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Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

7197469, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

We Run for our Lives: From the Disclosure of Learners Troubled

by the Rido Phenomenon

Harrah Grado-Carmona*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

Learners deserve only the best and the safest learning environment for their future. This
phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of high school students on the phenomenon
of rido, particularly on the changes brought about by the rido phenomenon toward their attitudes and
behavior, their coping mechanisms including their learnings and insights from their rido
experiences. Fifteen conversational partners uncovered their lived experiences which were carefully
analyzed. The themes that emerged from the study include: all on the losing end, optimism amidst
distress, and aspired turning point. The essence of the study revealed that the life that the
Conversational Partners (CPs) lived mirrors an ordeal. Also, their lived experiences all led to a losing
end, leaving them in struggle, desolation, and strife. Despite being exposed to a cycle of violence and
conflict that seemed almost impossible to stop, the CPs developed an optimistic view of the
unpleasant and dangerous situation they were in. They developed behaviors or ways of managing
themselves while caught in a chaotic situation. They did not overlook at the adverse blow of the rido
phenomenon as they acknowledged they needed to remain alert and be prepared at all times for they
never knew when the next attack would occur again. For them, the best way out was to seek for
peaceful settlements, expressing that conversations under the principle of peace should be pursued by
everyone especially those who were directly involved in the conflict.

Keywords: Rido, Phenomenon, Aspiration, Conversational Partners, All On The Losing End,
Optimism Amidst Distress, Aspired Turning Point

Introduction pupils had to attend to their classes under the trees or

in a field since the rido broke out (Philippine Daily
A simple whistle can trigger a conflict which can lead Inquirer, 2019). Moreover, in the study conducted by
to a bloody form of retaliation and a senseless loss of Alaya-Ay et al. (2013), they underscored that rido was
lives. Looking at one side of the lens, the conflict can perceived as greatly affecting the students in terms of
potentially stifle and impede learners’ realization of their academic performances and disturbing them in
their selfless dreams. When it blows out of proportion, gathering and organizing their projects and
a conflict can have detrimental repercussions not just assignments. They further highlighted that it also
on security but also on the economic activities of the caused a decrease in enrollment, minimized school
clans involved in the conflict (Rio, 2016). With such a activities, and made students afraid to go to school.
seemingly simple and trivial whistle, learners can
languish in pain and fear while living in an In the area in Cotabato Province where the researcher
environment where feuds and clan wars dominate, resides, rido between two families fighting for a
instead of enjoying a peaceful co-existence. Worse, if portion of land now occupied by a group of people has
these same youth are obliged by clan feuds to sown terror among families and residents of the
participate in defending their kin network against a community including the young learners.
rival clan. When unresolved, it can be deadly
(Cabalza, 2017). In view of the foregoing, this study uncovered the
lived experiences of learners on the phenomenon of
Country of Origin Information (COI) Focus report rido. Although there were many literatures and studies
(2017) bared 40 isolated children who could not go to focusing on the rido culture of Mindanao, not much
school due to blood feuds in Albania. Furthermore,
had been undertaken that looked into the experiences
children especially in rural areas of the north continue
of the junior and senior high school students with rido
to be affected by the blood feud phenomenon,
as the backdrop. Hence, this study explored the rido
affecting their educational life as well as their mental
and social life (Xhaxho, 2018). phenomenon as viewed from the lens of the learners.

In the Philippines, quite several pupils were displaced

because of rido between two feuding families. The
Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Research Questions extent losing its preventive function while amplifying

its destructive dimension (Kreuzer, 2011).
The study explored the lived experiences of junior and
senior high school students on the phenomenon of In addition, rido can be managed by a mediator; either
rido. Specifically, the following queries sought
a political leader or a traditional leader that is
answers to the following questions:
respected by both parties and knows resolving rido
1. What are the lived experiences of participants about (Salerno, 2011). Along the same vein, Ajayi and
rido? Buhari (2014) expressed about elders’ role in the
2. How are the conversational partners affected by the society in the African community, saying the elders
occurrence of rido in their areas? (old age or seniority) within the culture of the
3. What learnings and insights have the conversational Yorubas, are the powerhouse of wisdom and
knowledge and as respected as trustworthy mediators
partners gained from their experiences of the rido
all over Africa. They further highlighted that their
roles include making recommendations, conveying
suggestions on behalf of the parties, and emphasizing
Literature Review relevant norms and rules, among others.

The Rido Phenomenon Further, various actors, from traditional leaders to

specialized NGOs, to local politicians and members of
Rido, or clan feuding, is a state of recurring acts of the police or Armed Forces, offer their services in
violence carried out to avenge a perceived affront or mediating between feuding families or clans (Kreuzer,
injustice. A Maranao term that is commonly used to 2021). However, Gardner (2018) pointed out that in
refer to clan feuds, it is characterized by a sporadic the rido conflicts of the Philippines, mediation is very
outburst of retaliatory violence between families and often a specialized role adopted by female kin
kinship groups, as well as between communities. It is a including mothers, sisters, aunts, and wives.
violent feud that involves entire clans warring against
each other in a cycle of violence that could last for Rido can exist among close or distant relatives when
decades. While the Philippine legal system defines one’s pride is involved in a Maranao society (Alaya-
rido as revenge killing as murder or homicide, the ay, et al., 2013). In addition, Panay-Bukidnon people
Maranaos define the act as retributive justice. It is to exact vengeance necessarily to counteract the vacuum
be noted that this phenomenon is typically observed in created by the death of a family member. For them, the
areas where there is a lack of state mechanism in place act of taking revenge upholds the principles of what
to deter and prevent such occurrences and where the constitutes desirable and undesirable behavior and
authority predominantly resides in family and kinship deters actions that can be disruptive to the community.
ties; hence, the coercive power of the state is exercised An act of retribution against the wrongdoers is seen as
by the local population (Torres, 2014). It may also necessary in order to maintain and foster stability in
happen in locations where there is a perceived lack of the community (Rio, 2016). Moreover, in an article by
justice, security, or central authority (Adam & Boer, Orendain and Mullins (2011) published in The World,
2015). family squabbles escalated into mini-wars, involving a
number of people. Further, it said that deadly fights
In Mindanao, where violence in the form of rido has erupted over power, disputed land, or simply trying to
become customary, the situation is even more preserve someone's "good name", resulting in people
complex. Rido involves a vendetta killing provoked by getting killed or displaced and properties being burned.
an affront or disgrace to the honor of a family or its
members. Clan feuds oblige even the youth and future Finally, rido is an act of mutual killing between
generations to participate in defending their kin families of clans who are in conflict. It may seem like
network against a rival clan. It can be deadly when it is a custom that is deeply embedded in religious and
unresolved violence lasts through years, decades, or moral beliefs. However, current literature suggests that
even generations taking thousands of lives, destroying there is a strong social dimension to it and that it is a
property, and displacing affected families (Cabalza, social norm. It can be inferred based on literature that
2017). Similar to former times, feuding is still mostly a people see that families or clans retaliate in the form of
mechanism of “horizontal control” targeting members violence when they get offended and that the members
of a similar status group, and it is also still morally support the family or clan in its pursuit of justice.
superior to direct mediation in many cases. A number Social pressure exists, which reinforces behaviors that
of studies suggest that blood-feuding actually support rido (Solis, 2013).
increased both in number and in ferocity to a certain

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Causes of Rido As the strong motivator of blood feud, Cozort et al.

