Intervention Strategies Utilized by Elementary Mathematics Teachers and Their Perceived Effectiveness in Enhancing Learners' Performance

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Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 281-292
Document ID: 2022PEMJ319
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7244162
Manuscript Submitted: 2022-10-15
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-10-23
Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 281-292, Document ID: PEMJ319, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7244162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Intervention Strategies Utilized by Elementary Mathematics Teachers and Their

Perceived Effectiveness in Enhancing Learners’ Performance
Noel A. Sabando*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

This study aimed to determine the intervention strategies used by elementary Mathematics teachers
and their effectiveness in enhancing learners’ performance. Employing a descriptive-correlational
research design, the study described the demographic profile of the respondents and the intervention
strategies utilized by the teachers and their effectiveness in terms of fundamental, computational and
word problem-solving skills. It also determined the significant difference in the intervention strategies
utilized by the teachers when grouped according to their demographic profile and the significant
relationship between the intervention strategies and their extent of effectiveness in enhancing their
learner’s performance. Findings revealed that the teachers strongly agreed that they used Repetition
in helping their pupils learn better. A significant difference was also noted in the use of Repetition
and Timed-testing as intervention strategies specifically in terms of sex. Meanwhile, Male and female
teachers differ in their use of two strategies although there was no significant difference in all other
strategies under study. Moreover, the teachers did not exhibit any significant difference on the
perceived level of effectiveness of the intervention strategies based on the selected demographic
profile. Also, significant relationship between the intervention strategies and their perceived level of
effectiveness in enhancing learners’ performance was evident in the study. Finally, the study
concluded that teachers perceived the intervention strategies as effective in enhancing their learners’

Keywords: effectiveness, math teachers, intervention strategies, learners’ performance

Introduction alignment with their current grade level, it was

discovered that children are not mastering the subject's
As Mathematics teaching in elementary schools is content (Barshay, 2019).
challenged by the new normal in education, teachers
endeavor to employ practical approaches and strategies According to the Trends in International Mathematics
to help increase their pupils' mathematical knowledge and Science Study in 2019, students from the
and improve their Math outcomes. Coping with the Philippines scored much lower than students from
unprecedented demands of the times, they adapt or other countries. Only 19 percent of Filipino pupils met
innovate better and more creative ways of providing the common criterion, which indicates that they had
support to pupils' learning by allowing them to some fundamental mathematical understanding, while
develop knowledge and cognitive skills, learn by 81 percent did not even come close. The results of this
problem-solving, and experience situational international assessment represent a step in the right
understanding. Hence, Math teachers continuously direction toward closing curricular and learning gaps
search for the most effective strategies to encourage in the primary education system in the Philippines
their pupils to learn (McNelles et al., 2020). (Magsambol, 2020). Filipino students received an
average point on the PISA 2018 exam that is strikingly
Despite teachers' efforts to devise effective strategies low and classified as below Level 1 competency,
for enhancing their pupils' performance, glaring, according to the National Report of the Philippines on
uncomfortable facts and figures about teaching and PISA 2018 (Department of Education, 2019). As part
learning Mathematics have surfaced and continue to of the quality primary education reform strategy and a
haunt educators. move toward internationalizing Philippine basic
education, the Philippines joined the PISA for the first
Out of the 79 countries and regions participating in time in 2018 (Ciriaco, 2019).
PISA's (Program for International Student
Assessment) worldwide testing in 2018, the United Moreover, Region 12 fell below level 1 proficiency in
States came in at position 36. Except for Israel, which Mathematics with a mean score of 306. It means that
has dipped below, and Sweden, which has risen above, the students could not answer questions involving
the US ranked behind the same group of nations in familiar contexts and identify information to carry out
mathematics. Due to the mathematical curriculum's routine procedures according to direct instructions in
explicit situations.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 281-292, Document ID: PEMJ319, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7244162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

In the schools in the municipality of Aleosan, mathematical problem-solving abilities. Some of these
specifically in the context of the researcher, grade studies showed that no research had found the types of
school teachers in Mathematics have encountered material presentations by Mathematics teachers during
challenges with some learners' lack of mastery of the Covid-19 pandemic. Researchers want to
concepts in solving word problems. It is revealed in determine how prepared teachers are to present
their third quarter performance in Mathematics. With information during the Covid-19 pandemic. According
the different issues and problems presented, the to a study, thus the types of materials they produce are
researcher was prompted to study this problem. crucial (Hosny et al., 2021).

