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Eduardo Elonzo R.

De Guzman


It all started in a small town with a prosperous community. Everyone was so uptight and close to
one another since it wasn’t that big of a community. But it wasn’t too long until something had to
disturb the peace and quiet of the lovely town.

They were hit by a strong storm which nearly destroyed half of the town. It was very devastating
for everybody and many mourned for the loss of their homes and were traumatized for nearly
experiencing death. But then, the people who had bigger and well established homes sought
this opportunity as an advantage to create a division between the nation that was once one. It
wasn’t long until hierarchies were formed and paths that couldn’t be crossed were made. There
is now a division between the wealthy and the poor.

It has then created hatred amongst the poor since they are treated with no respect. The minds
of the wealthy have been corrupted with the idea of power and superiority, therefore treating the
poor and less fortunate as outsiders. But not all are allowing the disrespect and discrimination
towards them, as it has sparked a fire in a few brave souls to overthrow the ones in power with
the hopes to bring it back to the way it was before.

These brave souls preached what they believed in and it inspired many to fight back against the
wealthy. They then planned a huge protest against the wealthy and were ready to get violent if
they needed to. This overwhelmed the wealthy which then forced a meeting between the two
leaders from both sides. The poor explained the unfairness and immense amount of disrespect
towards them and they proposed to have it like how it was back then since everyone was
happier the town and its community was thriving more than it is now. The wealthy were not
willing to let the power go although they saw the conditions and state of the poor people which
made them realize how far they’ve gone. A treaty has been made and everything went back to
the way it was supposed to be. Years later, people look back at this event and honor the
courage of the poor since now they are one as a nation and they are only getting bigger better
and stronger together.


A rising nation in South Asia started to garner attention from neighboring countries due to their
rapid development as a nation. Bangladesh now has more infrastructures, agriculture, and a
higher population. The people in charge also made it a much more secure and safe place to live
by having built 50 feet walls.

But behind these walls are the untold stories and sayings about how and why they have
developed so much in a short span of time. The nation is led by a strong and powerful family
that has reigned for over 25 years. It is said that this family has been operating on malicious and
evil ways to “develop” their nation. Stories go around from outside the walls have been heard
saying that the family takes advantage of the poor or the lower class of their nation.

It is said that every single one of them is enslaved to work for them. Their nation consists of 2%
for the higher class, 18% for the middle class, and 80% for the lower class which is why there is
rapid development in the nation. Technically, their system is that of which the rich become even
richer, while the poor become poorer. The rich family that has the nation at the palm of their
hands, just sought for more power and superiority which is why they enslaved everyone from
the lower class since they don’t have the guts or the power to fight back. One day, outsiders
grew too curious of what was actually happening behind those walls and they exposed the
family for just building their empire through using and taking advantage of the weak and poor.

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