(2011) claimed the strong concept of honor that
The causes of rido are contextually varied and may be flourishes in Chechen society. In their study, they
further complicated by a society’s sense and concept examined the impact of traditional Chechen culture,
of honor and shame. While the triggers of the conflicts especially the continued practice of blood feuds, on
can range from petty offenses like theft and jesting to violence in Russia. When this kind of crisis is
more serious crimes like homicide, studies show that combined with the traditional Chechen culture and a
land disputes and political rivalries are the most propensity for violence, the outcome can be
common causes of rido (Torres III, 2014). Moreover, devastating, especially when violence is radicalized.
murder and theft were high on the list of the causes of This same concept of honor including the value of
rido. Rido is also caused by the people’s desire for pride may complicate the petty offense that may lead
wealth. It could also be a simple incident of having felt to a cause of death of an individual (Orozco, 2022). In
insulted and humiliated by a driver of a passenger her study entitled The Lived Experiences of Rido: The
jeepney who refused by saying that he was not under Meranao Case, she disclosed political rivalry as the
obligation to deliver passengers right to their own very common cause of rido. Other reason why rido in
homes except along the highways or to their usual those areas is worse are a political dynasty and lack of
route (Alaya-ay, et al., 2013). education in the provinces. After a death of a family
member, the rest of the family members, both the
Moreover, Durante et al. (2014) disclosed the story of offended and the offender, tend to face problems at
a vice-mayor who sparked a rido after accusing his home, mental and physical health, and have different
mayor of withholding salary payments, ultimately coping mechanisms.
resulting in the death of 19 people. Rido culture
Effects of Rido
encourages escalation of normal disputes into violence
because it valorizes those who fight for their family’s
Blood feud has affected different categories of people
honor. Black sheep and lower status members of a clan
including children and women. According to COI
will even proactively escalate disputes into violent
Focus report (2017), the religious institutions recorded
rido in the hopes that it will increase their internal
that in Albania there were 15 isolated children that
standing within the family (Matuan, 2014). Add to it
could not go to school in 2014, 40 in 2015, and 40 in
the findings of the ethnographic study of Anteneh et al. 2017 because they feared for their lives. The problem
(2021) which revealed that economic, political, and of isolated children because of blood feud in the
socio-cultural causes may lead to blood feuds. To Albanian society is still ongoing. Many children are
them, blood feuds have persisted for generations in subjected to isolation and it is very difficult for them to
various countries as part of the customary homicidal continue their education under blood feud conditions
practice. because their security is compromised (Xhaxho, 2018).

According to Co et al. (2013) and Macabuac-Ferolin & As the leading contributor of violent conflicts in the
Constantino (2014), the common causes of rido region, ridos cause harm and death to members of
include land disputes, theft, politics/political rivalry, implicated families or clans. In many cases, innocent
election-related conflict, sex crimes (including rape, civilians are likewise affected as a result of violent
physical contact, and elopement), confrontations between these feuding groups. Long-
pride/disgrace/shame/affront to maratabat, homicide, running ridos or clan feuds gave rise to organized
accidents, business rivalry, drugs, non-payment of violence, causing not only suffering to the local
debts, jesting, damage to property, cattle rustling. In population in terms of loss of life but has also greatly
addition, these feuds could originate from a slight o impacted on its social, economic, and cultural life.
honor or disrespect, theft or destruction of property, Moreover, more than a hundred and thousand
political rivalry, jealousy or accidents. Initially casualties, including loss of civilian lives, and the
involving only two persons usually from different displacement of millions of people have underscored
clans, such incidents escalate automatically into a feud the rido conflicts and other violent discords in
between their respective clans, sometimes across Mindanao (Capuno, 2017; Macabuac-Ferolin &
generations as well. Often these feuds are settled out of Constantino, 2014).
court, involving various intermediaries (traditional
leaders, influential persons, elected officials, and the Consequently, the Maranaos who engage in rido suffer
military) and based on traditional practices and Islamic consequences like neglecting the education of their
laws (Capuno, 2017). children, damage to properties and livelihood, buying

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of weapons for extra protection, and the psychological the rido erupted when a herd of cattle owned by one
effect which is the feeling of being unsafe all the time. family destroyed the rubber trees of another family.
Moreover, the more they are economically provided,
the more they become influential to feed the rido Following the same point, Alaya-ay, et al. (2013) cited
which could change the social order of the community fear among students to go to school, a decrease in
because all other social institutions will be affected enrollees, minimizing school activities, being late in
and could possibly result in malfunction (Alaya-ay, et coming to school, developing an inferiority complex,
al., 2013). Further, loss of lives, destruction of having trouble gathering and organizing projects and
property, economic drift, and absence of peace and assignments as the impact of rido to the education of
order are just some of the crippling effects. With these, the students. Most of the students are slow learner.
rido has become a hindrance to socio-economic, Other respondents of their study noted rido as a burden
political, and spiritual development of the people and contributed to the difficulty of getting work done
(Basir, 2011). and a hindrance to their studies. Their findings implied
that the educational aspect of the students was affected
Further, the Save the Children report (2012) reported since students could not attend class regularly because
that several Albanian children dropped out of school of unpredictability of security Macabuac-Ferolin and
due to non-school related reasons including blood feud Constantino (2014). Also, socializing among them
which led to isolation. Although, the national school would be restricted for fear that they would be
drop-out rate has been decreasing since 2011, the included in the rido. Conclusively, people who engage
statistics did not illustrate some inequities and in rido suffered consequences like neglecting the
inaccuracies especially as pertaining to those children education of their children, damage to properties and
who just did not attend school because of other factors livelihood, buying of weapons for extra protection, and
including blood feud related factors. Further findings the psychological effect which is the feeling of being
of (BBC, 2017) showed that there were children who unsafe all the time. In the midst of this strife, however,
were seemingly registered at the Education Directorate Feldscher (2016) suggests that efforts to boost
and yet they did not actually attend school in reality. optimism should be made, which has been shown to be
The volunteer teacher established that a number of associated with healthier behaviors and healthier ways
parents would want their children to go to school and of coping with life challenges.
interact with other children in a good learning
environment but because they were confined and Furthermore, ridos have been responsible for the
isolated, they could not manage to do so. Even when displacement of households including women and
they sought to access education from their homes, children, deaths, and destruction of properties and
there were still other challenges including transport livelihood. They disrupt the delivery of services from
concerns and access by the volunteer teacher to attend public health to education. The violence escalates and
to classes because the areas were in the remote parts of becomes even more destructive when the feuding
Albania. families have members who belong to rebel or terrorist
groups (Solis, 2013). Looking at the micro-effects,
Similarly, COI Focus Report (2017) bared that the Yuan and McNeeley (2017) revealed that residents
major concern for the isolated children was their from the villages involved in their study were no
security concerns which still remained a hindrance to longer free to participate in social activities for fear of
their access to education, thus, they avoided going to reprisal. Children were prohibited by their parents to
school due to insecurity or fear of being attacked. play outside the village for fear that they might be
These children and their families’ decisions to go or taken hostage. There are instances where a person will
not go to school were not necessarily influenced by the shun social interaction with other people for fear of
existence of the state legislation that guarantees them falling victim to a crime.
protection but the practices and norms that were
pervasive in their communities dictate their fears and In addition, Xhaxho (2018) bared findings that in rural
misgivings. Moreover, narratives of school children areas in Albania, isolated children are more unsafe and
displaced also surfaced in the news article published in this isolation affected their social life and
Inquirer.Net (2019) after armed men burned school psychologically their development. Thus, these
buildings because of rido or vendetta killings between children grew up with fear, anxiety, and stress so all of
two feuding families. The report further said that the those factors made them not to have the same
children had to attend classes under trees or in a field development as the other children that were not
since even the teachers were afraid to hold classes due involved in a blood feud. Then, also education in those
to the tension. A DepEd official said in the report that rural areas was more difficult because still children

