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Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

7197920, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Navigating Teachers’ Labyrinth in Adapting Blended Learning

Modality Amidst Pandemic

Darish Jane B. Cambalon*,

Genciano Cambalon, Edward F. Dizon
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The purpose of this study was to determine the lived experiences of teachers in Don Marcelino,
Davao Occidental adapting blended learning. The study employed phenomenological approach to 12
teacher participants using in-depth and focus group discussion. Results revealed that most of the
participants shared positive and negative experiences in adapting blended learning modality. New
learning opportunities and flexible learning pathway were the themes under positive experiences
while teacher’s technological hitches and digital divide were under negative experiences. Coping
mechanism of the participants includes intervention plan, maintaining positive attitude at work and
self-innovation. Despite the labyrinth, they account to share key insights such as empathetic response,
excessive optimism and personal and professional growth. Based from the result of the current study,
it is recommended that the school, specifically the school head, must develop a long-term
intervention program aimed at aiding instructors in dealing with technology gaps, particularly among
seasoned teachers. Thus, as teachers, it is imperative that in the new normal we should possess the
two important mindsets: adaptability and innovation.

Keywords: Lived Experiences, Blended Learning Modality, Challenges, Coping Mechanisms

Introduction teachers due to these reasons: insufficient experience

in supervising technology, lower motivation, and
The world is currently battling the coronavirus disease weakened contact with technology (Graham, 2013).
(COVID-19) that has been declared as a global
pandemic (Llego, 2020). This pandemic has disruptive Nevertheless, In the Philippines, Vice President Leni
effect on normal life, difficult as it is in most countries. Robredo noting that many areas in the country have no
However, most of the governments around the world internet access yet the DepEd Secretary Briones
decided to innovate the delivery of learning. asserted that the Department of Education is actually
Accordingly, Almaiah (2008), stated that the fast planning of intervention about it (DepEd, 2020)
growing of information technology development has
Locally, in the of Division of Davao Occidental, there
brought a lot of positive impact to the education
were 30 thousand registered learners and 50% of them
institution as an aid to facilitate learning. As a matter
were having difficulties of stable connection
of fact, modular print modality will be more effective
(Department of Education Davao Occidental, 2021).
with the combination information technology. With
Thusly, the idea of having online learning in the
this, the integration of face-to-face and online
division reveals a digital divide among students
instruction also known as blended learning is
(DepEd, Davao Occidental, 2020). Congruently, the
encouraged. This learning modality is known to be
current situation translates to barriers in online
essential in the current situation (Rathore, 2020).
learning. As a matter of fact, many of the students
Internationally, students reported positive feedback on have difficulties adjusting to new learning styles and
the effectiveness of blended learning during the do not have reliable internet access, respectively. For
pandemic. In A meta-analysis study conducted by some, it may present difficulty to purchase a
Yildiz (2020) about recent trends in educational facilitative learning device to easily tune in to online
technology during 2015-2020, study paid attention that classes and immediately turn in assignments in the
using educational technology in teaching and learning online system.
was appropriate. As blended learning features the
In Lawa National High School, with the desire to
teacher facilitating learning and engaging learners’
active participation using various with the combination nurture promising futures to students, educators have
of printed materials, expectedly it can facilitate to adapt to the new modality. With this, like any other
academic institution that adheres to the welfare of its
teaching-learning effectively. However, in some cases,
this circumstance has been a great struggle to some teachers and students, Lawa National High School has
made determined efforts to suddenly address its needs.

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Therefore, this research was conducted to gain from previous researchers. As Siiaman (2019), stated
knowledge on the experiences of the teachers in that blended learning is an instruction delivered on a
Blended learning education, how the teachers cope digital device such as a computer or mobile device that
with the challenges posed in blended learning is intended to support learning with the blend of
modality and the student’s insights with regards to modular approach. An almost similar statement
blended learning modality. delivered by Rasheed (2017), stated that BL is
a flexible approach to teaching and learning that uses a
Research Questions
combination of either online or handwritten personal
study or face to face classes. This was supported by
This study sought to examine and understand the
another argument which states that the implementation
experiences of teachers in adapting the blended
of blended learning is expected to improve the quality
learning approach amidst the COVID 19 pandemic in
of education. In order to compete, universities must be
Lawa National High School. This study aimed to
able to adapt and adopt blended learning modality.
answer the following questions:
Expectedly, BL also offers flexible time frames that
can be personalized to each person, offering them the
1. What are the experiences of the teachers in adapting
ability to learn at their own pace. Teaching is less
blended learning modality?
expensive to deliver, more affordable, and saves time.
2. How do the teachers cope with the challenges posed
Blended learning offers flexibility in terms of
in adapting blended learning modality?
3. What are the participants’ key takeaways that they
may share with their colleagues and the academe in
Along with this, many researchers describe the
benefits of adapting this modality. Thus, in the
4. What intervention program can be proposed to
phenomenological study of Shand (2020), entitled
ensure high performance of teachers adapting blended
“The Art of Blending: Benefits of a Blended Course
learning approach?
for Preservice Teachers”, using in-depth interview,
several benefits of blended learning have been
Literature Review reported in the literature, with the most common
benefit being flexibility (Gedik, Kiran, & Ozden,
2012). Other benefits include opportunities for
This section presents the review of related literature of students to work at their own pace and with
teachers’ experiences in the adapting blended learning personalized curriculum (Shand & Glassett Farrelly,
modality, teachers’ way to cope with the challenges in 2017), reinforcement of learning, and added
the blended learning modality, and the teachers’ key engagement with peers (Gedik et al., 2012).
takeaways that they may share with their colleagues Additionally, the key benefit to the blended experience
and the academe in general. The different concepts are was the opportunity to meet face-to-face, as they
arrange thematically in order to provide better believe their social presence and content expertise had
comprehension on the challenges of the teachers in a greater impact during in-person classes. Furthermore,
adapting blended learning approach. many claimed the benefit of the online portion of a
blended course was the continuous access and
Teachers’ Experiences in Adapting Blended availability of the course learning management system
Learning Modality (LMS), which served as a repository of content
resources and grades and enabled fast and frequent
As the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted drastic effect communication. Thus, this modality is expected to
in the Philippine educational system (De Villa, 2019), engage students in the teaching-learning process.
the Educational System has eyeing the adaptation of
another learning modality. This includes Blended Similarly, this was supported by the study of Karani
Learning approach which refers to a learning delivery (2018), entitled “Utilization of Blended Approach in
that combines face-to-face with any or a mix of online Teaching and Learning in Kenya”. The study utilized
distance learning, modular distance learning, and mixed method approach. It revealed that 74% of
TV/Radio-based Instruction. It enables the schools to participants are motivated to adopt and use blended
limit face-to-face learning, ensure social distancing, mode of learning while 26% of students did not have
and decrease the volume of people outside the home at confidence in the utilization of blended approach.
any given time (Davis, 2020). Moreover, 62% of students agreed with the appropriate
time and place for use of blended learning and 75 %
Additionally, (Rannastu-Avalos, 2013), disclosed that agreed that information uploaded on Moodle platform
Blended learning is associated with several meanings was credible. However, 22% of the students stated that