Research Questions In the study entitled "How Chinese Students Learn

Mathematics During the Corona Virus Pandemic,
This study aimed to determine the intervention Wijaya (2020) concluded that there is a good student
strategies used by the Mathematics teachers and their learning attitude towards the learning video. Because
effectiveness in enhancing the performance of pupils they could comprehend the mathematical subject
from the public elementary schools in the Municipality taught, students believe the learning video is
of Aleosan, Province of Cotabato, for the School Year fascinating and influential.
2021-2022. Specifically, this study sought to answer
the following questions: Teachers' efforts to empower many crucial variables to
meet the anticipated learning objectives throughout
1. What are the intervention strategies utilized by this COVID-19 epidemic are crucial in resolving this
Mathematics teachers to improve learners’ issue. Some tried to teach their students the necessary
performance? Math abilities using their approaches, but they had
2. What is the perceived level of effectiveness of the poor success. Others chose to adopt more convenient
intervention strategies utilized by Mathematics or relatively simple methods for their students, failing
teachers in terms of fundamental, computational, and to give their students the tools they needed to prepare
word problem-solving skills? for the far more difficult arithmetic issues they would
3. Is there a significant relationship between the eventually experience.
intervention strategies and their perceived level of
effectiveness in enhancing learners’ performance? According to Sinambela (2020), to be able to develop
4. What are the challenges encountered by the attractive and varied learning materials and the ability
respondents while conducting intervention strategies to to introduce innovative strategies and choose models
the pupils in Mathematics subject? or learning approaches as interventions to motivate
learners to be active in learning and improve their
performance, a teacher's creativity is necessary.
Literature Review
Studies on developing teacher intervention strategies
to improve student performance have been conducted.
Teaching Mathematics This issue adds a significant element to the
framework-building process that will enhance the
Wahyuningrum and Latifah (2020) emphasized that connection between intervention strategies and their
Mathematics teaching and learning should support efficiency in raising students' math performance.
students in developing their mathematical thinking and
reasoning abilities. Regarding how relevant the Intervention Strategies
problems, questions, or instructions the teacher
provides to make them think and articulate what they Children's future educational progress and
think or understand, particularly during the COVID-19 employment chances depend on their math aptitude. In
pandemic, it leads to how mathematics teachers particular, during the COVID-19 epidemic, a growing
establish mathematical dialogue in their teaching and body of literature evaluates the effect of interventions
learning. Their research illuminated the reality of on mathematical achievement.
mathematics teaching, learning, and teachers' efforts to
continue a mathematical dialogue through distance As stated by Goodrich (2018), Mathematics teachers
learning during the pandemic. need to be able to use intervention strategies that are
specific and targeted to struggling learners to be able
According to Murtafiah et al. (2020), previous to best address their needs. To determine interventions
research disclosed the influence of various ways of that will progress learning, teachers must be able to
presenting teaching materials on students' use assessments to pinpoint areas of need.

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Research Article

Visualization solution. Checking solutions is essential in the research

process because solutions are frequently unknown.
Visualization facilitates comprehension, memory,
recall, and problem-solving. This is a critical Guerrero (2018) added that the basic structure of the
component of problem representation, yet many strategy involves the following: form an educated
students do not use this necessary process in learning. guess, check the solution to see if it works and solves
Students must visualize ordinary circumstances or the problem, and if not, revise the guess based on
locations and then describe what they perceive as part whether it is too high or too low. This is a beneficial
of the visualization process. They learn how to method when asked to identify the types or quantities
visualize mathematical issues using images, diagrams, that make up the total after being given the total.
storyboards, tables, graphs, and other schematic and Alternatively, if the value of two or more distinct types
graphic displays. They start by creating visual of items is being questioned. This strategy is quite
representations on paper, such as drawings, photos, or helpful and required to arrange the data in a table or
other things, but they have been informed that they can list to keep track of the various educated estimates.
also create mental images (Wagner, 2018). This helps ensure that the following estimates are
rational and not random while visually representing
In Malaysia, they found out that many studies have the crucial information. The most crucial concept for
engaged in paper-and-pencil tests to measure students' students to grasp while using this strategy is that they
instrumental understanding of fractions. However, few should make logical adjustments to their initial guesses
have sought to learn about fraction sense. The results to move toward getting closer to the correct response.
showed that the low and intermediate achievers lack
fraction sense (Kor et al., 2019). On the other hand, the Find a Pattern
high achievers showed flexibility in perceiving and
identifying the representations of fractions. They could One of the essential problem-solving strategies in
mentally picture and do calculations involving greater Mathematics is to look for patterns from a sequence of
numerators and denominators. numbers. Finding a pattern can be immensely helpful
and save time when working on a word problem.
Furthermore, Garzon and Casinillo (2010) conducted a Sometimes a learner may not immediately identify the
study on Visualizing Mathematics: The Use of Block pattern or become overwhelmed by all the subject
Models for Strategic Problem Solving to grade 7 specifics. One best approach to arrange items and
students in Ibarra National High School, Maasin City. provide a visual so that the rule of the pattern may be
The data analysis revealed a significant increase in identified is to set up a table and fill in the facts from
scores and a significant mean difference in problem- the question. After that, the rule can be applied to
solving skills between groups who used and did not determine the response to the question. This eliminates
use the block model method. He concluded that using the arduous task of filling up a table, which is
block models can significantly enhance students' particularly convenient if much computation is
capacity for strategic problem-solving. It was involved (, 2015).
suggested that math teachers include this strategy in
their teaching intervention strategies. Work Backward