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

still feared being attacked or they could not attend factor behind social instability in Mindanao. Such
school because their parents fear that they would be violent conflicts, driven mainly by land disputes and
kidnapped for trafficking. There was also bad political rivalries, have resulted in countless deaths,
infrastructure which made teachers to have difficulties injuries, and displacements, sometimes escalating into
being present in those areas timely. The result was armed confrontations between insurgent groups and
increased illiteracy and a growing propensity to take the military. Many community members feel rido
revenge (Albanian Institute for Public Affairs, 2013). conflicts pose a higher security risk than vertical
conflict. Among the impacts of rido include internal
Further, blood feud has consequences on the living displacement, loss of lives and livelihoods, destruction
conditions of those that were affected. Most blood of property and the disruption of political and
feud victims migrate, hide, or isolate themselves community life. One article argues that ridos instill
within their houses since they could no longer work or and institutionalize fear, hatred, animosity, and
be productive to bring income to their households. revenge perpetuating violence and underdevelopment’
Others lost their jobs and became less useful to their (Macabuac-Ferolin & Constantino, 2014).
families economically because they could no longer
contribute to various tasks such as agriculture and Looking at interventions for the prevention of conflict,
other economic initiatives thus they end up becoming Solis (2013) takes on peace education as a more long-
very poor. These factors tend to influence the negative term approach and it can be in the form of integrating
effects on their pursuit of education and employment peace into school curricula. From a social norm’s
(Xhaxho, 2018). Underscoring the same vein, Rio perspective, this is seen as a long-term intervention to
(2016) revealed that some participants in his study build new empirical and normative expectations so
experienced hunger and pain while seeking shelter in that in the future, people will not resort to violence.
the forest and endured different levels of sufferings in Peace education can be improved by implementing a
the forest for months. To them, they survived the clan mix of activities, both informally in the community
war because it is the will of God. Most of them and formally in classrooms and structured discussion
experienced a state of helplessness and found strength groups. Peace education activities should be conducted
in their elders who helped them survive the ordeal. for all stakeholder groups in the community including
women, children, and youth. It is important for them to
Orozco (2022) revealed the effects of rido to the talk about their aspirations for their community.
mental health aspect of her respondents in her study. Particularly for the youth, peace camps can be one of
She underscored that both the parents and children had the activities where capacities are built and aspirations
undergone major depression notably trauma and grief. are formed collectively. Peace education can help
Though the children were not noticed to have identify and build the capacity of peace advocates in
problems in health, they all basically experienced the community. This is a network that can be created
stress upon hiding, fear of retaliation, and depression to support all other peacebuilding interventions.
because of the loss of a loved one. The study also
revealed that the respondents coped through prayers Moreover, Solis (2013) shared that a promising
since they get spiritual strength to cope with the solution seems to be that of building a culture of peace
ongoing problems. However, the respondents prefer to among young people or children. A peaceful
retaliate than put their hopes on court justice, believing environment can be built over time by focusing on the
it as the better way than getting the case neglected younger generation and building up in them the values
forever. Most of the time, they really want to retaliate of peace, love, and community. Children, however,
and kill people in the offender’s family. On the being part of close-knit families, are highly influenced
contrary, Rio (2016) concluded in his study that after by their parents and may be viewed as those who will
experiencing the pain and agony of losing their loved eventually take the responsibility of upholding the
ones and homes, most of them would rather take the family’s honor. Therefore, while children have a
initiative of resolving conflicts as soon as possible. significant contribution to peacebuilding, they also
They aspire for nonviolent means of addressing must see a critical mass of the current generation
conflicts and the importance of open communications. already abandoning the practice and are actually
The participants have shown an overwhelming desire strongly pushing for it.
to settle future disputes through peaceful means.
In sum, existing pieces of literature and studies on the
According to Kubota and Takashi (2016), the rido phenomenon document that families or clans
persistent threat of rido conflicts between families, retaliate in the form of violence when they get
clans, and communities is also considered a major offended and that the members support the family or

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

clan in its pursuit of justice. The reasons could qualify experienced rido. They were residents of Aleosan,
from petty ones such as jesting, petty theft, or insults, Cotabato and were firsthand witnesses of the violence
to political rivalries, land disputes, or more serious and conflict in their area.
matters like homicide. The act could even be sparked
by improper overtures to, or advances on, a woman. Instruments of the Study
Simple or grave, they all led to serious consequences,
especially among the students regarding their attitudes The present study had set of questions used by the
and behaviors towards their studies and life. researcher as the interview guides for data collection.
Open-ended questions have been cautiously utilized in
Most studies on rido phenomenon centered on their the interview. The guide questions used in the study
impact on the lives of the families and the consist of three main questions that tackled about the
communities. Not one of them delved into the students lived experiences, attitudes and behavior of the
and their lived experiences as they have also been conversational partners affected by rido, as well as
affected by the feuds or atrocities in their area which their learnings and insights gained from the
this study endeavored to highlight. On a more specific experiences with the rido phenomenon. The interview
lens, the study captured the learners’ attitudes, guide was validated by three experts to make sure that
behaviors, and coping mechanisms as well as their all the questions and sub-questions are coherent and
learnings and insights into their rido experience, relevant to the study.
setting this study granularly different from others.
The researcher used an audio recorder during the
interview. The audio file was transcribed digitally and
manually including responses given in vernacular
dialect. The transcripts were subjected to checking by
The study employed a qualitative phenomenological the conversational partners to ensure that only the
research design. Qualitative research design relied on exact responses are included in the transcripts.
data obtained by the researcher from first-hand
observation, interviews, participant-observation, Procedures
recording, documents, and the like. A phenomenology
is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on The researcher asked approval from the Graduate
the commonality of lived experiences within a School Dean of Notre Dame of Midsayap College for
particular group (Creswell, 2013). The goal of the compliance certificate and endorsement to conduct
phenomenology is to gain a deeper understanding and the study. Upon approval, a letter of admission was
the nature of meaning of daily experiences and ask sent to the barangay captain of the area of study in
what is that kind of experience be like (Manen, 2016). order for the researcher to conduct individual
interview to the conversational partners. Given that
This is appropriate since this study uncovered the lived the CPs of the study were carefully selected who
experiences of the affected junior and senior high signified their approval through an assent form, the
school students due to rido. Through in-depth barangay captain and adviser referred them to the
interview, the researcher was able to explore the researcher. After the identification of the CPs,
conversational partner’s (CPs) thoughts, feelings and informed consents were distributed to their parents.
insights about their experiences of rido. Using interview guides, the researcher read the assent
form and informed consent forms which contain the
Participants purpose of the study, the researcher’s personal
information and other confidentiality-related issues at
Qualitative researches consider illumination through the start of each interview. This was done to ensure
in-depth description (Vanderstoep & Johnson, 2008) transparency and trustworthiness.
and the narration of the conversational partners were
the most sought-after data source. Various authors Ethical Considerations
expressed their understanding of Phenomenological
research study. Boyd (2001) suggested 2 to 10 Observing ethical standards in research is important.
participants while Morse suggested at least 6. In this At the core, this helps shape the true aims of the
study, the researcher chose 15 conversational partners research such as knowledge, truth and avoidance of
for an in-depth individual interview. They were 12 to error; and promotes values that are essential to
19- year-old male or female high school students in collaborative work such as trust, accountability,
Aleosan, from Grade 7 to Grade 12 who had mutual respect, and fairness (Resnik, 2015). To ensure

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Matrix 1
ethical research, this study followed and respect the
principles of research ethics from the Belmont Report
Profile of the Respondents
(2010). These principles are respect for a person’s
autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence, justice,
informed consent, confidentiality and data protection,
integrity, and conflict of interest.


This chapter presents the outcome of the qualitative

analysis taken from the answers to the research
questions. The results are presented based on the
emergent themes, core ideas, and categorization.