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

they had experience problems with use of learning (Mozelius & Rydell, 2017) revealed that the most
platform. Therefore, therefore lecturers need to offer common challenges were the extended time to learn
continuous support to students as a good gesture role new technology tools, a lack of support for learning
model. More so, it creates a learning experience critical functions of the LMS, and discomfort with
whereby the learner interacts with other students, with understanding and implementing effective online
the instructor, and with e-contents through thoughtful pedagogy. Gedik (2012) specified additional barriers
integration of online commonly known as eLearning to blended learning, such as the complexity of the
environments at their own pace. Thus, for the students work, where students are expected to engage in and
possessing varying learning styles, this blended complete tasks in two environments; staying
learning is appropriate. disciplined and on track in the online activities; and
struggling with technology issues.
Despite the benefit the blended learning offers of the
educational system, it also suggests significant With these findings, it is still imperative that whatever
challenges which include the expense of technology, the modalities, teachers should always do the
inadequate training, technological issues, the need to assessment and performance monitoring to evaluate
adapt content for blended learning, decreased whether the modality best suits to the learner’s pacing
motivation, and weakened relationships between level. It is also necessary to consider the different
students and teachers. factors why such modality in not applicable to a
particular student. However, as teachers it as always
With this, in the study of Gilmour (2018), entitled our task to cope with what is the best in the teaching-
“Challenges of Blended Learning in Adult Education”, learning process for the benefit of our learners.
the most frequent problems in blended learning
identified by instructors is the insufficient basic Teacher’s Coping Mechanisms to the Challenges of
computer/digital skills including being able to navigate Adapting Blended Learning
different platforms and devices, keyboarding, using a
password, etc. Other frequently cited challenges were Nowadays, teacher’s professional lives is full of tough
getting distracted and low independence/self- moments, new and uncertain situations. Globally, the
directedness and motivation, fear of and discomfort traditional higher education delivery system which has
with technology, and language and comprehension a classroom setting with students and lecturer
barriers. The challenges that respondents assumed for interactions has been challenged by innovations in
learners engaging in blended learning outside the educational delivery mechanisms (Soliman, 2014).
classroom overlapped with challenges observed inside Innovations in information technology has enabled
the classroom, most especially with regard to lack of other methods of education delivery such as blended
basic digital knowledge and skills, but they also learning (BL) gained prominence in higher education
reported affective issues and distractions. However, by delivery.
far the most popular responses were lack of or poor
internet service and lack of or outdated hardware. Despite the benefits that blended learning provides, it
Other challenges unique to doing blended learning also presents a number of problems. It's important for
activities at home are poor motivation/self- teachers to recognize that we're considering coping
directedness, and lack of time and/or time management techniques to deal with the obstacles. Making proper
skills. intervention strategies is one method to deal with the
issues given by the current circumstance.
Congruently, another significant issues with blended
learning have been identified in the current literature. Thus, in the study of Machera (2013), entitled
One challenge noted by Lopez-Perez, Perez-Lopez, “Teaching Intervention Strategies that will enhance
and Rodriquez-Ariza (2011) is sustaining student teaching in Higher Education" using questionnaires
engagement in the online component of the course revealed a main findings that intervention plans are
when students see more value in the face-to-face appropriate material in recognizing the gaps and
sessions. This was echoed by Ariza et. Al; (2014), who finding for possible solutions out of the gaps .Further,
reported similar findings with teachers. They found results have shown that there would be improvements
many teachers harbored the belief that there was more in several areas if the proper intervention plan will be
value in the face-to-face portion of a blended course implemented. It was revealed that intervention plans
and therefore favored it more than the online portion. provide effective and prompt feedback, which
A recent study on the problems of implementing invariably impacted positively to the quality of the
blended learning among university instructors teaching delivery. In addition, it enhance learning in