Guess and Check Among the range of problem-solving strategies in

Mathematics, according to Hackenberg (2017),
Guess and Check as a problem-solving strategy was working backward is an advantageous method in
expounded by Lew (2019), stating that students can situations when the result of a problem is known, and
use it to solve Mathematical problems by guessing the one has to find the initial quantity. The backward word
answer and then checking that the guess fits the approach effectively solves issues when an unknown
conditions of the problem. One of the most effective quantity is subjected to a series of procedures, and the
ways to solve differential equations, which are answer is provided. The approach starts with the
equations containing an unknown function and its outcome and applies the procedures in reverse order
derivatives, is to guess and check, which all research until the unknown has been discovered.
mathematicians use. Mathematicians use the terms
"conjecture" and "proof" interchangeably when The backward working strategy is valuable and
referring to their educated guesses. Mathematical efficient in many aspects of our lives when dealing
research and problem-solving in the classroom vary with word problems. The information given in a
primarily because the former typically has a known problem can appear like a complex list of facts. In

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Research Article

such problems, it is sometimes helpful, to begin with, Another study by Ombay and Roble (2020) revealed
the last detail given. To apply this strategy, the that students exposed to repetition with complex
following steps must be followed: 1) Read the problem variations methods performed much better than their
from beginning to end and identify all components and counterparts in terms of mathematical cognition. The
steps involved in the problem. 2) Check the outcome researchers then recommend that Mathematics
of the problem. 3) From the outcome, start reversing teachers use this method as a basis for future studies
each Mathematical operation in each step until the for more insights into instruction using repetition with
problem's beginning. 4) Resolve the initial state. 5) complex variations.
Check the answer by starting from the initial state and
working through the steps to see if the outcome is Timed testing
achieved (Neeman & Amit, 2015).
Teachers must include timed assessments that go over
Kusumayanti et al. (2020) proved that (1) students material from the previous class or several classes
who utilized and those who did not employ the when they move beyond the fundamental concepts of
backward working approach to problem-solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
exhibited excellent levels of mathematical reasoning, Teachers can gauge students' understanding by having
but the students' emotional intelligence fell into the them complete a quick test and then grade it in class.
medium range, (2) there were differences in the Teachers can tell if pupils have mastered the
Mathematical reasoning abilities between students fundamental skills when the exam reveals that more
who used and those who did not use the working questions are being answered correctly within the
backward problem-solving strategy, (3) there were allotted time (Wilson, 2020).
differences in Mathematical reasoning ability between
students who used and those who did not use the He added that students would have a greater chance of
working backward problem-solving strategy in terms establishing automaticity if teachers employed a
of student's emotional intelligence, and (4) there was combined approach of instructional practices and time
no interaction effect of working backward problem- to practice chunks of knowledge while using timed
solving strategy towards the Mathematical reasoning assessments to monitor progress and retention.
ability in terms of the emotional intelligence of the Mathematical timed tests can be used with
students of grade VIII of MTCN 1 Makassar. instructional time to produce automaticity. They can
concentrate their mental efforts on problem-solving
Repetition techniques rather than fact-checking. In addition to
being able to use mental math to solve issues, students
Before entering a more complex subject, students must who are automatic with math facts find learning new
first grasp basic math fundamentals. Students can computing algorithms to be considerably more
quickly understand the topics by using the straightforward.
straightforward tool of repetition. Daily re-looping or
reviewing will bring the previous lesson back into Using Mathematical timed tests can bring about
focus and allow teachers to improve those prior skills positive, enriching experiences for students learning
(Wilson, 2020). chunks of facts. Mathematical timed examinations can
allow students to show off their mathematical skills
Burns et al. (2015) analyzed the number of repetitions and intelligence in conjunction with teaching
needed to master multiplication Math facts. Results approaches (whole group instruction, individual
suggested that students with lower Math skills required practice time, review games, hands-on practice, etc.).
significantly more repetitions than more skilled Teachers can gain information about a student's level
students. of recall and accuracy from the outcomes of timed
assessments. The timed exams can also demonstrate to
Based on the analysis and findings of Lomibao and students what they are capable of and what they need
Ombay (2015), they concluded that Mathematical to practice and review. All ages, learning levels, and
instruction that combines repetition and variety is talents can use mathematical timed assessments.
more successful in raising student achievement, Participating in 6 timed examinations will benefit all
conceptual understanding, and retention. They students, even though children with a learning
recommended that teachers could use repetition with disability may need additional time or support or
variation as an approach to teaching word problems in customized instruction or activities to help them
Mathematics involving the four fundamental acquire the skills and concepts that other children gain
operations to enhance the K-12 lesson guides. with relative ease(Tsui & Mazzocco, 2017).