Profile of the Conversational Partners The third conversational partner is CP03. She is a
Grade 12 Senior High School student. At 18 years old,
Presented in Matrix 1 are the findings of the study she already experienced rido which she recalled to
generated from the thematic analysis. have rooted from a family conflict because of a
property that a family wanted to own.
Matrix 1 presents the profile of the conversational
partners who were involved during the in-depth The fourth conversational partner is CP04. She is 17
years old and a Grade 11 Senior High School student.
interview. There were 4 male CPs and 11 female CPs.
In this study, she bared a rido experience from a place
Their ages ranged from 14 to 19 years old and were
where they previously resided.
enrolled in varied grade levels. Moreover, their
personal rido experiences emerged in different forms CP05 is the fifth conversational partner. She is 18
and number of times. years old and a Grade 12 student. Her rido experience
dated back last year 2021 when the Christian world
The ideas expressed by the conversational partners celebrated the Christmas holidays. She recalled that it
were used to sort out the insights related to the salient happened in the neighboring barangay.
results on their lived experiences as individuals
The sixth conversational partner is coded CP06. He is
affected by rido. To uphold confidentiality, code
among those who had experienced a number of rido
numbers were assigned to the conversational partners.
already. He recalled I have a lot of experience with
rido. One time, our neighbor who was our relative got
The first conversational partner is CP01. She is a 17-
directly involved with rido, because we were relatives,
year old Grade 11 student of their school. She bared
we got involved with rido already. He is 15 years old
that she always experienced rido in their place. In fact, and a Grade 9 student.
she recalled her latest experience of rido which
occurred in December 2021. The seventh conversational partner is CP07. He is 14
years old and a Grade 9 student. He is one of the two
Conversational partner number 2 is coded CP02. A 16- youngest conversational partners and who experienced
year old and a Grade 10 student; he already survived rido in 2021. He recalled that rido caused trouble and
several rido feuds. He recalled experiencing one in
2016 and the other in 2021. The eight conversational partner is CP08. She is 16
years old and a Grade 10 student. Her rido experience
stemmed from a gossip about a lost cow. Because of
revenge, one of my relatives got killed.

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The ninth conversational partner is CP09. At 19, she idea applies to less than half or at least two cases (2-7
is one of the two oldest CPs of this study, yet she is cases) (cited by Goodrich et al., 2019).
still a Grade 12 Senior High School student. When
asked about her experience with rido, she mentioned: In categorizing the information, the themes were
there was a massacre. presented by research question and were referred to as
The tenth conversational partner is CP10. She, too, is major themes. Under the major themes are the core
the oldest among the 15 CPs. However, she was still in ideas generated from the responses of the CPs.
Grade 9, a grade level which was atypical for a 19 Another column was included in the matrix showing
year-old student. It was a fight over a land which the frequency of the responses which became the basis
sparked the rido experience she had. for the categorization.

CP11 takes the code of the eleventh conversational Themes

partner. She is still a Grade 10 student despite her age
of 17 years old. Her rido accounts include one that has There were 164 significant statements, and 3
exploded in 2018 and has continued to cause havoc in formulated meanings framed in the thematic analysis.
the place until today. Matrix 2 shows 3 major themes that emerged from the
subjective experiences of the conversational partners,
Conversational partner number 12 is coded CP12. He specifically their lived experiences on rido that
is one of the 4 male CPs of this study. He is 17 years happened in their areas. The core ideas and
old and a Grade 11 student. Like some CPs, he, too, categorization were presented, and each major theme
experienced rido which erupted last year due to land was discussed. The themes that emerged from the in-
conflict. depth interviews are presented. These themes are All
on the Losing End, Optimism Amidst Distress, and
The thirteenth conversational partner is CP13. At 18, Aspired Turning Point.
she is still a Grade 10 student. Her rido experience
started in January of this year 2022, a few months Theme 1: All on the Losing End
prior to the interview for this study.
The major theme All on the Losing End was
The fourteenth conversational partner is CP14. At 14, formulated from the core ideas expressed by the
she is one of the youngest CPs. She is a Grade 8 conversational partners: Unpleasant and Dangerous
student. Based on her rido accounts, she had Situation, Prevalence of Fear and Trauma, Limited
experienced its pangs since 2018 after it broke out in Social Activities and Loss of Freedom, Adverse
their place. Effects to Relationship, Property and Livelihood,
Difficulty to Focus on Studies, Affected Friendships,
Finally, the fifteenth conversational partner is coded Prejudgment and Discrimination, and Additional
CP15. She is 17 year old and a Grade 11 student. Since Responsibilities.
last year, until now were her words when she was
asked about her rido experience. Unpleasant and Dangerous Situation

Categorizing Emergent Themes Rido put them in an unpleasant and dangerous

situation. Guns were fired. Everybody was on alert
After the in-depth interviews, the audio-recorded mode. Evacuation seemed to have been the byword for
exchanges were transcribed, translated, and analyzed. safety. The experience of one of the CPs could never
In comparing the core ideas, a cross analysis was be more dangerous as she recalled:
utilized in the presentation of information. It was
patterned after the guide written by Hill, Thompson, It was chaotic because we could hear loud gunfire.
and Williams (1997) entitled a Guide to Conducting It’s difficult because we seem to be stuck in the war,
Consensual Qualitative Research which used the three we are very scared. We also evacuated and left the
classifications of responses namely general, typical, house. (SS14)
and variant.
Another CP, likewise, shared the same scary situation
The first classification is General, which means that
for there were gunfire in their place that frightened
the core ideas apply to all cases (15 cases). Next is
them a lot since they are too close to our house .
Typical, where the core idea applies to half or more
cases (8-14 cases). Lastly, Variant means that the core

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The other CPs vouched on such kind of situation All the people experienced fear and apprehension…
which rido had brought them. They shared: (SS3)

Noise is very loud….. There are children crying. (SS7)

We were always alert. Then, it seems like you have to
follow your curfew hours because it’s scary. It was After shooting, the kids, they are scared because of the
quiet but there was still your fear that we might get gunfire. (SS10)
hurt. (SS1)
So we evacuated…we were afraid of being hit by a
It was chaotic because we could hear loud gunfire. It’s bullet because it was
difficult because we seem to be stuck in the war, we close to us. (SS13)
are very scared. We also evacuated and left the house.
(SS14) Rido has caused trauma to civilians who were affected
of their fight. (SS16)
Rido for what I have experienced does not bring any
good… (SS18) Trauma (the CP shows a sad face while head is
bowed, trying to avoid eye contact) (SS23)
The rido is scary. Perhaps for others, it is normal for
us with Muslim blood, but for those of us who are I was scared. (SS25)
directly affected, it is very difficult. (SS19)
It’s scary. It causes negative things to happen. (SS27)
It will cause bad effect to a community or the place of
residence. (SS21) Irritating and frightening. Everything has changed for
us. (SS29)
It does not bring any good. For me, it means gunfire,
killings. (SS26)Their fight isn't good for them… If there was a gunshot, you would wake up suddenly.
(SS30) That's where your fear is. Your trauma. You don't
know what to do because you might get hurt. You need
Gunfire in their place, that's really scary. They are too to go to a safe place. Then you don't seem to know
close to our house. (SS38) what to do because you've been traumatized. (SS31)

When we evacuated, we went through the forest and We didn't know what to do because of fear and we
we didn’t know where we were going. (SS41) panicked ….we just crawled and hid to the ground.
The core idea Unpleasant and Dangerous Situation is
classified as Typical since 10 out of 15 conversational It’s when you wake up at two in the middle of the night
partners articulated the response. just to evacuate. You don’t know what you’re going to
do but your trauma is still there. (SS35)
Prevalence of Fear and Trauma
We all run for our lives. Leaving my mother, father,
As narrated by the CPs, rido created an atmosphere of and grandfather
fear in their places, leaving them in trauma over the
because they will take good care of our animals. Along
havoc it brought to them. To illustrate, one of the CPs
the way, we were crying.
I was very scared to be hit by a bullet and worried for
If there was a gunshot, you would wake up suddenly.
our parents who were left behind. (SS44)
That's where your fear is. Your trauma. You don't
know what to do because you might get hurt. You need I was a little scared because I have classmates whose
to go to a safe place. Then you don't seem to know families were
what to do because you've been traumatized. (SS31)
involved in the rido. (SS46)
The succeeding narratives of the CPs magnify the fear
and trauma rido caused them. They recalled: The core idea Prevalence of Fear and Trauma is
classified as Typical since 14 out of 15 conversational
It is in a crisis. Many people are suffering. (SS2)

