen ab random im manket A and indie, average daily expendarce on food te found to be 2250 wih a Standard devialton 2 40. the Hgures ane F220 and F595 respectively ts marcel 8 cohere alse YOO comen Suppose are choosen af random Jest at 4+. Level of styntficance ,eoheathec the avenage daily food expenditure. ef tbe too popetalron of Shopping axe equal n+ Sample Sfze of mestkel & = 400 Na+ Sample, Size of maxkel B “= Yoo %,* Sample mean s} market A= 250 Hs ~ Sernple mean of market = aa0 ‘$= Sarnple slandosect Aevfalton of rnasekel A= Ud TT rrerepeententinesemmne Sa Sample Glandcued devialton of maxke} B= 5d Dall “hypothesis Ho = 2by = 2a. Chvg-datlg food expendticuea aw equal Allerenalive = hy pothesia Hy = 20, # Ry evel of Sipriffeance ad - 44, | = QBo-2a0 (uo) Yoo ) s = B+B@ Ans i Zeal = baa Ziab ih = 959 : [Zed | > 217 tab Conduston - | Sine the coleutated value of 2 te gueator than tne, tahclatel @ and Sowe may Freance and lealus of 2 ab Ih evel af setfeanes ° ae “refecl she cull gpothesrs ab + % Revel SI Ae ee oa thete te sigoifteant Aiffereree vomlecin NC ally expardilone oF bee dk Fempltes that the average A wo marked B populeffon of Shoppers co market Ac differe styoi ffeantty D gen the follewirg Enfonmnalfon rcelaling to ee places Nande- Test wheather thetic 13 any Bigntficant difference bekoet ther mean eoages A B Meet Wages ur ud Standeutd devialton as ae) mor of workers (000 \5e0 level of Atgoificance 5% “ys Sample size ef placa A = 1000 Na > Sample stze of place B * 1500 Ty > Sample roean sf place k= 47 Hg> Sample mean of place= 49 Br? Sample standard deviation of place A > 88 89> Bample Gtandared deviation of plac: B= G& null hypotbests Mos Ut = Or Miernalive hypothesis 4, = UG # lla Jevel of ofjriffeance bX ehs 5 oh zz Hh -% Zeal = -l-47 Z fab = aresl-ae Z cal Ole dz tabs OG toys Conclusion - Sioce HOR oncictaled valih 9: te ines Yearstne tabulated value of ' Z ab 5% Level SH Siyr Sample size of machihe B= 95 4% Sample mean of machthe -= goo Ha? Sample mean of machine B= 310 814 Sample standard devtalion of machine A = ao. $29 Sample standard devialion of machine B 25 | woull -hypotheste - 1 Ho $20)" 2ta | Altercnaltve hypothesis : yt 2) F Ue | Level of fgotffeance : ee | dest btaltes © 2 2 iz He | — Sti, 8 3 aq valuit of [307 4,15. = 2007 366 __ [30° 5, 1S as 4 the~ unger \ F _e t feank 90 oe | poe : | I | 4 | iz 7 by « = Fal . fete | 7a | ' Compaxiision - | IZ call=a | | Ztabe i. = keys [z call Reus I [zl lA Ztab5 y. : RFs | Conclusion - | Since the caludehed velue of Z fs greater than the tabulated | e a ge hs Serene, —- = cae we eneny reeect { eb iisie ee eeante 1S° i value of z ab 5x Level of sfgoi Fea ne 4 +. fevel ob sfgnificance ‘pe’ feat: Nes the null hypothests at 5 ‘ i P* otnests Heow , | Ba “egrtfean Atpyerence under oul! at air u #15 sfgntffeant S01 both te machfnes epbteient - j Dk 35-08-14 "tb" Lest LE! Feat otherwise Knocon as student a Single mean A Tico mean (aighercence ef m ears) A Paired (t! dest Modest lose Siege megan Formela -|¢ = X= O/T ore 1 EF & & Unknoren your have Ao used $ tohene , BOF Sample mean 20+ populalien mean B + Sarple Standard deviation © + Pepulalten standard devtalion eompantsot ~£54.,(r-L)dt (degrees ef frecectom) 1) A nandom Sample ef Size 20 4rom a normal population gives « Aample mean of 48 