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Research Article

Math games skills, the sub-skills built through drill and practice
should become the building blocks for more
Wilson (2020) expounded that reinforcing the meaningful learning.
information learned in class is not always the most
straightforward task for teachers. However, Math Computational Skills
games provide the opportunity to make the lesson
exciting and encourage students to remember the Computational skills in Mathematics are introduced
concepts. Games can vary depending on the number of during the early elementary grades in the following
students in the class, the number of computers, and the order: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
topic being taught. Teachers can use computer games division. Teachers often reinforce these skills through
to practice specific abilities, or they can choose to games, timed tests, and drills. Prior information is
employ class games to liven up the session. To help continually used as a foundation for new learning, and
pupils learn the information, teachers should make this process endures until all four skills have been
sure to include a strategy in the games. mastered. These abilities apply to fractions, decimals,
mixed numbers, percentages, ratios, and proportions in
Play is an integral part of childhood, according to addition to whole numbers (Harris, 2017). He further
Smith (2020). It enables children to investigate their explained that computational skills are defined as the
surroundings and approach problems in original and ability to calculate essential addition, subtraction,
unique ways. It can also help them create and test new multiplication, and division problems quickly and
theories about their world. Play is an integral part of accurately using mental methods, paper-and-pencil,
children's lives since it has sound effects on learning. and other tools such as a calculator. It also requires the
It has been demonstrated that playing games inside and execution of the steps to calculate the solution.
outside the classroom help students learn. Children can
Victoria (2018) explained that children who learn
develop academic abilities like logical thinking and
computational skills can logically express an issue and
literacy by exploring the cycle of failure, effort, and
reason. They can also use it to analyze the issue and
eventual achievement in a natural setting provided by
make future projections. They can investigate cause
these organizations.
and effect and consider how their actions or those of
others impact the current situation.
Phases of Effectiveness of Intervention Strategies
Word Problem-Solving Skills
Fundamental Skills
Teachers now recognize that developing mathematical
McNelles et al. (2020) studied Fundamental Math
literacy also involves complicated problem-solving,
Skills and Elementary Math Students in Ontario to
which gains strength and adaptability with increased
determine the overall success rate associated with practice (Klerlein & Hervey, 2018). Any circumstance
mathematical skills in light of attention placed on that needs to be handled mathematically but for which
fundamentals. The analysis results show that students there is no clear solution right away is referred to as a
can better demonstrate their skills in the multiple- problem in mathematics.
choice format than in an open-response item.
Furthermore, they emphasized that teachers need to
Furthermore, it was clear that students in Grades 3 and look at the theories supporting mathematical learning
6 have better knowledge and understanding of basic to comprehend how pupils develop their problem-
math than is the case with their capacity to put those solving skills. These include acknowledging the
abilities to use and to engage in critical thought about developmental components of learning and
them. emphasizing the crucial reality that children actively
participate in learning mathematics through doing,
Lim et al. (2012) clarified that the term drill and talking, reflecting, discussing, watching, exploring,
practice refer to an exercise that is structured and listening, and reasoning.
repeated to develop and perfect a skill or practice. As
an instructional strategy, it encourages systematic The idea that mathematics is essentially about
training through numerous repetitions, practice, and reasoning and not memorization leads to the
participation in rehearsals to help students acquire or prominence of problem-solving in math education.
develop their proficiency. Like memorization, drill and Instead of simply knowing and putting into practice a
practice involve repetition of specific skills, such as set of instructions, it enables pupils to build
multiplication. To develop or maintain one's specific understanding and explain the methods used to arrive

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Research Article

at solutions. Problem-solving in Mathematics supports The literature cited that the intervention strategies in
the development of the ability to think creatively, teaching Mathematics is to enhance the elementary
critically, and logically, structure and organize, pupils' fundamental, computational, and word
process information, and solve problems that help problem-solving skills using visualization, guess and
them investigate and understand the world (Wu & check, find a pattern, work backward, repetition, timed
Zhang, 2016). testing, and math games during the pre-pandemic time.
Given these interventions, it might be difficult for
In the article of Best (2020) entitled "Math Problem- math teachers to implement the best intervention
Solving Strategies That Make Students Say – I Get strategies while leading a remedial math class.
It!", four common strategies for problem-solving were However, this current research was explored due to the
identified, wit: a) Visualizing is an abstract problem paucity of data demonstrating the utilization of the
that makes it easier to solve where students could draw intervention, as mentioned earlier, measures in any
a picture or simply draw tally marks on a piece of remedial class during this epidemic.
working out paper; b) Guess and Check

