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Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp.

29-44, 2007

Fat Replacers and Their Applications in Food Products: A Review

Omayma, E. Shaltout1 & Youssef, M.M.2
Food Science Dept., Fac. of Agric., Saba basha, Alex. Univ., Alexandria, Egypt.
Food Science & Technology Dept., Fac. of Agric., El-Shatby, 21545, Alex. Univ., Alexandria, Egypt.

Link of fats to chronic disease in Europe and North America is well established. Overconsumption of high en-
ergy-dense foods may contribute to energy imbalance and lead to increasing incidence and prevelance of obesity as
well as the risk of chronic diseases.
Fat replacers are used to provide some or all of the functional properties of fat while providing fewer calories than
the fat being replaced. They are either fat substitutes or mimetics. Fat substitutes are lipid-like substances intended to
replace fats on a one-to-one basis. Fat mimetics are protein or carbohydrate ingredients which function by imitating
the physical, textural mouth feel and organoleptic properties of real fats.
Carbohydrate-based fat replacers are derived from cereals, grains and plants, these ingredients include both
digestible and indigestible complex carbohydrates. They include starch and fiber-based fat mimetics. The former in-
clude maltodextrins, and modified starches, while the latter include microcrystalline cellulose methylcellulose, gums,
pectins, hydrocolloid gums and polydextrose. Protein-based fat replacers such as microparticulated whey protein pro-
vide structure, viscosity, creaminess and opacity, a clean flavour base with only one-thrid of the calories in fat.
The majority of fat-based fat replacers are emulsifiers or lipid analogs. They are neither hydrolyzed nor absorbed
by the body in the same manner as normal fat and thus contribute substantially fewer calories.
Numerous applications of fat replacers have been discussed. The main food commodities being targets in this
respect include bakery products (cookies, pound cakes), meat products (beef burger and frankfurter type sausage)
dairy products (cheeses, yoghurt and ice-cream) and other products (human milk fat substitute, low-calorie structured
lipids and mayonnaise).
Keywords: fat substitutes, emulsifiers, structured lipids, fat mimetics, microparticulated proteins, microparticulated
carbohydrates, cookies, biscuits, cakes, frankfurters, milk fat, cheese, yoghurt, ice-cream, mayonnaise.

INTRODUCTION contribute to positive energy balance and lead to

increasing incidence and prevalence of overweight
Link of fats to chronic disease in Europe and
and obesity (Swinburn & Egger, 2002). A 10% re-
North America is well established. Over twenty
duction in the proportion of fat in the diet can result
governments and health organizations from many
in a corresponding reduction of 238 kcal/day of to-
parts of the world have formulated recommenda-
tal energy intake (Astrup et al., 2000). Therefore,
tions asking for a reduction in people’s total fat and
lowering the fat content of foods by using fat re-
saturated fat. Although specifics differ by country
placers, along with reducing the food’s calorie lev-
or health promotion group, all advocate a lowered
el, has tremendous potential for altering the energy
fat intake in order to reduce the incidence and mor-
density of certain foods and could potentially have
bidity of many cancers, coronary heart disease,
a significant impact on health maintenance (ADA,
stroke, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes
(Grossklaus, 1996, ADA, 2005).
Total energy, total fat, and saturated fat in-
Over the past decade, obesity rates have in-
takes were found to be significantly correlated
creased by more than 60% among adults, with ap-
with the frequency of eating foods and snacks out
proximately 59 million adults being obese. Among
of the home and with an increased body mass in-
youth ages 6 to 19 years, approximately 9 million
dex (BMI) (McCory et al., 1999, Thompson et
are considered to be overweight (CDCP, 2000).
al., 2004). Frequent selection of meat items, grain
Overconsumption of high energy – dense foods
and potato products, and breakfast and late night
and beverages, and increased portion sizes, may

Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007 Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.