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

higher education hence the need to implement teaching infrastructure through which improved teaching and
intervention strategies in the pandemic face should be learning products. However, using technology does not
evident in the schools. automatically improve learning – it is not an
innovation like fire, where one gets a benefit just by
Apart from that, maintaining positive attitude at work standing near it. Instead, technology is a catalyst that
is one of the coping up mechanisms in the covid face. can empower deeper content, more active learning,
It’s easy to let negative thoughts and feelings creep in more authentic assessment, and links between
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus is classrooms and the real world. These are innovations
spreading. Nations are under quarantine. People are we know improve learning. In addition, schools need
out of work (Warren, 2020). Schools remain closed, to adapt learning to similar modes of living. The
indefinitely. If you’re feeling afraid, and you’re not biggest difference between an industrial educational
alone. “That’s a natural response. There is a lot going system and a 21st century educational system is
on, and there are incredible changes. That kind of fear extending learning life-wide, using technology to
is what most of us feel. Despite all of this, keeping a make any place, anytime a rich opportunity for
positive mindset can go a long way in managing learning and enlisting the help of parents, community
through the difficult time. Having an attitude that members, and informal educators as students’ coaches,
looks for the positive and tries to be optimistic can mentors, and tutors outside of school.
help you to filter out some of the constant barrage of
bad or discouraging news the figures of the disease As teachers, with the challenges that we are
and how it’s growing. Additionally, holding onto that experiencing right now, it is foremost that we must
positive attitude can help you center on things that think for the most practical way to adapt and innovate
provide you with what you need to make it through the ways of teaching. By doing so, we are not only
this day. It’s really important these days (Wilcox, assisting our students in becoming better learners, but
2020). Thus, it’s always inspiring that the pandemic we are also assisting ourselves in reaching our own
didn’t hinder them the desire to teach to help the potential.
students learned.
Teachers’ Insights with regards to Blended
More so, it was supported by the study entitled Learning Modality
“Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation:
The power of Digital and Technological Skills” by The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has
Fullan (2019). The study revealed that an innovation spread worldwide, affecting almost all countries and
will be essential to bring about qualitative changes in territories. With the situation, there is a pressing need
education, as opposed to the quantitative expansion to innovate and implement alternative educational and
seen so far. These changes are needed to increase assessment strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has
efficiency and improve the quality and equity of provided us with an opportunity to pave the way for
learning opportunities amidst pandemic. Although introducing various learning modalities (Dhawan,
education is not a change-averse sector, with 2020).
improvements already taking place in classrooms, it
has not managed to harness technology to raise In the Philippines, the educators, students, and the
productivity, improve efficiency, increase quality and school are still coping and adjusting to the blended
foster equity in the way other public sectors have learning education. As a matter of fact, Lapada’s
(Gallagher, 2019). At the same time education can also (2020) study explored the teacher’s perspective on the
foster innovation in society at large by developing the blended learning using quantitative approach. The
right skills to nurture it (Kaufman, 2018). These skills, results of this study indicated that teachers understand
including critical thinking, creativity and imagination, the context of blended learning, but in implementation
can be fostered through appropriate teaching, and there are various problems found, including 1)
practices such as entrepreneurship education. availability of facilities, 2) network and internet usage,
Governments should develop smart innovation 3) planning, implementation, and evaluation of
strategies for education with the right policy mix to learning, and 4) collaboration with parents. These
give meaning and purpose to innovation, including challenges resulted to the following insights, that as
creating an innovation-friendly culture (Johnson, teachers we should possess empathy and excessive
2018). optimism.

Furthermore, in the current situation, it is a Mortola (2020) also added that even in the midst of the
must that a schools need a physical and digital pandemic, a teacher must know how to respond to the

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

changes and that, despite the many uncertainties, he or the paper by the panel, the researcher wrote a letter to
she must transform learning into possibilities in order the Schools Division Superintendent of Davao
to achieve "excellent education. By upskilling, Occidental division asking for approval for the
reskilling, and innovating mechanisms in the teaching conduct of the study among the teachers who are
learning, the teacher is also concerned in his/her adapting the blended modality to facilitate the
personal and professional growth. Furthermore, there teaching-learning process. When the approval was
is a need for transformative innovation in order granted, another written letter was submitted to the
to develop new relationships and ways of working, to appropriate school principal to ask permission to invite
update approaches, and to harness the collective social the teachers who adapted the blended modality to
capital and skills of school communities to deliver personal interviews and to a focus group discussion.
better learning and teaching.
After the approval of the school principal, the
In conclusion, teachers’ key takeaways on blended researcher followed an interview protocol that guides
learning includes seeing it as an opportunity to the them in the conduct of the interviews. This was to
emergence of a new education system. Its ensure consistency between interviews, and thus
effectiveness may not be recognized directly, but with increase the reliability of the findings. The researcher
proper intervention and design, it will present wrote to the participants to seek informed consent.
possibilities that has never been discovered before. In They re-explained to them the purpose of my
addition, the blended modality is student-centered interview, the inclusion criteria, the time frame for the
approach which means, as it methods will only depend interview, the confidentiality of the information, and
to student’s flexibility and learning pace. Thus, as the intent to use a note taker and/or recording gadget.
teachers, it is only right and just to uphold this new An interview was proceeded after the consent from the
modality since its one of the manifestations that every participants was granted. The individual interview was
day is a learning opportunity to both teachers and conducted in a place and time at the participant’s
students. expediency. The researcher conducted the in-depth
interviews for thirty to forty-five minutes for each
As a conclusion, it's worth noting that the adaptation participant according to the date and time they
of blended modality elicits both good and negative stipulated in the informed consent.
responses. However, as educators, we are inventing
strategies to deal with its drawbacks. As a result, The focus group discussion for the next six
teachers' typical mindsets for overcoming obstacles in participants which lasted for an hour was conducted
adapting blended modality are flexibility and after individual interviews. Transcription of the
innovation in the present educational trend. proceedings followed. After that, the researcher
summarized key data immediately following the
interview and verify information given in interviews as
necessary (Boyce & Neale, 2006).