shows students how to make an educated guess and Methodology

then plug this answer back into the original problem;
c) Find a pattern shows students how to extract and list
all the relevant facts in a problem so they can be easily Participants
compared. Students can use this strategy to retrieve the
missing piece of information. Word Backward is The study was conducted in the Municipality of
extremely helpful if they need to locate an ambiguous Aleosan, Province of Cotabato. The study's
number in a mathematical problem or statement. respondents were 200 elementary Mathematics
teachers currently teaching Mathematics subjects in
Moreover, Wilson (2020) identified basic Math two (2) Elementary Districts in the Municipality of
teaching strategies. Repetition is a simple strategy that Aleosan, North Cotabato.
teachers can use to improve Math skills. By repeating
and reviewing previous formulas, lessons, and Instruments of the Study
information, students can comprehend concepts at a
faster rate. When teachers are moving beyond the The instrument used in this study is a researcher-made
simple concepts of numbers into addition, subtraction, survey questionnaire. Its contents were primarily based
multiplication, and division, it is essential to on the readings of the related literature and studies,
incorporate timed tests that review the previous class which were taken from books, journals, and the
or several classes. Math games allow teachers to make internet. All questions were written in English.
the lesson exciting and help pupils remember the
topics, which is not always the most straightforward The survey questionnaire was divided into four (4)
assignment for teachers to accomplish. parts. Part I consisted of ten (10) items regarding the
respondents' demographic profile, including sex, age,
Mathematics teaching and learning should motivate educational attainment, and years of teaching
students to think and understand what they are learning mathematics. Part II contained twenty (20) items that
and develop their Mathematical skills. An intervention will identify the intervention strategies the elementary
program must be implemented to address the unique Mathematics teacher utilized. Part III included
needs of pupils to ensure greater proficiency in questions about the effectiveness of the intervention
Mathematics (Carsocho & Molato, 2019). A growing strategies in enhancing the learners' performance in
body of literature assesses the impact of interventions terms of fundamental skills, computational skills, and
on mathematical achievement, especially during the word problem-solving skills. Each indicator is
COVID-19 pandemic (Blankman, 2021). composed of 10 items. Each question in Parts II and III
were rated using Vagias' (2006) five-point Likert scale
Effectiveness of Different Teaching Strategies ranging from 1 to 5, where 1- Not at all Effective
(Strongly Disagree); 2 – Slightly Effective (Disagree);
The literature and studies above demonstrate how 3 – Moderately Effective (Moderately Agree); 4
much has been written about the intervention strategies –Effective (Agree); and 5 – Very Effective (Strongly
used by elementary mathematics teachers and how Agree). Part IV of the Questionnaire included the
well they improve students' performance. Some challenges encountered by the teachers in
interventions have been successful, while others have Mathematics. A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was
been considered beneficial to the learners' growth. also conducted to gather qualitative data from the

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Research Article

elementary Mathematics teachers.

Table 1. Summary of Intervention Strategies

The researcher secured approval from the Dean of the

Graduate School of Notre Dame of Midsayap College
and the Division Superintendent of the Department of
Education through the Supervisor. Upon approval, the
endorsement letter from the Division was copy Effectiveness of the Intervention Strategies Utilized
furnished to the supervisors and school principals of
by Teachers in Enhancing Learners' Performance
the selected public elementary schools in the
municipality of Aleosan. The schedule of the Table 2. Summary of the Effectiveness of the
administration of the instruments was made. The Intervention Strategies as Perceived by Mathematics
researcher explained the purpose of the study and Teachers
personally distributed and retrieved the Questionnaire.
They were observing the health and safety protocols.
After the data were gathered, coding sheets were
prepared, and data were treated with an appropriate
statistical program.
The findings revealed that fundamental skills obtained
the highest mean of 4.34, interpreted as effective, with
Results a standard deviation of 0.58. on the other hand, item 3
on problem-solving skills obtained the lowest mean of
4.21, interpreted as effective, with a standard deviation
This section presents the result of the study. The data
of 0.60.
are presented in a tabular form, including the
intervention strategies utilized by Elementary further, data generally revealed that the intervention
Mathematics Teachers, the effectiveness of the strategies are effective as perceived by mathematics
Intervention Strategies, and challenges encountered by teachers, with a mean of 4.28 and a standard deviation
Elementary Mathematics Teachers in conducting of 0.59.
Intervention classes.
Relationship between the Intervention Strategies
Intervention Strategies Utilized by Elementary Used by Mathematics Teachers and the Perceived
Mathematics Teachers Level of Effectiveness in Enhancing Learners'
As presented in Table 1, the area of Repetition topped
Table 3 presents the relationship between the
the list of intervention strategies utilized by
intervention strategies used by Mathematics teachers
Elementary Mathematics teachers with a mean of 4.53 and the perceived level of effectiveness in enhancing
interpreted as Agree and a standard deviation of 0.60. learners' performance.
The area on Timed-Testing was the second highest
area the respondents agreed on, with a mean of 4.36 Table 3. Relationship between the Intervention
interpreted as Agree and a standard deviation of 0.69. Strategies Used by Mathematics Teachers and The
However, the Work Backward intervention strategy Perceived Level of Effectiveness in Enhancing
obtained the lowest mean of 4.16, interpreted as Agree Learners’ Performance
and with a standard deviation of 0.66. Overall, the
respondents agreed with the intervention strategies as
it obtained a grand mean of 4.29, which was
interpreted as Agree and with a standard deviation of