and Sample Standaxd devialion of @- Tet} the hypethests thak the population mean i344 + stake clear the altecnalive hypethests you Glow fore and the Bevel of stgntffeance this 57. Given - ne Sample mean = ua ” PSample size =a0 (30 ' 59 Sample standard desfatin =6 43 44 (population mean) Nall-by pothesis Ho 4e =44 (th Séqné ffeank) | Miernalive bypothest Ho te F uy Level of Signéfftance K% sey ‘Jest stattes &s K-w 8/In=r = Ma-uy e/Va0-1 6/4359 ate 1376 = [+ Ie45] > bus Compasctaton — | | cat] hus 4 tab sa.iddf =2-093 bus sh 44-69 = ~al- 0-439] + 09-4944 Composiisfon— 12 coll = 0-4394 4 labs y. 5 dt = 4-015 0-299 ¢ 9-015 | condugion - face the calculated value ef 4 15 less thar the tabulated value of + esti 5% Aevel of Sfantfreance at 5 degers of frecedem and thef’s wo | Aigniffcant difference under oul ha potess and the nun pothesis ts an styrifcant ‘ : : De +01 03-a014. eens toe “BY Best foc’ too means - Sidne a, weight 42, 39,48, tg, the Same +hospitat 69,69 and GAkG ~ 4@) A Group of 5 pelvents treated with me 60 and HI Kg +Second quoup of 7 palien! Aeealed with medicfne B. Weigh! aeayses6u§ oo Do you agcee eafth the clatin tha medfeine Be as ae welgot Syotfianity The fobulaled vole at 5 7 dev ft cance with 107, clk ts 9-9281 EAP Given- mys m>7 Nall -hypothests Ho ti.=Lee ‘here fs no signéffeant dipperence bekween the medicine A and B relating extth thefe effect en faenease én ‘weight Alternalive - hypothesis Hy = 20) < 2s devel _of_signéfieance- XK f= orf Founala$- £ = a a [ea £(4-9y [pons Torcenee! where S* -) Population mean Square Competabfooal Fovmela - £ (4-2) =2d*- (2a)* a 2y-ql -40- (ay On 4g “6 3a fs) 60 4) £27230 Tr Sa . 290 Lug uy) 5 Assemed mean: 39460 z 2 eee — 4+ 38 4a (seam: 9 ey 3 63 12 «4 19 6q 6 1247999 ge Assumed rnean > 38469 _ 535 a = 310 ~ 100 5 = 310- 20 * a0 y atyp > zp'- (40) . Mn i 2493-0) 7 = 433- 44 7 + 933-7 = ac ‘fs te aF ety’) 14-2 i -La + 496 ( Bees ee i > +o via | 10 | \ > 4 Nave : de KG Ie Cnr ie) = 46557 Vie (Ys +7) 2 ll = xt Paral) farro%s | Bol? 5 - sche (omparitson - Frais 1-casing-ady eee UE call 4 Fabry, lod} PEN (where )292> Note :- Nall Nypothests eafinfng are, Same Meane score beferce Heafofng and abter 4 ny > Basic Formeda 4 caleubton purpose ¥ fobulated value =f dab, 5, Un ak Note t- Tafeed 4est te mast Important Stalfs al ool jor: compavetson test 1Q/ An1@ dest coas admfnslar 40 5 peeson before and Ablere they Wow re hes 4 trained the wesulk ane given below tandtdete [2 1@ befone Anaintng | mo [to [183 tage tas 1Q ip cg tao) MQ ae ee tay |Teeh whether thee ts any change fn 1g after, tne treafotng Progrears. Nutt hypothesis Ho + Rte ~ Ley Alternakive bypothests cry No x | ¥ d a> 4 0 ao ~lo 100 2 120 NB ? 4 3 183 ‘os -2 4 % 199 196 bo] v7 5 196 Vat 4 le | Zd=-10 [eg?-1u0 9a) Sol” => Ye = a4 a > -0-8! Fab = 08! Habs itd 24°60 Conclusion- Stace the caleutaled value of tt 7 47. Level of Signefivane cotth 4 db, we mot nests - dt tmpltes that there 15 Peo! 45 45, Thsign' nal hgpolbests and nut hypothesis. SONG 3 less than erdiifcal value of Eat aeceph The Mull hepe accept pe © under, cee may h onning Progr grit : eo 1@ ablerc conclude that thene ts oe change & IQ 8b the Sates data of an them in © Atfercent Shops beforce ancl abben, qr ee as un dere @ Special promotional carpa Shop . 