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J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City

Senior High School Department


Mathematics Learning Facilitator Mathematics Learning Facilitator
General Academic Strand Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand
Statistics and Probability
By: Jomar C. Aborquez and Renz Edlem G. San Andres

Copyright © 2020 by Jomar C. Aborquez, Renz Edlem G. San Andres and the University of
Nueva Caceres

No part of this course module/study guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
author/s and the University of Nueva Caceres

Published in the Philippines by the University of Nueva Caceres

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
JH10, JH Bldg., University of Nueva Caceres,
J. Hernandez Ave. Naga City,
Camarines Sur, Philippines

Printed in the Philippines

First printing, 2020

Title Page i
Copyright Page ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
Course Description vi
Course Outline vi
Course Objectives vii
Course Requirements viii
Assessment System xi


1.1 Course Introduction 2
1.2 Problem Statements 4
1.3 Introduction to Statistics Wiki 5
1.4 Exercises on Terms in Statistics 15


2.1 Data Collection and Organization Wiki 19
2.2 Sibling Rivalry 45
2.3 Stories in the World’s Tallest Buildings 46
2.4 Organizing Data Milestone 47


3.1 Data Presentation Wiki 51
3.2 I Saw the Sign! 69
3.3 Do Students Need Summer Development? 70
3.4 Presenting Data Milestone 71


4.1 Data Analysis Measures of Central Tendency Wiki 74
4.2 Measure Up! 88
4.3 Exam Scores 89
4.4 Assessment on Measures of Central Tendency 90
4.5 Analyzing Data Milestone 92


5.1 Measures of Variability Wiki 97
5.2 Breaking Records 109
5.3 Errors on a Typing Test 110
5.4 Assessment on Measures of Variability 111


6.1 The Normal Distribution Wiki 115
6.2 Shoe In 126
6.3 Waiting to Be Seated 127
6.4 Standardizing Data Milestone 128


7.1 Correlation and Regression Wiki 133
7.2 Height and Weight Matters! 145
7.3 Car Rental Companies 146
7.4 Correlating Data Milestone 147


8.1 Create Infographics 152

Health/ Business/ Social Data Questionnaires 156

Figure 1-1 The Basic Terms in Statistics 6

Figure 1-2 The PPDAC Approach 10
Figure 1-3 The Hierarchy of the Nature of Data 14
Figure 2-1 Simple Random Sampling 26
Figure 2-2 Systematic Sampling 27
Figure 2-3 Stratified-Random Sampling 27
Figure 2-4 Cluster Sampling 29
Figure 2-5 Snowball Sampling 32
Figure 3-1 Illustration of Statistical Table 54
Figure 4-1 Example of Measures of Central Tendency 75
Figure 5-1 Comparison of Variability and Central Tendency 98
Figure 5-2 Examining Data Sets Graphically 99
Figure 6-1 Normal Curve 116
Figure 6-2 Normal and Skewed Distributions 117
Figure 6-3 Kurtosis Distributions 117
Figure 6-4 Empirical Rule 118
Figure 6-5 Graph of Example 6-1 119
Figure 6-6 Table 6-1 Area Value for z = 1.39 121
Figure 6-7 Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Example 6–3 121
Figure 6-8 Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Part a of Ex 6–6 122
Figure 6-9 Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Part b of Ex 6–6 123
Figure 6-10 Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Part c of Ex 6–6 123
Figure 7-1 Example of Correlation and Regression 134
Figure 7-2 Types of Correlation 134
Figure 7-3 Scatter Plot for Example 7–1 136
Figure 7-4 Scatter Plot for Example 7–2 137
Figure 7-5 Scatter Plot with Three Lines Fit to the Data 141
Figure 7-6 Regression Line for Example 7-5 142
Figure 7-7 Regression Line for Example 7-6 143

In this course, you will learn the concepts of Statistics and Probability and their
applications in real-life situations. The course focuses on the tools and methods of statistical
research, so you will construct tables, graphs, and charts for data analysis. Aside from that, you will
learn to compute different Statistics concepts that you can apply in analysis. Concepts in
probability are mentioned, but not in an in-depth discussion. Rather, the experiments in probability
(such as tossing a coin) are used as means to gather data in the form of outcomes (such as getting
a head) and probability distributions (such as calculating the probability of getting a head when the
coin is tossed 4 times). The experiences that the course offers are authentic, and you will be doing
significantly more performance tasks than pen and paper exercises. If you go through the course
diligently, you will be able to demonstrate a good combination of number sense and critical



1.1 Course Introduction Week 1
1.2 Problem Statements Week 1
1.3 Introduction to Statistics Wiki Week 1
1.4 Exercises on Terms in Statistics Week 2


2.1 Data Collection and Organization Wiki Week 3
2.2 Sibling Rivalry Week 3
2.3 Stories in the World’s Tallest Buildings Week 4
2.4 Organizing Data Milestone Week 4


3.1 Data Presentation Wiki Week 5
3.2 I Saw the Sign! Week 5
3.3 Do Students Need Summer Development? Week 6
3.4 Presenting Data Milestone Week 6


4.1 Data Analysis Measures of Central Tendency Wiki Week 7
4.2 Measure Up! Week 7
4.3 Exam Scores Week 8
4.4 Assessment on Measures of Central Tendency Week 8


4.5 Analyzing Data Milestone Week 9

5.1 Measures of Variability Wiki Week 10
5.2 Breaking Records Week 10
5.3 Errors on a Typing Test Week 11
5.4 Assessment on Measures of Variability Week 11


6.1 The Normal Distribution Wiki Week 12
6.2 Shoe In Week 12
6.3 Waiting to Be Seated Week 13
6.4 Standardizing Data Milestone Week 13


7.1 Correlation and Regression Wiki Week 14
7.2 Height and Weight Matters! Week 14
7.3 Car Rental Companies Week 15
7.4 Correlating Data Milestone Week 16


8.1 Create Infographics Week 17



At the end of the course, you will be able to:
1. Identify the context of a statistical situation from which the data for the study will come
2. Organize and measure the data collected using basic statistical tools in order to arrive at
the data to be included in the final output which is infographics.
3. Create an infographic that showcases the result of the research from the milestones.
At the end of the course, you should acquire the following skills:


one's ability to execute an the number of different ways by one's ability to observe a real world
operation and produce an accurate which one is able to produce an scenario/ problem and determine
answer, when there is a direct accurate answer. the mathematical operation which
mathematical expression indicating is required to "answer" or "solve"
what operation to execute. the scenario/problem.


can identify, collect, store, and
organize data and use statistical
tools and analysis, to convert data
into information.


★ Final Output At the end of the course, you will produce an Infographic with Statistical
Data to present the results of your Statistical study. You will create a visual
representation of organized data using appropriate charts and graphs through
drawing. This infographic also contains the results and conclusions made from
your analysis of the data.
★ Milestones Before you can accomplish your final output, you have to do five milestones.
These will help you in your final output:
1. Organizing Data using Tables
2. Presenting Data using Charts and Graphs
3. Analyzing Data using Measures of Central Tendency
4. Standardizing Data
5. Correlating Data

To pass this course, you need to comply with the following requirements:
1. In this course, you will be graded based on the following criteria:

Criterion Weight

Written Work:
Assessments and Notebook

Performance Task:
Milestones and Final Output

Quarterly Assessment 25%

2. Milestones and Final Output will be graded using the provided rubrics for this course. Make sure
that you read and understand these rubrics before creating your milestones and final output.

3. Quarterly Assessment will be given at the end of the quarter. This will be delivered to the drop off
area. You will write your answers on the provided paper. Submit your answers two days after the
delivery of the Quarterly Assessment to the drop off area.

4. The notebook will be submitted every end of the quarter where you will write all your answers to all
the activities and exercises.
In decision making, we utilize statistics although several of us might not be conscious
of it. With this section, you are going to realize that to think logically, you have to make
use of statistics. An inquiry might be answered or maybe a difficulty might be fixed
through the usage of statistics. In reality, without realizing it, we utilize statistics in daily
activities of ours.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Read through a document about Statistics and its real-life application in

various careers and disciplines.

Discover the context of the problem statements for the final output.

Familiarize with statistical terms by reading the wiki.

Take the exercise on the terms used in Statistics.

Course Introduction Activity Week 1

Problem Statements Week 1

Introduction to Statistics and Probability Wiki Week 1

Exercises on Terms in Statistics Week 2

Statistics and Probability Module | 1

Title Course Introduction
Timeline Week 1
Read through a document about Statistics and its real-life application
in various careers and disciplines.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. Read the text below. This contains the importance of Statistics in real-life situations
and how it is applied in various fields.

Why Do You Need to Study Statistics?

According to LinkedIn, the “hottest skill” that got people hired in 2014 is Statistical

Below are some of the individuals who describe statistics based on their

Natalie Cheung Hall who is working from Eli Lilly in Indiana

says that when she was in high school, she had never
heard of Statistics but she knew she liked math and
science. She says “If you’re watching Youtube video and
at the end, you got recommendations for other videos,
statistics were used to give you those recommendations.
Whatever your passions are, statistics will be involved.”

Genevera Allen from Rice University in Texas says “In high school,
I went to a conservatory for music. I was a viola performance
major.” She said that Statistics is critical for everybody entering
the workforce because so much of industry, government, and
everything today is data-driven.


Chandra Erdman from the US Census Bureau in Washington,

DC says “When I started college, I was thinking about a bunch
of math and economics classes. And then, in my junior year, I
took a Probability and Statistics class. As part of my PhD, I
created a statistical software package and Google emails me
every time someone uses it. People have used it to analyse
DNA and find genes that are related to cancer.”

Roger Peng from Johns Hopkins in Maryland says “I

remember sitting there in the classroom thinking, wow this
is really an interesting problem and he’s using statistics
and probability theory to solve it. Look around you,
everywhere you are, there’s data and information.”

Statistics and Probability Module | 2

Deepak Kumar from LinkedIn in California says
“Statistics is amazing and it has many
diversifications from search results in Google and
Bing to recommendations to what you should be
shopping on Amazon'.' He said, “We are producing
so much data these days regardless of the field
that you pursue, whether it's Astronomy, Criminal
Justice or Medicine. Going forward, you’ve got to
know Statistics.”

Dominique Williams who is working from Eli Lilly in

Indiana says “I have seen Statistics in ice skating,
agriculture and climate control. Statistics can be
anything that you like, anything that you enjoy,
anything that you want to do, and passionate about.
You can take Statistics and it fits. It is easy when
using the food pyramid when we come up with
suggestions you know of what you should eat and
how much of it you should eat, we try those things
using Statistics.”

Megan Price who belongs to the Human Rights

Data Analysis Group in California says “I’m very
lucky to get to use statistics to answer some of
the questions that I think are the most important
questions about Social Justice and Human
Right Violations. On my best days, I get to spend
the majority of my day doing data analysis to
answer questions for the United Nations to
contribute evidence to war crime trials. Just like
it's important that we all know how to read and
we all need to know Statistics.”

According to this, jobs for statisticians are expected to grow 27%
more than double the average of all other jobs. Statistics is not just a collection of
numbers and formulas, it is a dynamic and in-demand scientific field.

Cited Source:

2. Circle or list down the word/s that is/are not familiar with you. Look at their definitions
in a dictionary of synonyms in a thesaurus.

3. Answer the following questions after reading the document:

a. Why is Statistics important?
b. How do statistics apply in your daily life?
c. How different fields use Statistics in their work?

4. Write your answers in two to three sentences per question in your notebook.

Statistics and Probability Module | 3

Title Problem Statements
Timeline Week 1
Objectives Discover the context of the problem statements for the final output.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. Now that you understand the importance of Statistics, you will apply its concepts to a
case study.

2. Read and understand the three case studies below.

a. HEALTH PROBLEM. The school is evaluating its

policies on homework and projects. As part of the
Student Council, you have been invited to be part
of the discussion. You have received feedback
from your fellow students that they have not been
getting adequate sleep, and that this has been
taking its toll on their health. You would like to look
for evidence that this claim is true, and so you
decide to conduct a statistical study and present the results to the school
administrators. To make it concise and visually appealing, you will present your
process and results in the form of an infographic. You may draw or use colored
materials in making it.
b. BUSINESS PROBLEM. You are thinking of putting up a food business. There is an
opening for a kiosk in the school cafeteria, and you agree to rent it and sell a food
item. Your parents have offered to give you money to
put up this business, provided you are able to justify
your choice of food product, and come up with a list
of criteria for staff that you will hire. To do this, you
decide to conduct a statistical study and present the
results to your parents as part of the complete
business plan. To make it concise and visually
appealing, you will present your process and results
in the form of an infographic. You may draw or use
colored materials in making it.
c. SOCIAL PROBLEM. You have been accepted as a youth
volunteer in your barangay. Your task is to look for
statistical data on the social impact of COVID-19
pandemic on students and their coping mechanisms. The
results of your study will be used to come up with a
program to help the youth adapt in the situation. To make
it concise and visually appealing, you will present your
process and results in the form of an infographic. You
may draw or use colored materials in making it.

3. Which of the 3 are you most interested in? Your choice will be the focal point of your
study of Statistics in this course and you cannot change your decision in the middle
of the course, so you should choose carefully. Please message your LF through text
or messenger about your chosen problem. Please follow this message format:

Statistics and Probability Module | 4

Title Introduction to Statistics Wiki
Timeline Week 1
Objectives Familiarize with statistical terms by reading the wiki.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. Now that you know the context of the problem statements, you need to familiarize
yourself with the terms used in Statistics.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "Introduction to Statistics". Make sure that you read it very
carefully. This will help you understand how to apply the different concepts in
Statistics. Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the concepts.

3. Circle or list down the word/s that is/are not familiar with you. Look at their definitions
in a dictionary or synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What is Statistics?
b. Why do you need to study Statistics?
c. What are the differences of population, sample, and census?
d. Differentiate data and variables. Give at least 2 examples for each.
e. What are the two types of Statistics?
f. Differentiate independent and dependent variables. Give at least 2 examples for
g. How do you do the Statistical method?
h. What is the hierarchy of the nature of data? Discuss briefly and give 2 examples
for each.

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

Wherever we look, we're surrounded by information--how many folks are actually

inside the room, what grades we get in the different subjects, and our favorite ice cream
flavor, just to name a few­--and this info is able to answer almost any question we are able
to ask. A way is provided by statistics to make this happen.


Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection,

organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data.

Statistics and Probability Module | 5

Statistics involves much more than simply drawing graphs and computing
averages. In this course, we will learn how to develop generalized and meaningful

Have you been a sports buff? Would you like to be an entrepreneur? Do you have
an advocacy? Have you been curious about anything? Have you been passionate about
something? If your answer to any of the questions is yes, then there is a reason for you to
study Statistics.

Historically, folks learned and also used Statistics in order to keep track of
mortality and birth rates to anticipate death rates because of different diseases and also
to enhance the quality of medical proper care during the time of war.

Recently, many people are actually using Statistics for a much broader variety of
functions, like to better understand the planet we live in. We utilize it to answer questions
like, "What tend to be the concrete consequences of climate change?" and also "What
makes Metro Manila traffic congested, and so what can we do to make it better?”
Statistics aims to answer any question you may have about anything under the sun. It
can serve whatever purpose you intend it to--­­from satisfying your curiosity to making a
positive change in the world.

