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University of Nueva Caceres

City of Naga
Senior High School Department

Recycling: Reduce or Prevent Inappropriate Waste Disposal

11 – STEM L

Title: Recycling: Reduce or Prevent Inappropriate Waste Disposal


In Pili, there are a lot of people who eat at both sit-down and take-out
restaurants. Because they are cheap, they become places where people
can eat whenever they want, like when they are celebrating, dating,
getting together, or doing other things. There are a lot of soda or
carbonated drinks in cans because there are a lot of customers. So, when
the cans are empty, they are a waste, and some of them aren't thrown
away properly. Instead of making a pile of empty cans, we could think
about making less soda and other carbonated drinks that come in cans.
So, I suggested that instead of just throwing it away in the right way,
why don't we recycle the cans to cut down on it?

A modified solution is a proposal called "Recycling: Reduce or Stop

Inappropriate Waste Disposal." This will make sure that trash doesn't
just get less, but also doesn't build up. With this solution, all dine-in and
take-out restaurant owners, the city government, and everyone else in
the area must get rid of trash the right way. This includes having trash
cans that say "non-biodegradable," "biodegradable," and "recyclable" on
them. A group of people who work for the city government will recycle
all the cans that can be recycled. The things they make can also be sold.
Everyone in the area around the restaurant will benefit from better
recycling and a better understanding of how to sort trash. So, this will
make the place cleaner and more eco-friendly.

These individuals will be involved in the recommended solution I've

developed. They include the proprietors of the burger stand, concerned
residents or volunteers, patrons, and the municipal authorities. They will
be responsible for the solution's success.

1. Owners of the Dine-In and Eat-out Restaurant

The restaurant owners will be one of the key individuals involved in the
implementation of the proposed solution. While allowing volunteers to recycle
eggshells and other garbage, the owners will assist with disposal operations. The
owners will work with the municipal administration to implement the remedy.

2. Customers

Customers of the restaurants will be one of the key people who will be significant
in contributing to the solution's potential for success. Because they are a significant
factor in the issue at hand or one of the contributors, we have assigned them the
responsibility of assisting to keep the area clean by disposing of rubbish in the
appropriate manner.

3. Concerned Citizens or Volunteers

The task of collecting trash and recycling rubbish that can still be put to productive
use will be delegated to concerned individuals, volunteers, or members of a group
assembled by the municipal government. In addition to that, it is also their
responsibility to sell any and all recycled materials.
4. Municipal Government

The Municipal Government will be the ones to organize a group of volunteer

citizens who will be responsible for ensuring that a portion of the waste will be
recycled and utilized in various ways. They are the ones who will determine the
cost of the solution and will work as partners with the proprietors of the burger


Trash cans with labels, crafting tools (such as scissors, glue, yarn, etc.), and waste
that can still be recycled are some of the main resources that can be utilized in the
implementation of the solution that has been provided (ex: used cans, plastic
bottles, etc.).

1. Trash cans with labels

It will not be able to implement and implement successfully the proposed approach
without trash cans with labels and rubbish bags. It will serve as either the
receptacle for the garbage that is collected or the location where individuals will
place the waste that is going to be recycled.

2. Crafting materials (Ex: Scissors, Glue, Yarn, and etc.)

The recommended solution cannot be implemented and be successful without the

use of crafting materials. It will be tools that are utilized in the process of
fabricating recycled goods.

3. Waste that can still be recycled (Ex: Used Cans, Plastic Bottles, and etc.)

The most important item that we required was waste that can be recycled in order to make the
solution that we offered both practicable and successful. We are going to recycle the waste
materials that can be recycled in order to create something brand new and beneficial to society.

4. Place
For this proposed solution to be implemented, a location with both a warehouse and a workshop
is required. This has to be big enough to accommodate a large number of volunteers and to
recycle a substantial amount of additional waste.

5. Table

The table is an important resource since it can hold the materials that are going to
be recycled as well as anything else that is associated with recycling. Adjustments
need to be made so that it is neither too low, which might cause back pain, nor too
high, which can cause shoulder pain. It is necessary since this location will serve as
the central hub for all recycling activities.

6. Stool
Stools, the height of which can be altered, are an obligatory component of this
proposed solution. These are going to be put to use during the recycling process.
The volunteers will take their seats here to alleviate the strain that standing for
extended periods of time places on their legs and backs.

The directions and steps necessary to put the suggested solution into action are as

Step 1: Discussion regarding the owners

The first thing that we are going to do in order to make the solution that we have offered both
feasible and effective is to get together with the proprietors of both dine-in and take-out
restaurants. They need to talk about the issue, and they need to be aware of the remedies that the
researcher has proposed, so that they are aware of what it is that they need to do in order to make
the offered remedy conceivable and successful.

Step 2: The submission of the remedy along with a proposal to the mayor's

The next thing that we are going to do is hand over the recommended solution to the mayor's
office and ask them to evaluate it. This will be the second step that we take. It is up to the mayor
to decide whether or not to accept the plan. Aside from that, the mayor is the one who will
delegate members of the municipal government to locate volunteers for the aforementioned

STEP 3: Gathering information.