snacks eaten away from home were associated with (flavour, texture, lubrication, volume/bulk, or heat
higher fat intake and obesity (Gillis & Bar, 2003). transfer) to produce an acceptable product. With
Thus, awareness of these patterns is helpful in de- the aforementioned effects, it is easy to see why fat
termining for which foods and in which situation replacement is challenging and may require a com-
fat replacers might have a role in reducing total fat, bination of ingredients and changes in processing
saturated fat, and energy intake. Furthermore, fat to produce a product that approximates the full fat
replacers were developed in response to consumer product (Grossklaus, 1996, ADA, 2005).
concern with quantities of dietary lipid and its pos- Fat replacers: definition and classification
sible link with obesity (Owusu – Apenten, 2005).
A fat replacer is an ingredient that can be used
Functional role of dietary fat to provide some or all of the functions of fat yield-
ing fewer calories than fat. Fat replacers need to
Dietary fat is a major energy source, essential
be able to replicate all or some of the functional
for growth and development, and provides essential
properties of fat in a fat-modified food (Schwenk
fatty acids needed for maintaining structure of cell
& Guthrie, 1997). It is worth to mention that the
membrane and for prostaglandin synthesis. Also, term of fat replacer implies that a substance has
fat aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins certain desirable physical or organoleptic attributes
and other phytochemicals (Giese, 1996). of fats which it replaces without any of the unde-
Fat in food has multiple functions during cook- sirable properties of fats (Hassel, 1993, Martin,
ing process. Its heat transfer properties enable rapid 1999). There are several categories of fat replacers,
heating and attainment of very high temperatures. and there is often confusion regarding how the cat-
High temperatures achieved by frying and deep-fat egories are defined. Fat replacers are either fat sub-
frying create many browning (Maillard Reaction) stitutes or mimetics. Fat substitutes are lipid-like
taste components that have positive sensory at- substances intended to replace fats on a one-to-one
tributes. Fats absorb many flavour compounds and basis. Fat mimetics are protein or carbohydrate in-
round the flavour by reducing the sharpness of acid gredients which function by imitating the physical,
ingredients. In meats, fat carries the flavour and textural, mouth feel and organoleptic properties of
contributes to the juciness and tenderness, key to real fats (Owusu-apenten, 2005).
the difference in taste of the various kinds of meat Fat substitutes are ingredients that resemble
and poultry (Grossklaus, 1996, Jones, 1996). conventional fat and oils and can replace fat on a
Functionally, fats affect the melting point, vis- gram-for-gram basis. Because they are fat based,
cosity and body, crystallinity, and spreadability of they are often stable at cooking and frying tem-
many foods (Drewnowski, 1998, Sandrou & Arvan- peratures and provide all the functions of fat while
itoyannis, 2000). Fat imparts a velvety mouth feel yielding <9 kcal/g, which could be zero calories if
to products such as ice-creams, desserts, and cream non is absorbed.
soups. Smoothness in ice-creams and some candies Fat analogs are compounds with many of the
is due to fat preventing the formation of large wa- characteristics of fat but have an altered digestibil-
ter or sugar crystals. Fats are responsible for the ity and altered nutritional value.
aroma and texture of many foods, thereby affecting Fat extenders optimize functionality of fat,
the overall palatability of the diet. Although fat in thus allowing a decrease in the usual amount of fat
food may increase acceptance, high-fat foods and in the products.
diets are also high in calories (Giese, 1996), which
may be problematic for the majority of individuals Fat mimetics are ingredient that mimic one or
struggling with energy balance. more of the sensory and physical functions of fat in
the food. They are based on carbohydrate, protein
In baked products, fat inhibits the formation or fat components used alone or in combination
of tough gluten strands, softens the crumb, imparts and provide from 0 to 9 kcal/g. They provide lu-
tenderness and delays staling. Crispines in cookies bricity, mouth feel, and other characteristics of fat
is due to fat in combination with some of the other by holding water. The four broad categories of fat
ingredients. In flaky products such as croissants replacers are shown in Fig. (1).
and pastries, fat’s ability to pool in layer and coat
gluten strands is crucial. Thus, fat replacers must Stern & Hermann-Zaidins (1992) described
be chosen with care to replicate the function of fat an ideal fat replacer by being safe, physiologically

Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

Fig. 1: Classification of fat replacers

Source: Owusu-apenten (2005)

inert, and nutritionally equivalent and creates the 9- Synthetic fat- substitutes, 10- Combination sys-
illusion of fat content. It should allow heat trans- tems. The aforementioned classification is based
fer since fat is heat exchange medium that enables partially on chemical composition and partially on
rapid cooking (Jones, 1996). functionality of the ingredients, and includes com-
Fat replacers can be also classified as: 1- Starch bination systems (i.e. blends) (Jones, 1996).
derived, 2- Fiber-derived, 3- Protein-based, 4- Tables (1, 2 and 3) give examples of fat substi-
Gums, gels and thickners, 5- Emulsifiers, 6- Bulk- tutes, fat mimetics and fat replacers used in various
ing agents, 7- Low calorie fats, 8- Fat extenders, food categories.

Table 1: Examples of fat substitutes*

Name/group Composition
Olestra®, Olean® Sucrose esterified with 6-8 fatty acids
Sucrose fatty acid ester Sucrose esterified with 1-3 fatty acids
Sorbestrin® Carbohydrate + fatty acids
Sorbitol – fatty acid ester,
Alkyl glycoside polyester Alkyl glucoside + fatty acid
Span® and Tween®
Miscellaneous Sorbitan monostearate (Spans),
Polyoxyethylene fatty acid esters (Tweens)
Polypropylene fatty acid esters
Structured lipids
Caprenin® Medium chain trycyiglycerol (MCT)
C8:0, C10:0, C22:0
Neobee® Medium chain trycyiglycerol (MCT) from coconut oil,
plam oil
Salatrim/Benefat® MCT; C2:0 to C4:0. C18:0 fatty acids
Dialkyl dihexdecyl malonate
® : Registered. Source: ADA (2005)

Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007 Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.

Table 2: Examples of fat mimetic

Name/group Composition
Microparticulate protein
Simplesse® Microparticulate whey protein, egg protein
Trailblazer® Microparticulate egg protein, milk protein
Dairylo® Whey protein
Lita® Corn gluten
Microstructure carbohydrates and gelling agents
Avicel® Cellulose microparticles
Methocel® Cellulose ethers
Amalean® I & II Farinex,
Instant Stellar, Perfectamyl AC,
PURE-GEL®, STA-SLIM Modified starches
Kel-Lite KELCOGEL®, KELTROL®, Slendid Xanthum, pectin, alginates and other structural polysac-
Oatrim® Oat derived, forms thermoreversible gels
Slendid Microparticulated pectin gel particles
Source: ADA (2005)

Table 3: Examples of types of fat replacers used in various food categories

Fat replacer
Food category
Carbohydrate-based Protein-based
Baked foods Fibers, gums, inulin, maltodextrins, Microparticulated protein, modified
polydextrose, starches whey protein concentrate, protein
Cereal and grain products Fibers, gums, inulin, maltodextrins, Microparticulated protein
polydextrose, starches
Confectionery and candies Cellulose, gums, inulin maltodex- Microparticulated protein
trins, Oatrima, polydextrose, starches
Cooking and salad oils NAb Microparticulated protein
Dairy products Cellulose, gums, inulin maltodex- Microparticulated protein, modified
trins, Oatrim, polydextrose, starches whey protein concentrate
Dairy products, refrigerated and Cellulose, gums, inulin maltodex- Microparticulated protein, modified
frozen desserts trins, Oatrim, polydextrose, starches whey protein concentrate, protein
Meat and poultry products Gums, inulin maltodextrins, Oatrim, NA
Other fats and oils Cellulose, gelatin, gums, inulin, Microparticulated protein, protein
maltodextrins, Oatrim, polydextrose, blends
Prepared entrees Cellulose, gums, inulin maltodex- Microparticulated protein, modified
trins, Oatrim, polydextrose, starches whey protein concentrate
Soups, sauces, gravies Cellulose, gums, inulin maltodex- Microparticulated protein, modified
trins, Oatrim, starches whey protein concentrate
Savory snacks Cellulose, fiber, gums, maltodextrins, NA
Proctor and Gamble, Cincinnati, OH. b
NA = not applicable.
Source: ADA (2005).

Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

Types of fat replacers Modified starches

1- Carbohydrate – based fat replacers Their main functions of modified starches are
Carbohydrate – based fat replacers are derived as bodying agents and texture modifiers intended to
from cereals, grains and plants, these ingredients be used with emulsifiers, proteins, gums and oth-
include both digestible and indigestible complex er modified food starches. The main commercial
carbohydrate (Glicksman, 1991). modified starches are Oatrim and Z-trim (Owusu-
apenten, 2005).
Starch – derived fat mimetics:
Oatrim is known also as α-Trim TM, Trim
Maltodextrins are defined by FDA as non choice. Oatrim produces 1-4 kcal/g. This type of fat
sweet, nutritive saccharide polymers consisting of mimetics is made by partial enzymatic hydolysis of
D-glucose units linked primarily by α-1-4 bonds oat starch. The water soluble products of oat flour
with a dextrose equivalent (DE) of less than 20. are used to replace fat and as a texturizing ingredi-
The low DE maltodextrins at a DE range of 1 to 10 ent. Oatrim is classed as GRAS (generally regarded
has been found particularly useful in fat replace- as safe) by the FDA. This ingredient may be used for
ment (Roller, 1996). The industrial manufacture baked goods, fillings and frostings, frozen desserts,
of maltodextrins involves first gelatinization of dairy beverages, cheese, salad dressings, processes
starch at 105°C in the presence of either acid or meats, and confections (Owusu-apenten, 2005).
enzyme to a DE value of <3, followed by jet-cook-
ing at (110-180°C) to ensure complete gelatiniza- Z-trim is an insoluble fiber from oat, soybean,
tion, the starch slurry is cooled and treated with a pea and rice hulls or from corn or wheat bran. The
fresh batch of bacterial α-amylase until the desired mouth feel of Z-trim is similar to fat in terms of its
degree of hydrolysis is reached (Roller, 1996). The moistness, density and smoothness. Z-trim has the
gross chemical composition of maltodextrins is re- further advantages of increasing the fiber content of
lated to the botanical source and can be divided into food. It has FDA status and can be used with baked
two broad groups: root starches and cereal starches. goods, burgers, hot dogs, cheese, ice-cream and yo-
The latter group exemplified in potato and tapioca ghurt. Despite its heat stability, Z-trim is not con-
starches are particulatarly attractive for many food sidered suitable for frying (Owusu-apenten, 2005).
applications including fat replacement. They have Fiber based fat mimetics
a low lipid and protein contents as compared to Microcrystalline cellulose is colloidal prod-
cereal starches which prevent many undesirable ucts based on co-processing microcrystalline cellu-
properties of starch. They also contain amylose- lose with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. A recent
molecules with longer chains (DP 3000) than those addition to the colloidal microcrystalline cellulose
found in corn and wheat starches (DP 800) and are products was based on co-processing with algi-
thought to retrograde less readily and thereby re- nates or whey or maltodextrin (Humphreys, 1996).
ducing the tendency to cause turbidity and undesir- These products are readily dispersed and are now
able texture (Whistler et al., 1984, Swinkels, 1985, used as fat replacers in a myriad of food products.
BeMiller, 1993). Maltodextrin gels derived from Table (4) shows the key physical and chemical
potato starch have plastic, spreadable, shortening- properties of colloidal grades of Avicel (the trade
like texture and nonelastic in nature. The gels are name of microcrystalline cellulose). Usage levels
thermo reversible i.e. they melt upon heating and of microcrystalline cellulose can range from 0.1 to
reset to a comparable gel strength when cooked 10%, but standard use levels are from 0.4 to 3.0%.
down. They are also shear-thinning and reform The food products where microcrystalline cellulose
when shearing is stopped. Low-DE maltodextrins are most frequently used as fat replacers include:
derived from potato starches enhance creaminess salad dressings, bakery products, dairy products,
provide body and give a fatty mouth coating to ice-cream and frozen desserts, cheese spreads and
the food product in which they are used. The most processed meats. The standard usage levels range
common applications where low-DE maltodex- from 0.4 to 3.0%. In most food systems, micro-
trins exhibit these functionalities particularly well crystalline cellulose is used as part of an overall
are cream soups and sauces, frozen desserts low fat-mimetic system, which often includes soluble
–fat salad dressings and bakery fillings (Harkema, hydrocolloid starch, fat flavours and antimicrobial
1996, Roller, 1996). agents (Humphreys, 1996).