Sampling In order for the research results to be valid, the

researcher made use of multiple methods in gathering
A purposive sampling was utilized in the study during the data. The researcher utilized In-depth Interview
the selection of respondents. Palys (2008) stated that (IDI) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in order to
one who will engage in purposive sampling signifies come with rich source of data needed for the analysis
that one sees sampling as a series of strategic choices and interpretation. Also, the researcher presented the
about with whom, where and how one does one’s IDI and FGD transcripts to the informants and
research. This statement implied that the way participants asking them for the confirmation of data
researcher’s sample must be tied to their objectives that was generated during the interviews. The
and the best sampling would depend on the context in informants and participants reviewed the transcripts
which researchers are working and the nature of their and informed that they can make necessary changes if
research objectives. there was a need to. Through the use of these sources
of data, the researcher ensured all research results were
Data Collection true and valid. Hence, through those methods,
triangulation was attained.
To ensure quality analysis and interpretation of the
data being gathered, the researchers followed vital Triangulation technique is the combination of two
steps in data gathering. Upon approval of the outline of or more data sources, investigators, methodologic

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

approaches, theoretical perspectives within the same Each participant was required to provide a signed
study. Additionally, the goal in research is to use two personal acknowledgment, consent, and an indication
or more methods of research to strengthen the design of a willingness to participate in the study release. The
and to increase the ability to interpret the findings purpose of the informed consent letter was to introduce
(Denzin, 1970). This method ensured the validity of the research effort, provide contact information,
the results of the study particularly the themes that wer articulate the intent of the study, request voluntary
extracted from the conducted in-depth interview and participation by the recipients, and identify the
focus group discussion. Hence, making this research anticipated information that participants will be
employing qualitative form of data analysis more expected to provide. Personal assurances of committed
credible. Figure below shows the triangulated design participation, prompt scheduling of the interviews and
for data gathering procedure. personal contact was ensured adequate participation to
achieve thematic saturation.
Ethical Issues
The informant’s consent letter was articulated the
Mc Leod (2009) postulated the seven key principles of procedural steps to maintain privacy, confidentiality,
ethical research, which comprised the following: and the non-attribution of the individual responses.
informed and voluntary consent, respect rights of The consent letter declared that the participants’
privacy and confidentiality, minimization of risk, background information would remain confidential
truthfulness, social and cultural responsibility, research and would not be released without prior expressed
personal approval. Restricted access based upon a need
adequacy, and avoidance of conflict of interest. In the
to know protects and secures participant information to
conduct and practice of this study the Treaty of
maintain confidentiality, anonymity, and to ensure that
Participation was embedded. The invitation to
all the responses were secured from inappropriate
participate was completely voluntary in nature, and
disclosure to enhance reliability of provided data. All
based on an understanding of adequate information.
participants were required to sign and return the letter
Another dominant concern is the Treaty Principle of of consent to the researcher before participating in the
Protection, as reflected in the respect for the rights and research. All the informants’ responses were secured
privacy and confidentiality, and the minimization of in a locked repository.
risk to participants. The possibility of a degree of risk
Data Analysis
inherent to being an informant was minimized by
taking all reasonable steps to guarantee participant
Qualitative research data analysis intends to uncover
confidentiality. Each of the participant was informed
or understand and describe the phenomenon, by using
his/her right to withdraw his/her information at any the data, and its meaning (Fink, 2000; Hancock, 2002;
time up to the completion of the data collection Ritchie & Lewis, 2003). Data analysis is a systematic
process. They were requested to verify his/her search for meaning. It is a way to process qualitative
individual transcript after the interview is carried out. data so that what has been learned can be
This provided the participants the opportunity to communicated to others. Analysis means organizing
amend, remove, any information which they felt might and interrogating data in ways that allow researchers to
identify them or they may be uncomfortable with. see patterns, identify themes, discover relationships,
develop explanations, make interpretations, mount
All the transcripts underwent a validation and
critiques, or generate theories. It often involves
verification. The researcher reserved the right to
synthesis, evaluation, interpretation, categorization,
employ the use of pseudonyms and changing names
hypothesizing, comparison, and pattern finding (Leech
and/or non-significant dates in the interest of the & Onwegbuzie, 2007).
protection of the identity of the participant in all
subsequent data analysis and reporting. With regard to As researcher, considered strategies of inquiry were
the protection of participants, it was noted that this applied which were practical to the procedures of
study would never use or involve the use of deceit in analysis and interpretation of the data. In this research,
any stage of its implementation. Gaining the trust and the researcher made sense out of data recorded in text,
support of research participants was critical in an audio and video formats while employing valuable
ethical academic inquiry (Walker, 2007). All steps. The researcher organized and prepared the data
participants were given an informed consent form for analysis after the conduct of the interview. To get
before scheduling the interviews and participating in to the big picture of the information and reflect on the
the phenomenological research process. overall meaning, the researcher were the ones to read