5 8 4 6 Before campain 53 a8 31 48 50 Aglere campaign 58 af 30 55 56 4S Can be the campatgn fudged fe be a Suc Nutt: hypothesis Ho = Ln. = iy Allernakive hypothesis Hye Use Level of significance Shops * i co 4 53 58 5 Q ag 7 | 3 8 = i : 4 as m4 ad = gd a > set [ea cat] ok (i G2] s wut [ia J *S [at-79-5] | 4 4T5 = 01a UTS 245 Jfob,5%, 5 ay = 8-015 1k coll Conduston - accept the Shida aye wwleulated EE % nw 5 dpoee OT ‘ efteance A ab 51. evel of SPH cg oe ull hypothests 44 Poplfes a ts fe tostgnibicant -So o andere null hypethests ond nu hyper eet conclude that jwomean and pateed | DE -ouOg-H —_Defercence, behween pepperane’ ot atest 7 } ~? Déffenence of kod mean —>Paied ‘t' Zest > Ain = 2ly Un Ay 2 Sed epend ent 2 Dependent anéne P usne => ‘tL? fest fore connelalion Co-cbticfent - Fore the case of 'E’ dest fore correlator Jest whether Kow=0 or nof co-ebbicient we have fe 1 Wheree Fi tnd connclal¥on comehiSert «fb tptes had ep eo les tn ye Populakion ane thelependent ch pokes - ap ™eans all the Sol? ‘Vardiable are uncorneleuted: where, : 7 Tedteales sample conrelalfon co-ebptefent Ph Todicates no- of thems +f tndicates peputalten cenrcelalton co -efbfefent 7 Blab 15 4. (n-ald A nandom sample of 37 pairs of observation froma nommal popelal ves a corcreefalion Co-effictent of 0-49 -Ts gf Tkely that the varfables th the populalfen ae un -torrelated - Given - N= m-Gam-no. of gems 9 a7 X= sample corcelaHon co-ebbiefent 0-9 Null hypothesis - Hor f=o Alternative hupothests -CTeco tailed) Hi f #0 Level of significance x L254, be MX fe Jinn 42 XVaI-2 [t= Co-ua)® = ote xVa5- q t~ OTeu ' = O4u2x 5 V0-sage 2a 0-4075, = 2-3) 4@) 9a) $4 Sah ab ov. a5 Ak = 2-06 \eeotl > 2-06 2-314 79-06 Senclusion - Stree the calculated value fd! velus 0b 4 ak 5+/ level of sf nefeck the null hi ts qreater: than the 4ebulated ffcance woth 95 Ab swe may pothesis at 5. Hence there is a Biqotfeank a and % is Significant gt fmny & the peputation- Levelof Signiffeance cotth asdy- bhemance under null hypothesis plies that the warfables are conrcelated 1 Students selected ab random obtain the bollewing Scores Student no- 42 3 4 5g 6 7 8 4 Scone To math's 127 64 27 US gga uy 47 3u Score In economics 37 Bq O66 42 ag aa. ua 30 belles norrnal Asiribulon: Tes cchether at is'Known that the Scones the belie} the Shiclenis dequees ts juettea- Memony capactly of shudents ans ested before and ablen Arcalnting State whether. jhe Heatning Wat eb rocds Ve or nok Roll_no. f 9 3 oy 5 8 4 1 Before trating 12 4 oy gg o se After: training a ee 3 a Sven t- ny2224 < 80 Nall hnypothesis Ho # 2t= At, other , (Mernalive hypothests ALE 2 Rey Level ef stant ffcance Kaen Sludeat noe aoe q P 4 ar -18 3a4 gy =n oy 4 361 oy 5 : -18 324g “te ° 2 66 " 5 5 as ry -1 ‘ “3 tea 24-20 7 a “4 ie 33 “Ie S 4 a 4 @ 6 cs 1 ae = in 20 -4 Total +gn.g :£%° 361 tds -38 eas guy fy. 373 aoe Assumed mean (x)=aT toq _ 4565 Nescamed mean (y) = 2Asee Lures MH = EX, 367 Luo. 79 ni 74 ee 24. 373. ayy o> 8 3 £(%-)*= ed? - (4d)* : 7 ari34y = 638)" a = aud = 444 4 = 1944 - 6o.4y UB S-56 144 2 256 284 44 Mee ase 361 40%. 