The third step that we are going to do is to gather information about the problem that has been
presented to us so that we can determine when and where to begin implementing the solution that
has been proposed.


STEP 4: Gathering of volunteers.

The fourth step that we are going to take is after we have gathered all of the information
regarding what it is that we need to make this proposal and where we are going to begin
implementing the solution that we have proposed. In order to put this proposed solution into
action, we are going to conduct a search for concerned members of the community who are
interested in offering their time as volunteers.

STEP 5: Dividing the volunteers.

The fifth step that we are going to take after looking for concerned citizens who want to
volunteer to make this proposed solution happen is that we are going to group the volunteers into
two groups, and each group is going to have a different role to play or task to do. This will be
done after we have found concerned citizens who want to volunteer to make this proposed
solution happen. The first group will be in charge of collecting rubbish that can still be recycled,
while the second group will be in charge of manufacturing items out of the trash that was

STEP 6: Restaurant owner’s task.

After we have finished distributing the tasks among the different groups, the sixth step that we
are going to do is that the proprietors of the restaurants will carry out their responsibilities. The
owners of the restaurant are going to place some garbage cans in the front and back of the
establishment, and each one will bear one of three labels: "Recycle," "Biodegradable," and "non-


STEP 7: Collecting the trash.

The seventh step that we are going to take is, once the owners of the restaurant have placed some
trash cans in front of and behind the restaurant, the first group that is responsible for collecting
the trash will go to collect the trash that still can be recycled on a daily basis. This will be the
beginning of step seven. After they have finished gathering the garbage, they are going to dump
it in an open area, and then they are going to sort the garbage into its respective piles (ex: bottles,
cans, and etc.)

STEP 8: Crafting from a scratch.

The eighth step that we are going to do after the garbage that has been collected has been
separated from one another is going to involve the beginning of the work for the second group
that has been tasked with making items out of trash. The second group is going to begin their
work by conducting study to determine the many things that can be created using waste products
as their primary starting point. (For example, a flower pot, a pencil holder, and so on and so
forth) The second step, which will be completed by the second group, will consist of making
things out of garbage that can be put to good use.

STEP 9: Selling the recycled products.

The ninth phase is for the first group to gather the finished object and sell it to a cheap prize,
with the proceeds going to the second group to help them buy the supplies they need to collect
and make the rubbish, as well as sustenance.

Revision Planning
STEP 1: Discussion with All the Restaurant Owners.

The first thing that we are going to do in order to guarantee the viability and effectiveness of the
solution that we have presented is to get together with the proprietors of both dine-in and take-
out restaurants. They have to have a conversation about the issue and learn the researcher's
recommended remedies in order to understand what it is that they have to do in order to make the
proposed solution a reality and a successful one.

STEP 2: Submission and Proposing of the Solution to the Mayor’s Office.

The next thing that we are going to do is hand over the recommended solution to the mayor's
office and ask them to evaluate it. This will be the second step that we take. It is up to the mayor
to decide whether or not to accept the plan. Aside from that, the mayor is the one who will
delegate members of the municipal government to locate volunteers for the aforementioned

STEP 3: Gathering information.

The third step that we are going to do is to gather information about the problem that has been
presented to us so that we can determine when and where to begin implementing the solution that
has been proposed. In addition to this, we are going to investigate what it is that we need in order
to make this recommended solution work and be effective.

STEP 4: Gathering of volunteers.

The fourth step that we are going to take is after we have gathered all of the information
regarding what it is that we need to make this proposal and where we are going to begin
implementing the solution that we have proposed. In order to implement this offered solution, we
are going to purchase the necessary supplies as well as any other items that may be required.

STEP 5: Dividing the volunteers.

The fifth step that we are going to take after purchasing the materials that we need to make this
proposed solution is that we are going to look for concerned citizens who want to volunteer to
make this proposed solution happen, and we are going to group the volunteers into three different
groups, with each group having a different role to play or task to do. We are going to do this after
we have purchased the materials that we need to make this proposed solution. The first group
will be in charge of collecting rubbish that is still capable of being recycled, the second group
will be responsible for manufacturing items out of the trash that has been collected, and the third
group will be in charge of selling the finished goods.

STEP 6: Restaurant owner’s task.

After we have finished distributing the tasks among the different groups, the sixth step that we
are going to do is that the proprietors of the restaurants will carry out their responsibilities. The
owners of the restaurant are going to place some garbage cans in the front and back of the
establishment, and each one will bear one of three labels: "Recycle," "Biodegradable," and "non-

STEP 7: Collecting the trash.

The seventh step that we are going to take is, once the owners of the restaurant have placed some
trash cans in front of and behind the restaurant, the first group that is responsible for collecting
the trash will go to collect the trash that still can be recycled on a daily basis. This will be the
beginning of step seven. After they have finished gathering the garbage, they are going to dump
it in an open area, and then they are going to sort the garbage into its respective piles (ex: bottles,
cans, and etc.)