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Research Article

mathematics subject" after it obtained the third highest

The normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and mean of 2.99 and a standard deviation of 1.25.
Shapiro-Wilk provided the p-values 0.000, 0.000,
On the other hand, item 7, which indicated "lack of
0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000 respectively. The
support from their schools' administrators in the
appropriate statistical tool is Spearman Rho correlation
provision of funds needed to purchase instructional
to test the relationship between the intervention
materials," obtained the lowest mean of 2.57,
strategies and the Effectiveness level of the
interpreted as moderately a problem and with a
Intervention Strategies utilized by Teachers.
standard deviation of 1.27.
It can be noted in Table 3 that a relationship exists
Overall, the respondents viewed the challenges
between intervention strategies used by Mathematics
encountered by mathematics teachers in conducting
teachers and the perceived level of effectiveness in
intervention strategies as moderately a problem, as
enhancing learners' performance which yielded p-
evidenced by the mean of 2.51 obtained and with a
values less than the .01 level of significance. Hence,
standard deviation of 1.14.
the null hypothesis that there is no significant
relationship between the intervention strategies and
their perceived level of effectiveness in enhancing the Discussion
learners' performance is rejected.

Challenges Encountered by Mathematics Teachers This section presents the discussion of the result of the
in Conducting Intervention Strategies Intervention strategies utilized by Elementary
Mathematics Teachers, the perceived level of
Table 4 presents the challenges encountered by Effectiveness of the Intervention Strategies, challenges
Mathematics teachers in conducting intervention encountered in conducting Intervention classes, the
strategies. difference between the Intervention Strategies used by
Mathematics Teachers in terms of sex, age, number of
Table 4. Challenges Encountered by Mathematics years in service, and educational attainment and the
Teachers in Conducting Intervention Strategies relationship between the Intervention Strategies used
by Elementary Mathematics Teachers in enhancing
learners' performance.

Profile of the Respondents

Regarding their age, most of the respondents are aged

41-50, which reached the highest count, followed by
those who belonged to ages 31-40. Moreover,
respondents aging from 61 and above showed the
lowest frequency. On the other hand, as to their sex,
there were more female respondents than males. This
shows that most of the respondents are female in the
Table 4 revealed that item 9, indicating "parents have
two districts in the Municipality of Aleosan. In terms
no time to help their children to engage in their
of the number of years in teaching Mathematics, the
learning activities," obtained the highest mean of 3.12,
study revealed that more than half of the respondents
interpreted as moderately a problem and with a
had taught Mathematics for 1-10 years already. In
standard deviation of 1.40.
terms of their educational attainment, the majority of
them have earned MA units.
Further, item 5 on "teachers' heavy workload due to
ancillary duties" obtained the second highest mean of Intervention Strategies used by Elementary
3.02, interpreted as moderately a problem, with a
Mathematics Teachers
standard deviation of 1.36.
Regarding the intervention strategies utilized by the
Also emerging as moderately a problem was item 4,
elementary Mathematics teachers, the study revealed
which indicated "learners' negative attitude towards
that the teachers Agreed to have used Repetition as
their topmost strategy to improve the performance of
their learners. This indicates that this strategy enhances