Basic Terms in Statistics

In statistics, we commonly use the terms population and sample. These terms are
the very core of statistics and they are defined as follows.


A population is a complete collection of all elements (scores, people, things, ...)

to be studied.

A census is a collection of data from every element in a population.

A sample is a subcollection of elements drawn from a population.

Figure 1-1. The Basic Terms in Statistics

Statistics and Probability Module | 6

a. A scientist is investigating the effectiveness of a new drug to relieve the
symptoms of hypertension. He administers the drug to 100 adults.
i. The population is all adults who would try the drug in the future.
ii. The sample is the 100 chosen adults.
b. The guidance office at Geom University is interested in using this year’s freshman
class to develop an admission formula for all new applicants.
i. The population consists of all the students who apply for admission.
ii. The sample is this year’s freshman class.

The words data and variables will also be used throughout the course so it is
important to know what they are.


Data are values or measurements or observations that the variables can


Variables are characteristics or attributes that can assume different values.

a. The height of six students from ABM K are given as follows:

5’ 5” 5’ 5’ 4” 5’ 2” 5’ 8” 5’ 9”
The height is the variable and the given height measurements of the six students
are the data.

b. The weight of six students from GAS P are given as follows:

60 kls 59 kls 66 kls 98 kls 45 kls 45 kls
The weight is the variable and the given weight of the six students are the data.

Branches of Statistics

There are two kinds of Statistics, that can answer questions in various
ways--descriptive and inferential statistics.


Descriptive Statistics consists of the collection, organization, summarization,

and presentation of data.

Descriptive Statistics, as the name implies, is the type of Statistics that uses data
to describe a certain group of people or a phenomenon. It uses mostly quantitative data,
summarized and organized in a visual presentation, with the numbers telling a story

Statistics and Probability Module | 7

about the population being studied.

Descriptive statistics gives information like what number can be considered a

central value that represents the entire data set, how widely spread the data points are,
and whether or not there are outliers or extreme values.

a. A study was conducted by educational researchers on Canadian students’ level

of stress and depression, and the results are summarized below.

Of the more than 43,000 students who were surveyed, about 30%
reported that they felt “felt very lonely” within the past 2 weeks, while nearly half
the students felt debilitatingly depressed, with 44% saying they “felt so depressed
that it was difficult to function.”

This information uses statistics to describe the current state of emotional

health of students in Canadian universities. The data may be useful for school
officials and policy makers, who are expected to take into consideration every
aspect of the students’ development.

b. A restaurant owner can determine the best-selling dish in the menu by keeping a
record of the number of times an order is placed for each dish. Using the same
data, he can determine dishes that are not popular and may not be worth
keeping in the menu.


Inferential Statistics consists of generalizing from samples to populations,

performing estimations and hypothesis tests, determining relationships among
variables, and working predictions.

Inferential Statistics uses data to study patterns, and to make conclusions and
predictions based on these patterns. Generally, it is not possible to gather data from an
entire population, say, all the people in the Philippines. Therefore, a subset of this
population, says a group of some people from Luzon, some from Visayas, and some from
Mindanao, is taken. The observations taken from the subset are then generalized to be
true for the entire population.

a. To check the lifespan of batteries manufactured, a company may opt to take a

certain number of batteries from each shipment and test the lifespan of these.
They may then claim that the average lifespan of all the batteries they
manufacture falls within the observed range.

The Statistical Method

Every statistical research begins with a problem, usually formulated as a


Statistics and Probability Module | 8

Suppose you wish to look into the amount of time high school students spend on
social media sites. Here are some things you can study: ­the amount of time they spend
on social media sites, what they do on social media sites, and ­the effect of the time spent
on social media on their school performance.

Thus, you may ask the following research questions:

a. “How much time on the average does a high school student spend on social
media sites?”
b. “How much time on the average does a high school student spend on social
media sites?”
c. “What social media activity takes up most of their time?”
d. “Is there a correlation between the amount of time a high school student spends
on social media sites and his performance in school?”

The last research question gives rise to 2 types of variables--­­the independent

variable, and the dependent variable.


The independent variable is the variable to which respondents can assign

random values.

The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable whose value
depends on the independent variable.

The independent variable is the variable to which respondents can assign

random values. In the given example, the amount of time spent on social media sites is
an independent variable.

The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the variable whose value depends
on the independent variable. In the case of the given example, the dependent variable is
the performance in school, since the researcher would like to know if a student’s
performance in school is affected by the independent variable.

The next step in the process is to collect the data. At this point, a researcher must
take note of three things ­that the data is relevant to the research question, that it is
collected from a fair group of respondents, and that it is collected using the appropriate

After the data are collected, it is summarized and converted into a visual form
that can be read and interpreted by both the researcher and his intended audience. This
is done using tables, charts, and graphs, depending on the information that the
researcher wishes to highlight.

The data are then analyzed using various statistical methods. Descriptive
statistics usually involves averages and measures of variance. Comparison and
correlation between constructs may also be made. For qualitative data, responses may
be divided into thematic categories and analyzed accordingly. Results are then
presented, often accompanied by recommendations for further study or a discussion of
the limitations of the study. The statistical process may be illustrated by the following

Statistics and Probability Module | 9


Figure 1-2. The PPDAC Approach

The Nature of Data

Some data sets consist of numbers (such as weights), and others are
nonnumerical (such as color). The former is referred to as quantitative data; the latter,
qualitative data.


Quantitative data consist of numbers representing counts or measurements.

Qualitative data can be separated into different categories that are

distinguished by some nonnumeric characteristics.

Classify the following as either quantitative or qualitative.

a. Opinion on a political issue
b. Number of hospitals that have a nuclear center
c. The length (in hours) of a basketball game
d. Ranks of personnel in a military

a. Opinion is not a form of measurement but rather a classification, such as for or
against; therefore, it is qualitative.
b. The number of hospitals that have a nuclear center is a count variable and thus,

Statistics and Probability Module | 10

c. Time is a quantity that is measured and thus a quantitative variable.
d. Rank in the military is not numerical, it is a qualitative variable.

When 200 college students are requested to answer the question “What age they
started going to college?”, the information collected (age) is quantitative in nature. The
responses on the advantages and disadvantages of starting school at a young age will
be in a form of qualitative data.

In the business setting, quantitative data might be available in the type of sales
volume or maybe employee salaries. On the other hand, some examples of qualitative
data are customer feedback and preferences.

Quantitative data can either be discrete or continuous.


Discrete data result from either a finite number of possible values or countable
number of possible values as 0, or 1, or 2, and so on.

Continuous data result from infinitely many possible values that can be
associated with points on a continuous scale in such a way that there are no gaps
or interruptions.

Classify the following as qualitative or quantitative. If a variable is quantitative

(numerical), further classify it as discrete or continuous.

a. Ages of congressmen
b. Weight of newborn babies
c. Number of students in the auditorium
d. Brand of air conditioner
e. Faculty rank

a. Quantitative-continuous
b. Quantitative-continuous
c. Quantitative-discrete
d. Qualitative
e. Qualitative

Another way to classify data is to use four levels of measurements: nominal,

ordinal, interval, ratio.


The nominal level of measurement is characterized by data that consist of

names, labels, or categories only.

The ordinal level of measurement involves data that may be arranged in some

Statistics and Probability Module | 11

order but differences between data values either cannot be determined or are

The interval level of measurement is like the ordinal level. But meaningful
amounts of differences between data can be determined. It has no inherent
(natural) zero starting point (where none of the quantity is present.)

The ratio level of measurement is the interval level modified to include the
inherent zero starting point (where zero indicates that none of the quantity is

A nominal scale is a scale that takes a singular response, often in the form of a
name or classification. Some examples of nominal scales are gender, citizenship, and
eye color. The main trait of the nominal scale is that there is no hierarchy among the
possible responses. When asking people what their gender is, both male and female are
treated as equal responses, where one gender cannot be taken to be higher or better
than the other.

a. Suppose we have come up with a sample for the study on possible effects of time
spent on social media sites on high school students’ performance in school. The next
step is to come up with a list of questions to get the information we need. The
students may first be asked the question, “What social media site do you spend the
most time on?” Sample responses are Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and these
may be collected using a nominal scale. The respondents may simply write their
answer or choose from a scale, such as for 1 Facebook, 2 for Twitter, and 3 for

The second level of measurement makes use of what is known as an ordinal

scale. This level of measurement involves hierarchy among the numbers in the scale.
However, the intervals between the different levels are not equal.

a. Since the given study investigates effects on school performance, the respondents
may be asked, “What is your average grade in academic subjects for the past
grading period?” The student who gets the highest average score is ranked 1st, the
one who gets the second highest average score is ranked 2nd, and so on. However,
the difference between the scores of students in Rank 1 and Rank 2 is not necessarily
the same as the difference between the scores of the students in Rank 10 and Rank
11. Thus, ranking of scores in this way makes use of an ordinal scale.

If scores or other data attributes show hierarchy, and if the intervals between any
two levels are equal, then the data is measured using an interval scale. Possibly the most
popular example of an interval scale is temperature in degrees Celsius. The
temperatures are ordered since a higher temperature implies a warmer environment.
Moreover, the difference between 35 degrees and 37 degrees is the same as the
difference between 37 and 39 degrees.

One limitation of the interval scale is the absence of a meaningful 0 value. In the
case of temperature, a reading of 0 does not mean that there is no temperature because

Statistics and Probability Module | 12

there is. Zero cannot be used as a base or starting point, either, because temperature
may take on a negative value. Another limitation of this type of scale is the fact that it
does not make sense to talk about the ratio of one value to another. That is, it does not
make sense to say that 40 degrees Celsius is “twice as warm” as 20 degrees Celsius.
These limitations are covered by the highest level of measurement, the ratio scale.

The ratio scale is similar to the interval scale, in that the intervals between any 2
values are equal. However, 0 is a meaningful base value in a ratio scale, and it is possible
to take the ratio of one value to another.

a. Another question that may be asked is, “How many social media accounts do you
maintain?” The respondents may be given a scale of 0 to 5, where 0 = no social media
account, 1 = 1 social media account, and so on. This is an example of a ratio scale
because 0 is a possible data value (for no social media account). Also, it is correct to
say that a respondent who answers 4 has “twice as many” social media accounts as
someone who answers 2.

Classify the following as qualitative or quantitative. If a variable is quantitative

(numerical), further classify it as discrete or continuous.
a. Average annual temperature in Tagaytay
b. Weights of garbage discarded by households
c. A judge rates some presentations as “good”
d. The political party to which each governor belongs

a. Interval
b. Ratio
c. Ordinal
d. Nominal

Level of Measurement Property

Nominal No order, distance, or origin

Ordinal Has order but no distance or unique origin

Interval Both with order and distance but no unique origin

Ratio Has order, distance, and unique origin

Table 1. The Properties of the Levels of Measurement

The levels of measurement rely primarily on the method of measurement, not on

the property assessed. The mass of primary school pupils assessed in kilograms has a
ratio level, although pupils could be grouped into overweight, normal, underweight, and
in that case, the mass will be assessed at an ordinal level. Additionally, many levels are
just interval because the zero point is arbitrarily chosen.

Statistics and Probability Module | 13

Figure 1-3. The Hierarchy of the Nature of Data

Statistics is a powerful tool for inquiry, for as long as it is used judiciously. It can
have powerful adverse effects when misused and abused. This could happen
intentionally or unintentionally.

When outliers or extreme values are disregarded, for instance, the data does not
show a complete and honest picture. When data is manipulated to show only numbers
that are favorable to a desired conclusion, the audience is misled by the statistics
presented. When data is collected from a biased sample, the outcome becomes
predictable. These are only a few examples of how Statistics can be used to mislead and
misinform, and why a researcher must aim to present the most accurate and unbiased
findings possible.

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Title Exercises on Terms in Statistics
Timeline Week 2
Objectives Take the exercise on the terms used in Statistics.
Tools Notebook and Pen

1. After reading and understanding the wiki on Introduction to Statistics, you are now
ready to take the short exercise.

2. Answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Write your answers in your

Instructions: Identify the terms described below.

_______________1. A collection of data from every element in a population.

_______________2. A complete collection of all elements to be studied.
_______________3. A branch of mathematics that deals with the collection,
organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of
_______________4. Can be separated into categories that are distinguished by
some nonnumeric characteristics.
_______________5. Consist of numbers representing counts or measurements.
_______________6. A sample that over-represent or under-represent parts of
the population.
_______________7. Each member of the population has an equally likely
chance of being selected.
_______________8. A type of data which can be counted.
_______________9. It is characterized by data that consist of names, labels, or
categories only.
_______________10. Statistics that uses data to study patterns, and to make
conclusions and predictions based on these patterns.

3. After taking the exercise, check your answers using the answer key at the end of this

4. If you got a perfect score, congratulations! You are now ready to apply these
concepts in the succeeding activities. If you missed some items on your exercise,
read the wiki again and look for that term or concept.

Statistics and Probability Module | 15

Title Answer Key on Exercises on Terms in Statistics
Timeline Week 2

Below are the correct answers for the Exercises on Terms in Statistics. Feel free to
verify your answer.

1. Census
2. Population
3. Statistics
4. Qualitative Data
5. Quantitative Data
6. Bias Sampling
7. Random Sampling
8. Discrete Data
9. Nominal Level of Measurement
10. Inferential Statistics

Statistics and Probability Module | 16


Albert, J. T. (2016). Statistics and Probability: Teaching Guide for Senior High School.
Philippines: CHED.

Data Detective Poster. (n.d.). Census At School New Zealand.

Data Levels of Measurement ­ Statistics Solutions. (n.d.). Statistics Solutions.­levels­of­measurement/

Getting To Know Your Data Types. (n.d.). SlidePlayer.

Lee, P. Y., & Lee, N. H. (2009). Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A resource book.

Oronce, O. A., & Mendoza, M. O. (2010). e-Math Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry: A
Worktext in Mathematics.

Sampling Design and Procedure. (n.d.). SlidePlayer.

Statistics and Probability Module | 17

The goal of this section is to prepare you for data collection and actual data
organization, and to guide you as you organize statistical data.

This section will give you inputs on sampling and data collection methods, levels of
measurement, tallying and frequency distribution table which you can apply to the
given statistical research.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Identify the different sampling methods and levels of measurement by reading

the wiki.

Collect sibling data and organize by using tables.

Organize data by using a frequency distribution table.

Organize Health/ Business/ Social Data through tables.

Data Collection and Organization Wiki Week 3

Sibling Rivalry Week 3

Stories in the World’s Tallest Buildings Week 4

Organizing Data Milestone Week 4

Statistics and Probability Module | 18

Title Data Collection and Organization Wiki
Timeline Week 3
Identify the different sampling methods and levels of measurement by
reading the wiki.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. To help you in answering the activity and milestone, you need information on how to
collect and organize data.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "Data Collection and Organization". Make sure that you read it
very carefully. Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the concepts.