Table 4: Key physical and chemical properties of colloidal grades of Avicel® microcrystalline cellulose
Avicel® Avicel® Avicel® Avicel® Avicel® Avicel® MicroQuick MaltoQuick
Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

RC501 RC581 RC 591F CL611 RCN30 AC815 WC595 MC230
MCC content (%) 91 89 88 85 75 85 22 22
Process Bulk-dried Bulk-dried Spray-dried Spray-dried Co-processed Co-processed Co-processed Co-processed
with with calcium with whey with
xanthan and alginate maltodextrin
Equipment required to activate Homogenizer Homogenizer High speed High speed High speed
High shear or Low shear Low shear
mixer mixer mixer
low shear with
Use levels in food (%) 0.5-3.0 0.3-0.8 0.3-1.0 0.2-2.5 0.5-1.5 0.4-2.5 2.0-4.0 2.0-4.0
Initial viscosity (cP*) 72-168 at 2.1% 72-168 at 1.2% 39-175 at 1.2% 50-151 at 2.6% 620 at 3% n/a 10-100 at 6% 50-150 at 5%
Set-up viscosity (cP**) 1025 at 2.1% 1125 1250 at 1.2% 1850 at 2.6% n/a n/a 1200 at 6%
Primary uses Whipped Frozen General Pourable Stabilizer, Stabilizer, dry Dry blended Dry blended
toppings, desserts stabilizer, systems frozen desserts blended or low foods foods
heat-stable thixotropic shear foods
emulsions gels
Note: MCC = Microcrystalline cellulose.
* Initial viscosity was measured at 120s, using a Brookfield RVT Viscometer No. 1 Spindle at 20 rpm.
** Set-up viscosity was measured at 24 h using a No. 3 Spindle at 20 rpm.
Source: Humphreys (1996).
Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.
Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

Methylcellulose gums such as methylcel- products of juice manufacture. The peel or pomace
lulose (MC) and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose may be blanched after juice extraction in order to
(HPMC) are commercially significant polymers inactivate the endogenously located pectin esterases
used in a variety of food applications for more than followed by drying (Giese, 1996). There is a range
40 years. Like fats, MC and HPMC helps entrain of specially tailored pectins for fat replacement.
air in food stuffs to improve structure, stabilize air Commercial pectins are divided into low methoxy
or carbon dioxide bubbles to reduce volume loss (LM) pectins and high methoxy (HM) pectins ac-
and enhance moisture retention (de Mariscal & cording to the degree of estrification (DE). The DE
Bell, 1996). Chemical structures of MC and HPMC is defined as the percentage of galactuoronic acid
are given in Fig. (2). units that are methyl estrified. Pectins with a DE
The most important applications of MC and below 50% are designated as LM-pectins, whereas
HPMC include: fried foods, liquid foods, baked pectins with DE above 50% are designated as HM-
products, frozen dairy products and low-fat whipped pectins. The DE values for commercial LM-pectins
toppings. The main benefit from using MC and typically range from 20 to 40% and from 55 to 75%
HPMC in fried food products is the reduction in fat for HM-pectins (Nielsen, 1996).
uptake achievable during the frying step. This con- Slendid covers a range of special pectins tai-
tributes to a lower caloric value and improved cook- lor-made for fat replacement. It offers a range of
ing economy from reduced oil losses. Also, reduced properties including: stability of heat, pH, shear
fat-baked goods have benefited from their use as and salt, neutral taste, fat-like dissipation, virtually
they compensate for fat removal by enhancing air no calories and relatively low usage levels i.e. 0.2
entrainment, promoting uniform fine cell size in the to 1.5%. It may be used in a wide range of food ap-
crumb structure (de Mariscal & Bell, 1996). plications such as: spreads, mayonnaise and salad
Pectin is a hydrocolloid consisting of partial dressings, processed meats, ice creams, processed
methyl esters of polygalacturonic acid. Pectin is cheeses, soups and sauces, desserts and bakery pro-
found in all fruits and vegetables and is obtained duction, in which fat may be partly or fully replaced
by aqueous extraction of citrus peel and apple by- (Nielsen, 1996).



Fig. 2: Typical chemical structures of (a) methylcellulose and (b) hydroxypropylmethylcellulose

(Source: Humphreys, 1996)

Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007 Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.

