One Man Millions Sales Letter 081110 1

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Read This Immediately Because

It Directly Affects YOU

Dear Friend,

Yes, this looks like a classic gimmicky sales letter (complete with a dollar bill attached to it!)

Yeah, I know ...there’s a dollar bill stapled to the top and so forth...and I just put that there to get
your attention ...but even with that said,

This Is NOT A Sales Letter!

In fact, it might actually lead to me giving YOU money!

Keep reading ...

Here’s What This Is All About

About 5 weeks ago, I met a guy who totally kicked my ass. Not literally, of course ...but in a
business sense.

This guy gets to take home close to two million dollars a year (in NET PROFIT) ...but he doesn’t
really do anything.

Now - let me tell you why “only” taking home just under two million is such a big deal.

In my business, I do around $7 Million dollars a year in gross sales.

Just last year, I was able to pay myself just a hair under two million dollars in actual money I
could squander on beer keep to support my family with.

And despite what you might think,

I Had To Work My Ass Off To Do It!

First, I had to have a string of major product launches. Plus I had to maintain my list of over
170,000 subscribers. Then I had to motivate my army of affiliates, and I had to deal with
maintaining my very high profile global brand. (Being “famous) is very un-nerving for me, by
the way.

Oh! I also have around $50,000.00 a month in expenses ...mostly my staff! And as much as I
love the team of people that costs me close to $50,000.00 a month ...they’re still a pain in the ass!
And when you add up all that I had to pay for my staff, my office, my affiliates, my gazillion
dollar video cameras, and all that other crap $7 million in gross revenue got cut down to
“only” $1.9 million in actual “beer and candy bars” money that I could spend for myself.

And really ...what they hell’s the point of making a bunch of money in sales if you can’t keep it
all? Especially if you have to work your ass off to do it?

That’s where this guy I met comes in ...

He Works Around 90% LESS Than I Do ...But He KEEPS Almost The Same
Amount Of Money As Me!
And here’s the kicker:

● He doesn’t have a big list.

● He doesn’t have an army of affiliates.
● He doesn’t have a staff.
● He doesn’t have any products to ship.
● He’s NEVER done a big launch.
● He’s doesn’t have an office.
● He’s not a guru (nobody even knows who he is).

Oh ...and if you’re wondering, NO.

He doesn’t do affiliate marketing, CPA, MLM, or any of that stuff.

In fact, he sells advice.

And by now you’re wondering ...

What The Hell This Has To Do With You

Here’s what’s up.

This guy’s approach to business is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. And I think it might be able to
make you a TON of money. Maybe.

Here’s why I say, “Maybe”.

First, I think what he’s uncovered is basically the MISSING LINK for marketers like us who just
want to be “low key” and make a bunch of money without really doing anything.

And I think it’s probably a good fit for you because you know marketing. After all, you’re my
customer so you know way more about good marketing than 99% of the earth’s population.

(Did I tell you this guy made all that money and he really doesn’t do ANY marketing? Like
sales letters, no lead generation stuff, no money magnets, no list building. Unbelievable.)
And I think that when you combine our kind of marketing ...the Mass Control and direct
response stuff that you and I do ...and you mix it in with the incredibly powerful conversion and
positioning system that Kevin has perfected’ll have the MOST POWERFUL SYSTEM OF

Big claim, I know.

But I’ve already personally seen massive results by combining our style of marketing with his
style of conversion (33% conversion rate!) in my own business ...and I want to know if it works
as well for you, too. I’m pretty sure it will...

And that’s why I’ve decided to fund a secret research project to find out. I think we might have
stumbled over something that will completely change the way businesses like yours (and
mine) make money ...and I want to find out for sure.

Here’s What I’ve Done For You

I’ve actually partnered with Kevin, and agreed to personally work with him on a research project
to find out if the combination of his system and my marketing will work as well for everyone
else as it has for us.

My theory is that it will ...and I want to work with a select few of my best customers in order to
find out for sure.

And that’s why I’ve put together

An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Here’s the deal.

I’d like to offer you a one hour 1-on-1 strategy session where either Kevin or I will personally
explain how this new system works ...and uncover how (or if) it can be implemented in your

Now, as you know, I’m the most expensive direct response Internet Marketing consultant in the
world fee to take on a private client is $100,000.00 plus 15% royalties and a day of
consulting is $25,000.00. There’s a waiting list.

And Kevin is no slouch either. He charges up to $250,000.00 to work with entrepreneurs and
small companies to maximize their businesses. Again, waiting list.

So this strategy session has real value to you. You’ll get either one of us (possibly both)
...personally looking at your business and evaluating your ideas, explaining how the system
works, and then figuring out how you can implement it for maximum money-getting.

Figure on us being on the phone together for an hour or so. And I know you’re probably
wondering about this so let me go ahead and get it out of the way now...