3. Circle or list down the word/s that is/are not familiar with you. Look at their definitions
in a dictionary or synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What is data collection?
b. Why do you need to study data collection?
c. What are the types of data according to source?
d. How do you do data collection? What are the different methods in collecting
e. What are steps in planning a study?
f. What are the 2 main types of sampling techniques? Give examples for each type
of technique under these two main types.
g. How important is confidentiality of information?
h. What is data organization?
i. Why do you need to study data organization?
j. How do you construct:
i. Frequency Distribution Table
ii. Categorical Frequency Distribution Table
iii. Grouped Frequency Distribution Table
iv. Other Types of Frequency Distribution
k. What are outliers?

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

Data collection will be the process of gathering info that's applicable to the
statistical analysis being conducted. Data collected might be in the form of numbers or

Data collection is a crucial part of a statistical research because the quantity and
quality of information greatly influence the results. The researcher needs to do his best to

Statistics and Probability Module | 19

obtain details from a sample that pretty presents the whole population, and he should
attempt to obtain the most accurate and pertinent data possible. Consequently, we
should understand how to choose from a pair of sampling and data collection methods.

Types of Data according to Source

You will find numerous ways of classifying information. A typical classification

relies upon the source of information.


Primary Data are data gathered from primary sources i.e. observation,
interview, questionnaire.

Secondary Data are data gathered from secondary sources i.e. data obtained
from government or semi-government publications, earlier research, mass media,
existing records, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Primary Data

Advantages Disadvantages

1. The investigator collects information 1. The investigator must contend with all of
related to the issue under study. the hassles of data collection
a. deciding why, how, what, when you
2. There's absolutely no question about should collect
the caliber of the information collected b. obtaining the data collected
(for the investigator). (personally or perhaps through
3. If needed, it can be easy to obtain more c. obtaining funding and working with
details during the study time. financing organizations
d. ethical considerations (consent,
permissions, etc.)

2. Ensuring the information collected is

associated with a very high standard
a. all desired information is obtained
b. there's simply no fake/ cooked up
c. unnecessary/ useless data is not

Statistics and Probability Module | 20

3. Cost of acquiring the data is usually the
main expense in studies

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Secondary Data

Advantages Disadvantages

1. The information is currently there. 1. The investigator can not decide what is
Absolutely no hassle in data collection collected (if specific info about something is
needed, for instance).
2. It's less costly.
2. One can only wish that the information is
3. The investigator isn't personally of quality that is great.
accountable for the quality of information.
3. Obtaining further details (or perhaps
clarification) about something is impossible
(most often) since collection has already
been done.

Variables have been observed or perhaps measured using one of the 3 methods
of information collection, namely: objective, subjective, and use of existing records.

The objective and subjective methods obtained the data from a source. The
former uses any or perhaps combination of the 5 senses (sense of sight, taste, hearing,
touch, and smell) to determine the variable even though the latter gets information by
getting responses by way of a questionnaire. The resulting information from these 2
methods of information collection is described as primary data.

On the contrary, secondary data are acquired via the utilization of existing
records and data collected by various other entities for many uses. For instance, when
we make use of information gathered by the Philippine Statistics Authority, we're utilizing
secondary details and also the strategy we use to obtain the information is the utilization
of existing records. Administrative records, internet, news articles, as well as the like are
included by other data sources. Nevertheless, we need to emphasize to the pupils that
whenever we use existing data we should be positive of the caliber of the data we're
using by understanding how the data has been gathered. Additionally, we should
remember to ask for permission and acknowledge the source of the information when
using information gathered by other people or entities.

Data may also come in the form of actual measurement, taken using available
measuring tools, such as a weighing scale for weight, and a ruler or tape measure for
length. In gathering data on body measurements such as weight and height, the actual
measurement is more appropriate than conducting a survey or an interview.

Statistics and Probability Module | 21

Methods of Data Colle ction

Data may be collected first­ hand by the researcher. It can be gathered from
observation, interviews, questionnaires, and research.


Observation is a purposeful, systematic, and selective way of watching and

listening to an interaction or phenomenon as it takes place.

Two Types of Observation:

a. Participant Observation happens when an observer participates in the
activities of the group being observed.
b. Non-participant Observation, on the other hand, takes place when an observer
does not get involved in the activities of the group.

Problems with using observation as a method of data collection:

a. When individuals or groups start to be aware they are being observed, they might
change their behavior. This is referred to as the Hawthorne Effect.
b. There is usually the potential for observer bias.
c. The interpretations pulled from observations could differ from observer to
d. There is the potential for incomplete observation as well as recording, that varies
with the technique of recording.

Each of the following employs observation in collecting data:

a. An observation to investigate the number of students studying in the library from
1pm to 5pm
b. An observation to determine the number of students who go to a mall after
school hours
c. An observation to find the number of expired food products in a store

An interview is a question-and-answer technique, where the researcher and

respondents are face to face. This technique is appropriate when there is a need to ask
follow-­up questions, to observe the behavior or tone of the people being interviewed.
Otherwise, a survey may suffice.


Interview is defined as any person-to-person interaction between two or more

individuals with a specific purpose in mind.

Types of Interview:
a. Unstructured Interview (or in-depth interview) is a type of interview wherein the
interviewer develops a framework (interview guide) within which to conduct the

Statistics and Probability Module | 22

b. Structured Interview requires the interviewer to ask a predetermined set of
questions specified in the interview schedule (list of questions prepared for use
by an interviewer).

Each of the following employs interview in collecting data.:

a. A short face-to-face interview to know the opinions of consumers about a new
bath soap
b. A home visitation was conducted to interview the parents of those students who
have chronic absences in going to school

A questionnaire thru survey or poll may be done in the form of an online survey, or
by handing out survey forms to the random sample, which they are requested to return
to the researcher.


Questionnaire is a written list of questions, the answers to which are recorded by

the respondents.

Types of Questions:
a. Open-ended Questions do not include possible responses for the respondents.
b. Closed-ended Questions include possible responses and the respondent
selects the category that best describes his answer.

Each of the following employs question/survey in collecting data:

a. A survey to investigate the attitude of the students in studying Mathematics
b. A survey to investigate the opinions of students about changing the grading


Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and

sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

An important part of this process is constructing a survey form or a questionnaire,

with relevant questions, and using the appropriate scales.

a. A research conducted to know the advantages and disadvantages of the

Anti-Terrorism Law.
b. A research to evaluate the performance of the IATF during the COVID-19

Statistics and Probability Module | 23


Planning the Study

1. Make an estimate of the number of items in the population.

POPULATION consists of the totality of the observations with which statisticians
are concerned. The number of observations in the population is called the
population size.

SAMPLE is a subset of a population. The number of observations in the sample is

called the sample size.

2. Assess the availability of resources such as time and money in pursuing the research
or study.

3. Determine the sample size using the Slovin Formula:

Slovin’s Formula

𝑁 =size of the finite
𝑛 =required sample size
𝑒 =error tolerance or the
desired margin of error

The 𝑒 in the formula represents the percent allowance for non-precision due to
the usage of the sample rather than the population.

A researcher would want to determine the socio-economic status of the students

in a university with 8,000 students. If he allows a margin of error of 4%, how many
students must he take into his sample?

𝑁 800 800 800
𝑛= 2 = 2 = 1+12.8
= 13.8
= 579. 7 ≈ 580
1+𝑛𝑒 1+(800)(0.04)

4. Pick samples by using the appropriate sampling technique


Sampling is the process of selecting a few (a sample) from a bigger group (the
sampling population) to become the basis for estimating or predicting a fact, situation,
or outcome regarding the bigger group.

Statistics and Probability Module | 24

Aims in selecting sample:
a. In order to achieve maximum accuracy in your estimates within a certain sample
b. In order to stay away from bias in the choice of the sample

Bias in selection occurs if:

a. Sampling is done by nonrandom method
b. The sampling frame (list containing each member of the population) does not
cover the sampling population accurately and completely
c. A section of a sampling population is impossible to find or refuses to cooperate

5. Prepare the questions to be asked in the interview or in the questionnaire.

Have you experienced answering a survey questionnaire? Is it not exhausting to

answer a long questionnaire? You are tempted not to answer it, right?

Hence, as much as possible, make sure that your survey questionnaire is short
and precise. Moreover, the questions must be easy to understand and free from
unnecessary technical terms to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

Types of Sampling Techniques

As data collection is a crucial part of statistical research, the researcher should

be careful in identifying the type of data to be collected and the best possible instrument
and method for collection. Otherwise, he might end up with data that are irrelevant or

Every researcher is going to agree that it is either far too tedious and impractical
or just not possible to collect data from each and every individual in a certain population
(census). For example, if a survey is carried out on Filipino voters' choice for any
presidential candidate, it can't be anticipated that information are gathered from each
and every registered Filipino voter. Rather, they have a subset of the population and
collect details from that subset. This is why it is essential to get a subset probably that
best represents the whole population, with no bias to any class or group. To do this,
scientists employ a variety of sampling techniques.

There are two types of sampling techniques that can be employed while doing
research: probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling.


Probabilistic Sampling depends on chance and likelihood. This implies that all
members of the population have equal chances of being chosen to be part of the
sample. The four types are: random, stratified-random, systematic, and cluster
Non-probabilistic Sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which the
researcher selects samples based on the subjective judgment of the researcher rather
than random selection. The five types are: convenience, consecutive, quota,

Statistics and Probability Module | 25

judgmental, and snowball sampling.

Think about the research questions from the prior section.

a. How long does an average high school pupil spend on social media sites?
b. Can there be a correlation between the number of time spent on social
networking websites and the overall performance in school?

Let us look at possible ways to come up with a probabilistic sample for this study.

Figure 2-1. Simple Random Sampling


In a Random Sample, subjects are selected by random or lottery. Each member

of the population has an equally likely chance of being selected. The members of the
sample are chosen independently from each other.

Random sampling is among the most often used probabilistic sampling

strategies. As the title implies, a random test chooses folks from a population without any
kind of interval or perhaps criteria. Names could be randomly chosen from a list or
perhaps a lottery. Due to just how it is accomplished, random sampling is deemed the
very least biased among most sampling techniques.

a. To obtain a random test of high school pupils because of the research on

probable effects, a researcher might make use of the school's directory or
perhaps pupil list and choose names at random.
b. The names of the students will be put in a box or jar, then the researcher will draw
in random the respondents in the study.

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Figure 2-2. Systematic Sampling


In a Systematic Sample, subjects are selected by random numbers or using nth

number after the first subject is randomly selected from 1 to n. It is obtained using an
ordered list of the population, then selecting systemically from the list.

Another type of probabilistic sampling is systematic sampling. Here, the sample is

chosen using equal intervals or gaps.

a. For the same study, a researcher can get the list and choose every 10th student
on the list.
b. Another way is to get all the students with last names that start with C and S.

Figure 2-3. Stratified-Random Sampling


In a Stratified-Random Sample, the population is divided into subgroups, so that

each population member is in only one subgroup. Here, individuals are chosen

Statistics and Probability Module | 27

randomly from each subgroup.

Another technique is called stratified-random sampling. The entire population is

first divided into groups or strata, based on a common characteristic. The stratified
sample is formed by choosing a simple random sample from each group.

Suppose the researcher needs 100 students as samples from the population for
his study. The researcher can divide the whole population of high school students into
batches, to make sure that all grade levels will be represented depending on the depth of
his study.

Grade Level No. of Students

7 350

8 270

9 210

10 170


Grade Level No. of Students Percentage

7 350 0.35 or 35% 35

8 270 0.27 or 27% 27

9 210 0.21 or 21% 21

10 170 0.17 or 17% 17

TOTAL 1000 1 or 100% 100

After computing the number of representatives per grade level, the researcher
will employ random sampling to get the names of the respondents in each stratum.

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Figure 2-4. Cluster Sampling


In a Cluster Sample, subjects are selected by using intact groups (cluster) such
as neighborhood or a household that are representative of the population.

Another way to obtain a random sample is by cluster sampling. In this method,

the entire population is also classified into groups. The researcher then chooses entire
groups or clusters to be part of the sample. This is used for large school districts or large
geographical areas.

In the above illustration for Junior High School students, a cluster random sample
would be obtained if the researcher chooses all the Gr 8 and Gr 10 students for his

When to use probability sampling?

Use probability sampling in these instances:
1. When you want to reduce the sampling bias: This sampling method is utilized once
the bias must be minimum. The choice of the sample mainly determines the caliber
of the research's inference. How researchers select their sample mainly establishes
the quality of a researcher's results. Probability sampling leads to better quality
findings since it offers an unbiased representation of the population.

2. When the population is usually diverse: Researchers utilize this strategy thoroughly
since it can help them produce samples which fully represent the population. Say we
would like to discover the number of persons who prefer healthcare tourism over
getting treatment in their own country. This sampling strategy can help choose
samples from different socio-economic strata, experience, etc. to represent the
broader public.

3. To create an accurate sample: Probability sampling assists researchers make

accurate samples of the population. Researchers use proven statistical techniques
to bring a precise sample size to get well-defined data.

Advantages of Probability Sampling

Here are the advantages of probability sampling:
1. It’s Cost-effective: This procedure is equally cost as well as time effective, in addition
to a bigger sample may also be selected based on numbers given to the samples
then selecting random amounts from the more significant sample.

2. It’s simple and straightforward: Probability sampling is a simple way of sampling

since it doesn't involve a complicated procedure. It is fast and saves time. The time
saved can therefore be used to evaluate the information and draw conclusions.

3. It is non-technical: This technique of sampling does not require any technical

knowledge due to its simplicity. It does not require intricate expertise and it is not at all

Statistics and Probability Module | 29

Sometimes, a probabilistic sample is not feasible or necessary. In such cases, the
researcher gets the most easily accessible sample. This sampling method is known as
non-probabilistic sampling and will result in a valid sample provided the data gathered is
not sensitive to geographical or other location factors. It can be done as easily as
collecting data from 30 random people on the street, or the first 50 people who come into
a mall.


Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where samples

are selected from the population only because they are conveniently available to the

Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique whereby samples

are selected from the population since they are conveniently accessible to the
researcher. Researchers choose these samples only since they are not hard to recruit, as
well as the researcher didn't think about selecting a sample which represents the whole

Preferably, in research, it is best to check a sample which presents the

population. Nevertheless, in some research, the population is simply too big to examine
and consider the whole population. It is among the reasons researchers depend on
convenience sampling, and that is probably the most common non-probability sampling
method, due to its ease, cost-effectiveness, and speed of accessibility of the sample.

a. A good example of convenience sampling will be using pupil volunteers

well-known to the researcher. Researchers are able to send out the survey to
pupils belonging to a specific school, or university, college, then act as a test.


In a consecutive sampling, the researcher picks a single person or a group of a

sample, conducts research over a period, analyzes the results, and then moves on to
another subject or group if needed.

This non-probability sampling method is very much similar to convenience

sampling, with minimal variation. Here, the researcher picks one individual or perhaps a
variety of a sample, conducts research over a period, analyzes the end result, then
moves on to a different group or topic if needed. Consecutive sampling approach
provides the researcher an opportunity to work with numerous topics and fine-tune
his/her research by gathering outcomes which have important insights.

Among the most typical examples of a consecutive sample happens when

companies/ brands stop people in crowded areas or perhaps a mall and hand
them advertising leaflets to buy a luxury automobile.