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

partners shared similar response. There were cries of children, on the other side there
were people shouting for help. (SS9)
Limited Social Activities and Loss of Freedom
We also ran out of income because of the rido because
All 4 CPs were one in saying that their socialization we couldn't find source of income. (SS40)
activities were constrained by rido. When rido broke
out in their place, their routine can be characterized as Children are already affected because farmland of
home where they could socialize only with their
parents are destroyed. (SS15)
families and siblings. Further, their stories include:
Source of income are affected; my mother cannot
Almost everyone is scared and then they can’t really
work properly, they can’t socialize, they just stay at provide for my expenses in school…(SS17)
home. (SS12)
Because we no longer have land as our source of
I don't go to the neighbors anymore … (SS73) livelihood, our livelihood and education are affected. I
moved to the center of my uncle's land… We also have
It really affects us in our studying. Studying, time to be absent because we have to work on other
socializing, living. (SS81) people's land. Harvest corn so we can have something
to eat at school. (SS59)
My daily routine as a teenager has been affected.
Our livelihood has been affected. Income has
Categorized as Variant, Loss of Freedom is also one decreased. (SS76)
core idea that surfaced in the responses of the CPs.
The CP expressed: It was as if I had lost my freedom. It really affects us in our studying. Studying,
(SS98) socializing, living. (SS81)

Categorized as Variant, Limited Social Activities It can affect the livelihood of the family and do no
emerged as one of the core ideas after only 4 of the 15 good to our community. (SS132)
CPs verbalized the idea.
With a total count of 12 out of 15 CPs, the core idea
Adverse Effects to Property and Livelihood Adverse Effects to People, Property and Livelihood is
categorized as Typical.
The responses of the CPs generated a core idea
that focused on the ill effects of rido to the residents, Difficulty to Focus on Studies
their belongings, and their means of living. People in
all ages especially the innocent ones cried the loudest. Since rido broke out in their place, studying was
Houses were destroyed. Income decreased since painted with hues of difficulty. The CPs lost focus
source was no longer available. Further, the CPs over their studies. If not at all interrupted, studying
revealed: was stopped due to the conflict that occurred in their
place. More revelations on rido’s blow to the quality
There is no silence. Messy. There are properties of learnings of the CPs can be traced in the following
wasted. There are innocent people affected. (SS4) responses:

It’s a mess because there are children crying. Then, It affected my studies even though we had group
we got into trouble too. (SS5) activities, it was postponed because our teacher sent
us home right away. (SS47)
Much worst because our house and almost all the
houses there with us have almost all been demolished. I could not concentrate on my studies. (SS48)
The rest of us moved to another place like we moved to
Sultan Kudarat because we might be affected. (SS6) We can't concentrate on studying. Before the rido, I
dropped out of high school for a year. (SS49)
It’s kinda scary because we might be affected by it.
When there was gunfire, they evacuated to our house We couldn't concentrate on our studies because fear
because that was the only big house. Too messy. (SS8) was still there that trouble might happen again

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

anytime. I can't concentrate on answering my modules. I used to go to my friends’ house, wherever we went.
(SS50) Now my parents don't want it anymore also, the
parents of my friends… (SS71)
There is a death threat. Therefore, we need to stop
schooling first to be safe and secure. It was about one I rarely meet my friends, unlike before. (SS72)
year that I stopped studying. (SS51)
I'm scared ma’am. I'm also hesitant ma’am because
There are many soldiers on the road and we can't I'm afraid to make friends with Muslims. (SS74)
pass… so we can't go to the school because it's not
safe yet. I can't pass and get the module… my grades Included as a core idea is Affected Relationships
were affected… (SS52) classified as Typical after it recorded 8 among the 15
CPs sharing the same idea.
I feel so unsafe all the time. I can’t concentrate on my
lesson. (SS53) Prejudgment and Discrimination

Our school, it closed for a while because of the rido The idea focused on biases against a race or religious
belief. Rido has created a thin wall that sets people
apart either by means of discrimination or pre-
My learnings were reduced because of the suspension judgment. The responses of the 2 CPs reveal the
of classes. I stopped studying for four years. (SS55)
We are also a bit emb a rra ssed because of
My concentration in my studies is affected. (SS60)
discrimination because they think of us Muslims as we
It greatly affected my schooling. Our lives, the feeling will only cause trouble… (SS65)
of fear is always there. (SS87)
Those who are involved in the rido might have
Another core idea that emerged is Difficulty to Focus mistaken us as part of the
on Studies categorized as Typical with 11 out of 15
conflict. We need to be very careful in choosing friends
CPs sharing it.
and whom to trust. (SS66)
Affected Relationships
With only 2 CPs recalling, the core idea on Pre-
Rido challenged the ties of friendship and of winning judgment and Discrimination is categorized as
new friends. The responses of the CPs speak of the Variant.
negative impact rido had on the relationships between
Additional Responsibilities
friends and families. Their words say:

Because those two families, their children are my only Another core idea in focus in this study is Additional
friends. When I Responsibilities, it can be read:
distance myself from my friends even if it hurts my
Because of the rido, there is always fear. We are all
feelings. (SS45)
affected by the family. I became the sister and mother
My behavior has been affected when I interact with my at home …The effect seems to last a long time. I also
Muslim friends... (SS61) became strong. (SS104)

Taking care of her younger siblings was made even

I left my old friends somewhere else. I no longer trust
more challenging since she had to perform the duties
new acquaintances. (SS64)
of a mother to them. Though challenging, it made her
even stronger as a person.
I'm still a friend but I'm already choosing who will be
my friends… (SS67) It is categorized as Variant with only 1 CP expressing
I choose my friends. My chances of meeting my friends
are limited. (SS70) The conversational partners run their lives normally

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and peacefully prior to the occurrence of rido in their everything to be alright. Others simply expressed they
places. From personal matters to school to society and prayed when they experienced rido. Their statements
even their livelihood, their lives could be described read:
with relative peace, free to mingle and socialize with
less to no fear at all with people they commune with, I always pray so that everything will be alright.
enjoying every freedom they could owing to the well- (SS108)
disposed and supportive environment they had. Rido
changed them all. I am praying. (SS113)

Theme 2: Optimism Amidst Distress I pray for peace. (SS116)

The second major theme Optimism amidst Distress I pray..(SS117)

was formulated from the core ideas expressed by the
conversational partners: Focused on Positivity and One core idea categorized as Variant is Prayers. Out
Happiness, Prayer, Strengthen Family Bond, Engaging of the 15 CPs, 4 highlighted it.
in Worthwhile Activities, and New Environment.
Strengthen Family Bond
Focused on Positivity and Happiness
Another core idea that came out in the interviews is
In order to overcome the trauma they experienced Strengthen Family Bond.
from rido, the CPs needed to counter their negative
emotions by focusing their energies on worthwhile Her way of battling the difficulties which rido created
activities that could give them positivity and was through spending her moments with her family.
happiness. It appeared that the CP’s way of handling She revealed:
or managing their traumatic
experiences were varied. Their responses include: I dedicate my time to my family…. (SS113)

I just focus more on the positive, like I focus on doing This core idea is categorized as Variant where only
things that make me one CP floated the idea.
Engaging in Worthwhile Activities
I just bring it to laughter and I socialize with my
friends and my family… Engaging in Worthwhile Activities is one of the core
(SS107) ideas generated from the interviews. The CPs’ ways of
getting through the rough times spawned by rido vary.
….use my cellphone and entertain myself…. Their activities range from work, play, school,
(SS117) gadgets, and sundry. The following reveal their
engagement in worthwhile activities:
Sometimes when I'm with their children, I'm looking
for a way for me to What I do ma’am is I do my household chores; when I
forget their family conflict, it's like I'm the one who have assignments, I do it, and sometimes I just play
makes a way to restore the music. (SS107)
former joy of our friendship, then sometimes when
they're already fighting, I'm I study my lesson…(SS109)
just wearing a headset while studying so I can't hear
your screams outside. (SS120) …having fun, playing volleyball, playing with the rest
of my close friends.
With 5 CPs sharing a train of responses, core idea
Focused on Positivity and Happiness emerged. It was Tapping on cellphones… (SS111)
categorized as Variant.
I entertain myself with good things. Reading a book.
Prayer Watching movies.