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

through all the data. The next step was to encode or depth interview and focus group discussion. Their
organize related segments of data into categories. teaching experiences range from 4- 40 years. They
These categories were used to generate a description of were chosen on the basis of their experiences in
the participants and identify themes from the coding. adapting various modalities in facilitating the teaching-
Themes was scrutinized to determine connections. learning. The ideas expressed by these individuals
After presenting the data, the researchers made an were used to sort out issues, insights and perceptions
interpretation of the whole meaning of the data related to adapting various modalities in facilitating
(Creswell, 2009, Polit & Beck, 2010). the teaching-learning.

In this study, thematic analysis was used to gain Focus group discussion was conducted to 6
insight and knowledge from data that were gathered. participants, three (3) women and three (3) men with
The method involved distilling data and determining teaching experiences ranging from 4-40 years. The in-
broad patterns to conduct more granular research and depth interview was conducted to 6 participants with
analysis. The researcher coded every two or three lines teaching experience ranging from 6 to 12 years. All of
of text to identify key words or concepts. To avoid them were from the same locale adapting various
misinterpretation and biases, the data were reviewed modalities in facilitating the teaching-learning in the
with the help of a qualitative research expert. That was pandemic face. The discussion was conducted to gain
to read and re-read the data, double-check the codes to added insights and concepts of teachers adapting
make it more consistent and valid. Emergent themes various modalities in facilitating the teaching-learning
were identified when the codebook was prepared. The and to strengthen and verify the findings.
researcher used the codebook to identify themes and
sub- themes that emerged from patterns like Teachers’ Experiences in Adapting Blended
conversation topics and vocabulary. These themes Learning Modality
were defined sufficiently. The name of each theme
was finalized with description and illustration of From the data collected on the experiences of the study
quotations from the original text (Attride-Stirling, participants, four main themes were generated as
2001; Braun & Clarke, 2006). presented. These themes were both positive and
negative insights. They helped me determine which
core ideas to report. Themes for positive insight were
Results and Discussion
learning opportunities, flexible learning pathway while
for negative insight were teacher’s technological
Presented in this section are the experiences of the hitches and digital divide.
study participants, how they cope with the challenges,
their insights with regard to adapting various New Learning Opportunities
modalities in facilitating the teaching-learning, as well
as the constructs which emerged from the information One of the experiences of the teachers in adapting
gleaned through in-depth interview and focus group blended modality revealed a theme new learning
discussion. opportunities because it enable them to discover new
things about them. The teachers turned to be flexible
This section is divided into four parts: Part 1 tackles and to be innovative while facilitating the teaching-
the participants’ information from which the learning process. This includes: Using their creativity
qualitative data were collected. Part 2 covers the data in creating video lessons to augment or supplement
analysis procedures and the steps in the categorization learning along with the printed material. Moreover,
of the emergent themes from the result of the in-depth they managed to come up with various strategies and
and focused group discussion. Part 3 deals with the initiatives which includes crafting their own
responses to the interview and focused group educational video lessons and supplemental activities.
discussion questions under each research problem and Thus, some of the teachers were gladdened by the
part 4 the summary of the responses. situation because it tested how versatile and flexible
they are to adapt different situations.
The same is true for the focus group participants where
The participants in this study were composed of 12 a good number of them had encountered the same
public secondary school teachers who adapted various experience.
modalities in facilitating the teaching-learning in the
pandemic face. It comprised of 12 participants for in- Informant Anne Cortez is undoubted in admitting her