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In this particular illustration, the people walking in the shopping mall would be the
samples, and let us see them as representative of a population.

The researcher hands these men and women an advertisement or perhaps a

promotional leaflet. A couple of them decide to stay back and as well as reply to
the questions asked by the promotion executive (we are able to think about
him/her as being a researcher).

The responses are collected as well as analyzed, but there is no conclusive result
that people will need to buy that automobile according to the characteristics
discussed in the leaflet.

The marketing executive now asks questions to the next group of individuals who
examine the specifics on the automobile and its functions and demonstrate a
keen interest in purchasing the luxury automobile. Consequently, this group of
people has supplied conclusive results for buying the automobile.


Quota Sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling technique in which researchers

look for a specific characteristic in their respondents, and then take a tailored sample
that is in proportion to a population of interest.

Hypothetically think about a researcher who wants to learn the career goals of
female and male workers in an organization. Suppose there are 500 workers in the
business, known as the population. To know much better about the population, the
researcher is going to need just a sample, not the whole population. Additionally, the
researcher is fascinated by specific strata within the population. Here is where quota
sampling helps in dividing the population into strata or groups.

a. In a company, for learning the career goals of 500 employees, the test selected
must have proportionate numbers of females and males. Which means there
ought to be 250 males as well as 250 females. Since this is not possible, the
groups or strata are selected by the researcher by using quota sampling.

b. A researcher really wants to survey individuals about what smartphone brand

name they would rather use. A sample size of 500 respondents is considered by
him/her. Also, he/she is just interested in surveying 10 areas in the Philippines.
Here is how the researcher can be able to divide the population by quotas:
● Gender: 250 males and 250 females
● Age: 100 respondents each between the ages of 16-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50,
and 51+
● Employment status: 350 employed and 150 unemployed people.
(Researchers apply further nested quotas. For example, out of the 150
unemployed people, 100 must be students.)
● Location: 50 responses per region

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Judgmental Sampling, also called purposive sampling or authoritative sampling,

is a non-probability sampling technique in which the sample members are chosen only
on the basis of the researcher’s knowledge and judgment.

In the judgmental sampling method, researchers pick the samples based purely
on the researcher's knowledge and credibility. Put quite simply, researchers choose only
those people who are fit to be considered and be engaged in a research study.
Judgmental or purposive sampling isn't an organized approach to sampling, and
definitely the drawback for this particular sampling method is the fact that the
preconceived notions of a researcher has the ability to affect the results. So, this analysis
method involves a top degree of ambiguity.

a. Imagine a scenario in which a panel chooses to realize what would be the

elements that guide an individual to choose ethical hacking as a career. Ethical
hacking is an ability which continues to be fairly recently attracting youth. More
and more individuals are choosing it as a career. The researchers that know what
ethical hacking is will have the ability to determine who must be qualified to be
the sample to find out about it as a career. That's when judgmental sampling is
applied. Researchers could remove those participants who could be qualified to
become a component of the research sample.

Figure 2-5. Snowball Sampling


Snowball Sampling or chain-referral sampling is defined as a non-probability

sampling technique in which the samples have traits that are rare to find. This is a
sampling technique, in which existing subjects provide referrals to recruit samples
required for a research study.

Snowball sampling assists researchers look for a sample when they are hard to
find. Researchers utilize this method whenever the sample size is tiny and never very
easily accessible. The referral program is operated by this sampling system. After the

Statistics and Probability Module | 32

researchers find appropriate subjects, he asks them for help to find identical subjects to
create a significantly good size sample.

a. No official list of names of the members: This sampling method could be utilized
for a population, where there's absolutely no easily available data like their
demographic information. For instance, homeless or even a summary of people
of an elite club, whose private details can't be gotten quickly.

b. Difficulty to locate people: Individuals with rare diseases are very tough to find.
Nevertheless, if a researcher is implementing a research study identical in nature,
discovering the main information source is usually a struggle. As soon as he/she
is determined, they ordinarily have info about far more such identical individuals.

c. People who are not willing to be identified: If a researcher is implementing a

report that entails gathering information/data from sex workers or maybe victims
of sexual assault or maybe people that do not wish to disclose the sexual
orientations of them, these people will fall under this particular category.

d. Secretiveness about their identity: Individuals who are members of a cult or

maybe are religious extremists or hackers typically fall under this group. A
researcher is going to have to make use of snowball sampling to recognize these
people and extract info from them.

When to use non-probability sampling?

a. Use this kind of sampling to show whether a specific characteristic is present
within a population.
b. Researchers generally utilize the non-probability sampling technique whenever
they wish at doing qualitative investigation, pilot studies, or maybe exploratory
c. Researches utilize it when they have a restricted time period to do research or
even have budget constraints.
d. When the researcher is required to know whether a specific problem needs in
depth analysis, this method is applied by him.
e. Make use of it if you don't plan to produce outcomes which will generalize the
whole population.

Advantages of non-probability sampling

The benefits of utilizing the non-probability sampling:
1. Non-probability sampling methods are far more favorable and useful strategy for
researchers deploying surveys in the actual world. Although statisticians favor
probability sampling since it yields details in the form of figures, nonetheless, if done
properly, it is able to make similar if not the exact same quality of outcomes.

2. Getting responses using non-probability sampling is quicker and more economical

than probability sampling as the sample is known with the researcher. The
respondents react quickly than individuals randomly selected as they have an
impressive motivation amount to get involved.

Difference between probabilistic sampling and non-probabilistic sampling:

Statistics and Probability Module | 33

The sample is selected at random. Sample is selected according to the very
subjective judgment of the researcher.

Anyone in the population has an equal Not everybody has an equal opportunity
possibility of getting selected. to get involved.

Used when sampling bias must be The researcher doesn't think about
lowered. sampling bias.

Helpful if the population is diverse. Helpful if the population has very similar

Used to produce a precise sample. The sample does not effectively represent
the population.

Choosing the best respondents is not Finding respondents is not hard.


Confidentiality of Information

In statistics, data are collected from respondents for functions of receiving

aggregate info, but confidentiality should be guarded.

Agencies mandated to gather information are bound by law to defend the

confidentiality of info provided by respondents. Even market research groups within
the private sector and particular researchers also guard confidentiality because they
just wish to get aggregate data.

This particular manner, respondents are able to be honest in offering info, and
the researcher can provide a commitment to respondents that the information they
give will not ever be released to anyone without their consent.

Organization of Data

The organization of data takes place when data is already available. We call
the collected and unprocessed data as raw data when it is still in its original form.

Coding of data describes the procedure of transforming collected

observations or information to a pair of substantial, cohesive categories. It's a method
of summarizing and representing details in an effort to offer an organized account of
the captured or even observed phenomenon.

Statistics and Probability Module | 34

When conducting a study, the researcher should collect information for a
specific variable under study. For instance, if a researcher wants to learn the amount
of individuals that have been bitten by dangerous snakes in a certain geographic
location in the last few years, he or she is to collect the information from different
doctors, hospitals, or maybe health departments.

In order to explain circumstances, draw conclusions, or even make inferences

about incidents, the researcher should arrange the data in a few significant ways.
Probably the most practical way of planning information is constructing a frequency

Reasons for constructing a frequency distribution

1. In order to organize the information in a significant, intelligible way
2. In order to allow the viewer to identify the nature and also shape of the
3. In order to facilitate computational procedures for methods of spread and
4. In order to allow the researcher to present data in a form of graphs and charts
5. To allow the viewer in making comparisons among diverse data sets.


Raw Data is unprocessed data which is still in its original form after data

Coding of Data is the process of transforming collected information or

observations to a set of meaningful, cohesive categories.

Frequency Distribution is the organization of raw data in table form, using

classes and frequencies.

Class is a quantitative or qualitative category where each raw data is placed.

Frequency is the total number of times each score or data value appears in the

Constructing Frequency Distribution Table

Shown below are the scores of 60 students in a 30-point Math quiz.

11 19 11 15 16 10 16 23 10 17 19 15

16 16 15 17 10 27 16 24 12 21 11 25

21 11 13 21 10 16 26 15 11 14 29 23

11 19 24 12 22 13 11 15 18 12 10 12

19 13 18 20 21 11 11 27 13 12 20 13

1. What is the highest score in the quiz? The lowest score?

2. Arrange the scores from highest to lowest. Indicate how many got each score by
completing the table below.

Statistics and Probability Module | 35

No. of Students with the Given No. of Students with the Given
Score Score
Score Score


1. Notice that there are two columns: one for the score and the other for the
frequency (f). Frequency is the total number of times each score appears in the

2. To fill column f, we go back to the original scores and enter each score starting
from the first score in the list (11) by placing a slash alongside the score 11.

3. Continue until all the scores have been recorded.

4. The total frequency in this distribution is 60 (Σ𝑓 = 60).

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of a 30-point Math Quiz

Scores f Scores f
29 | 19 ||||
28 0 18 ||
27 || 17 ||
26 | 16 卌-|
25 | 15 卌
24 || 14 |
23 | 13 |
22 | 12 卌
21 |||| 11 卌-||||
20 || 10 卌
Σ𝑓 = 60

Notice that even if we put the data into frequency distribution, the distribution
seems unwieldy since it still deals with too many different numbers.

The frequency distribution above also shows that there is a score with a zero
frequency and the numbers are widely spread. One way to avoid dispersion of numbers
is to group the scores into class intervals.

This is always the case when we are dealing with large data. In doing so, the
information that we want to get from the frequency distribution still remains but this time
we produce a more manageable set of scores to work on.

Constructing Categorical Frequency Distribution Table

Statistics and Probability Module | 36


Categorical Frequency Distribution is used for data that can be placed in

specific categories, such as nominal- or ordinal-level data.
Relative frequency is the decimal equivalent of a percent.

The categorical frequency distribution is utilized for information which may be

positioned in particular types, like ordinal-level or nominal- data. For instance,
information like political affiliation and religious affiliation will make use of categorical
frequency distributions.

Twenty-five army inductees have been provided a blood test to figure out their
blood type. The information set is

Construct a frequency distribution for the data.


Since the data are categorical, discrete classes could be utilized. You will find 4
blood types: A, O, B, and AB. These kinds are utilized as the classes for the distribution.
The method for building a frequency distribution for categorical information is provided

Step 1 Create a table.

Class Tally Frequency Percent


Step 2 Tally the information and put the outcomes in column B.

Step 3 Count the tallies and put the outcomes in column C.

Class Tally Frequency Percent

A 卌 5
B 卌-|| 7
O 卌-|||| 9
AB |||| 4

Step 4 Find the percentage of values in each category by utilizing the

Statistics and Probability Module | 37


Percentage of Values Formula

𝑓 =frequency of the class
𝑛 =total values

For example, in the class of type A blood, the percentage is

𝑓 5
%= 𝑛
• 100 = 25
• 100 = 20%

Percentages are not usually a part of a frequency distribution,

though they could be included since they are employed in a few
kinds of charts like pie graphs. Also, the decimal equivalent of a
percent is called a relative frequency.

Step 5 Find the totals for columns C (frequency) and D (percent). The
finished table is shown. It's a wise decision to incorporate the %
column to be sure it sums to hundred %. This column will not
always sum to hundred % due to rounding.

Class Tally Frequency Percent

A 卌 5 20
B 卌-|| 7 28
O 卌-|||| 9 36
AB |||| 4 16
Total 25 100%

For the sample, far more people have type O blood type than any other type.

Constructing Grouped Frequency Distribution Table


Grouped Frequency Distribution is used when the range of the data values is
large, groups data into classes that are more than one unit in width.

Lower Class Limit represents the smallest data value that can be included in the

Upper Class Limit represents the largest data value that can be included in the

Statistics and Probability Module | 38

Class Boundaries are numbers used to separate classes so that there are no
gaps in the frequency distribution.

Class Width is found by subtracting the lower (or upper) class limit of one class
from the lower (or upper) class limit of the next class.

When the range of the information is big, the information should be classified into
classes which are much more than a single unit in width, in what is known as a grouped
frequency distribution. For instance, a distribution of the amount of time which boat
batteries lasted would be the following.

Class Limits Class Boundaries Tally Frequency

24 - 30 23.5 - 30.5 /// 3
31 - 37 30.5 - 37.5 / 1
38 - 44 37.5 - 44.5 ///// 5
45 - 51 44.5 - 51.5 /////-//// 9
52 - 58 51.5 - 58.5 /////-/ 6
59 - 65 58.5 - 65.5 / 1
n = 25

The method for building the preceding frequency distribution is provided in

Example 3; however, several things must be observed. In this particular distribution, the
values twenty four as well as thirty of the 1st class belong in the class limits. The lower
class limit is twenty four; it presents probably the smallest data value which may be
incorporated in the class. The upper class limit is thirty; it presents the biggest details
value which may be incorporated in the class. The figures in the next column belong in
the class boundaries. These figures are utilized to sort the classes therefore you will find
absolutely no gaps within the frequency distribution. The gaps are because of the limits;
for instance, there is a gap between thirty and thirty one.

It is usually difficult to locate class boundaries when considering the class limits.
The fundamental guideline would be that the class limits need to have the very same
decimal place with the data, though the class boundaries needs to have just one more
additional place value and end in a five. For instance, if the values in the information set
are whole numbers, like twenty four, thirty-two, and eighteen, the boundaries for a class
may be 31-37, moreover the boundaries are 30.5-37.5. Compute the boundaries by
subtracting 0.5 from thirty one (the lower class limit) and also adding 0.5 to thirty seven
(the upper class limit).

Lower limit - 0.5 = 31 - 0.5 = 30.5 = lower boundary

Upper limit - 0.5 = 37 - 0.5 = 37.5 = upper boundary

If the information is in tenths, like 6.2, 7.8, and also 12.6, say hypothetically the
limits may be 7.8-8.8, then the boundaries for that category will be 7.75-8.85. Find these
values by subtracting 0.05 from 7.8 and adding 0.05 to 8.8.

Lastly, the class width for just a class in a frequency distribution is discovered by
subtracting the lower (or maybe upper) class limit of a single class from the lower (or
maybe upper) class of the following class. For instance, the class width in the previous
example on the boat batteries is seven, because 31 - 24 = 7..

The class width may in addition be realized by subtracting the lower boundary
from the upper boundary for any class. In this particular situation, 30.5 - 23.5 = 7.

Note: Never subtract the limits of one class. It is going to result in an incorrect

Statistics and Probability Module | 39

The researcher must determine the number of classes to make use of and the
width of every class. In order to establish a frequency distribution, stick to these rules:

1. There should be between 5 and 20 classes. Though there's simply no

hard-and-fast principle for the amount of classes found in a frequency
distribution, it's of the utmost importance to get sufficient classes to provide a
clear explanation of the collected information.

2. It is preferable but not absolutely necessary that the class width be an odd
number. This guarantees that the midpoint of every category has got the exact
same place value as the data. The class midpoint Xmis acquired by having the
upper and lower boundaries and dividing by 2, or adding the lower and upper
limits and dividing by 2:

𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 + 𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦

𝑋𝑚 = 2
𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 + 𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
𝑋𝑚 = 2

For example, the midpoint of the first class in the example with boat batteries is

24+30 23.5+30.5
= 27or 2
= 27

The midpoint is the numeric place of the middle of the class. Midpoints are
essential for graphing. If the class width is an even number, the midpoint is in
tenths. For instance, if the class width is six and the borders are 5.5 as well as
11.5, the midpoint is

5.5+11.5 17
= 2
= 8. 5

Rule two is just a suggestion, and also it is not rigorously implemented,

particularly when a computer can be used to group data.