1780. ee ee (ent ™ - Aypea- = W180 - (68) 4 = N180- Yea 4 . = 180- 513-78 = 266-28 esa a sy *arare [2eera + 2.5") Fapacat 1183-56 + i2e¢.22] = 3g Launars] ~L y auua-7g ve * = 153 = 4O-78-u1-uy eT aes (444) = 20-66 — VSS KO-|g = O60 {33 eas Fab, 5406 af = Tue wo T0466 90, \eeatl 5.9039 coll < typ OMI rye > -O37 bg | | | | Concluston Stace the calulated value of 415 less than the tabulated value of F at Sy. tevel of Ségnificance with 16 df 50 ewe may cecept the pull hypethests. I implies that there fs no Signtfcant difercence. candlere null hypothes?s anct it fs fhscqnifreant - $o, we may conclude that the gludents pree possess the kv subjects th dftpercent dlegree ts not Guskified- Efven - n=to Null hypothesis Ho £8, = 2a. Alternative hy pothesis Wy set Ube Level of stgniffcance Km = ‘t 4 ID 1S 2 4 'e 3 Ww to 7 8 - 5 7 ‘ 10 2 7 2 to 8 ° 2 4 5 3 10 on 4 Zn=10 am ay a: 24 aka 72 a éd=-2 sd%euy ot D at 12) : 1o~1 (#4 i 1 — nl (84 cy > Liab 5%. ,adf = 833 $0, Ibeatl< Fab 2 [hae] < 1-839 Conclusion - Stoce he coleulated value of | 15 less shan he tabulated Ce of F at 54. tevel of significance eotih adf Bee ee I Senile teehee ta ns eink Atppererce under pull hypotvests and th ¢5 setyrtteant 3 we mow mrecdide thas inbting sot riot ebbeclne. ef 1Se We may accept a ['t? Jest for. conmelation Co-eptictent - Formula = £2 texto-2 ree Fow the case of tt ' test fore conmelation co- cbf fefent we have Jo nest f=0 Crows0 of pol)hena f indicates population Corecel- alton co- ehbfctent Sk Ampltes thak aN the varfables tn the populalfon ane Independent tn oalure -4t means all the variable are uncorcre~ elated - 7 Sample correlation cv-epbfcfenk % no. of Gems T Population conmelalon co- eb pictent * blab deh, (o-2 dF 9) & random somple o a7 paics of chservalfon bom a normal popelalion gives a cormelalfon co- ebffcfent of 0-42 «4s % \kely that the variables tn the populak’on ane conrelated « 301. Gtven- n287<30 > Sample stze 1C> 0-42 4 Sample conmelalfon to~ ebpfefent Null hypothesis - . Wo feo A\lernalive hypothe sis alue Uys fF 0; cept Glevel of stanifteance Kt. T tn oss ea Test States ' : flex Te Vee = ouaxTarg T= oq? + 9-49 x15 Vi=0 ey = 0-42 x5 ‘ © g236 Corn fson- A Aab sis a5df = 8-06 So \beat | PHab \a-a| >a-oc - Conclusfon- Since the talusletecl value of ‘t'%s greater than the tabulated om exi¥feal value of bal 4. devel of Styntffcance ath IS Af, we vraag eefect the oull bypoest's aP 5+/ Level’ af Siyrtfreance with 25 df -Hence, therce sa Significant differance undere aul hypothests and 45 significant: dt fpites thal the vardables axe correlated to the populalien- \ | 9) [tea the least value of 1 Toa sample of 18 pats of observation Brom a bfvercant aoremal population - Signtficant at 54. tevel lob Ssfgniffeant it a > ~ tone df = >| elie pea hase» 7\2 eK S yuguy lore 7 316m? > Cir) 4 -yquy, >ore™ J YUU 44 4 Py MNgad® > 4 4a4y > B0- UGA? 4eyquy ' pees U4auy aod o-3192 >» = Torarae = OUT Fe at hue Squaxetest) This & one of the vest Important paramelnfe and 90m peven melee test There are three Tmpoclant applications ef X* dest - BP best of goodness of ft Chon- parcanetiet Jest) BH) test of ‘Todependence ef aticibebes Cnon- Pararvelaie. desi BE? Jest for. 9 vardlance (parcametrefe test) Popalals 139 teak of Null Geodoess of Et - bypotbesis Hot 20 £E (2, gun gp cbsecval bo dale - Searm of Nlernabive h ypolbesis Wit £0 ~ ge level ef, Ficanee Test stalics 0) sey =e Sompantison ~ tab, 57 OVAL «Po 7 + Y the Pearobere of DHE accidents Pere Month Sy % cere, ha pera ota coer ad S12 8 a0 9 Mow os 4 4 Arte this Fes y Frequendes