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Research Article

pupils' mathematical skills and performance and helps In terms of enhancing the Fundamental Skills of the
them master the learning competencies in learners, the study disclosed that the teachers
Mathematics. This gives an implication that this perceived the intervention strategies are Effective.
strategy is an effective technique to improve the Item 1 states that the learners "perform practice tests or
learning of the pupils. These findings support Wilson drills to master core concepts," which is described as
(2020), who asserts that the preceding lesson will be Effective. This shows that teachers let their students
brought back into focus through daily re-looping or solve word problems repeatedly to assist their students
reviews, enabling teachers to build on those prior in improving their skills and understanding of the
skills. Further, the result supports Burns's (2015) fundamentals of mathematics. It implies that students
statement that Repetition was substantially more would acquire and improve their knowledge and skills
necessary for students with lower math skills than for in analyzing not only mathematical problems but also
children with higher math skills. problems in everyday life through the use of this
technique, so enabling them to become 21st-century
The result also revealed Timed-testing as the other learners.
intervention strategy the elementary Mathematics
teachers Agreed to use in improving their learners' However, it was also found that Item 6, "highlight
performance. This shows that teachers gave a short test essential information and leave out unnecessary
as another intervention teaching strategy to asses if the information for solving a problem using a diagram," is
pupils could solve the problem within a time limit. the item with the lowest mean but perceived Effective.
These findings were congruent with the statement of This strategy works well in teaching students how to
Wilson (2020). He underscored that when a test solve issues correctly. This suggests that this
reveals that students correctly answer more questions intervention helps students learn the correct way to
within the allotted time, teachers can tell whether or approach problems and improves their ability in
not a student has mastered the fundamental abilities. mathematics.
This suggests that pupils are deemed to have learned
the fundamental ideas and skills when they can react to Computational Skills
word problems within the allotted time. In contrast,
This study found that the teachers utilized different
they lack mastery of the required knowledge and
intervention strategies, and all items are described as
abilities when they take too long to respond to a
Effective. Among the ten indicators, item 2 states that
question with the correct response.
teachers "match numbers with objects, math facts,
Finally, teachers Agreed that they also utilized Math fraction names with pictures of fractions" obtained the
Games as another intervention to improve their highest mean value interpreted as Effective. This
learners' performance. This indicates that they allow means that pupils learn better and faster if teachers
students to participate in performances or play board utilize instructional materials to deliver instruction.
games to practice counting, estimation, and This implies that pupils enhance their performance in
Mathematics if the teacher is creative and innovative
understanding how money is used in real-world
in the presentation of the lesson. This finding
situations. They also allow students to play dominoes
corroborates the statement of Harris (2017), who
to practice matching numbers with objects, math facts,
explained that computational skills are the capacity to
and fraction names with fraction pictures. The result
perform essential addition, subtraction, multiplication,
was congruent with the statement of Smith (2020),
and division calculations rapidly and correctly using
who claimed that children could explore their
mental calculations, paper and pencil, and other aids
surroundings and solve problems in imaginative and
like calculators.
creative ways while playing. This suggests that
learning mathematics can be accomplished not only
Moreover, the teachers during the FGD affirmed the
through the conventional chalk-talk method or by current study's findings. During the focus group
paying attention to a teacher who is a wise man on discussion, the teachers verbally stated that they
stage but also by engaging in enjoyable activities. should be creative and imaginative when using
Math teachers should be creative to make teaching and instructional materials to improve their students'
learning math harder and fun. computational skills by contrasting the abstract with
the tangible or the unfamiliar with the familiar. The
Perceived Level of Effectiveness of the Intervention
responders state that since their students initially
Strategies Used by Elementary Mathematics disliked the topic, they offered more accessible and
Teachers in Enhancing Learners' Performance practical methods to help them become proficient in

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 281-292, Document ID: PEMJ319, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7244162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

computation. beginning to conclusion. They may have attempted to

adopt the opposite approach, but since they were
Word Problem Skills unsuccessful, they gave the intervention the least
amount of importance. This suggests that the
In terms of Word-Problem Skills, the teachers respondents are never at a loss for how to solve word
perceived all skills as Effective in enhancing the problems because they have studied all possible
learning performance of their learners. Further, item 9, approaches or have at least considered adopting the
which states, "read the problem from beginning to end unpopular end-to-beginning method.
and identify all components and steps involved in the
problem," obtained the highest mean interpreted as Furthermore, results from the FGD participants
Effective. revealed that this strategy is Effective if the pupils are
proficient in Mathematics. Although this approach is
The result aligned with the statement of Klerlein and inappropriate for students who are still considered
Hervey (2018) that when pupils actively participate in beginners, the professors acknowledged that some
learning mathematics, mainly through doing, students had trouble reading even simple numbers. As
reflecting, observing, and inquiring, they develop a result, the professors guided their students in
problem-solving skills. It implies that pupils become recognizing the pieces of a given problem and got
better word problem solvers when they are taught to them involved in reading the problem.
approach a word problem strategically, such as when
they read, comprehend, and consider all of its features. Relationship between Intervention Strategies Used
In order to equip pupils with word-problem abilities, by Mathematics Teachers and the Perceived Level
teachers should openly and frequently practice reading of Effectiveness in Enhancing Learners'
and identifying details in the problem.
Item 1, "Extend the patterns visually, algebraically,
The null hypothesis is rejected in terms of the
numerically to solve the problem," was perceived as
significant relationship between intervention strategies
Effective by the respondents as it obtained the second
used by Mathematics teachers and the perceived level
highest mean of 4.26 with a standard deviation of 0.58.
of effectiveness in enhancing learners' performance.
This means that the respondents were equipped with
The result shows that the more varied the intervention
alternative methods for solving the word problem,
strategies utilized by teachers, the higher the level of
empowering their students to handle and solve word
effectiveness in enhancing the performance of pupils
problems in class using visuals, expressions, and
in Mathematics. This implies that the strategies
numbers. This suggests that teachers and pupils can
work through arithmetic issues together in a effectively prepare pupils to face and solve more
meaningful and productive manner. challenging problems in real-life situations.