The CPs pray for varied reasons: for peace and for Listening to beautiful songs. (SS112)

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

I also concentrate on my studies…(SS113) coming. (SS122)

I am reading the module and using the cellphone… You should always be ready, then always be strong
(SS114) because there are things
that we don't expect so you should always be prepared.
…using a cellphone, watching a video, or playing
music on TV … (SS115)
Be ready…(SS129)
I answer the module and take care of my siblings.
(SS118) Always be prepared…(SS131)
It is categorized as Typical with 8 out 15 CPs floating
it. With 5 out of 15 CPs sharing it, the idea belonged to
Variant category.
New Acquaintances
Necessity for Peaceful Settlement
Winning new friends in a new place after having been
displaced by rido was one way through which the CPs
The CPs are fully aware that rido can be settled
had to undertake. One CP said her trauma was a bit
through peaceful means. According to them, talks or
gone when she made friends with new people she met
conversations done properly and fueled by the
in the place where they evacuated. The core idea is
principles of unity, love and respect should be the
shown in the following responses:
means to put an end to the conflict. Further, the CPs
underscored the necessity of settling their indifferences
We went to SK so that my father and my mother could
through peaceful means as can be read in the following
work there so that we could get back what we lost. I
made friends with men and women. And when I had a
lot of friends, my trauma was a bit gone. (SS110) Chaos is not the solution to the problem. If a person’s
wishes are violated,
Core Idea New Acquintances was categorized as
the problem will get worse. If we just talk about the
Variant with only 2 of the 15 CPs sharing it.
problem, there will be a
Theme 3: Aspired Turning Point solution. (SS124)

The third major theme Aspired Turning Point was There are no benefits or no positive effects on people's
formulated from the core ideas expressed by the lives. Or if there is a rido in our area, just be patient
conversational partners: Preparedness, Peaceful and have a peace talk, let the two sides talk properly.
Settlement, Elders as Good Example, Having No Bias Because if there is patience and peace, it will also be
and Discrimination, and Involved Families to be resolved. (SS125)
Selfless and Humble.
It's better not to get involved so that there's no
trouble…The most effective
With rido’s characteristics being unforeseen, the CPs
way is peace talk. (SS127)
expressed they needed to be prepared at all times for
they do not know when rido will happen again. Along
We must consider peace. We need to unite so that our
this line, the CPs’ expressions of alertness and
preparedness can be traced in the following place will be peaceful. (SS136)
No matter how big a problem is, when we talk about it,
Before I look for a friend, I first find out his / her it will be
background… (SS121) solved…(SS135)

What I learned is that I should always be ready, don’t If there is respect and love for each other, no rido will
be complacent in life be formed. Please
because you don’t know there might be another rido work together to avoid rido. (SS137)

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

When the two families have a problem, they should just Having No Bias and Discrimination
talk, not through
violence or fighting. (SS138) Another core idea is Hopes of Having No Bias and
Peace talk is important because that's where the rido
is resolved in a proper Equal treatment and fairness can be gleaned in the
way. (SS141) responses of the CPs. Their statements clearly speak of
their hopes of unbiased and discrimination-free
They should just talk properly… there should be peace existence as follows:
everywhere (SS143)
I hope other tribes don't discriminate against us. We
Just love. Peace. (SS144) too, we don't want
trouble, not all Muslims are bad. Like us, we also want
Peace is important… (SS145) peace. Sometimes we just
get stuck in the situation too. (SS139)
If there is peace there is prosperity. (SS146)
If there is a dispute, they should talk properly, they
I have just proven peace is very important. There is don't go through it as
nothing good about rido fast as a shooter because the problem can't be solved
and fighting. If there is a problem, it will be passed until there is a clear
through a good conversation... discussion. For those in charge, for example the
(SS147) barangay captain, the people
should be treated equally because sometimes they are
Hope someone will intervene between them and talk
treated differently. It must be equal so as not to cause
about the trouble…
trouble (SS159)
It is categ o ri zed as Va rian t since only 2
Peace talk… (SS160)
Con versation al Partners articu lated it.
Necessity for Peaceful Settlement is one of the core
Involved Families to be Selfless and Humble
ideas that emerged from the responses of the CPs.
With 14 out of 15 CPs sharing it; the idea belonged to
The core idea stemmed from the CPs’ views on putting
General category.
premium on the welfare of others and lowering their
pride in order for the conflict to be settled. Further, the
Elders as Good Example
CPs expressed their great need for selflessness and
humility to prevail in the midst the conflict as reflected
The CPs expressed their strong belief on the influence
in the following statements:
of the elders in helping fix their conflict. They made it
clear in the following responses:
I hope love will prevail, especially someone must
It seems like they should be your example to us young humble themselves or
people but they are still the ones who seem to be lower their pride to fix the problem. (SS150)
leading the trouble…(SS105)
I would say that not all things or powers or wealth in
Then, I hope that the elders in their families, they must this world are eternal.
be the first ones to set themselves as examples.
All of this is only temporary. They should consider the
welfare of all and think of
Hopefully as parents, they will be the ones to fix their the welfare of others. And at all times there is peace.
problems… (SS165) (SS153)

The core idea Elders as Good Example is categorized I hope they talk about their problem properly. Let them
as Variant since only 3 out of the 15 CPs verbalized think of the welfare
the idea. of the majority. If they continue the rido to the next

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

generations, no peace will Rido put the conversation participants in an unpleasant

happen. (SS154) and dangerous situation. The participants evacuated
after guns were fired, thus making them to be always
They should always think of the welfare of the majority on alert mode as they felt unsafe in their homes.
and not use your Evacuation to a safer ground like the forest seemed to
wealth to attack other people (SS161) have been the byword for their safety. Rido generated
an unpleasant and dangerous situation as it threatened
the lives of everyone in the place. Everyone would run
They consider the welfare of the majority and not
for their lives for fear they would be hit by bullets
personal interests. They
fired by the warring families. They were all
think that violence is not the solution to their problem. completely not part of it, yet they suffered from the
There must be peace. risks and harm it could cause to their lives. This means
(SS162) that rido undoubtedly brings chaos among the
participants, not giving them any good at all
The guilty must surrender. One of them must be specifically in their studies. Being in that situation put
humble. (SS163) them into an unthinkable difficulty, adversely affecting
them in all aspects. This situation has seen support in
I hope they prioritize what is good for everyone. Basir (2011) when he declared the absence of peace
(SS164) and order as one of the crippling effects of rido in the
Becoming Selfless and Humble is the last core idea
generated from the responses of the CPs. It is Prevalence of Fear and Trauma
categorized as Variant since 7 out of 15 CPs expressed
The prevalence of fear and trauma is rooted in fear of
getting involved in the conflict, being hit by stray
bullets, or being attacked. The sight of children crying,
Discussion people saving their lives and their properties if they
could, and innocent civilians whose lives were
curtailed was utterly and uncomfortably not pleasing.
Since this study involves a qualitative analysis of This implies that rido developed in them a feeling of
narrative data, the methods used to analyze the data are being unsafe all the time. It certainly caused them and
quite different from the traditional or quantitative others in their community trouble. This finding aligns
methods of research. In some ways, the conversational with Alaya-ay et al. (2013) who delineated that the
participants described their lived experiences that psychological effect of feeling unsafe all the time is
served as the primary data of the current study. The one of the consequences of rido to those who engaged
CPs of the study are 15 Junior and Senior High School in it.
students of the Secondary Cluster Schools of the
municipality of Aleosan. Their lived experiences, Limited Social Activities & Loss of Freedom
which they shared and discussed, were categorized
into themes based on the core ideas they expressed in Moreover, their social activities were constrained. The
response to the questions asked from the themes. place was utterly unfit for any social activity or human
endeavor. Instead of freely playing or socializing with
From the wealth of information generated from the in- their peers which they enjoyed doing prior to the
depth interviews among the 15 conversational conflict, they were locked in their respective homes
partners, 3 themes emerged. The themes are: All on the with their families for safety reasons. This means that
limiting them with activities they ought to do at this
Losing End, Optimism Amidst Distress, and Aspired
stage of their life could have an impact on personality
Turning Point. The lived experiences shared by the 15
development. With this, the CPs would have difficulty
conversational partners in the in-depth interviews and connecting with their friends for security reasons. This
analyzed thematically uncover the theme All on the finding echoes with Xhaxho (2018) who disclosed the
Losing End. findings that in rural areas in Albania isolated children
were more unsafe and this isolation affected their
All on the Losing End social life and psychologically their development.
Thus, these children grew up with fear, anxiety, and
Unpleasant and Dangerous Situation stress so all of those factors made them not to have the