RTA Lh the at ardent conditions ere the Same during dhe eee % : : ‘5 10 month eriod. | Syn i ] : Bol SLND oO fg o-R CO-E)> res : CO-Byp : § a i 7 Oy 8 9% 10 100 ee to ebro test) ecbect ha) renfog. ve q 0 1 Hl "ent to 4 10 -6 3c Beg io! 96-6 B= £0 _ 100 ai Null-hypathests Ho = £02 2h Alternalive buat esis Hs £0 #28 Levet of, Stan? france Kop eB oh. Weal =F l0-B)%—_ > 86-6 Comparison - Kdab,5 x, adf *6-al4 $0, % cal 7%? tay 2626 PIG-a1a sat Conclusfon - Stace the calculated value {15 geeafere than the eilfec! vate of %? at y % Level of Shynifteance whin Adf we may nefech meall- hypothesis 4 tndteales & 45 bly Stachfttamb oP 5 7- Lovet of StiniPreance eatth dab * We may cenclude thal the acddeat condilten tunfforem overs the 0 month Perfod of Hime are cenlathly net | | . spss a0s0 versfon Excel +Dala entry £758 Data. Enlny Ceepy ard post) fnalyse Inlenprefalfon: the above: paints auce the jeurt baste steps for SPSS” case chadly i test catty di, jercence of means - Suppose as marckeleas of « brand of feans swe canted fo find cut eoheiner a Sek of customers in Delf and = Sef of customers tn Meumbaf thoaght ef owe brand fa the Same way os not objective- B Hind oul whether: « Set of customert In Delhi and a sek of customers In Mumbai have the same thought ofa brand ef Feans + . “ Null hypothe sis - There $3 no signifreance, dipherence % fo th B customers fn mumbat and % Delht 3 at nee &3 Ho? Uo = Lim Hit Ly F Ob Sample \ a Janno aoeo tang nu | = Case Sludyt¥! test for Patred a 3 d to * Li Fel, ' aoe ye way Sample + bef 2 4 ob i % 5 6 7 > by : 4 Before advertise Wc ee we we we Ablere Pf eae os Seer ot tet 16 Fit htghig dtsiike - Ane Sheghly Liked Objective - before é is Te Know somebody's adverliged and after alitlude lowards a brand 1 t5 advertised - Null -hypéthesis 2 . There 15 no stqntffeant dikhercence rents teespondents beforte and after they Sau walings given by the the add cam paign- Ho 3 Re = Be Allercnalive hypothesis 4° Hs Uh + We Note ¢- Fore §P55 Sohwarce whateverc the results’ Se axe gelling tt can be Compared wtih the 'P! value ov probabiltty value instead of ceiffeal value ov tabuleded Valuv Inlerprefalfon of «P’ value 2- Based on the P value coe havets draw tne condluston of Cl ores Cee ee Yhen we may accept the oul hupothests and 3h TE than 0405 and 0-01 thenwe m, “4 ject ws less the nuti hypethests by the pein ok oot less | sthests Definces of fcedor :- ‘The number of values tr a Sample we tan Specify freely once s we Kecw Something about the Sample > H test of todepencence of atltbukes s- Example Reseanchere Gender| : T ] : Female Male Totes | Skeeam” | im a ry Ora MBA 20 30 50 Oar at McA | 30, 8504 55 Total 50 35 os 0% Observed dada E>Expected data in X? test of independence of allributes the oull ~hypothest, be Ho ta alletbules ge, Gender and Sitoam arce deol fin nederce 2 abbrcibekes, ell depen! u Stream anc Gender ace Sebendent ~ (0 I Formula 2-| 0 SE | degreees of freedom > Prabirn, cem-t) (n-dl mm > 00° of column NA no: of row eww total X¢olurn dobad Grand total | cedeulalion of Expected Bala Ey = BOBO 2 2800 fgs = 93-809 2 OB Pik 2oxs8 3156 ios > a6+19 SSXBO 2190 fos = ab-14 Bas “age = 71° fies aa: x55 2 3085 /\os = 28804 j Be : oo Reef Simo) oo | ge | ee) to-8)? = Cone )YE : eae | acre pee aL iu stel 0-61 [j | oa 2 4 30 | aera | saa Mesiel oss ‘ 3 30 26-19 58h suesiel Os 4 35 28809 =368I 14-516] 0+50 ! 