MKT 205 Project

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MKT 205 Project

Samantha Robinson

Southern New Hampshire University

MKT 205: Applied Marketing Strategies

Lori Flowers

October 11, 2022



“healthy” carob (chocolate substitute) bars


Amanda, 35


Location: Southwestern United States in suburban areas.

Marital Status: Married mother with two or more children ages from 3-18.

Occupation and Income: This woman is an office manager with a household income of around
$90,000 a year.

Education Level: The mother has a college degree


Hobbies and Interests: She likes to go to the gym when she has time, take her kids to extra-
curricular activities, go to the park with her children, and take walks.

Wants and Preferences: She wants to buy healthy snacks that she and her children love, that
can be quick and grabbed while running out the door.

Personal and Professional Goals: She is an office manager and would eventually like to become
a business administrator for the company she works for while being a great mom and being
there to support her children

Shopping Habits and Preferences: She is a on the go shopper whatever is visible reasonably
priced and is healthier that her kids will eat. She prefers snacks that are easily accessible and
can be grabbed while running out the door and eaten in the car.

Lifestyle: She is very busy and always on the go.




Description of first marketing channel: My first marketing communication channel is going to

be in- person events. I chose to do in person events first because it gives you the opportunity to
show off the product and allow people to try it, by setting up a sampling table/station at the
store. Once people have tasted your product you have then created word-of-mouth marketing.

Why this channel is appropriate for this persona: The marketing communication channel I
chose is appropriate because Amanda is a busy mom that has children and is always on the go,
while in the store shopping it gives parents, and their children the opportunity to try my
product as well as snag a few boxes up, and the next time they go to the store it will strike a
memory of getting to try the food the last time they were there reminding them to grab a few
more boxes, therefore creating repeat customers.


Description of second marketing channel: My second marketing communication channel will

be social media. I chose social media because with the in-person event marketing I have now
created a word-of-mouth marketing which has people talking about my product, it has given my
product credibility and high audience attention levels, as well as friendly audience reception.
So, making my second marketing communication social media it is a fast, quick and efficient
way to get my product where it is available, what the prices are and distribute coupons to my

Why this channel is appropriate for this persona: I chose social media as my second
communication channel because, Amanda is a mother who wants to be healthy and have
healthy quick grabbable snacks for her and her children. Since she is a mother, whose children
are involved in extracurricular activities she most likely has social media, which means she will
see from word of mouth about my product as well as once she has tried the product herself,
she will be able to share her experience with my product with other parents. Social media is like
a big review, and it encourages more parents to go out and buy this product.



Competitor pricing: Price sensitivity is the degree to which the price of a product affects
consumers' purchasing behaviors. Generally speaking, it's how demand changes with the
change in the cost of products. For example, Amanda is a working mom and most mothers will
not pay extra for a healthy snack bar, especially if there are other healthy snacks for lower
prices. Using competitor pricing will help fit your product in a better targeted market area.

How pricing factor is used to determine pricing: My approach when pricing my product for
Chocolate Bliss's new product will be to price it in the middle price range of other products. I
don't want to overprice it because people in my target area will most likely choose the other
healthy snacks for a cheaper price. I don't want it to be the cheapest product either because
people will then think it is low quality and have a preconceived opinion about it before they
have tried it. Pricing it at the in-between of my competitors prices will in the long run be the
product to buy, because people will fell that they are getting the best deal for a tasty healthy
snack bar.


General advantages and drawbacks of premium pricing strategy: Using a premium pricing
strategy can have its advantages. This will allow drawing in a larger crowd. This will also help
people perceive the product in a high quality manner. With the higher cost my product will
make higher profits. A disadvantage to having a premium pricing strategy is the cost of
marketing the brand. If you created a product and charge at a higher quality price point, you
have to make sure and sell at that same level.

Specific advantages and drawbacks of premium pricing strategy: The new healthy "carob" bars
are being promoted as a healthy substitute for chocolate. Consumers should expect that any
healthy chocolate substitute with great taste and flavoring to be a higher-priced item. When
they are shopping for their healthier snacks, they will always expect to pay a little more because
of its high quality.



Change in the marketplace: One of the most distinctive changes in the marketplace would be
purchasing habits. The consumer is becoming more educated and is spending differently.

How the change addresses the distribution of products to my persona: This change benefits
the distribution of my product to consumers like Amanda. They have less time but are more
conscientious. My consumers tend to be more socially conscious and experience oriented. This
meaning they find a product that they like, their kids like and it is healthy they stick with it, they
can order it online rather than having to go to the store to purchase it, and it can be bought in


Potential distribution channel and why it is appropriate for my product and persona: The
distribution channel I chose is retail. I have chosen retail because y product is a good item and
most likely to be sold in grocery stores or online. My product in order to reach my persona
would need to go through a retailer, online, or through a brick-and-mortar store.