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

same development as the other children that were not the emergence of the theme All on the Losing End.
involved in a blood feud. Ties between friends were threatened to be cut as their
families warned them not to mingle with their clique
Adverse Effects on Property and Livelihood for fear that revenge or retaliation might occur when
both friends from families involved in the conflict
The severe damage to properties and means of would be seen going or playing together. Due to fear
livelihood was totally a great blow to the CPs. What of getting involved in the conflict, they were forced to
they used to benefit and enjoy after a day of hard work shut their doors to activities, thus limiting them their
and the toil of their parents was gone in an instant with freedom and curtailing their right to enjoy life as teens
rido. Their families could no longer work nor till their should. It can be gleaned that time with their friends
soil or land since their land was either grabbed by one became limited. They hardly mingled anymore nor did
of the families in conflict or it became the center of they meet regularly like what they used to do before
conflict between the fighting groups. This implies that the rido. This finding aligns with the study by Yuan
their families needed to start anew to survive the and McNeeley (2017) revealing that there are
economic blow spawned by rido. They needed to instances where a person will shun social interaction
source food by working in nearby places or where they with other people for fear of falling victim to a crime.
felt safe. This finding is in concurrence with the
findings of Xhaxho (2018) who revealed that others Prejudgment and Discrimination
who have fallen victims to feuds lost their jobs and
became less useful to their families economically This scenario was aggravated by biases and
because they could no longer contribute to various discrimination thrown at one race, being believed as
tasks such as agriculture and other economic part of the families in conflict. Their relationship got
initiatives; thus, they end up becoming very poor. affected by the unfair judgment of being directly part
of the conflict made by families involved in rido. This
Difficulty to Focus on Studies clearly indicates that biases and discriminations were
cast on the participants themselves and their families
In effect, the CPs’ education suffered a blow since who are Muslims causing troubles, needlessly creating
they could not go to school because they had less or further animosity among residents. The idea focused
nothing else to feed themselves. They, too, had on biases against a race or religious belief. Rido has
difficulties focusing on their studies. They could not created a thin wall that sets people apart either by
finish their modules due to difficulty in concentration. means of discrimination or pre-judgment. This finding
Their difficulty stemmed from the feeling of being is in consonance with Törnberg & Törnberg (2016)
unsafe all the time, fear of walking their way to school, who disclosed that Muslims are portrayed as a
and even a death threat received. This means that the homogeneous outgroup that is embroiled in conflict,
participants could hardly obtain the proper education violence, and extremism: characteristics that are
which students in rido-free areas enjoy or spend described as emanating from Islam as a religion.
quality time on their studies due to the chaotic
circumstances. This finding resonates with that of Additional Responsibilities
Alaya-ay, et al. (2013) who listed causing fear among
students to go to school as one of the effects of rido to To some CPs, they were burdened with the additional
the students and stating further that rido was a burden responsibility of taking care of their young siblings
and contributed to the difficulty of getting work done, who were left in their care after their parents helplessly
and a hindrance to their studies. The same finding left them over work to sustain their daily needs.
highlighted the COI Focus report (2017) stating that Relationships were severed, properties were destroyed
blood feud or rido is one factor that was causing or grabbed, and livelihood was terribly affected.
students to not attend school. It hindered their access Worst, their schooling was terribly affected. This
to education. Macabuac-Ferolin and Constantino claims that the participants were forced to attend to
(2014) follow the same vein, revealing that children’s their younger siblings since their parents, who left
schooling was severely affected resulting from the home for food and livelihood, could not provide them
skirmishes after the electoral duel broke off in the protection and care they used to enjoy before the
Maguindanao. rido happened. As Basir (2011) underscored, rido is a
hindrance to the socio-economic aspect of the people.
Affected Relationships Like the words of the CPs in the in-depth interviews,
rido does not bring them any good. Instead, it brings
Moreover, friendships affected by rido contributed to chaos and destruction to education, livelihood, and

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

relationships, including the social and psychological and for everything to be alright. This indicates that the
aspects of the CPs. Indeed, with rido, all were on the CPs are inherently strong in faith and belief believing
losing end. that the Divine Intervention could help them survive
the conflict. These mechanisms, reactions, and
Optimism Amidst Distress responses reflect the other theory where this study is
anchored, the Cognitive-Contextual Framework (CCF)
The lived experiences of the conversational partners developed by Grych and Fincham (1993). Moreover,
reveal a positive layer that keeps them a survivor of the findings stand ground with Orozco (2022) whose
their ordeal. The theme Optimism Amidst Distress study revealed that the respondents coped through
captures this positive side of the CPs, exposing their prayers since they get spiritual strength to cope with
behavior, attitude, and ways of coping with the hard the ongoing problems.
blows of rido to their lives.
Strengthened Family Bond
Focused on Positivity and Happiness
They, too, found the members of their family as the
The CPs developed certain behaviors or ways of source of their strength to survive the ordeal through
managing themselves while in the midst of the the bonding moments they shared together as a family.
conflict. Over time, they learned where to use their In this study, the CPs were prompted by the adverse
energies instead of wasting their time sulking or situation to find a new set of friends to spend safe and
wallowing in great despair and distress due to a productive time together. These were several platforms
negative feeling of helplessness with their adverse where the CPs took themselves to remain mentally and
experiences with rido . In order to survive emotionally healthy despite the threats of rido to their
psychologically and emotionally, they found lives. This means that, personally and socially, they
themselves engaging in positivity and happiness as one devoted their time to getting themselves adjusted to the
potent way of getting through their suffering. It can be situation. This finding is particularly echoing Rio
gleaned that the participants learned to find a better (2021) who delineated that the occurrence of violence
way of approaching each day as rido ensued. They should not be viewed only from the physical injury
managed to focus on what could give them the joy suffered by the victims but also on the impact it has on
used to have. In a nutshell, the CPs turned themselves the emotional and psychological well-being of those
to doing and thinking positively while in the midst of subjected to it, causing destructive effects at both
the trials. The CPs, at this point, have also supported subjective and collective levels.
Cherry’s (2022) statement that research has found as
expressed in her article that positive thinking can aid Engaging in Worthwhile Activities
in stress management and even plays an important role
in one’s overall health and well-being. The results also Despite the unpleasant and dangerous situation where
substantiated the new findings of a study from the the CPs were in, they were able to manage their lives
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and stood to let optimism prevail. Sensing they would
(Feldscher, 2016) which suggests that efforts should be be heading toward the losing end should they continue
made to boost optimism, which has been shown to be to wallow in despair and distress, they spent their
associated with healthier behaviors and healthier ways energies on things that could provide them the
of coping with life challenges. In dealing with stress positivity and happiness they direly needed. They
brought about by the unfortunate situation, the CPs practically engaged themselves in doing worthwhile
developed in them optimism which helped them get activities just to address the trauma or at least lessen
through their hostile rido experiences. the fear they suffered from the conflict. This means
that the CPs engaged themselves in doing worthwhile
Prayer activities so they could momentarily forget the fear
and trauma they sustained from rido. As they emerged,
The CPs showed their faith in the Almighty as they worthwhile activities helped them cope with their
expressed their supplications through prayers. To the negative emotions and thoughts, including spending
CPs, prayers became one of the potent ways through their time with their families. Add to it the new friends
which they could overcome or ease out the pains rido they won on safer grounds. As encapsulated in the
had on them. The CPs sincerely prayed rido would Modern Conflict Theory (Mills, 2000) which grounds
stop so they could enjoy what they deserve to savor as this study, social structures are created through conflict
teenagers and as human beings. They prayed for peace between people with differing interests and resources.