3. The classes must be mutually exclusive. Mutually exclusive classes have

non-overlapping class limits therefore data can't be placed into 2 classes. Often
times, frequency distributions for example


are discovered in the literature or perhaps in surveys. If an individual is forty years

old, into what category should she or maybe he be placed? An easy method to
create a frequency distribution with this classes:


Statistics and Probability Module | 40

4. The classes must be continuous. Even when there aren't any values in a class, the
class should be incorporated in the frequency distribution. Right now there ought
to be absolutely no spaces inside a frequency distribution. The sole exception
happens when the class that has a zero frequency will be the first or last class. A
class with a zero frequency at both ends may be omitted without impacting the

5. The classes must be exhaustive. The number of classes must fully accommodate
all the data.

6. The classes must be equal in width. This will avoid a distorted perspective of the
information at hand.

One exception happens when a distribution has a class which is open-ended. It

means that the class does not have a particular starting value or even no
particular ending value. A frequency division with an open-ended class is known
as an open-ended distribution. Below are 2 examples of distributions with
open-ended classes.

Age Frequency Minutes Frequency

10 - 20 3 Below 110 16
21 - 31 6 110 - 114 24
32 - 42 4 115 - 119 38
43 - 53 10 120 - 124 14
54 and above 8 125 - 129 5

The frequency division for age is open-ended for the final class, meaning that
anyone who is fifty four years or perhaps older will be tallied in the final class. The
distribution for minutes is open-ended for the very first class, meaning that every
minute below 110 will be tallied in that particular class.

Example three shows the process for building a grouped frequency distribution
particularly when the classes have more than one data value.

Record High Temperatures. These data represent the record high temperatures in

degrees Fahrenheit ( 𝐹) for each of the 50 states. Construct a grouped frequency
distribution for the data using 7 classes.

112 100 127 120 134 118 105 110 109 112
110 118 117 116 118 122 114 114 105 109
107 112 114 115 118 117 118 122 106 110
116 108 110 121 113 120 119 111 104 111
120 113 120 117 105 110 118 112 114 114


The procedure for constructing a grouped frequency distribution for numerical

data follows.

Step 1 Determine the classes.

Find the highest value and lowest value: H = 134 and L = 100.

Find the range: R = highest value - lowest value = H - L, so R = 134 -

100 = 34.

Statistics and Probability Module | 41

Select the number of classes desired (usually between 5 and 20).
In this case, 7 is arbitrarily chosen.

Find the class width by dividing the range by the number of


𝑅 34
𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ = 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠
= 7
= 4. 9

Choose a kick off point for the lowest class limit. This may be the
smallest data or even some convenient number less than the
smallest data value. In this particular situation, 100 is used. Add
the width to the lowest score considered as the starting point to
obtain the lower limit of the class that will follow. Continue adding
until generally there are seven classes.

Subtract 1 unit from the lower limit of the next class to obtain the
upper limit of the very first class. Next add the width to every upper
limit to find all of the upper limits.

105 - 1 = 104

The very first class is 100-104, the next category is 105-109, and so
on. Find the class boundaries by subtracting 0.5 from every lower
class limit and also adding 0.5 to every upper class limit:

99.5–104.5, 104.5–109.5, etc.

Step 2 Tally the data.

Step 3 Count the tallied data.

The completed frequency distribution is

Class Class
Tally Frequency
Limits Boundaries
100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 // 2
105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 /////-/// 8
110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 /////-/////-/////-/// 18
115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 /////-/////-/// 13
120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 /////-// 7
125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 / 1
130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 / 1
𝑛 = Σ𝑓 = 50

The frequency distribution shows that the class 109.5–114.5

contains the largest number of temperatures (18) followed by the class
114.5–119.5 with 13 temperatures. Hence, most of the temperatures (31)
fall between 109.5 and 119.5oF.

The frequency distribution demonstrates that the interval

109.5-114.5 has the biggest amount of temperatures (eighteen) next is the
interval 114.5-119.5 with thirteen temperatures. Thus, virtually all of the
temperatures fall between 109.5 as well as 119.5oF.

Other Types of Frequency Distribution

Statistics and Probability Module | 42

It is also necessary to use a cumulative frequency distribution. A cumulative
frequency distribution is a distribution that shows the number of data values less than or
equal to a specific value (usually an upper boundary). The values are found by adding the
frequencies of the classes less than or equal to the upper class boundary of a specific
class. This gives an ascending cumulative frequency. In this example, the cumulative
frequency for the first class is 0 + 2 = 2; for the second class it is 0 + 2 + 8 = 10; for the third
class it is 0 + 2 + 8 + 18 = 28. Naturally, a shorter way to do this would be to just add the
cumulative frequency of the class below to the frequency of the given class. For example,
the cumulative frequency for the number of data values less than 114.5 can be found by
adding 10 + 18 = 28. The cumulative frequency distribution for the data in Example 3 is as

Cumulative Frequency

Less than 104.5 2

Less than 109.5 10
Less than 114.5 28
Less than 119.5 41
Less than 124.5 48
Less than 129.5 49
Less than 134.5 50

Cumulative frequencies are used to show how many data values are
accumulated up to and including a specific class. In Example 3, 28 of the total record
high temperatures are less than or equal to 114oF. Forty-eight of the total record high
temperatures are less than or equal to 124oF.

A less-than cumulative frequency distribution is found by adding the frequency in

that class to those in all previous classes. A more than cumulative frequency distribution
is found by subtracting frequencies of previous classes.

Cumulative Frequency Distribution

Class Limits Frequency
Less Than Cumulative More Than Cumulative
Frequency Frequency

100 - 104 2 2 50
105 - 109 8 10 48
110 - 114 18 28 40
115 - 119 13 41 22
120 - 124 7 48 9
125 - 129 1 49 2
130 - 134 1 50 1

A relative frequency distribution expresses the frequency within a class as a

percentage of the total number of observations in the sample. This allows us to make
statements regarding the number of observations in a single class relative to the entire

Relative Frequency
Class Limits Frequency

100 - 104 2 4%
105 - 109 8 16%
110 - 114 18 36%
115 - 119 13 26%

Statistics and Probability Module | 43

120 - 124 7 14%
125 - 129 1 2%
130 - 134 1 2%


A cumulative relative frequency distribution expresses the cumulative frequency

of each class relative to the entire sample. The cumulative process can be based on
more-than or less-than principle.

Cumulative Frequency Cumulative Relative

Distribution Frequency Distribution
Frequency Less Than More Than
Limits Less Than More Than
Cumulative Cumulative
Cumulative Cumulative
Relative Relative
Frequency Frequency
Frequency Frequency

100 - 104 2 2 50 4% 100%

105 - 109 8 10 48 20% 96%
110 - 114 18 28 40 56% 80%
115 - 119 13 41 22 82% 44%
120 - 124 7 48 9 96% 18%
125 - 129 1 49 2 98% 4%
130 - 134 1 50 1 100% 2%

Below is the combined distribution which includes the Grouped Frequency

Distribution, Cumulative Frequency Distribution, Relative Frequency Distribution, and
the Cumulative Relative Frequency Distribution.

Cumulative Relative
Cumulative FD
Class Class FD Relative
Tally f
Limits Boundaries FD
< CF > CF < CRF > CRF
100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 // 2 2 50 4% 100% 4%
105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 /////-/// 8 10 48 20% 96% 16%
110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 /////-/////-/////-/// 18 28 40 56% 80% 36%
115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 /////-/////-/// 13 41 22 82% 44% 26%
120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 /////-// 7 48 9 96% 18% 14%
125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 / 1 49 2 98% 4% 2%
130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 / 1 50 1 100% 2% 2%
𝑛 = Σ𝑓 = 50 100%

After the raw data have been organized into a frequency distribution, it will be
analyzed by looking for peaks and extreme values. The peaks show which class or
classes have the most data values compared to the other classes. Extreme values,
called outliers, show large or small data values that are relative to other data values.

Statistics and Probability Module | 44

Title Sibling Rivalry
Timeline Week 3
Objectives Collect sibling data and organize it by using tables.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. Now that you know how to collect and organize data, you are now ready to perform
this activity.

2. Gather the following data from your four friends. As much as possible, do not leave
your household premises.
● Number of siblings
● Number of male and female siblings
● Position of birth in the family (1 for eldest, 2 for 2nd born, and so on)

3. Organize the data gathered using tables.

4. Discuss and answer the following questions. Write your answers in your notebook.
a. What level of measurement is used for each set of data gathered? Explain your
answers briefly.
b. What method of data collection did you use? Why is this the most appropriate

5. Write a brief summary of your friends’ sibling data. (e.g. most of my friends are the
eldest in the family, only 2 out of 4 of them have 4 or more siblings, etc.)

6. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Data Collection and Organization Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 45

Title Stories in the World’s Tallest Buildings
Timeline Week 4
Objectives Organize data by using a frequency distribution table.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Dictionary, and Calculator

1. Since you are done with the Sibling Rivalry activity which allowed you to organize
data using tables, you may now proceed with a new one.

2. For this activity, you will use the data below. The data represent the number of floors
in the 30 tallest buildings in the world.

88 88 110 88 80 69 102 78 70 55
79 85 80 100 60 90 77 55 75 55
54 60 75 64 105 56 71 70 65 72

3. Using the data above, you will construct a grouped frequency, cumulative frequency,
relative frequency, cumulative relative frequency distribution table with 7 classes.

4. Then, identify the following questions. Write your answers in your notebook.
a. What is the class size?
b. What is the total frequency?
c. Enumerate the class intervals from lowest to highest.
d. Based on your answer in c, what are the true limits for each class interval?

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Data Collection and Organization Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 46

Title Organizing Data Milestone
Timeline Week 4
Objectives Organize Health/ Business/ Social Data through tables.
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. Now that you will do the first milestone, you need to have a topic to work with. You will
be assigned to work on one of the problem statements presented in the previous

2. Check the survey questionnaires with responses attached to this module about your
assigned topic.

3. Using the raw data provided, you will organize them through tables for it to be
presented, analyzed, and interpreted easily.

4. For you to be guided on how you will organize your data, check the sample survey
questionnaire and how the raw data was tabulated below.


1) What is your occupation?
❏ Student
❏ Employed

2) Where do you use your smartphone? (check all that apply)

❏ At home
❏ At school
❏ At work
❏ During commute

3) Rank the most important feature of a Smartphone, with 1 being the most
important and 5 being the least important
_____ Camera
_____ Processor Speed
_____ Connectivity 4G/LTE/WiFi
_____ Battery
_____ Memory Capacity


Statistics and Probability Module | 47

5. After tabulating the raw data, make a frequency distribution table for the questions
that you think need to be organized using the frequency distribution table.

6. Use the rubric below to come up with a quality output. To get a passing grade for the
milestone, make sure to target at least Level 3 across all criteria.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(Beginning) (Developing) (Intermediate) (Proficient)

I record data I record data I record data I record data

Recording of
that isn’t that is fairly that is mostly with 100%
Data (30%)
accurate. accurate. accurate. accuracy.

I do not classify I can classify I can classify I can classify

or organize raw and organize and organize and organize
and raw and raw and raw and
unstructured unstructured unstructured unstructured
Organizing of data into sets, data into fairly data into data into
Data (70%) making ordered and mostly ordered ordered and
storing/ structured and structured structured sets
encoding sets. sets for for
difficult to storing/ storing/encodi
impossible. encoding. ng.

7. If anything troubles you or if you find the milestone a little difficult, you may go back
with the Data Collection and Organization Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 48


Albert, J. T. (2016). Statistics and Probability: Teaching Guide for Senior High School.
Philippines: CHED.

Allen, M. (2017). The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods.

Bhat, A. (n.d.). Snowball Sampling: Definition, Method, Advantages and Disadvantages.


Fleetwood, D. (n.d.). Consecutive Sampling-Definition, Example, & Advantages.


Fleetwood, D. (n.d.). Convenience Sampling: Definition, Applications, Advantages,

Method, and Examples. QuestionPro.

Fleetwood, D. (n.d.). Judgmental Sampling: Definition, Examples and Advantages.


Fleetwood, D. (n.d.). Non-probability Sampling: Definition, Types, Examples, and

Advantages. QuestionPro.

Fleetwood, D. (n.d.). Probability Sampling: Definition, Types, Examples, Steps and

Advantages. QuestionPro.

Fleetwood, D. (n.d.). Quota Sampling: Definition, Types, Examples, Steps, and More.

Lee, P. Y., & Lee, N. H. (2009). Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A resource book.

Oronce, O. A., & Mendoza, M. O. (2010). e-Math Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry: A
Worktext in Mathematics.

The Advantages & Disadvantages of Quota Sampling. (n.d.). SurveyGizmo.

Types of Data: Primary and Secondary Data. (n.d.). CommunityMedicine4All.

Statistics and Probability Module | 49

In this section, you will identify and use appropriate methods of presenting information
from a data set effectively. The concepts that you learned from when you were in
Grade 1 to Grade 10 will be enriched. Additional concepts will also make you describe
further the data set at hand.

The goal of this section is to prepare you for the data presentation needed in your final
output. This section will give you an input and practice on presenting data in the form
of tables, graphs, and charts.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Identify the various possible ways of presenting data by reading the wiki.

Collect data and present it using graphs and charts.

Present data through histogram and frequency polygon.

Present Health/ Business/ Social Data through graphs and charts.

Data Presentation Wiki Week 5

I Saw the Sign! Week 5

Do Students Need Summer Development? Week 6

Presenting Data Milestone Week 6

Statistics and Probability Module | 50

Title Data Presentation Wiki
Timeline Week 5
Identify the various possible ways of presenting data by reading the
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. To help you in answering the following activities and milestone, you need information
on how to present data.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "Data Presentation". Make sure that you read it very carefully.
Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the concepts.

3. Circle or list down the word/s that is/are not familiar with you. Look at their definitions
in a dictionary of synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What is data presentation?
b. Why do you need to study data presentation?
c. What does data presentation look like?
d. What are the three forms in presenting data? Differentiate the three.
e. How is data presentation done in
i. Textual Form?
ii. Tabular Form?
iii. Graphical Form?
Note: Include the types in each form if applicable. Construct at least 1 example
for each type in each form.

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

After data has been collected, the information that a statistician or researcher
has may be in the form of interview responses, or a tally, or survey forms. As such, the
raw data are usually voluminous and would be of little help to the researcher in their
current form. Thus, there is a need to consolidate this information.

Data presentation is the process of converting and summarizing raw data into a
visual image, usually in the form of a text, table, chart, or graph.

Statistics and Probability Module | 51

To maximize the use of the data on hand, as well as the analysis made from it, it
should be in a form that is easy to share with other people. Methods of data presentation
aim to transform the numbers or responses into a visual image that will allow people to
see the frequency of responses, middle values, and outliers, among others.