STEP 8: Crafting from a scratch.

The eighth step that we are going to do after the garbage that has been collected has been
separated from one another is going to involve the beginning of the work for the second group
that has been tasked with making items out of trash. The second group is going to begin their
work by conducting study to determine the many things that can be created using waste products
as their primary starting point. (For example, a flower pot, a pencil holder, and so on and so
forth) The second step, which will be completed by the second group, will consist of making
things out of garbage that can be put to good use.

STEP 9: Selling the recycled products.

The third group will gather the finished product to sell it to an affordable reward and use the
proceeds to buy some supplies they need in collecting, crafting the garbage, and also for their
food, which is the ninth stage that we are going to take.

These are the results you may count on from following the offered solution's
recommendations step by step.


STEP 1: Discussion with All the Restaurant Owners

All restaurant owners in the city were invited to a meeting where researchers presented their
proposed solution to the issue at hand, and everyone present ultimately decided that the
researchers' plan was the best option.

STEP 2: Submission and Proposing of the Solution to the Mayor’s Office.

That plan to decrease improperly discarded trash was approved by the mayor's office.

STEP 3: Gathering information.

Researchers can learn a great deal about the urban issue they will address and the resources they
will need to implement their suggested solution.


STEP 4: Gathering of volunteers.

Researchers have access to whatever resources they need to implement the proposed solution.

STEP 5: Dividing the volunteers.

Researchers identify concerned citizens who are willing to donate their time to help make this
proposed solution a success, and categorize them into three distinct groups.

STEP 6: Restaurant owners task.

Trash cans bearing the proprietors' names can be placed in front of and behind each eating


STEP 7: Collecting the trash

The first crew, who are responsible for daily garbage pickup, can efficiently gather all the waste
and sort it into the appropriate bins.

STEP 8: Crafting from a scratch.

The second team, tasked with making useful items from the garbage collected by the first,
quickly learns how to recycle the waste thanks to the first team's example and instruction.

STEP 9: Selling the recycled products.

The third team, which is responsible for collecting and selling the final product, can do so as
well. The final products were reasonably priced, so they could attract more buyers.

These considerations are crucial for this proposed remedy to work. Which is why
we need to put in the time and energy, and why concerned citizens and government
backing are all essential.

1. Time and Effort

Due to the potential and success of people who volunteer for this solution, time and effort must
be taken into account. A lot of people's time may be better spent doing anything else, yet they
gave up theirs to organize and run this event.

2. Concerned citizens

This proposed solution must take into account the opinions of concerned persons because the
initiative cannot succeed without their help. They're taking the initiative to complete the work
even though they'll get compensated for it.

3. Government

There needs to be government involvement in this recommended remedy because without it, the
problem of improper trash disposal will only get worse.


These are the measures to take if the first ones don't work.

1. STEP 1: Discussion with All the Restaurant Owners.

In the event that restaurant owners cannot make it to the meeting with the researchers, we will
proceed without their participation.

Backup Plan: The researchers will break off into smaller groups to discuss the proposed solution
at the restaurants where those who are unable to attend the meeting will be eating.

2. STEP 2: Submission and Proposing of the Solution to the Mayor’s Office.

If the mayor rejects the study's proposal, the study will be scrapped.

Backup Plan: The researchers will iterate on their plan until the mayor gives his stamp of

3. STEP 3: Gathering information.

If the research team is unable to collect sufficient data to move on with the proposed solution.

Backup Plan: The researchers plan to examine frequent restaurant goers throughout the city.

4. STEP 4: Gathering of volunteers.

If the research team doesn't have enough money to buy the supplies, they need to carry out the
proposed study.

Backup Plan: The researchers will approach the mayor's office for funding in order to acquire the
necessary resources for the study.

5. STEP 5: Dividing the volunteers.

If researchers can't round up enough participants to test this idea, then nothing will.

Backup Plan: The researchers will go to the surrounding city to look for volunteers that wish to
make this project possible.

6. STEP 6: Restaurant owner’s task.

If the restaurant didn't remember to place the labelled trash cans at the front and back of the

Backup Plan: Garbage will be collected by a team of researchers who will contact restaurant
owners to remind them to place clearly labeled trash cans at the front and back of their

7. STEP 7: Collecting the trash.

If the team responsible for collecting and sorting the trash mixed it up, that's on them.

Backup Plan: The second group tasked with making useful objects from garbage will actually be
the ones to carry it out.

8. STEP 8: Crafting from a scratch.

If the second group can't recycle everything, the trash goes to the first.

Backup Plan: The third group plans to assist in the recycling effort by creating useful objects out
of garbage.

9. STEP 9: Selling the recycled products

If the third party is unable to sell all of the manufactured goods from the second party, then the
first party will have to.

Backup Plan: In order to help less fortunate children and schools, we plan to donate some of the
recycled goods.

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