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

experiences on adapting blended learning modality in their students personally through google meet.
the teaching-learning process when she said:
On idea of convenience Pamela Veranda shared her
“I feel positive by the situation because it tested how experience.
versatile and flexible I am to adapt new ways of
teaching in the pandemic face. I am even okay with it “I am pleased that despite the situation I could still
as it is the only viable solution we have given in the have the chance to meet up my students frequently and
current situation. I love the new experience and it discussed them the content of our lesson using
ignites more my passion as a teacher especially in the technology aided instruction anytime.” (FGDP#2)
teaching learning-process. (FGD#1)
This was supported by Kuya Kim when he said:
It was supported by the notion of Kathreen Bernado
Various Modalities specifically the online and blended
classes gives better time management to both teacher
Yes it’s true, “The current situation opens a lot of and students. (IP#10)
avenues for as me teacher. It opens my creativity
Accordingly, the flexible learning allows the student to
which is reflected in my educational video lessons. I
decipher when and how they will learn by tailoring
was able to act as the artist, the editor, the content
their course to their own capabilities. The flexibility of
developer of my own supplemental video lessons. I am online learning allows students to slowly grasp
enjoying every opportunity nga akong gibuhat ug gi concepts and ensure full comprehension before
try. (FGDP#6) moving forward. Expectedly, this leads to achieving
better grades and better learning outcomes.
The experiences shared by the participant’s revealed
that adapting the current trend in teaching offers Therefore, any learning content can be personalized
favorable outcomes in intensifying the urgency of for the needs of the learners. What’s more important is
bridging the gaps to facilitate the teaching-learning in that the learning experience allows students to have the
the COVID 19 pandemic. flexibility to engage with the materials they need,
when they need them. Students learn in different ways
Thus, (Ferlazzo, 2020) cited that with schools all over and to truly personalize the learning experience, there
the world redesigning because of COVID-19, blended must be multiple opportunities for students to progress
learning is becoming a new normal. It offers new towards content mastery through flexible learning
learning opportunities as it strive to provide students pathways at different paces (Schrantz, 2019).
the best of both face-to-face and online learning
experiences. Blended classrooms include face-to-face Teacher’s technological hitches
instruction techniques such as direct instruction or
lecture, group discussions, and small-group work Nevertheless, teacher’s technological hitches emerged
while also using technology to provide in-class online to be the third major theme under the experiences of
learning that students can do at home provided they teacher’s blended learning modality. This theme
have access to necessary technology. elucidates from core ideas which came from an excerpt
during an in-depth interview. The core ideas under this
Teachers’ Experiences in Adapting Blended theme were: dismayed in the current situation due to
Learning Modality the technicalities of technology aided instructions, the
situation is a trouble due to the fact that the technology
Flexible learning pathway aided instructions are not viable especially to seasoned
teachers. Some of them were upset in terms to the
The second major theme that emerged is flexible technicalities of the new platform e.g., google meet
learning pathway. This theme came out because for and google classroom.
them, the current situation is convenient because the
materials and activities in the content of the lesson will On saying that adaptation of new learning modality is
just be downloaded in the google classroom. With this, a trouble for me as seasoned teacher, the participants
the various modalities give self-paced learning mentioned:
opportunities for the students and better time
management to both teacher and student. Congruently, “In my Forty years (40) of teaching, this situation is
the teachers were given the chance to communicate really a challenged for me knowing that I was not

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

exposed to this kind of teaching strategy since in my This was supported by Liza Soberano, when she
younger years. I am not even techy with the technology said;
aided materials. As a matter of fact, the technology
aided instruction is one of my weaknesses. “ With the desire of teachers to provide other
Consequently, I considered the situation as a little bit teaching-learning modalities to augment learning
harder. (IP#8) experience due to the decreasing proficiency level of
the students, sadly, the online teaching in our place is
On being upset in adapting new modalities, somehow a problem because only few of the students
participants mentioned that; acquired android phones and the poor internet
connection is still our number 1 problem”.(FGD#4)
“To facilitate the teaching-learning using online
modality requires enough time for me. Honestly, I am When pressed to explain about the challenges he
really upset of learning and memorizing the steps to encountered in adapting blended learning to facilitate
facilitate the new platforms especially with google the teaching-learning, Catriona Gray commented:
classroom. One example is, I just thought that my
assessment downloaded to the google classroom runs “Student’s sustainability in joining the online class due
smoothly however during the summative day, the to financial constraints is also a challenge. We can’t
choices are not functioning at all, the current name of deny the fact that some of the students are determined
the student who joined the exam will be the one who is however due to finances in terms of the load, it hinders
registering, and I think I need to master the set-up of their desires to join the online class”. (FGB#4)
the google classroom. These things made me
Nevertheless, most of the study participants echoed
disappointed about it. (FGD#5)
positive response on adapting various modalities
Hughes (2019), stated that blended learning is often a however it is also coined by negativities. As it is said,
bottom-up approach. Teachers or other staff often have education must continue despite the circumstances. As
to take the initiative with blended learning. As such, teachers, accommodating whatever the flaws and
there is a need for formal instruction and professional trying to devise and apply for solutions until the result
development to support their blended learning will be tolerable must be practiced. Teaching is
practice. The infrastructure may not exist. It can be possible and challenges as well in the new normal.
difficult to set up the internal structure needed to Despite the situation, let us always remember our
implement blended learning. The resources and budget division tagline which stated “Kay Edukasyon Posible
may not be available. Time constraints. Moving the Davao Occidental”, PADAYON”.
towards a blended learning environment can take time.
As well as the necessary setup and logistics, training Coping with the Challenges Posed in Adapting
and material preparation is often needed. It can be Various Learning Modalities
difficult to manage this time alongside current
teaching requirements. All of these are the limitations From the data collected, there were three major themes
of BL. which emerged from the responses as shown on Figure
2 (see appendix). These are intervention plan;
With the terrible experiences encountered in the midst maintaining enthusiasm at work and positive attitude;
of the pandemic, as teachers it is significant that we and self-innovation.
must serve as the frontlines of accepting the challenge
by being the advocates of innovations in facilitating Intervention Plan
the teaching-learning.
Intervention Plan emerged as the first major theme
Digital divide under coping strategies of teachers in adapting various
modalities. The following core ideas are: creating
Another identical response to the negativity of strategies that would best address to the problems in
adapting various modalities in the teaching-learning is the current situation; identifying the problems and
digital divide. Daniel Padilla once commented: looking for possible solutions; carefully planning of
different strategies; scaling up plans to address the
“Whether, we like it or not, the online class is not gaps in the current situation.
applicable at all times because of the poor internet
connection.” (FGD#1) Here are some responses of the participants in relation