224-01 \ 2 go-By e Fada % cal x Bea! 7 gab tab = 3+ Buy F tab. (a-10Ca-1) Stree Whe calculated * accepl the null hypothen's at dk dence mull hypothests 45 4 San ecanco cofth | a abinibutes te, mabe é AP test fon fnchependent oF Attntbetes : MiGente eee ean - i Sieur ¢ 6 § 20-39 40-54 | > 60 lors : [Persons | | ! | | t “opt [Utked the a cc ow) i move 3a0 Bo ilo abo TIO é ' Oar Oaa Ona ; Oow i Disitked the ! i | : mae i eee od | a} 0394 Oa O34 2, Th hercen| Pe é neath 20° fe be gg 40 ~ + ag Total | 40 _ dor A movie producer ts bafnging out a. new moute tn oxen 4o make cut hié adverdlising he wants to defeamine whether the movie wlll appeal most to the poxbreular age Ap oF cob ether Ht appeal equally fo all age int the producers Jakes a -ranclom Sample reom a person al deg % pre reviewing Shesthg of the new movie and ebtash the given wosults- Use X* test to dentve abe conclusion 4ams3 yn 4 Ey a Te X4OO. aay = —Toob ma Bie Woxiool n “4 ee 000 HI thar Fig = WOxa00 24a 1000 fy 2 NOx 3002 aia 1000 Bo, . (45% uoo, 78 1200 is Ea2 2 las x100 . 1495 1000 Pag = 195 ¥aoo . 34 1 1000 Bay = 195 ¥ 300 . 58°5 1000 Bai > I xu, 3g 1000 X10o . a5 1000 Bsa - ISX 200 _ iq 1000 Bau = 95%300 . 3865 1000 oe Jor (ey /E 330 | asy ae 5G moet qe | 74 iy Wo wa} -39 Tal a00 a3 ~13 icq 0-74 > 18 -88 184 10-05 ts 145 45 aoeas feoy 10 3a at qe a4-6y 60 585 VS das oro4 30 38 os ea tes 5 a5 nay 20.25 213 a0 u ovos 4o 198-35 4ey SL ing andl Dtsififng of the movie by Sndtviuuatl fe Pacleperdtent of thetre age group oR tho the movie wll appel equally 0 the persons ef all egy Se | [a= [fklog and AtstPking of the movie by todividual ts dependent! of thet age group Level of Staniftcance - Ke = Be, = 0.08 g2. 2 (0-8) > 5747 Grab (ul) (3-12 CAF, Sof = 19-509 i tonduston- : { Stace; the calculated Value of X* 13 much greater than the | ale, ' cnet eal value ef we may reejech the null hypethests ab 57. f devel of significance wstth Gd and tt is highty signtficant: I I indfcates thab the new movie definitely doesn't appet equaliy to the people of olf, herent age group 62 Iking and disliking of the movie by Fndlividual Ps dependent! oh Hhety “ye yo Dt-18.03-2014 E ace 2 fea} of population Varian f vodance the popedating \ i a sk be given fn case of 7 set of popelaltor ¢ Vaniance 61 élandaxd devfalion me Formula'8- | X? = 7" | eu 2 ol eet ax vB AS ete wR lore : n n+ Sample Stxe Null hypothests - Ho # 6? > K (given @ .A random sample of ste 30 freom nose) populakion qe the Sample Standard deviation eG . desl the hypothesis that the population StaBard devintioo fs 4 n= 90 6=9 367 =81 (Population Standard devénl 5= & > B+ 36 ( Sample Shandard sdovtal re) Hon) Nall hypo tenis Hots? =4 Altennalive hypothesis Wo Fa level of sign ificanu * Kheod. %? cal = 8-84 i tab sv. 1adf 230-144 Weal © tab $7. nadf : L Conclusfon - Since the coluelePect value of X* P35 less than the tabulated value 4%, we may accepk the null hypothests at 57- Level of Agnificane with ladk and eb fs highly Snstgntfitant 3 the the GD oe eS a “SleNo. | __ ot es A. 38 may 2 4o leo 8 us aoas 4 53 2804 5 47 daca ' & 43 \guq 4 5s 3035 a Me 2304 4 9704 io 2401 283970 Can we say that the varfance of the distatbetion of welghts Of aut Skudents from which the ohove sample was drawn ts equal fo 20%q ° m= 16 Nail hypothes?s Hot @* = 20 Alierenalive hypothesis ho? #20 level of significance Xf s5 7. -' 23370 _aaoq o Jo 22370-9204 = 28 Vet = 25" o = 1OKa8 OB) ma 346. 