Collected data may be presented in three (3) forms: textual, where data is
presented in paragraph form; tabular, where data is presented in rows and columns; and
graphical, where data is presented in visual form.

Presentation of Data in Textual Form

The discussion about the presentation of data starts off with its most raw and
vague form which is the textual presentation. In this form of presentation, data is simply
mentioned as mere text, which is generally in a paragraph. This is commonly used when
the data is not very large.

This kind of representation is useful when we are looking to supplement

qualitative statements with some data. For this purpose, the data should not be
voluminously represented in tables or diagrams. It just has to be a statement that serves
as fitting evidence to our qualitative evidence and helps the reader to get an idea of the
scale of a phenomenon.

Advantages Disadvantages

1. This method is appropriate only if there 1. It is not desirable to include a big mass
are a few numbers to be presented. of quantitative data in a “text” or
paragraph, as the presentation becomes
2. Gives emphasis to significant figures incomprehensible.
and comparisons.
2. Paragraphs can be tiresome to read
3. Usually used in qualitative research especially if the same words are repeated
methods. many times.

1. The 2002 earthquake proved to be a mass murderer of humans. As many as

10,000 citizens have been reported dead.
2. The Philippine Stock Exchange composite index lost 7.19 points to 2,099.12 after
trading between 2,095.30 and 2,108.47. Volume was 1.29 billion shares worth
903.15 million pesos (16.7 million dollars). The broader all share index gained 5.21
points to 1,221.34.

The textual representation of data simply requires some intensive reading. This is
because the quantitative statement just serves as evidence of the qualitative statements
and one has to go through the entire text before concluding anything.

Statistics and Probability Module | 52

Further, if the data under consideration is large then the text matter increases
substantially. As a result, the reading process becomes more intensive, time-consuming,
and cumbersome.

Presentation of Data in Tabular Form

The tabular presentation of data is a systematic organization of data in rows and


Advantages in Presenting Data in Tabular Form:

1. More concise than textual presentation
2. Easier to understand
3. Facilitates comparisons and analysis of the relationship among different
4. Presents data in greater detail than a graph
5. Usually used in quantitative research methods

The raw data can be presented through tabular form using: statistical tables,
frequency distribution tables, and stem-and-leaf displays.

Statistical Tables


Statistical Tables are used for data involving large numbers because we cannot
usually get the exact value, especially when the graph is done in smaller scales. It
contains five components: heading, box heads or column captions, stubs, fields, and
source notes.

Components of a Statistical Table:

Heading consists of a table number, title, and head note. The title explains what
data are presented, where the data refer, and when the data apply.

Box Head contains the column heads which describes the data in each column,
together with the needed classifying and qualifying spanner heads.

Stub is the classification or categories found at the left. It describes the data
found in the rows of the table.

Field is the main part of the table.

Source Note is an exact citation of the source of data presented in the table.
This should always be placed when figures are not original.

Statistics and Probability Module | 53

Figure 3-1 Illustration of Statistical Table

Guidelines in Making Statistical Tables:

1. Title should be concise, written in telegraphic style, not in complete sentences.
2. Column labels should be precise.
3. Categories should not overlap.
4. Unit of measure must be clearly stated.
5. Show any relevant total, subtotals, percentages, etc.
6. Indicate if the data were taken from another publication by including a source
7. Tables should be self-explanatory, although they may be accompanied by a
paragraph that will provide an interpretation or direct attention to important

Frequency Distribution Table

<Please refer to the previous wiki entitled Collection and Organization of Data
Wiki for a detailed discussion about this topic.>

Stem-and-Leaf Displays

A technique used to present quantitative data in condensed form is called

stem-and-leaf display. This is invented by John Tukey.

An advantage of a stem-and-leaf display over a frequency distribution is that by

preparing a stem-and-leaf display, no information is lost on individual observations.

In a stem-and-leaf display of quantitative data, each value is divided into two

portions - a stem and a leaf. Then the leaves for each are shown separately in a display.

Statistics and Probability Module | 54


Stem-and-Leaf Display, sometimes called Stem-and-Leaf Designs or

Stem-and-Leaf Plot, is an alternative to a histogram. It provides a quick visual
impression of the number of observations in a class.
Ordered Array merely lists the observations in ascending or descending order. It
provides some organization to the data set’ however, its usefulness is limited.

Below are scores of sixteen students in a Biology exam.

48 40 14 25 32 49 54 26
32 30 55 52 43 36 27 52

1. It is often convenient to identify all but the last digit of an observation as the stem.
2. The last digit is then identified as the leaf.
3. The stems must be placed in an ordered array from lowest to highest.


1 4
2 7 5 6
3 2 2 0 6
4 8 3 0 9
5 5 4 2 2

Stem Unit: 10
Leaf Unit: 1

4. Although an optional step, it is also desirable to place the values in the leaf in an
ordered array. This is called a Ranked Stem-and-Leaf Display.


1 4
2 5 6 7
3 0 2 2 6
4 0 3 8 9
5 2 2 4 5

Stem Unit: 10
Leaf Unit: 1

Statistics and Probability Module | 55

Below are the grades of ten students in Math 2.

Female 82 83 85 87 88
Male 70 82 86 90 97

Instead of using two separate stem-and-leaf displays to present the data, there is
a better way to do it. This is called a Back-to-Back Stem-and-Leaf Display.



Female Male
7 0
2 3 5 7 8 8 2 6
9 0 7

Stem Unit: 10
Leaf Unit: 1

Presentation of Data in Graphical Form

After you have organized the data into a frequency distribution, you can present
them in graphical form. The purpose of graphs in statistics is to convey the data to the
viewers in pictorial form. It is easier for most people to comprehend the meaning of data
presented graphically than data presented numerically in tables or frequency
distributions. This is especially true if the users have little or no statistical knowledge.

Statistical graphs can be used to describe the data set or to analyze it. Graphs
are also useful in getting the audience’s attention in a publication or a speaking
presentation. They can be used to discuss an issue, reinforce a critical point, or
summarize a data set. They can also be used to discover a trend or pattern in a situation
over a period of time.

Pictorial Displays or Graphical Presentations are used to show the relationship

between numerical values and variables in pictorial form; how changes in one variable
are related to changes in another and how one variable (the dependent variable) is a
function of another (the independent variable).

Advantages in Presenting Data in Graphical Form:

1. Main feature and implication of a body of data can be grasped at a glance
2. Can attract attention and hold the reader’s interest
3. Simplifies concepts that would otherwise have been expressed in so many words
4. Can readily clarify data, frequently bring out hidden facts and relationship

Here are some of the different types of graphical presentations that you can use
to present data: bar graph, histogram, line graph, frequency polygon, ogive, pictograph,
and pie chart.

Statistics and Probability Module | 56

The Bar Graph

A graph in which class limits are marked on the horizontal axis and either the
frequencies, relative frequencies, or percentages are marked on the vertical axis. The
bars are not drawn adjacent to each other and do not touch each other which indicates
the discrete nature of the variable being grouped.

Bar graphs are often used to show the frequencies of various nominal variables.
They are used to compare magnitudes. The length of a bar represents a quantity. Hence,
the bars which are representations of the quantities can easily be compared by
examining the lengths of the bars.

When a bar graph has bars which extend from left to right, it is called a horizontal
bar graph. On the other hand, if the bars extend from bottom to top, it is called a vertical
bar graph. Bar graphs can be single, multiple, bilateral, or subdivided bar graphs. If only
one attribute is to be portrayed, the single bar graph is constructed. The bilateral bar
graph is used when characteristics are opposite in nature and are to be compared.

The frequency distribution of the results of a short quiz in a Contemporary Math class is
shown below.

Score 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Frequency 2 8 8 5 1 2 7 2 1 1


Step 1 Decide on what scale to use by choosing appropriate numbers of

convenient size. For example, for numbers:
● up to 100, use 10 for each space
● up to 1,000, use 100 for each space
● up to 10,000, use 1,000 for each space

If the scale needs to be large, each space may represent 10,000 or

even larger than this.

Step 2 Write the scale numbers at the left side when using a vertical bar
graph and write the scale numbers underneath the horizontal line
when using a horizontal bar graph.

Step 3 Write what the scale numbers represent.

Step 4 Label what each bar represents.

Step 5 Write the number that each bar represents.

Step 6 Write the title above the bar graph.

Statistics and Probability Module | 57

Another variation of the vertical bar graph above is the horizontal
bar graph. Here is the illustration.

The Histogram

The histogram is a graph that displays the data by using contiguous vertical bars
(unless the frequency of a class is 0) of various heights to represent the frequencies of
the classes. It is similar to a bar graph, in that it makes use of rectangles to show the
frequency of each response. Unlike in a bar graph, though, there are no spaces in
between the bars, and in some cases, the rectangles have varying widths.

A bar graph is ideal in comparing frequencies, while a histogram appropriately

shows the distribution of frequencies of a set of numerical data.

Construct a histogram to represent the data shown for the record high temperatures for
each of the 50 states (see Example 3 in the previous wiki).

Statistics and Probability Module | 58

99.5 - 104.5 2
104.5 - 109.5 8
109.5 - 114.5 18
114.5 - 119.5 13
119.5 - 124.5 7
124.5 - 129.5 1
129.5 - 134.5 1


Step 1 Draw a horizontal line to represent the class boundaries and a

vertical line to represent the frequencies.

Step 2 Select an appropriate scale for the class boundaries and the

To avoid having a histogram that is too steep or too flat, the ratio of
the height to the width of the histogram itself should be 2:3, 3:4, 3:5
or 4:5. The ratio 3:5 means that the height will be 60% of the width.

The ratio of the height to the width may vary from 60% to 80% and
the figure will still have good proportions, but it can rarely go below
50% and still leave the figure well balanced.

Step 3 Draw each rectangle or column with its base equal to the class
boundary and a height corresponding to the class frequency.

Step 4 Label both the horizontal and the vertical axis appropriately.

As the histogram shows, the class with the greatest number of data
values (18) is 109.5–114.5, followed by 13 for 114.5–119.5. The graph also has one
peak with the data clustering around it.

Construct a histogram using relative frequencies for the distribution (shown here)
of the miles that 20 randomly selected runners ran during a given week.

Statistics and Probability Module | 59

Less Than
Less Than
Class Relative Cumulative
Frequency Midpoints Cumulative
Boundaries Frequency Relative
5.5 - 10.5 1 8 1 0.05 0.05
10.5 - 15.5 2 13 3 0.10 0.15
15.5 - 20.5 3 18 6 0.15 0.30
20.5 - 25.5 5 23 11 0.25 0.55
25.5 - 30.5 4 28 15 0.20 0.75
30.5 - 35.5 3 33 18 0.15 0.90
35.5 - 40.5 2 38 20 0.10 1.00
n = 20 1.00


The Line Graph

The line graph is a type of graph which displays information as a series of data
points connected by straight line segments. It is used when we wish to show how one
value changes with respect to another value over successive periods of time.

It is a basic type of graph common in many fields. It is an extension of a scatter

graph and is created by connecting a series of points that represent individual
measurements with line segments. A line graph is often used to visualize a trend in data
over intervals of time--thus, the line is often drawn chronologically.

In a line graph, data are presented by points and are joined by line segments. A
line graph may be curved, broken, or straight. Generally, the horizontal axis is used as the
time axis and the vertical axis is used to show the changes in the other quantity.

The table shows ticket sales of the Cabanas Theater during a typical week. Draw
a line graph.

Statistics and Probability Module | 60

Day No. of Sold Tickets
Sunday 255
Monday 60
Tuesday 125
Wednesday 150
Thursday 240
Friday 340
Saturday 310


Step 1 Draw and label the x and y axes.

Step 2 Label the x-axis for the time variable, in this case, the day of the
week and the y-axis for the number of tickets sold.

Step 3 Plot and label each point according to the table.

Step 4 Draw the line segments connecting adjacent points.

The Frequency Polygon

Another way to represent the same data set is by using a frequency polygon.

The frequency polygon is a graph that displays the data by using lines that
connect points plotted for the frequencies at the midpoints of the classes. The
frequencies are represented by the heights of the points.

Using the frequency distribution given in Example 3 in the previous wiki, construct
a frequency polygon.

Statistics and Probability Module | 61

Class Class
Tally Frequency
Limits Boundaries
100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 // 2
105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 /////-/// 8
110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 /////-/////-/////-/// 18
115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 /////-/////-/// 13
120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 /////-// 7
125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 / 1
130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 / 1
𝑛 = Σ𝑓 = 50


Step 1 Find the midpoints of each class. Recall that midpoints are found
by adding the upper and lower boundaries and dividing by 2:

99.5 + 104.5 104.5 + 109.5

= 102 2
= 107 and so on.


Class Midpoint, sometimes called Class Mark, is obtained by adding the lower
and upper boundaries and dividing by 2, or adding the lower and upper; limits and
dividing by 2.

The midpoints are:

Midpoint Frequency
99.5 - 104.5 102 2
104.5 - 109.5 107 8
109.5 - 114.5 112 18
114.5 - 119.5 117 13
119.5 - 124.5 122 7
124.5 - 129.5 127 1
129.5 - 134.5 132 1

Step 2 Draw the x and y axes. Label the x-axis with the midpoint of each
class, and then use a suitable scale on the y-axis for the

Step 3 Using the midpoints for the x values and the frequencies as the y
values, plot the points.

Step 4 Connect adjacent points with line segments. Draw a line back to
the x-axis at the beginning and end of the graph, at the same
distance that the previous and next midpoints would be located.

Statistics and Probability Module | 62

Construct a frequency polygon using relative frequencies for the distribution (shown
here) of the miles that 20 randomly selected runners ran during a given week.

Less Than
Less Than
Class Relative Cumulative
Frequency Midpoints Cumulative
Boundaries Frequency Relative
5.5 - 10.5 1 8 1 0.05 0.05
10.5 - 15.5 2 13 3 0.10 0.15
15.5 - 20.5 3 18 6 0.15 0.30
20.5 - 25.5 5 23 11 0.25 0.55
25.5 - 30.5 4 28 15 0.20 0.75
30.5 - 35.5 3 33 18 0.15 0.90
35.5 - 40.5 2 38 20 0.10 1.00
n = 20 1.00


Statistics and Probability Module | 63

The Ogive

The next type of graph that can be used represents the cumulative frequencies
for the classes. This type of graph is called the cumulative frequency graph, or ogive. The
cumulative frequency is the sum of the frequencies accumulated up to the upper
boundary of a class in the distribution.


The ogive is a graph that represents the cumulative frequencies for the classes
in a frequency distribution.

Using the frequency distribution given in Example 3 in the previous wiki, construct
a cumulative frequency graph or ogive.

Cumulative FD
Class Class
Tally f
Limits Boundaries
< CF > CF
100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 // 2 2 50
105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 /////-/// 8 10 48
110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 /////-/////-/////-/// 18 28 40
115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 /////-/////-/// 13 41 22
120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 /////-// 7 48 9
125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 / 1 49 2
130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 / 1 50 1


Step 1 Draw and label the x and y axes.

Step 2 Choose a suitable scale for the frequencies or cumulative

frequencies and label it on the y-axis.

Step 3 Represent the class boundaries for the ogive.

Step 4 Plot the points and then draw the bars or lines.