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

New Acquaintances would rather take the initiative of resolving conflicts as

soon as possible. They aspire for nonviolent means of
In addition, the CPs found hope in the new home that addressing conflicts and the importance of open
welcomed them after being displaced by rido. communications. The participants have shown an
Participants made friends with new people they met in overwhelming desire to settle future disputes through
the place where they evacuated which helped them peaceful means.
deal with the horror they experienced. They believed
they could live the lives they lived before in relative Elders as a Good Example
peace and abundance in a new environment. This
indicates that the participants could rebuild themselves The CPs added that their elders ought to set a good
in several aspects of their lives in a place they perceive example to the young ones in all aspects. For the CPs,
as safe. It can be achieved over time with the younger the best way out was to seek peaceful settlements.
generation. This is in conformity with Solis (2013) Most of them expressed that talks and conversations
who noted that a promising solution seems to be that under the principle of peace should be pursued by
of building a culture of peace among young people or everyone especially those who were directly involved
children. A peaceful environment can be built by in the conflict. They should turn their tables in favor of
focusing on the younger generation and building up in peace so everything else would fall into places such as
them the values of peace, love, and community. personal and collective development that seemed to
have eluded them since the eruption of rido in their
Aspired Turning Point locality. The elders should set themselves as examples
of peaceful existence. They should show the way to
While the CPs were in distress, their sense of good peace should they really want rido and all other forms
was unleashed. They thought of good things through of conflicts to not progress. This call supports what
which they could put their energies as young Ajayi and Buhari (2014) expressed about elders’ role
individuals at work. in the society in African community, saying the elders
(old age or seniority) are the force behind order or
Preparedness decorum in the traditional society which indicates that
elders, within the culture of the Yorubas, are the
The CPs believed there is a way out of the distress powerhouse of wisdom and knowledge and as
they experienced. They were fully aware they needed respected as trustworthy mediators all over Africa.
to be alert and prepared all the time as conflicts might Ajayi and Buhari (2014) further highlighted that their
surface at any time. This indicates that with rido’s roles include making recommendations, conveying
characteristics being unforeseen, the CPs needed to be suggestions on behalf of the parties, and emphasizing
prepared at all times for they do not know when rido relevant norms and rules, among others.
will happen again. This finding reflects Andre &
Tsukamoto’s (2022) notion of preparedness that relates Having no Bias and Discrimination
not only to disasters but state and societal actors can
also prepare themselves for conflicts by constantly Freeing each other from throwing biases and
monitoring and analyzing societal tensions and discrimination against others was another way out they
disputes so that the potential for violent conflict can be thought would help them end or free themselves from
anticipated. the conflict. Equal treatment and fairness given among
people involved in conflict resolution could be one
Necessity for Peaceful Settlement great step. This means that the participants hoped for a
bias-free existence, especially during the resolution of
However, more than the alertness, they expressed that the conflict emphasizing the need to talk properly.
a settlement through peaceful means between This finding goes with Rio (2016) who capitalized on
conflicting families should be done. Talks or the importance of open communications.
conversations done properly and fueled by the
principles of unity, love, and respect should be the Involved Families to be Selfless and Humble
means to put an end to the conflict. This indicates that
the participants showed heightened awareness and a They, too, shared that families and those involved in
strong desire for a peaceful means of solving the conflict resolution needed to show selflessness and
conflict. This is in line with Rio (2016) who concluded humility at all times. They need to put a premium on
in his study that after experiencing the pain and agony the welfare of others and lower their pride in order for
of losing their loved ones and homes, most of them the conflict to be settled. They expressed their great

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

need for selflessness and humility to prevail in the and trust emanate from all parties, and where
midst of the conflict. This indicates that the families consultation and advice are continuously used as a
are seen to have an indispensable role in conflict framework. All these must conform with the teachings
resolution and in peacebuilding. This finding draws of Allah and Quran, without leaning toward whims
support from Solis (2013) that all members of family and caprices or toward personal agenda and biases.
can draw support in their pursuit of justice.
In addition, the study explored the lived experiences of
Functional Implications high school students on rido phenomenon
underscoring their own perspectives and lens. In order
Since the study contains rich lived experiences of to provide a different view of the situation, prospective
students about rido specifically its impact on their research could be undertaken to involve the Grade 6
studies and psycho-social frame, the education sector elementary pupils. It will be an exploration of the rido
could implement mechanisms in helping these students phenomenon in the eyes of the children. The
continue their studies despite the conflict. The findings researcher believes that looking into their plight would
of the study categorically reveal that with even coming usher in fresher and more compelling narratives of
to school already becoming a problem, gadgets could struggles and strife, and of coping and aspiring.
be used to reach out to them and provide the Another view could be taken from the lens of the
instruction they need. A simple SMS or message in a teachers whose professional and personal lives might
group chat introducing a concept or providing an have been gravely affected by rido phenomenon.
explanation and example of a concept could be sent to
continue to tickle the creativity and curiosity of the
students. When internet connectivity would warrant, Insight
virtual classes could be conducted regularly. Through
these, teachers would be able to connect with their
students and let them feel being cared for despite the Inevitably, life offers us myriads of eventualities.
distance. For learners who do not own gadgets, Some bring us successes; others mirror the unfortunate
however, a collaboration and collective effort of the ones. Truly, we remain uncertain of our future
school, the barangay and local government units, and especially with the volatility and uncertainty of the
the parents in ensuring modules and other learning situations in our society today. Worse, when the
resources would be delivered to the students could be society where we strive to thrive and survive provides
of great help. Or, these learners could be gathered in a us an array of challenges which can potentially pull us
safe area like a barangay hall where they could be down in various aspects of our faculties.
given the instruction they need following a specialized
lesson plan and educational materials that responsive The students whose narratives bared their sufferings
and flexible. Finally, technical and materials support from the blows of rido in all aspects of their well-
from the Department of Education could be sourced being should not be considered as just another case of
out and secured for teaching and learning to continue. residents displaced by rido in their communities. They
should be receiving special care and attention so they
Moreover, to ease the emotional burden that the do not to replicate the grim experiences they had when
students have suffered, schools concerned could they age. Sustainable mechanisms need to be
establish and institutionalize a mechanism to help their undertaken so they can bounce from their ordeal and
students cope with the hardest blows of rido to their see life anew with optimism and dynamism. Such
emotional and mental well-beings. Teachers and mechanisms can focus on strengthening their faith
administrators of the schools may provide more on peaceful existence than on vengeful acts in
psychological and psychosocial first aids to their order to advance one’s platforms and on rebuilding
learners by engaging them into sessions where relevant their economic capacities through trainings and
activities are undertaken. The parents of the students capacity buildings to make them self-sustaining.
could also be involved in these activities to help them Schools need to devote their energies to intensifying
cope with the adverse impact of rido to them as well as peace education for their learners aside from teaching
get themselves equipped with skills that can help them them lifelong skills. The local government unit
overcome any form of distress. including the barangay can focus on more bias-free
and welcoming policies for all residents, especially
For conflicts to be avoided, Muslim leaders can be those which are currently relevant and responsive.
proactive by providing a set of practices where Clearly, a lot can be done to lessen the occurrences of
synergy instead of conflict is preferred, where respect rido.

Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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Harrah Grado-Carmona
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197469, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Matrix 2
Themes, Core Ideas and Categorization of Core Ideas

Themes Core Ideas Categorization

All on the Losing End Unpleasant and Dangerous Typical
Prevalence of Fear and Trauma Typical
Limited Social Activities & Variant
Loss of Freedom
Adverse Effects to Property Typical
and Livelihood
Difficulty to Focus on Studies Typical
Affected Relationships Typical
Prejudgment and Variant
Additional Responsibilities Variant
Optimism Amidst Focused on Positivity and Variant
Distress Happiness
Prayer Variant
Strengthened Family Bond Variant
Engaging in Worthwhile Typical
New Acquaintances Variant
Aspired Turning Point Preparedness Variant
Necessity for Peaceful General
Elders as Good Example Variant
Having no Bias and Variant
Involved Families to be Variant
Selfless and Humble

Harrah Grado-Carmona

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