My “Evil Scheme” Revealed

I’m pretty sure we’ve stumbled over, for lack of a better phrase, “the next big thing”.

In fact, I believe that this new twist on marketing, positioning, and selling will completely
revolutionize the way people in our community make money ...instantly allowing you to get
more customers, dramatically raise your prices (with zero resistance), and to work less
than ever before.

And I’m basing this on personal experience.

With that said, I’m thinking of doing a major launch and partnering with Kevin to teach this new
system on a global scale.

But before I do, I need to know if it’s likely to work for everyone.

And I figured the best way to find out for sure was to roll up our sleeves, get on the horn with my
best customers, walk you through it, and see how it works for you.

Hopefully, you’ll make a ton of money and you’ll want to participate in the launch when we do

But Here’s The Catch...

Actually, this doesn’t even count as a “real” catch. That’s just a good sub-head for a letter and I
couldn’t help myself :-)

So there’s no real catch ...but there are a few conditions you need to be aware of.

First, we can only offer 30 strategy sessions because we don’t have enough time to do a zillion of
them. So we’re capping it at 30. No real explanation needed on that one, right?

Second, the strategy session costs $97. (Wooo ...)

Obviously, we’re not getting rich off the $97. It’s just to make sure you show up ...and it’s to
keep any time-wasters at bay.


This Is NOT For Everyone

In the interest of not wasting your time or ours, let me tell you right up front that

● Ifyou have yet to actually come up with a business plan or at least an idea, this isn’t for you.
● Ifyou’re selling any MLM or “biz-opp” stuff, this isn’t for you.
● Ifyou hate people and are a total hermit, this isn’t for you because our system requires that you
occasionally talk to someone.

Here’s Who This IS For

This system we’ll be walking you through is best for people who currently sell (or want to start
selling) advice, coaching, consulting, info products, or services such as design, software, and so

It’s very important that whatever you’re selling or plan to sell can actually deliver significant
results for your customers if they apply it.

If you meet these simple criteria,

I Guarantee You Will Make Money

As A Result Of This Strategy Session!
Here’s how.

When you finish your session with me or Kevin (maybe both of us), one of two things will

Scenario Number One (most likely to occur): You’ll say “HOLY CRAP, THIS IS AMAZING.

...And then we’ll expect you to keep us in the loop so we can continue our research. You might
even want to partner with us on a project. Who knows?

Scenario Number Two (unlikely): You’ll say, “You know man ...this isn’t as cool as I was
hoping it would be.”

In the unlikely event that scenario number two occurs,

I Will Send You $200.00 By PayPal

As Soon As You Hang Up The Phone
That’s how confident I am that what we’ve uncovered really is the “missing link”.

You’re either totally amazed or I give you back more than DOUBLE your money.

See? If you meet the criteria I just gave you, you can’t lose.

And I’m pretty damn sure this is going to knock your socks off, so...

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next

Please hurry and register for a strategy session with me or Kevin (maybe both) at:

That website is password protected so you’ll need to log in with these credentials:

Username: 8fold
Password: path
You’ll see a simple registration form where we collect the usual info.

Immediately after you register, you’ll be taken to a page where we ask you some basic questions
about your business. They’re easy, I promise. Please answer them so we can do a good job.

Once we receive your info, we’ll contact you (probably the same day) to set up a time to talk.

NOTICE NUMBER ONE: This offer expires on August 24th.

NOTICE NUMBER TWO: You need to be available for your strategy session within seven days
after you request it. If you’re not, you’ll forfeit your slot and we’ll return your $97.

NOTICE NUMBER THREE: This letter is going out to a small segment of my best customers
(right around 1,000 people.)

We can only grant 30 strategy sessions. They’re granted on a first come, first serve basis.

I promise that if you meet the criteria I explained earlier, you will get enormous value from our
discussion. In fact, we all will.

With that said, you and I both know the 30 slots will be reserved fast. So if you’re interested, go
to: ...and get registered.

Your user name is: 8fold

Your password is: path

Thanks a LOT for helping with our research. I’m confident you’re going to love this, and I look
forward to talking to you soon.


Frank Kern

P.S. In case you’re skimming to the P.S., here’s the deal:

I’ve found what I believe to be “the next big thing”. I think it’ll work really well for your
business but I’m not entirely sure because I’ve only tested it out on my business so far.

Before I launch it to the rest of the world, I want to make sure it works for everyone besides just
me I’m offering you a personal strategy 1-on-1 session with me and/or my partner, Kevin.

We’ll walk you through it and show you how to implement it.
It’s $97 for the session, comes with a DOUBLE your money back guarantee, and we’re only
taking 30 people. We figure that’s all we need to complete our first round of research. Register at Offer expires August 24.

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