Statistics and Probability Module | 64

Cumulative frequency graphs or ogive are used to visually represent how
many values are below a certain upper class boundary. For example, to find out
how many record high temperatures are less than 114.5oF, locate 114.5oF on the
x-axis, draw a vertical line up until it intersects the graph, and then draw a
horizontal line at that point to the y-axis. The y-axis value is 28, as shown in Figure

Construct an ogive using relative frequencies for the distribution (shown here) of the
miles that 20 randomly selected runners ran during a given week.

Less Than
Less Than
Class Relative Cumulative
Frequency Midpoints Cumulative
Boundaries Frequency Relative
5.5 - 10.5 1 8 1 0.05 0.05
10.5 - 15.5 2 13 3 0.10 0.15
15.5 - 20.5 3 18 6 0.15 0.30
20.5 - 25.5 5 23 11 0.25 0.55
25.5 - 30.5 4 28 15 0.20 0.75
30.5 - 35.5 3 33 18 0.15 0.90
35.5 - 40.5 2 38 20 0.10 1.00
n = 20 1.00


The Pictograph

In a pictograph (pictogram, in other books) the frequency of each item is

represented by pictures or graphics.

To construct a pictograph, the following steps are to be followed:

1. Collect the necessary data.
2. Round off numerical data if necessary.
3. Choose an appropriate symbol to represent the subject.
4. Indicate the quantity each symbol represents.

Statistics and Probability Module | 65

a. What is the title of the pictograph?
b. Each symbol represents how many books?
c. Which year as represented in the graph has the least number of books read by
d. How many labels are listed?
e. What is the ratio of the number of books read in 2002 to the number of books
read in 2004?

a. The title of the pictograph is the “Number of Books Read by the Students in LINC
SHS: 2001-2005.”
b. Each symbol is equal to 1,500 books.
c. It was in 2002 when the least number of books read by students.
d. The pictograph contains 5 labels.
e. The ratio of the number of books read in 2002 to the number of books read in
4,500 6
2004 is

The Pie Chart

A pie chart is named as such because it looks like a circular pie divided into slices
or portions. The slices show the distribution of the different categories or responses. It is
used to show how all the parts of something are related to the whole. it is used when
percent distribution of a whole into its component parts is to be presented. It is
represented by a circle divided into slices or sectors of various sizes that show each
part’s relationship to the whole and to the other parts of the circle.

Usually, each sector in the circle is labeled as a percentage of the circle it

represents. The effect of a pie chart is particularly strong if the relation between the
various components is needed for comparison. The slices or sectors in a pie chart allow
easy visual impressions about the relative sizes of the component parts.

Statistics and Probability Module | 66

In constructing a pie chart, it is a common practice to arrange the sectors to run
clockwise with the largest sector first/ This sector is drawn by drawing a vertical line from
the center of the circle to the twelve o’clock position on the circumference.

When we say that “the biggest slice of the pie” in a company’s budget goes to
wages, for instance, we mean that the biggest expense of the company is attributed to
employees’ salaries.

The first month operation expenses of Frequency Enterprises are shown in the
following table.

Materials and
Categories Salaries Rent Advertising
Amount Php 60 000 Php 30 000 Php 20 000 Php 10 000

Construct a circle graph showing the expenses of frequency Enterprises.


Step 1 Write the ratio of each entry to the total entries, as a percent. This
is done by finding the total (Php 120,000) and then dividing each
entry by the total.
60 000
Salaries: = 0. 50 𝑜𝑟 50%
120 000
20 000
Advertising: = 0. 167 𝑜𝑟 16. 7%
120 000
10 000
Materials and Supplies: = 0. 083 𝑜𝑟 8. 3%
120 000
30 000
Rent: = 0. 25 𝑜𝑟 25%
120 000

Step 2 A circle has 360 degrees, so the next step is to multiply each

percent by360 to get the angle of the sectors.

Salaries: 360 × 0. 50 = 180

Advertising: 360 × 0. 167 = 60. 12

Materials and Supplies: 360 × 0. 083 = 29. 88

Rent: 360 × 0. 25 = 90

Step 3 With a compass, draw a circle. Then using a protractor, construct

successive central angles with indicated measures obtained in
Step 2. Follow the common practice for the sectors to run
clockwise with the largest sector first.

Statistics and Probability Module | 67

Name the four sectors as shown. This is the pie chart which
the given table.

Statistics and Probability Module | 68

Title I Saw the Sign!
Timeline Week 5
Objectives Collect data and present it using graphs and charts.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. Now that you have identified the different methods in presenting data found in the
wiki, it is the perfect time for you to apply it in an activity.

2. You need to gather the following data from your six friends:
a. Zodiac sign
b. Gender

3. For the zodiac sign data, construct each of the following in your notebook: a bar
graph, a pie chart, and a line graph. If you want to make it colorful, you may do so.

4. Then, discuss and answer the following questions. Write your answer in your
● Do the different graphs display the data equally well? Explain your answer.
● What graph would most easily show the number of females with a certain zodiac
sign? Construct the graph.

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Data Presentation Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 69

Title Do Students Need Summer Development?
Timeline Week 6
Objectives Present data through histogram and frequency polygon.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. It seems like you saw the sign on how to solve the problem in the previous activity.
You are now ready to perform the next.

2. For this activity, the exam scores frequency distribution of 108 randomly selected
college applicants are obtained for your reference. The data is shown below.

Class Limits Frequency

90 - 98 6
99 - 107 22
108 - 116 43
117 - 125 28
126 - 134 9

3. You need to construct a histogram and frequency polygon for the data. Place your
answer in your notebook.

4. And then, given that the applicants who score above 107 need not to enroll in a
summer developmental program, how many students do not have to enroll in the
developmental program?

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Data Presentation Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 70

Title Presenting Data Milestone
Timeline Week 6
Objectives Present Health/ Business/ Social Data through graphs and charts.
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, Crayons, and Calculator

1. Now that you are done organizing the data, you will now present them using graphs
and charts.

2. Using the summary of the data in the first milestone, you will draw the appropriate
graph or chart that will best represent the data at hand.

3. Use the rubric below to come up with a quality output. To get a passing grade for the
milestone, make sure to target at least Level 3 across all criteria.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(Beginning) (Developing) (Intermediate) (Proficient)
I select a type of I select the type I select the type I select the type
visual (tables, of visual (tables, of visual (tables, of visual (tables,
Selection of charts, graphs) charts, graphs) charts, graphs) charts, graphs)
Visual (30%) that does not that displays the that displays the that best
display the data data somewhat data fairly well. displays the
well. clearly. data.
I cannot I can somewhat I can mostly I can properly
properly apply apply the apply the apply the
Use of Visual the correct correct correct correct
(40%) procedures to procedures to procedures to procedures to
produce the produce the produce the produce the
selected visual. selected visual. selected visual. selected visual.
I present and I present and I present and I present and
explain the explain the explain the explain the
Description of visual in an visual in a visual in a visual in a clear
Visual (30%) unclear and somewhat clear mostly clear and and cohesive
disjointed and cohesive cohesive manner.
manner. manner. manner.

4. If anything troubles you or if you find the milestone a little difficult, you may go back
with the Data Presentation Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 71


Albert, J. T. (2016). Statistics and Probability: Teaching Guide for Senior High School.
Philippines: CHED.

Oronce, O. A., & Mendoza, M. O. (2010). e-Math Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry: A
Worktext in Mathematics.

Teh, K., Loh, C.Y., Yeo, J. & Chow, I. (2008). Mathematics 2 (6th ed).

Textual and Tabular Presentation of Data. (n.d.). Toppr.

Statistics and Probability Module | 72

The goal of this section is to prepare you for the data analysis required for your final
output, wherein you will apply descriptive statistics on the collected data.

You will learn how to calculate and interpret the mean, median, and mode of a set of
data, with greater attention to ungrouped and grouped data.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Differentiate mean, median, and mode of grouped and ungrouped data by

reading the wiki.

Compute the mean, median, and mode of ungrouped data.

Compute the mean, median, and mode of grouped data.

Earn a Functionality Badge on calculating mean, median, and mode for

grouped and ungrouped data.

Analyze Health/ Business/ Social Data through Measures of Central Tendency

Data Analysis Measures of Central Tendency
Week 7

Measure Up! Week 7

Exam Scores Week 8

Assessment on Measures of Central

Week 8

Analyzing Data Milestone Week 9

Statistics and Probability Module | 73

Title Data Analysis Measures of Central Tendency Wiki
Timeline Week 7
Differentiate mean, median, and mode of grouped and ungrouped data
by reading the wiki.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Dictionary, and Calculator

1. To help you in answering the following activities and milestone, you need information
on how to analyze data with the use of measures of central tendency.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "Data Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency". Make sure that
you read it very carefully. Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the

3. Circle or list down the word/s that is/are not familiar with you. Look at their definitions
in a dictionary or synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What are measures of central tendency?
b. Why do you need to learn measures of central tendency?
c. What are the differences between mean, median, and mode?
d. How do you calculate the mean, median, and mode for ungrouped data?
e. How do you calculate the mean, median, and mode for grouped data?
f. What is weighted mean?
g. How do you interpret measures of central tendency?

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

Section 2 states that statisticians use samples taken from populations; however,
it is not necessary to use samples when populations are small since the entire population
can be used to gain information. For example, the average weekly sales of all the
company’s representatives wanted to be known by an insurance supervisor. If the
company employed a large number of sales agents, say, across the country, he would
have to use a sample and make a conclusion to the entire sales force. But if the company
had only a few sales agents, say, only 87 agents, he would be able to use all
representatives’ sales for a randomly chosen week and thus use the entire population.

Measures obtained by using all the data values in the population are called
parameters. Measures found by using the data values from samples are called statistics;
hence, the average of the sales obtained from a sample of representatives is a statistic,
and the average of sales found from the entire population is a parameter.

Statistics and Probability Module | 74


A statistic is a characteristic or measure obtained by using the data values from

a sample.
A parameter is a characteristic or measure obtained by using all the data values
from a specific population.

Measures of central tendency are statistics which are considered as the middle
values of a data set. They involve averages that represent each value in the set of data.

Measures of central tendency are crucial in descriptive statistics. One of the most
common and useful ways to describe a data set is by computing the average number
that represents the set. Understanding averages will enable us to interpret data more
accurately, make more informed decisions, and avoid jumping to incorrect conclusions.

Figure 4-1. Example of Measures of Central Tendency

There are 3 types of central values for a set of ungrouped and grouped data - ­the
mean, median, and mode.

Before we go to the mean, median, and mode, let us see first the difference
between grouped and ungrouped data.

Grouped data is data that has been bundled together in categories. Histograms
and frequency tables can be used to show this type of data. The data is grouped
together by classes or bins.

On the other hand, ungrouped data is the data you first gather from an
experiment or study. The data is raw — that is, it’s not sorted into categories, classified,
or otherwise grouped. An ungrouped set of data is basically a list of numbers.

Statistics and Probability Module | 75

Measures of Central Tendency for Ungrouped Data

Mean of Ungrouped Data

The mean, also known as the arithmetic average, is found by adding the values of
the data and dividing by the total number of values.


The mean is the numerical average of the data values. This is also called “x-bar”
or .

The formula for the sample and population mean is shown below.

Formula for Sample Mean and Population Mean

Sample Mean

𝑋= 𝑛
𝑋 =sample mean
𝑋 =value in the data set
𝑛 =total number of
Population Mean values in the sample
µ =population mean

Σ𝑋 𝑁 =total number of

values in the

The ages of 10 retirees of a company in 2015 are recorded below. Find the mean.

62, 60, 58, 59, 60, 61, 60, 61, 35, 60


Σ𝑋 62+60+58+59+60+61+60+61+35+30
µ= 𝑁
= 10
= 57. 6

Hence, the mean age of the 10 retirees of a company is 57.6.

Median of Ungrouped Data

The median is the middle point in a data set. Before you can find this point, the
data must be arranged in order. When the data set is arranged, it is called a data array.

Statistics and Probability Module | 76

The median either will be a specific value in the data set or will fall between two values,
as shown in Examples 4-1.2.


The median is the midpoint of the data array. This is also called “x-tilde” or .

Steps in computing the median of a data array

Step 1 Arrange the data in order.

Step 2 Select the middle point.

The ages of 10 retirees of a company in 2015 are recorded below. Find the

62, 60, 58, 59, 60, 61, 60, 61, 35, 60


Step 1 Arrange the data in order.

35, 58, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 62

Step 2 Select the middle point.

35, 58, 59, 60, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 62

Since the middle point falls halfway between 60 and 60, find the median by
adding the two values and dividing by 2.

The median of the age of 10 retirees of a company is 60.

Mode of Ungrouped Data

Mode is the third measure of average. It is the value which occurs most frequently
in the data set. It is sometimes said to be the most typical case.


The mode is the value that appears most often in the data set. This is also

Statistics and Probability Module | 77

called “x-hat” or .

A data set that has only one value that occurs with the greatest frequency is said
to be unimodal.

If a data set has two values that occur with the same greatest frequency, both
values are considered to be the mode and the data set is said to be bimodal. If a data set
has more than two values that occur with the same greatest frequency, each value is
used as the mode, and the data set is said to be multimodal. When no data value occurs
more than once, the data set is said to have no mode. A data set can have more than
one mode or no mode at all.

The ages of 10 retirees of a company in 2015 are recorded below. Find the mode.

62, 60, 58, 59, 60, 61, 60, 61, 35, 60

The mode is 60 since it is the most frequently occurring number in the given data

Which average gives the best picture of the retirement age of employees in the

The mean retirement age is 67.6, the median is 60, and the mode is 60. The mean
is not an appropriate measure to use in this case, since 35 is an extremely low value
compared to the others.

The mode gives us a good picture of the retirement age since this is the age at
which most of the employees in the given sample retired.

Measures of central tendency can also be computed when the data is presented
using a frequency table.

The monthly salaries of the employees of Likha Manufacturing Company are

summarized in the following table.

Position Number of People Monthly Salary Total

CEO 1 ₱ 200,000 ₱ 200,000
Production Manager 1 ₱ 100,000 ₱ 100,000
Office Staff 3 ₱ 50,000 ₱ 150,000
Assembly Worker 5 ₱ 30,000 ₱ 150,000
Janitor 2 ₱ 18,000 ₱ 36,000

a. What is the mean salary of employees in the company?

b. What is the median salary?
c. What is the modal salary?
d. Would you say that employees in the company are paid well? Which average
would you use to show this?

Statistics and Probability Module | 78


a. To compute the mean, keep in mind the number of people corresponding to a

certain amount. We can do this by multiplying the frequency (# of people) to the
monthly salary, or by using the final column. The total number of data points is
given by the sum of the values in the 2nd column.