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

to intervention plan as their form of coping mechanism thinking the bright side of the situation, Rosanna
towards challenges and difficulties encountered. Roces said;

“I believe that it is also important to recognize that, “To teach and to help my students learn despite the
even in these trying times, students, families, challenges brought by the pandemic is somehow
educators, staff, administrators will work hard of challenging however one of my inspirations of doing
building back to ensure equal educational so is to always look back the reason why I choose this
opportunity for all students. This could be realized by profession; that is to fill empty minds and to change
looking for possible intervention that would best cater one’s life. So whatever the circumstance, education
to the gaps experienced in the current situation”. must continue. (IP#8)
When asked to share her experience on being adaptive
When asked to share how he identify the problems and to the new ideas in teaching, she said:
created solutions, he said:
“Change is inevitable in life. Though emotionally
“As one of the subject coordinators, I together with my disturbing, arming ourselves with lots of adaptabilities
colleagues converge in one of the convocation will go a long way in handling change. People who
activities in the school. In the said convocation, we adapt easily are flexible set of people who you find
thoroughly identified the gaps and problems in excelling in a team. Being adaptive also is my arm in
adapting various modalities. It also ends up succeeding the current situation. (IP#9)
identifying the possible solutions to the problem.
This was supported by Janella Salvador and Kathreen
Bernardo when they said;
Coping Mechanisms of Teachers in Adapting
Though adaptability may not be an inherent ability in
Blended Learning Modality
us, it is something anybody can learn with time.
An intervention plan will help you solve a specific Adjusting our expectations will go a long way in
problem, and is designed to enable management and helping flow with the winds of change, by making us
improve organizational functioning. It identifies the more adaptable. (IP#10&11)
gaps as well as the ways in addressing the gaps.
Apparently, the general responses of the informants Winch (2018), once cited that there is so much we
indicated how the intervention plan cope up the stand to benefit when we possess positive attitude at
challenges posed in the current situation. Thus, in work. One of the most prominent ones is more
order to address the learning disabilities in the new happiness in life. “We will always be confronted with
normal hindering the student’s academic progress, all psychological challenges in life. Some after waves of
these strategies should be implemented on time hopelessness take a bow; some courageously take on
(Daley, 2014). these setbacks, learn whatever lesson life gives them,
and then move on with life. One fact we can’t deny is
As a result, a teacher must establish clear techniques that our happiness, satisfaction and ability to build a
for teaching and learning, as well as directly identify quality relationship; is largely dependent on our
gaps and design solutions in the new normal and it adaptability skill.” Consequently, by maintaining
could be done through an appropriate planning. positivity will help us to stand strong in seeming
hopeless situation. Once you assure yourself that you
Maintaining positive attitude at work have all it takes to begin the change process right
within you, you will have unlocked more happiness for
Maintaining positive attitude at work revealed to be yourself.
the second major theme under coping strategies of the
teachers adapting to various modalities. It interprets Self-Innovation
different core ideas which include: thinking the
brighter side in every situation; being open to new Self-Innovation came as the third major theme under
ideas of teaching, doing the job with a heart; being coping strategies of teachers adapting to various
passionate in everything you do. modalities to facilitate the teaching-learning. It
explains different core ideas which include:
On considering the positive attitude at work by benchmarking from an expert colleague, upskilling

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

one’s self through attending DepEd seminars and Teachers articulated their individual realizations in
trainings, browsing contemporary ways in the internet, which empathetic response appeared to be the first
thinking outside of the box. theme which covers the following core ideas: be
compassionate, a teacher should be considerate, in the
Rosanna Roces, Kuya Kim and Pamela Veranda were current situation-one must be sympathetic, a teacher
on the same line when they said: must instill the learners the love of learning.

“The goal of benchmarking from an expert colleague Catriona Gray was passionate about telling us his story
is to make continuous improvements and implement compassion to learners. He narrated this insight;
changes. It a one of the best practices where you can
learn from others while improving the capacity of “With the unfavorable circumstances in the new
what you can do. By benchmarking, your creativity as normal, a teacher today should be compassionate.
a teacher will also be enhanced. (FGD#2,3,4) This could be done by listening to the student’s
concerns specifically when it is relative to the
Kuya Kim and Pamela Veranda also narrated their teaching-learning process”. Ma’am dili sako
feelings towards upskilling and reskilling one’s self, makapasa ug module karon kay niuban ko sa akong
with sincere expression of themselves, they share these papa nanagat kay wala mi makaon”. This is one of the
common sentiments of the students in the SHS in
“In accelerating my ways of teaching in the COVID current situation. Thus, as a second parent, it is
face, I made sure of opening opportunities to new imperative that we will give positive reinforcement and
roles. Perhaps the biggest benefit of upskilling and few words of encouragement to our learners because
reskilling is that they each create opportunities for as it said, a simple act of kindness will create
valued existing employees to take on new roles and difference to someone’s life”. (IP#6)
functions. As a teacher, I certainly believed that
Participants’ Insights in Adapting Blended
everything is a work in progress and that my
Learning Modality
willingness to learn will uplift my capacities”.
(FGD#3&4) Truly, as a teacher, practicing empathy especially
during a global pandemic means something. This
As (Ryshke, 2012) asserted, self-innovation creates mindset helps you to connect with others, being
fun, creative, diverse, collaborative, and intuitive empathetic also helps you regulate your emotions in
learning environment. Taking small steps to times of stress. You can build empathy by engaging
accomplish this goal is the way to go, but there needs meaningfully with others, being aware of other
to be support and encouragement. Taking risks and
people's needs, and being kind to others and yourself.
sometimes even looking at failure as “fuel for
(Knowles, 2020).
innovation” can help promote this process. If
something does not work, we can learn from it, and Even faced with challenges, the teacher participants
then modify and try again. and key informants during FGD and IDI shared
common responses about excessive optimism. I
To sum up, self-innovation as coping strategy is the
remember Pamela Veranda saying “Despite the current
willingness of the teacher to to do more than what is
situation, we must remain an optimist since an optimist
required for them. It is a manifestation that the
understands that life can be a bumpy road, but at least
teachers are really persistent on making ways to
it is leading to somewhere. This pandemic will be
improve the teaching-learning process (Mayer, 2014).
Shared Insights of Teachers in adapting blended
Moreover, in the idea that teacher’s should be
learning modality empathetic in the current situation, Kuya Kim added:

The responses of the informants and participants of the

“The current situation improves and changes my
study are presented in Table 3. It generated three
perspective. I’ve learned how to put myself in other’s
themes, namely: empathetic response; excessive
optimism and Personal and Professional Growth. shoes. It’s good to always follow the standard but
sometimes, we need to close our eyes to see the light”.
Empathetic response Aron mas masabtan nato ang sitwasyon sa atong mga

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

learners, mas mayo nga to silang ilhon atong mahibal- "Adapting to the new teaching trend is a difficult effort
an kung unsay ilang mga gipang-agihan sa panahon for me, but I am pleased to see myself stepping beyond
sa krisis.” (FGD#7) of my comfort zone and discovering that, like others, I
can!" (FGD#1)
She narrated the following insights:
When asked to share her insights about the current
“Emotions like pain, worry, heartbreak, and fear are modality is a foundation to improve your profession,
normal and genuine aspects of being a human yet to Anne Cortez said:
survive in this trying times, I would recommend
excessive positivity. (IP#12) "What's nice about the current scenario is that it's
actually a privilege for all of us because it shows us
“As it said, positive action yields positive result. Kung that teaching isn't only limited to the four walls of the
ma down paka sa nahitabo karong panahona ug di pa classroom; if you're just adaptable, numerous
nimo madawat ang sitwasyon, something wrong is opportunities await you." (FGD#2)
happening in you. Thus, you need to redirect your
To be adaptive in the current trend of teaching entails
focus and engage to the things that could make you a
huge responsibility, but if you are already used to it,
better individual. (IP#12) you will be amazed of every opportunity that would
come along the way. This was echoed by our FGD
“As a teacher we need to be flexible in the arena of participants, as they said:
adapting something new since teachers are
multifaceted individuals” (IP#12)) “It has helped me develop and understand the beauty
of teaching as the finest vocation; it has also given me
Daley (2020), suggested that when you are an the urge to allow learners to enjoy studying as well.”
optimists, you are more resilient to adversity. As a
matter of fact, you more capable of overcoming the The shared insights of the participants go with the
emotional tortures. A wealth of evidence reveals that saying it is good to learn from the current situation's
optimistic people exhibit higher life satisfaction, lessons and to devise new mechanisms to assist others
better health, live longer, and have lower stress and in dealing with it.
blood pressure. As a result, they engage in less risky
behaviors they sleep more and smoke less, and, when As Sivan (2019), stated, research has shown that
they are affected by a health shock such as cancer, innovating strategies to cope with gaps are the most
they recover earlier and spend more time important factors in raising student achievement. For
understanding treatment alternatives. Finally, given teachers and school and district leaders to be as
that optimism breed optimism, optimists tend to effective as possible, they must continually expand
develop stronger social ties and support networks, their knowledge and skills to implement the best
which are helpful in times of pandemics. educational practices to enhance professional growth
and development.
With this, as teachers, we have the privilege of always
having the spirit of positivity within us, regardless of The Final Framework of the of the Perception of
the circumstances. the Teachers in Adapting Blended Learning

Personal and Professional Growth The conceptual framework presented above

synthesizes the experiences of the teachers , the coping
Personal and Professional Growth emerged as the third mechanisms of the teachers in the challenges and the
major theme under shared insights of the teachers who teacher’s insights in adapting blended learning
adapted blended modality. It explains different core modality. The teachers’ experiences revealed both
ideas during focused group discussion and in-depth positive and negative insights; new learning
interview, which includes the following: assisting you opportunities and flexible learning pathway fall under
in your personal and professional development; positive side while teacher’s technological hitches and
providing a basis for professional advancement; digital divide are for negative side. Coping
improving teacher abilities. mechanisms include intervention plan, maintaining
positive attitude at work and self-innovation.
Here are their insights. Moreover, for the insights gained it include empathetic

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Research Article

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Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 1: Teachers’ Experiences in Adapting Blended Learning Modality Flexible learning pathway

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure2: Coping Mechanisms of Teachers in Adapting Blended Learning Modality

s of the
teachers in

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 3: Participants’ Insights in Adapting Blended Learning Modality

Insights of
teachers in

Cambalon et al.
Psych Educ, Document ID: 2022PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7197920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Figure 4: The Final Framework of the of the Perception of the Teachers in Adapting Blended Learning

Cambalon et al.

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