2 “Keab.5 inna -aay Maz 80, 1X*eall { % gop, 14¢ 16-93 . sot ict ee Grclugion Since the calutated value of %? % less than the eri¥eel value of K* al 5 +. Level of Significance with A Af 180 we may accept the null hypothests- St fadfeates thal the nyll hypothesis is tnofgniffeant and there 75 no significant dipjerene under nut ‘ ypothests- so,ee may conckude thal the vastance f the i Atsintbetfon ef weigh! of atl the Sldents th populalton ts ‘ ao* ‘q . 85-03-2014 e ’ i Fo test - dn this ‘4’ tes null thesis wer ota? f Populalfen Varfances are. equal L Alferenative hypothesis | Ou FOX ay = Fat | Sf Ss? >Sa Se heorditeal formule fom S? and 5, 3 St = £(a-%)* | | | Computational formula ox si and Ss 3 fe LL. Jagr Cea)* ‘ : nyod [4 Ty | fe gt S012 ae daq-o ade uahera so 0nd b axe about: mean FE tab. % [Cnt ), (na O] af Formula ¢ | F Fr. | @) [he time daken by the workers pemforening je by rnelhad 1 and ney 2 is que. below $=. " + | Method 4 | Method 2. ao | a7 aac | 30 | ab fees ag } a7 a5 i Weeage feet ! 2a ay [ed othe dala. so that he Vvartfance of dime alisircibalfon brome ee peor echtch ample are Arown do not Athen signi freanlly nee net Null gpotnests 2 Wo: = dherce is 0 stgoificant dijjerente bekveen the v tance of tm a gett of eden 8 2 se | tf at 28 Degrees of freedom 3 ~ oe eng gab-5¥- [Co,-1).C- Af ‘ |ataretbaon by the workere tn percfereming a, fol by method £ and : imethed 9 Aternalive hypothesis ¢- Wi 6? #O* | Assumed means +37 ams ca) = alt42 . 34-5 Cb) a 2 Raul 2_ Céd) ear [eter 2 - at . ro [tere ] 2 + (sa- 4) ' “4 “(82 - 0-667) - at BI 333 | | » 1G AT | | | L [me EXP e ~ [rwe- #] +4 (136 - 2-29) <1 g ni93-7! = 39-985 Gn this case S2 Sr $0 the formula F= F = 4-a5 tab.5 ¥.4(6,5)aF Treat |< F kab 137 (4°45 Conclusion ¢° Since the eal! we may accept the pull cotth GBS Af M tomplies andere null hypathests and, thas varcabitthy of be Hime. d fame Oe ulated value of Ps less than ecilital. value of F- hypothesis oF 51- Level 4 Significance that Shere 0 significant dfhperenee hfs nok significant + We ray. conclude iskeibalfon fr the 2 popalalfon ae ® [rive horse A and ® were desled attording 42 the Hime fn second te FU! jo pardteutar deack with ollowhng results « I; | Horbe A [nonse 8 | 38 | aa | ; | | 30 } 3 i i} [eo ae) oor a) : | | | 29 | au | j ‘ [ogy } aa | 24 (eee | dest whethers the 2 horses have the Same running copacity $A" nye7 nat t | | {Nut-hypothesis Ho 1 = & Altcrnalve bypothesis Hit OF #8" i | eel te xe i Resurned Mean «(a) ashou nat | (ae aukao, a7 ae | A eS] 4 6b [eB] ¥) > (35-3510) ~L x dieuase { a * \ = 5-238) $2 “act [40% - ten" | a a ee cn? ea [es - 2] * $ [as-%2y = 4 (35 -8.1607) = 1 ( ac.8333) | st ) i = 5+3667 In this case $," > 5% $0 the formula, F . abies (Seah | {Real | 4,F dob 1oa4e (4-29 Conclusion 2 Since the caluulated value of F ts lessthan entifeal velue of t-we ras attept the null hypethests at 61. Level of, Stet freance wtih 686 dh: dt tmplies that there To no Sfgntfteant Athpercence under oul] hypothes (5 and 3} 16 not Stgniffeant + We may tontlade thal vautabilily

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