Item 2, "Compare one data with another to discover a Challenges Encountered by Mathematics Teachers
pattern," was perceived as Effective by the in Conducting Intervention Strategies
respondents for having obtained the third highest mean
of 4.24 and with a standard deviation of 0.59. This Among the challenges encountered by teachers in the
result means that teachers utilize critical information delivery of instruction using the different intervention
offered in the issue and recognize the connections strategies, the result revealed that "parents have no
between the data and other pertinent ones. time to help their children to engage in their learning
Furthermore, comparing the data from the problem or activities" obtained the highest mean interpreted as
other problems allows the teachers to draw Moderately a Problem. The result means that in
connections through some valuable patterns. This helping the pupils become better skilled in
suggests that even outside of the given word problem, Mathematics, teachers found that parents could not
their pupils may be able to use math to create a pattern mentor their kids throughout program implementation
out of the data at hand. as they completed math learning tasks. This implies
that when the intervention measures were employed,
However, the findings along this line also disclosed the parents also had to handle the issue of scheduling
that item 7, which states, "Solve problems by thinking time for mentoring. This is hardly surprising,
and by working from the end to the beginning without considering some parents find it difficult to understand
using equations," obtained the lowest mean but was mathematical instructions. As a result, parents found
interpreted as Effective. This means that the teaching their children their tasks extremely
respondents often approach word puzzles from challenging.

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Psych Educ, 2022, 5(1): 281-292, Document ID: PEMJ319, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7244162, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Further, item 5 on "teachers' heavy workload due to source of encouragement and led me through in
ancillary duties" obtained the second highest mean pursuing the study; Dr. Evelyn A. Lopez, my research
interpreted as Moderately A Problem. It implies that adviser, who provided time and effort in making this
teachers are hindered by their ancillary work or tasks study a comprehensive one and for her patience,
other than their teaching loads which typically motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. I
consume much of their time in school. Although they could not have imagined having a better adviser and
came up with plans to implement the intervention to mentor for my study. Ms. Ma. Ezelle M. Bayog, my
their pupils, they were confronted with time research reader, for the encouragement, valuable ideas
constraints since they, too, had to perform other tasks and suggestions for making my thesis well-presented
expected of them. because of the grammar and corrections made; Dr.
Librado V. Lopez, my statistician for the tabulation
It also emerged as Moderately A Problem was item 4, and analysis of the data gathered; Dr. Oldric C.
"Learners' negative attitude towards Mathematics Licaros, Dr. Daisy O. Medalla, and Dr. Rose C.
subject," which obtained the third highest mean. This Maghari, my panelists, for their constructive criticisms
means that the pupils viewed the subject as difficult, and brilliant suggestions that led me to produce a
tedious, or something that would never benefit them. refined and quality paper; My sincerest gratitude is
Therefore, teaching learners the intervention strategies also extended to the following who have also
is challenging since they tend to have biases towards contributed in the completion of this research study;
the subjects. Dr. Isagani S. Dela Cruz, CESO V, Schools Division
Superintendent, Cotabato Division, for granting the
researcher the time and the positive and favorable
Conclusion response on the request to conduct the study. Mrs.
Grace C. Pastolero and Dr. Alicia C. Chavez, District
Based on the study's findings, elementary Mathematics Supervisor of Aleosan West and Aleosan East together
teachers utilized intervention strategies to enhance with the school heads for their approval, concerns and
their pupils' learning performance. The teachers encouragements in pursuing my higher education for
Strongly Agreed that they used Repetition to help their my professional growth; Mrs. Primitiva C. Villaflor,
pupils learn better, while for the rest of the HT my School Head, for encouraging me to pursue
intervention strategies, the teachers Agreed that they this journey. My fellow Elementary Teachers at
used them. A significant difference was noted in using Aleosan West and Aleosan East, my respondents, for
Repetition and Timed-testing as intervention the time you shared and spent in answering my
strategies, specifically regarding sex. Male and female questionnaire, without you this thesis would not be
teachers differ in their use of two intervention possible; My friends and classmates who kept on
strategies. However, the teachers did not significantly cheering, motivating, and pushing me to never give up
differ in all other strategies under study. Moreover, the amidst the struggles in making this research; My
teachers did not exhibit any significant difference in sincerest gratitude and thanks to all the teachers of
the intervention strategies' perceived effectiveness Lawili Elementary School who have given their
when grouped according to the selected demographic support and prayers in order for me to accomplish this
profile. However, a significant relationship between work. I would like to give special thanks to my family
the intervention strategies and their perceived level of for their continuous support and prayers when I was
effectiveness in enhancing learners' performance is undertaking my research. Your prayer for me was
evident in the study. Finally, parents' time to help their what sustained me this far. Above all, Our Almighty
children perform school tasks at home was the God, who always guide me day by day and keep me
teachers' most significant challenge when conducting going towards the accomplishments of this works.
the interventions.

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