Hydrocolloid gums are long-chain biopoly- 2- Protein – based fat replacers

mer molecules that are obtained from plant materi- Protein-based fat replacers are derived from
als such as seaweeds, seeds and tree exudates. They milk, egg, whey or vegetable proteins. These in-
may also be produced by the chemical modification clude such ingredients as microparticulated protein
of polysaccharides or from microbial fermentation as well as refined whey and soy proteins (Giese,
(Giese, 1996). They play a significant role in food- 1996).
stuffs since ancient times on account of their textur-
izing and water-structuring properties. It is the high Microparticalated proteins
molecular weight of these ingredients, combined A patent process known as microparticulation
with the restrictions in flexibility between mono- was used to produce a protein-based fat replacer
mer units within the polymer chain that gives rise (Singer & Moser, 1993, CCC, 1996). Micropartic-
to their viscosifying properties (Clegg, 1996). ulated protein (MPP) contains milk and/or egg or
The most hydrocolloid gums that can be used whey proteins (WPC) shaped into small round par-
as fat mimetics include galactomannons extracted ticles which are perceived by the mouth as creamy.
from guar gum and locust bean gum. The role of hy- It functions as a surrogate dispersed phase, replac-
drocolloid gums in fat replacement is not as a direct ing the fat droplets which conventioinally provide
fat mimetic but as a tool for controlling viscosity dispersed phase functions which resemble systems
and texture and binding excess water in their three as creams, mayonnaise, chocolate frankfurters and
dimensional network structure (Clegg, 1996). pasta. The (MPP) is digested as a protein with re-
Polydextrose is a complex carbohydrate formed duced calories and no cholesterol. One gram of
by the random polymerization of glucose, sorbitol (MPP) has approximately one-third of the calories
and citric acid, which has been used in human food of full calorie fats (Singer, 1996).
as a low-caloric bulking agent (1 kcal/g) since the The MP3 is one of MPP and was the first com-
early 1980s (Mitchell, 1996). Polydextrose, being mercially used in the fat-free ice-cream. Internation-
a multifunctional food ingredient can be also used ally, MP3 has been used to produce a fat free butter
as a humectant, texturizer, thickner, stabilizer and spread in Ireland and line of fat-free frozen desserts
cryoprotectant. in Finland. In the last decade, it has been reported
It is worth to mention that although polydex- that MP3 has been effectively applied in the produc-
trose is not a fat-replacer perse, it has a relatively tion of low-fat baked goods (Singer, 1996).
high viscosity in solution and can therefore contrib- Microparticulated proteins cannot be used in
ute to the mouth feel and creaminess of fat-reduced high-temperature frying, however, it may be used
formulations. Polydextrose can therefore be consid- in most applications requiring heat, including can-
ered as a fat-mimetic in some applications such as ning, pasteurization and ultra-high temperature
reduced – fat pastry, soft chewy candies and spoon- processing. It is used in dairy products and the
able and pourable dressings (Mitchell, 1996). production of cheeses, ice-cream, butter and sour
Fruit and fruit pureés can be effective as fat cream as well as in oil-based products such as salad
mimietus. Pureé of banana, plums, pears, avocado dressings and margarine. It has been designated as
and apples can perform many of the functions of fat GRAS by the FDA for use in frozen desserts type
due to their pectin, fiber and sugar content. In par- products. The FDA has also agreed that whey-based
ticular, the complexes of fiber and pectin provide microparticulated protein conforms to its definition
texture and body. Fruit sugars provide additional of whey protein concentrate, as GRAS substance
solids and water-binding. Added health benefits (Cheung et al., 2002). The microparticulated pro-
may include antioxidant activity. Manufacturers teins include Simpless® and Dairy-Lo®.
have resolved issues with colour by using new Simpless® is made from whey protein or milk
spray-drying techniques to produce cream-col- and egg protein. It produces from 1-4 kcal/g. The
oured powders. These replacers may partially or manufacturing process involves simultaneous heat-
completely replace fat in cookies, muffins, cakes ing and shearing to produce small particles of co-
and other bakery mixes. Since these replacers are agulated protein. It provides the mouth feel of fat.
not modified to the extent others are, their addition It is not suitable for frying but is stable for baking.
must be carefully managed on a case-by-case basis It is considered GRAS by FDA and may be used in
(Pszczola, 2003 and Wekwete & Navder, 2005). dairy products, salad dressing, margarine and may-

Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

onnaise-type products, baked goods, coffee cream- the time it takes for the molecule to move through
er, soups and sauces (Owusu-apenten, 2005). the digestive tract. The sucrose center is where the
Dairy Lo® is a protein-based ingredient which breakdown of the substance for absorption into the
produces 4 kcal/g. It is manufactured via thermal body would take place (Giese 1996, FDA, 2003).
denaturation of proteins from sweet whey. It im- Olestra was approved in 1996 by FDA as a
proves the texture, flavour stability of low-fat foods. direct human food additive in salted snacks and
It provides the mouth feel of fat and has GRAS sta- crackers. It is also used to substitute 100% of fats
tus by FDA (Owusu-apenten, 2005). and oils in the preparation of savory snacks (chips,
3- Fat based fat replacers (fat-substitutes) crisps, extruded snacks and crackers). These uses
include the substitution for fat for frying as well as
These are either triacylglycerols with tailored sources of fat in dough conditioners, oil sprays and
configurations to reduce their caloric content, or flavour (Owusu-apenten, 2005).
they have chemical structures similar to triacylg-
lycerols but reduced or zero caloric content. The Sobestrin is produced by attaching a hydro-
fat substitutes are intended to replace the function- phobic fatty acid to hydrophilic sugar alcohols
ality of natural fats on a one-to-one weight basis mainly sorbitol. Other polyols used for sugar-fatty
(Owusu-apenten, 2005). acid esters include tetrahalose, raffinose and stach-
yose (Owusu-apenten, 2005).
Structured lipids
These are partial esters of fatty acids with chain
lengths from C12 to C22 and polyvalent alcohols Structured lipids (SLs) are triacylglycerols
like glycerol, sorbitol / sorbitan, and sucrose or or- (TAGs) that have been modified to change the fatty
ganic acids like lactic acid. Partial esters may also acid composition and/or their positional distribu-
be estrified with organic acids such as acetic, citric, tion via interestrificatin in glycerol backbone. The
diacetyl tartaric or succinic form a wide range of SLs provide an effective mean for producing tailor-
esters (Flack, 1996). made lipids with desirable physical and chemical
properties and/or nutritional benefits. The SLs are
Emulsifiers possess many of the properties of produced either by chemical or enzymatic inter-
fats and oils as exemplified in the fatty consistency, estrification or via genetic engineering (Iwasaki &
lubricity, and the texture and cohesiveness of fat, Yamane, 2000, Osborn & Akoh, 2003, Nielsen et
they form films or spread on surface, build or in- al., 2004, Agyare et al., 2005).
crease viscosity through hydration, and soften or
weaken structures created by polysaccharides or The medium chain triacylglycerols (MCTs)
proteins (Flack, 1996). differ from natural fats by their relative absence of
long chain fatty acids. The MCTs can be synthe-
Because of their use restrictions and also be- tized by interestrification process. They have lower
cause they have the same caloric values as fat, their melting points, high solubility in water and are re-
role as fat replacers is in stretching the functionality sistant to oxidation. They are not transferred to the
of low fat levels and in replacing the functionality body’s store of adipose tissue but are metabolized
of fat when used in combination with other ingredi- directly in the liver. There are two products belong-
ents (Giese, 1996). Typical examples of products in ing to MCTs, namely Salatrim and Caprenin.
which proportions of fat can be reduced significant-
ly by 30% or higher, include yellow fat spreads, Salatrim, is a structured lipid (short and long
biscuits, cakes, baking emulsions, ice cream and acyl triacylglycerol rearranged molecules) pro-
salad dressings (Flack, 1996). duced from a mixture of short chain (C2:0 – C4:0)
and a long chain fatty acid (C18:0). The short chain
Olestra, is an emulsifier produced by reacting acid are esterified at positions 1,3 of the glycerol
sucrose with 6-8 moles of C12–C22 fatty acids in molecule. Whereas, the long chain acid is estrified
the presence of a catalyst. The chemical configura- at position 2. Salatrim is also called Benefat, pro-
tion of Olestra accounts for its indigestibility and vides approximate 5 kcal/g because the short ac-
why it does not provide calories. It replaces the ids provide few calories whilst stearic acid is only
glycerol molecule with sucrose and has either 6- partially absorbed in the body. It is usable at pH
8 fatty acids attached. With this many fatty acids, 3-7.5 and under cold conditions. The suitable prod-
digestive enzymes can’t get to the sucrose center in uct categories for salatrim include confectionery,

Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007 Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.

cookies, cakes, brownies and pie crust (Owusu-ap- in two types of bakery products (oriental cookies
enten, 2005). “Gourayeba” and pound cakes). The fat replacers
Caprenin, the second product belonging to were applied at 25, 35 and 45% for the former and
MCTs, the glycerol back bone is substituted by 40, 50 and 60% for the later. Results revealed that
caprylic acid (C8:0), capric acid (C10:0) and be- the addition of P-SA2 at all levels did not affect the
henic acid (C22:0). This fat replacer yields 5 kcal/g sensory scores and products were highly scored as
as compared to 9 kg/g for normal fat. The caloric the full-fat control samples. The mechanical prop-
reduction is apparently due to the less efficient me- erties of the tested bakery products as measured by
tabolism of C8:0 and C10:0 fatty acids within the the structograph showed that replacement with P-
body. The functional properties of Caprenin are SA2 for both cookies and pound cakes exhibited
similar to those of cocoa butter. The useable tem- lower breaking strengths than the same products
perature for Caprenin is <132°C and it is especially with S100 (Shaltout et al., 2004).
suited for confectionery products (Giese, 1996 and Wekwete & Navder (2005) investigated the ef-
Owusu-apenten, 2005). fect of avocado pureé as a fat replacer on the physi-
Some applications of fat replacers: cal, textural and sensory properties of oat meal
cookies. Results indicated that cookies with 50%
Bakery products replacement with avocado pureé had significantly
The physical and sensory properties of choco- reduced spread and water activity as compared to
late-chip cookies made with vegetable shortening control. Texture analysis showed avocado substitu-
and protein-based, lipid-based and carbohydrate- tion to significantly decrease cookie hardness and
based fat replacers at 50 and 75% replacement brittleness. Sensory evaluation indicated that the
have been studied by Armbrister & Sester (1994). fat-reduced avocado were found to be more soft,
Results indicated that all shortening-reduced cook- chewy and had rounded contours with considerably
ies had significantly less surface cracking, fewer less surface cracking, less accepted than control
surface protrusions, more uniform but larger cells but had room for improvement. The 50% replaced
and more mouth coating. cookies with avocado pureé provided 35% less fat
Sanchez et al. (1995) prepared low-fat short and 13% fewer calories compared to control.
bread cookies using combinations of carbohy- Agyare et al. (2005) showed that the addition
drate-based fat substitutes at different levels. Data of shortening to soft wheat flour dough resulted in a
indicated the presence of higher moisture content, significant (P<0.05) decrease in dough resistance to
greater toughness and lower specific volume with deformation (P), dough extensibility (L) and dough
minimal differences in cookie breaking strength as baking strength (W), suggesting a less developed
compared to control samples. gluten network. The Salatrim (SL) substitution for
Three carbohydrate based-fat replacers were shortening did not affect (P) and (W). The cookies
used in biscuits while shortening was reduced at incorporating SL at 50 and 75% substitution were
33, 66 and 100%. The results showed that the fat re- significantly similar (P<0.05) to the shortening con-
placer usage produced significant increase in mois- trol cookies in both baking and textural qualities.
ture content, light crust colour, variation in volume Bubble and pore formation of a high-ratio cake
and crumb firmness (Conforti et al., 1996). formulation with polydextrose as a sugar-and-fat-
Swanson (1998) used three carbohydrate-based replacer were investigated by Kocer et al. (2007).
fat replacers to replace 75% of the butter in three The physical properties were studied by the Imag-
peanut butter cookies formulas. Data showed that all ing technique. Results indicated that polydextrose
reduced fat cookies were rated significantly less ac- substitution in the high-ratio cake system had supe-
ceptable but not rejected compared to control cook- rior properties in distributing the gas phase into the
ies, but there was a trend towards greater acceptabil- cake batter as indicated by decreasing the average
ity of the cookies prepared with polydextrose. bubble sizes and increasing bubble size uniformity
as the level of polydextrose increases. A decrease
Two selected types of carbohydrate-based fat in the average pore size and pore size uniformity of
replacers derived from potato starch and citrus peel the cake crust due to the combined effect of reduced
known respectively as Paselli SA2 (P-SA2) and batter stability and interference with the gelatiniza-
Slendid 100 (S100) were used to replace shortening tion mechanism was also observed. The resulting

Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

high cake system exhibited 22% reduction in calo- The effect of a short chain fructooligosaccha-
rific value based on total sugar and fat content. rides on the sensory properties of conventional and
Fat replacers including amylodextrin gels, reduced fat cooked meat sausages has been stud-
Simpless® 730 and soybean paste effectively re- ied in products in which a fat reduction of close
placed fats up to 75% in cupcakes and 50% in Sablé to 40% was obtained. The fibre assayed was used
type cookies without affecting both keeping quality in sufficient amounts to constitute between 2 and
and sensory properties. Moreover, the bioassay ex- 12% of the final product. The results showed that
periments evaluating total cholesterol, HDL-cho- the sensory and textural properties and the overall
lesterol and triacylglecerol level showed positive acceptability were very good, which indicated that
effects for rats fed the aforementioned products this fiber can be considered a promising fat replacer
(Abd-El Khalek, 2007). in meat products thus a reduced calorie product en-
riched with soluble dietetic fiber may be obtained
Meat products (Cáceres et al., 2004).
The effect of fat content and carbohydrate Cengiz & Gokoglu (2005) studied the changes
fat-replacers on the release of volatile odour com- in energy and cholesterol contents of frankfurter
pounds from beef burgers salami and frankfurter type sausage with fat reduction and fat replacer ad-
has been investigated (Chevance et al., 2000). Data dition. Fat content of sausages were reduced from
exhibited that the reduction in fat content in any of 20 to 10% and 5%. Citrus fibers (CF) and soy pro-
the aforementioned three meat products resulted in tein concentrate (SPC) were added at the rates of
a tendency towards an increase in the quantities of 2% as fat replacers. The addition of fat replacers
volatiles released in the head space. Thus, the ad- content by 38.6% and 45.7%, respectively with no
dition of carbohydrate fat-replacers such as tapioca significant differences between sausages treated
starch, maltodextrin and oat fiber to low-fat meat with CF or SPC.
product could assist the flavour qualities of these
products by slowing down the release of odour Dairy products
compounds. Functionality of modified tapioca starch and
The effects of fat level (5, 12 and 30%) and lecithin as fat mimetics in feta cheese was studied.
maltodextrin on emulsion stability, cook loss, col- Cheeses were made with no fat mimetics, 1% mod-
our, texture and sensory characteristics of frank- ified tapioca starch, 0.2% lecithin, and a combina-
furters were investigated by Crehan et al. (2000). tion of 0.5% tapioca starch and 0.1% lecithin. Low-
Results showed that maltodextrin addition caused fat feta cheeses (9-16% fat) were prepared from
a significant decrease in cook loss of the frankfur- bovine 1.6-2.2% fat milk. Cheeses were ripened for
thers but also decreased the emulsion stability. No 45 days before chemical, sensory, Scanning Elec-
significant difference in hardness, gumminess and tron Microscope (SEM) and texture evaluations.
chewiness values when maltodextrin was present The results indicated that the combination of modi-
in the reduced fat (5 and 12%) frankfurters were fied tapioca starch and lecithin improved flavour,
observed. Saltiness, overall flavour intensity, over- texture and overall acceptability of reduced – fat
all texture and overall acceptability were unaltered and low-fat feta cheeses (Sipahioglu et al., 1999).
by maltodextrin. The results indicate that malto- Aime et al. (2001) used sensory and instrumen-
dextrin can be used as a suitable fat replacer since tal analysis to evaluate the texture of regular (10%),
it offset some of the changes brought about by fat light (5%), low fat (2.5%) and fat free vanilla (0.4%
reduction, decreasing cook loss and maintaining a ice-creams. The light low-fat and fat-free ice-cream
number of textural and sensory characteristics of were prepared using a modified pea starch as the fat
the frankfurters. replacement ingredient. Two processing trials with
Hoffman & Mellett (2003) observed that continuous commercial-like process conditions
trained taste panels could not distinguish between were undertaken. The trained sensory panel rated
ostrich meat patties containing either 10% pork the low-fat and fat-free ice-creams to have lower
lard or 10% of a modified starch/protein isolate (fat viscosity, smoothness and mouth coating proper-
replacer) mixture. It was concluded that fat replac- ties. Instrumentally determined apparent viscosity
ers can be used successfully for the production of data supported the sensory data. The use of modi-
low-fat ostrich patties without any negative quality fied starch as a partial fat replacer in vanilla ice–
attributes being perceived. cream was highly acceptable.

Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007 Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.