How product should be marketed in relation to meeting the needs and wants of my persona:
Healthy carob bar should be marketed in relation to meeting the wants and needs of Amanda
and the target market by introducing it as a chocolate bar substitute. As we know people are
turning out to be more health conscious, especially busy working moms. Everybody loves
chocolate and in order to avoid some of the calories this chocolate substitute is a great
alternative. This product should be advertised through different media channels especially the
internet and different social medial platforms. In order to satisfy the target market, it should
advertise that it has healthy ingredient's as well as it is low on sugar. The packaging should
attractive enough to encourage moms to buy it but also eye catching enough that when handed
to their children the kids want to eat it as well.

How bringing this product to the marketplace helps support and build the Chocolate Bliss
brand: My product in in alignment with brand because when you think chocolate bliss you think
of chocolate melting in your mouth and how great it tastes, my chocolate bar is a healthy
chocolate it captures and communicates exactly what the brand offers. Bringing this product to
the marketplace will help the company promote public awareness of their brand because it
brings a different alternative to the public it brings a healthy chocolate for the consumers that
they do not currently have with this brand. It shows that we have become one with our target
market, we empathize with them, understand their needs and address their concerns, this way
we are able to capture the potential and realizable pool of consumers. This product gives a
good brand image in front of consumers because they took a health-related initiative that not
only will attract consumers but also reflect health concern for its consumers.


How to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing plan: You can evaluate the effectiveness of
your marketing plan by measuring the increase in the company's revenue and decrease in its
customer acquisition cost. Measuring your business against competitors will also help check the
effectiveness of your marketing. Compare and contrast the amount you spent on your
marketing to what your sales and leads bring to your business.

Two quantitative data collection tools I could use to evaluate the marketing plan:

Surveys/questionnairesSurveys or questionnaires created using online survey software are

playing a pivotal role in online data collection be is quantitative or qualitative research. The
surveys are designed in a manner to legitimize the behavior and trust of the respondents. More
often, checklists and rating scale type of questions make the bulk of quantitative surveys as it
helps in simplifying and quantifying the attitude or behavior of the respondents. Web-based
questionnaire: This is one of the ruling and most trusted methods for internet-based research
or online research. In a web-based questionnaire, the receive an email containing the survey
link, clicking on which takes the respondent to a secure online survey tool from where he/she
can take the survey or fill in the survey questionnaire. Being a cost-efficient, quicker, and having
a wider reach, web-based surveys are more preferred by the researchers. The primary benefit
of a web-based questionnaire is flexibility; respondents are free to take the survey in their free
time using either a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile. 

Probability samplingA definitive method of sampling carried out by utilizing some form of
random selection and enabling researchers to make a probability statement based on data
collected at random from the targeted demographic. One of the best things about probability
sampling is it allows researchers to collect the data from representatives of the population they
are interested in studying. Besides, the data is collected randomly from the selected sample
rules out the possibility of sampling bias.Simple random sampling:More often, the targeted
demographic is chosen for inclusion in the sample.

Two qualitative data collection tools I could use to evaluate the marketing plan:

A focus group consist of potential purchasers come together to have a guided discussion led by
an experienced moderator. Every member in the group has freedom to share their opinions,
critical views and other information help moderator to collect the most important information
to design and implement the marketing plan it is an effective way for small businesses to
conduct market research as part of the creation of a marketing plan. In focus group, moderator
having a set of potential and existing clients to answer questions about their experience in
order to help learn about the marketing campaign's effectiveness and potential problems
before implementation.

Observations have the purpose of understanding the existing customers in the market. It

includes what influences customers’ buying decisions, their values, what they enjoy most and
source influence on their buying habits. Observing customers buying habits and their purchase
decision help the marketer to design the marketing plan. Marketing plan to be designed
according to customers’ requirement as it increase both side benefits and solve business
problems. It will help you research and work out what the problem is. For example, decline in
sales, may be due to reduced brand awareness in the market and in customer mind. It all is

required to bring the brand into limelight again by designing suitable marketing campaign and
their implementation


Journal of Business Studies Quarterly Volume 5, number 2 Jasmin Ilkay , Nutrileads, September 7, 2022, Alissa Marrapodi , Nutrileads, September 7, 2022, Alissa Marrapodi

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