Koca & Metin (2004) examined the textural, cept for Nutrim II cheeses. For flavour attributes,
melting and sensory properties of low-fat fresh the low-fat control cheeses were significantly less
Kashar cheese (70% fat reduction) produced by bitter, more buttery and less starchy than the Nu-
using two protein-based fat replacers (1% w/w trim cheeses which were less acceptable but not
simplesse®-D-100 and 1% w/w Dairy-LoTM) rejected (Konuklar et al., 2004).
and a carbohydrate based fat replacer (5% w/w Kavas et al. (2004) manufactured full-fat and
Raftiline® HP)- during the storage period for 90 low-fat white pickled cheeses by the traditional
days. Results showed that Simpless® D-100 cor- procedure from bovine milk. Results indicated that
rected all appearance defects determined in low fat the moisture and total nitrogen values of the low-
cheese. Both simplesse® D-100 and Raftiline® HP fat white pickled cheeses significantly increased
produced an improving effect on flavour, texture whereas total solids, salt, pH and acidity values
and overall acceptability of low-fat cheese un- of cheese were not affected by the fat-replacers in
til the 30th day of storage. The use of Raftiline® the cheese milk used. Sensory properties of cheese
HP caused a slight increase in meltability. These were adversely affected by the use of fat replac-
results indicated that both simpless® D-100 and ers in cheese making. From the rheological point of
Raftiline® HP can improve the texture and sensory view, all the low-fat cheeses containing fat replac-
properties of low-fat fresh Kasher cheese. ers were different from the full-fat cheeses, but no
The physical, chemical, textural and sensory off-flavour or bitterness was noted in any full or
properties during storage of strained yoghurt, a low fat cheese.
semisolid product made from yoghurt by remov- Zisu & Shah (2005) studied the influence of ex-
ing some part of its serum, made from milk with opolysaccharides (EPS), pre-acidification and use of
0.5% and 2% fat and including Dairy-LoTM and two fat replacers FR1 and FR2, on the textural and
Simpless® were analyzed at the first, 7th and 14th functional characteristics of Mozzarella cheeses.
day. The sample with lower fat content exhibited Control cheeses made with EPS producing Strep-
higher titratable acidity, ash, viscosity, and colour tococcus thermophilus 285 had the lowest moisture
(L and a-values) than the samples with higher fat (52.84%) and yield, while hardness and melt prop-
content. Dairy-LoTM added samples had higher ti- erties of these cheeses improved with storage. Ad-
tratable acidity, fat, ash, viscosity, a-value, flavour, dition of FR1 exhibited the greatest stretch and melt
appearance and colour than simplesse® added than FR2. Pizza bake performance was improved
samples (Yazici & Akgun, 2004). with FR1 than FR2. Coating cheese shreds with oil
Calleros et al. (2004) determined the flow and was necessary for adequate browning.
creep compliance properties of reduce-fat youghurt Other products
containing whey protein concentrate (WPC), mi-
croparticulated whey protein, or a blend of both Yang et al. (2001) applied enzymatic synthesis
fat-replacers and compared to those exhibited by a of low calorie structured lipids (ex. Salatrim) in a
full-fat yoghourt (FFY). The results indicated that solvent-free system. The process was undertaken
yoghurt made with WPC showed flow and viscoe- by transesterification between triacetin and stearic
lastic properties that resembled more closely those acid using immobilized lipase. Stearic acid (C18:0)
of the FFY. was incorporated mainly into the sn-1 and/or sn-3
position of triacetin by lipase–catalyzed reaction.
The textural and sensory properties of 3- However, when C18:0 was located at the sn-2 posi-
month-old low-fat cheddar cheeses manufactured tion on traiacylglycerol (TAG), the resultant sn-2
with a β-glucan hydrocolloidal composite denoted monostearin after hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase
as “Nutrim”, a nutracceutical fat-replacer, were was well absorbed. On contrary, the free fatty ac-
studied. The low-fat control cheeses (11.2% fat) ids released from the sn-1 or sn-3 position on TAG
were compared with Nutrim I (6.8% fat) and Nu- tended to be poorly absorbed. These suggest that
trim II (3.47% fat) cheeses. The hardness, fractur- the stereo-position of long-chain saturated fatty ac-
ability, and melt-flow index time values of Nutrim ids is important in calorie intake.
cheeses were significantly lower than the low-fat
control cheeses. The elasticity and the cohesivness Nielsen et al. (2004) produced a human milk-
fat substitute from lard and soybean oil fatty ac-
values were similar for all cheeses. Most textural
ids by enzyme technology. Structured lipid human
attributes from the sensory panel were similar, ex-

Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol. Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007

milk–fat substitute (SL-HMFS) was compared to Armbrister, W.L. & Sester, C.S. 1994. sensory and
commercial human milk fat–substitute (HMFS) physical properties of chocolate chip cookies
regarding fatty acids composition content of anti- made with vegetable shortening or fat replac-
oxidant and oxidative stability. Fats were stored at es at 50 and 75% levels. Cereal Chem. 71:
6°C for four days and the oxidative stability was 344-351.
evaluated. Results indicated that the SL-HMFS Astrup, A., Grunwald, G.K., Melanson, E.L., Saris,
had a lower oxidative stability than did commercial W.H. & Hill J.O. 2000. Int. J. Obes. Relat.
HMFS products or lard, probably due to a lower Metab. Disord 24: 1545-1552.
level of tocopherol in SL-HMFS.
Be Miller, J.N. 1993. Starch-based gums. In: Indus-
Worrasinchai et al. (2006) investigated the trial Gums. Whistler, R.L. and BeMiller, J.N.
application of β-glucan prepared from brewer’s (Eds.). Academic Press, San Diego,.
yeast as a fat-replacer in mayonnaise. Fat was par-
Cáceres, E., Garcia, M.L., Toro, J. and Selgas, M.D.
tially substituted by β-glucan (RF) at levels of 25,
2004. The effect of fructooligosaccharides on
50 and 75% which were referred to as 25β, 50β
or 75β formulations, respectively, together with a the sensory characteristics of cooked sausag-
control sample (FF) containing 100% oil without es. Meat Science, 68: 87-96.
β-glucan. Data indicated that all RF mayonnaise Calleros, C., Torrijos, O.M., Castilla, S.O., Orozco,
had significantly lower energy content, but high- P.J.P. & Carter, V.E.J. 2004. Flow and creep
er water content than their FF counter part as the compliance properties of reduced-fat yo-
level of β-glucan increased. The pH values of the ghurts containing protein-based fat replacers.
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microstructure assessed by Scanning Electron Mi- Cengiz, E. & Gokoglu, N. 2005. Changes in energy
croscope (SEM) revealed close packing structures and cholesterol contents of frankfurter-type
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RF mayonnaises exhibited thixothopic shear thin-
addition. Food Chemistry, 91: 443-449.
ning behaviour under steady shear tests. The RF
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FF sample. Sensory evaluation demonstrated that Chronic Disease Prevention 2000. Fact sheet:
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Available at: http://
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Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 29-44, 2007 Alex. J. Fd. Sci. & Technol.

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