Σ𝑋 200,000+100,000+150,000+150,000+40,000
𝑋= 𝑛
= 12
= 53, 000

b. To get the median from a frequency table, look at the table in increasing values of
salary. Since there are 12 values, we take the mean of the 6th and 7th value.
These are both ₱30,000, so this is the median salary.

c. The mode is the salary for the most number of people, which is ₱30,000, the
salary of 5 people in the table. Note that it is the monthly salary that should be
considered, and not the total salary, to determine the mode.

d. The employees of the company are generally paid well, and the mean shows this
best. On average, an employee is paid ₱53,000, which is well above minimum

Comparisons may also be made against the average salary in other

manufacturing companies to see that the average salary in this company is relatively

Measures of Central Tendency for Grouped Data

Mean for Grouped Data

Formula of Mean for Grouped Data

𝑋 =mean
𝑓 =frequency
𝑋𝑚 =midpoint
𝑛 =total number of

Note: The symbols Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚)mean to find the sum of the product of the frequency
(𝑓) and the midpoint (𝑋𝑚) for each class.

Using the frequency distribution for Example 2-17, find the mean. The data
represent the record high temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit (F) for each of the 50


Statistics and Probability Module | 79

The procedure for finding the mean for grouped data is given here.

Step 1 Make a table as shown below.

Step 2 Find the midpoints of each class and enter them in the fourth

100+104 204 105+109 214

𝑋𝑚 = 2
= 2
= 102, 𝑋𝑚 = 2
= 2
= 107, etc.

Step 3 For each class, multiply the frequency by the midpoint, as shown,
and place the product in the fifth column.

2 • 102 = 204, 8 • 107 = 856, etc.

Step 4 Find the sum of the fifth column.

The completed table is shown here.

Class Frequency (𝑓) Midpoints (𝑋𝑚) (𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚)

Class Limits
100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 2 102 204

105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 8 107 856

110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 18 112 2016

115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 13 117 1521

120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 7 122 854

125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 1 127 127

130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 1 132 132

𝑛 = Σ𝑓 = 50 Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚) = 571

Step 5 Divide the sum by n to get the mean.

Σ(𝑓•𝑋𝑚) 5710
𝑋= 𝑛
= 50
= 114. 2

Hence, the mean is 114.2 degrees Fahrenheit (F).

Median for Grouped Data

Formula of Median for Grouped Data

Statistics and Probability Module | 80

𝑥̃ =median
𝐿 =lower boundary of the
median class
𝑛 =total number of
< 𝑐𝑓 =cumulative
frequency before the
median class
𝑓 =frequency of the
median class
𝑖 =class width

Using the same frequency distribution above, find the median.


The procedure for finding the median for grouped data is given here.

Step 1 Add another column for cumulative frequency as shown below.

Step 2 Identify the median class. To do this, divide the total frequency (n)
by 2.

𝑛 50
That is, 2
= 2
= 25. Then look for the number greater than 25 in
the cumulative frequency column, which is 28. Therefore,110-114
is the median class as highlighted below.

Class Frequency Midpoints Cumulative

Class Limits (𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚)
Boundaries (𝑓) (𝑋𝑚) Frequency

100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 2 102 204 2

105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 8 107 856 10
110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 18 112 2016 28
115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 13 117 1521 41
120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 7 122 854 48
125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 1 127 127 49
130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 1 132 132 50

𝑛 = Σ𝑓 = 50 Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚) = 571

Step 3 Identify the values of the letters in the formula.

L - 109.5
n - 50
<cf - 10
f - 18
i - 5

Statistics and Probability Module | 81

Step 4 Use the formula to solve for median.

Substitute the values of L, n, <cf, f and i

to the formula.

Divide 50 by 2.

Subtract 10 from 25.

Divide 15 by 18.

Multiply 0.83… by 5.

Add the two numbers.

Hence, the median is approximately 113.67.

Mode for Grouped Data

Formula of Mode for Grouped Data

𝑥 =mode
𝐿 =lower boundary of the
modal class
𝑓0 =frequency before the
modal class
𝑓1 =frequency of the
modal class
𝑓2 =frequency after the
modal class
𝑖 =class width

Using the same frequency distribution above, find the mode.


The procedure for finding the mode for grouped data is given here.

Step 1 Identify the modal class. The class with the highest frequency is

Statistics and Probability Module | 82

the modal class. That is, 110-114 as highlighted below.

Frequency Midpoints Cumulative

Class limits Class boundaries (𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚)
(𝑓) (𝑋𝑚) Frequency

100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 2 102 204 2

105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 8 107 856 10
110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 18 112 2016 28
115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 13 117 1521 41
120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 7 122 854 48
125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 1 127 127 49
130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 1 132 132 50

𝑛 = Σ𝑓 = 50 Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚) = 571

Step 2 Identify the values of the letters in the formula.

L - 109.5
𝑓0 - 8
𝑓1 - 18
𝑓2 - 13
i - 5

Step 3 Use the formula to solve for the mode.

1 0
𝑓 −𝑓
𝑋 = 𝐿 + ( 2𝑓 −𝑓 −𝑓
1 0 2
Substitute the values of L, 𝑓0,𝑓1, 𝑓2
18−8 and i to the formula
𝑋 = 109. 5 + [ 2(18)−8−13 ]5
Subtract 8 from 18 and multiply 2 by
10 18..
𝑋 = 109. 5 + [ 36−8−13
Simplify the denominator.
𝑋 = 109. 5 + [ 15
Divide 10 by 15.

𝑋 = 109. 5 + [0. 66...]5 Multiply 0.66… by 5.

𝑋 = 109. 5 + 3. 33... Add the two numbers.

𝑋 ≈ 112. 83

Hence, the mode is approximately 112.83.

Statistics and Probability Module | 83

The data below show the frequency distribution of the miles that 20 randomly
selected runners ran during a given week. Find the mean, median, and mode.


Class Frequency Midpoints Cumulative

Class Limit (𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚)
Boundaries (𝑓) (𝑋𝑚) Frequency
6 - 10 5.5 - 10.5 1 8 8 1
11 - 15 10.5 - 15.5 2 13 26 3
16 - 20 15.5 - 20.5 3 18 54 6
21 - 25 20.5 - 25.5 5 23 115 11
26 - 30 25.5 - 30.5 4 28 112 15
31 - 35 30.5 - 35.5 3 33 99 18
36 - 40 35.5 - 40.5 2 38 76 20

n = 20 Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚) = 490

𝑋= 𝑛
𝑋= 20

𝑋 = 24. 5
Median Mode

Thus, the mean miles run by the runners is 24.5, the median is 24.5, and the mode is

Each type of average has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is important
to use the most appropriate middle value in describing a set of data.

Statistics and Probability Module | 84

Properties of the Mean, Median and Mode

Each of these three measures has its own properties. Most of the time we use
these properties as a basis for determining what measure to use to represent the center
of the distribution.

Weighted Mean

A weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data point contributing

equally to the final mean, some data points contribute more “weight” than others. The
weighted mean is equal to the arithmetic mean (the regular “average” you’re used to) if
all the weights are equal. Weighted means are very common in statistics, especially
when studying populations.

Weighted Mean Formula

𝑋 =weighted mean
𝑋 =value in the data set
𝑤 =total number of weight
or unit

Statistics and Probability Module | 85

𝑋= 𝑤

Find the General Weighted Average (GWA) of Mark Dela Cruz for the first
semester of the school year 2018 - 2019. Use the table below.


The procedure for finding the weighted mean is given here.

Step 1 Make a table as shown below.

Step 2 Identify the values and their corresponding weight or unit.

Step 3 For each row, multiply the value or grade by the weight or unit, as
shown, and place the product in the fourth column.

90 • 3 = 270, 89 • 3 = 267, etc.

Step 4 Find the sum of the fourth column.

Subjects Grade (X) Units (w) (X)(w)

Personal Development 90 3 270
Media and Information Literacy 89 3 267
Accountancy 85 6 510
Statistics and Probability 84 3 252
Philosophy 94 3 282
Research 80 3 240
Filipino 88 3 264
Physical Education 2 98 2 196

Σ𝑤 = 26 Σ𝑋𝑤 = 2281

Step 5 Divide the sum by the total units (Σ𝑤1) to get the mean.

Σ𝑋𝑤 2281
𝑋= Σ𝑤
= 26
≈ 87. 73

The General Weighted Average of Mark Dela Cruz for the first semester SY 2018 -
2019 is 87.73.

Statistics and Probability Module | 86

Likert-type Questions

This is used if the researcher wants to know the feelings or opinions of the
respondents regarding any topic or issues of interest.

Below are examples of Likert-type statements. Respondents will choose the

number which best represents their feelings regarding the statements. Note that the
statements are grouped according to a theme.
Directions: Rate how confident you are in learning Statistics by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

Students’ Personal Confidence in Learning

4 3 2 1

1. I am sure that I can learn Statistics

2. I think I can handle difficult lessons in Statistics

3. I can get good grades in Statistics


The procedure for finding the mean in a likert-type statement is given here.

Step 1 Make a table as shown below.

Step 2 Tally the responses for each box.

Step 3 To solve for the mean, use the formula for weighted mean as
shown below.

Σ𝑋𝑤 (60•4)+(27•3)+(9•2)+(10•1) 349

𝑋= Σ𝑤
= 106
= 106
≈ 3. 29,
Σ𝑋 𝑤 (47•4)+(42•3)+(12•2)+(5•1) 343
𝑋= Σ𝑤
= 106
= 106
≈ 3. 24,
Note: The denominator is the total number of respondents.

Step 4 Interpret the mean using the Likert-type Mean Interpretation

1.00 - 1.74 - Strongly Disagree
1.75 - 2.49 - Disagree
2.50 - 3.24 - Agree
3.25 - 4.00 - Strongly Agree

Note: The Likert-type Mean Interpretation depends on the number of scales used.

Statistics and Probability Module | 87

Students’ Personal
Confidence in Learning 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation

1. I am sure that I can

60 27 9 10 3.29 Strongly Agree
learn Statistics

2. I think I can handle

difficult lessons in 47 42 12 5 3.24 Agree

3. I can get good grades

53 38 6 9 3.27 Strongly Agree
in Statistics

Overall Mean 3.27 Strongly Agree

Statistics and Probability Module | 88

Title Measure Up!
Timeline Week 7
Objectives Compute the mean, median, and mode of ungrouped data.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Calculator

1. After reading the wiki on measures of central tendency, your task now is to use your
knowledge about it to solve this activity.

2. Gather the following data from your six friends:

● Gender
● Height (cm)
● Weight (kg)

3. Answer the following questions. Write your answers in your notebook.

a. What is the average height of your friend?
b. What is the average weight of your friend?
c. What is the average height of the girls? How does this compare with your friend’s
d. What is the average weight of the boys? How does this compare with your
friend’s average?
e. What are the median height and the modal height of your friend? Which of the 3
measures of central tendency is most appropriate in describing your data?
f. What are the median weight and modal weight of your friend? Which of the 3
measures of central tendency is most appropriate in describing your data?

4. If you feel like the questions are too much, you may take a rest and reread the
Measures of Central Tendency Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 89

Title Exam Scores
Timeline Week 8
Objectives Compute the mean, median, and mode of grouped data.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. The preceding activity gave you a chance to solve for the mean, median, and mode
of ungrouped data. Since you are good at it, it is time to upgrade to the next level and
solve for the measures of central tendency of grouped data.

2. The exam score frequency distribution of 108 randomly selected high school
students is shown below.

Class Limits Frequency

90 - 98 6
99 - 107 22
108 - 116 43
117 - 125 28
126 - 134 9

3. Given these data, answer the following questions. Write your answer in your
a. Find the mean, median, and mode. Show your complete solution for each.
b. Which of the 3 measures of central tendency is most appropriate in describing
the data? Explain.

4. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Measures of Central Tendency Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 90

Title Assessment on Measures of Central Tendency
Timeline Week 8
Earn a Functionality Badge on calculating mean, median, and mode for
grouped and ungrouped data.
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. After going through this section, you are now ready to answer the assessment on
calculating mean, median, and mode for grouped and ungrouped data.

2. Prepare the materials needed and whenever you are ready, answer the assessment
and show the complete solution.

3. Take note that you need to get 80% to earn the badge. Do your best! Good luck!

4. Write your answer on a long size bond paper.


1) What is the mean of the set
a) 17, 19, 21, 14, 23, 16, 18, 19?
b) 3.4, 2.1, 1.9, 3.5, 2.7?
c) 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5?

2) What is the median of the set

a) 17, 19, 21, 14, 23, 16, 18, 1?
b) 3.4, 2.1, 1.9, 3.5, 2.7?
c) 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5?

3) What is the mode of the set

a) 17, 19, 21, 14, 23, 16, 18, 19?
b) 3.4, 2.1, 1.9, 3.5, 2.7?
c) 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5?

4) If x is a natural number in the set x, x+1, x+4, x, x+5, x-1, find the
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode

5) Macky got a score of 87% on his first math quiz, 89% on his 2nd math quiz,
and 83% on his 3rd math quiz. Given these results, answer the following
a) What is his average score for the 3 quizzes?
b) What score must he get on the 4th quiz if he wants to get an average of

6) The birth weights of babies born on the first day of the year are recorded
(in kg): 4.5, 6.2, 5.8, 6.7, and 5.7. What is the mean birth weight of the babies

Statistics and Probability Module | 91

7) The mean of 6 numbers is 41. Three of the numbers are 31, 32, and 42.
What is the sum of the 3 remaining numbers?

8) Lea recorded the number of hours she slept for the 7 days of the week. She
listed them down as 8, 5, 7, 7, 8, 5, 9. Using these data, find the following.
a) Mean
b) Median
c) Mode

9) What is the mean of the first 10 natural numbers?

10) What is the mode of the first 10 consecutive natural numbers?


Top-Paid CEOs

The data shown are the total compensation (in millions of pesos) for the 50
top-paid CEOs for a recent year. Construct a Frequency Distribution Table and
find the mean, median, and mode.

17 18 36 31 31 17 24 47 38 17
23 16 25 17 18 37 19 21 28 21
19 20 16 25 19 25 17 20 20 29
19 25 23 25 24 41 24 16 26 31
16 17 24 35 19 22 18 25 35 25

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Measures of Central Tendency Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 92

Title Analyzing Data Milestone
Timeline Week 9
Analyze Health/ Business/ Social Data through Measures of Central
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. You now have your data in the form of tables, graphs, and charts. It is now time for
you to analyze the data.

2. Using your data in the first milestone, do the following tasks depending on your
chosen problem.

a. Find the mean, median, and mode and interpret the result of:
i. the grades of the students in question number 1.
ii. the number of hours of sleep of the students in question number 3.
b. What is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to be used in i
and ii? Why do you think so?
c. Find the weighted mean and interpret the result of:
i. the quality of sleep of the students in question number 4.
ii. the Likert-type questions in the Causes of Sleep Deprivation.
iii. the Likert-type questions in the Effects of Sleep Deprivation.

a. Find the mean, median, and mode and interpret the result of:
i. the daily budget for food of the students in question number 1.
ii. the number of times the students buy inside the campus in
question number 3.
b. What is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to be used in i
and ii? Why do you think so?
c. Find the weighted mean and interpret the result of:
i. the Likert-type questions in the Factors in Buying Food.
ii. the Likert-type questions in the Characteristics of Food Stall Staff.
d. Interpret the result in each question.

a. Find the mean, median, and mode and interpret the result of the number
of people in their household in question number 1.
b. What is the most appropriate measure of central tendency to be used in
a? Why do you think so?
c. Find the weighted mean and interpret the result of:
i. the quality of social life of the students before COVID-19 in
question number 2.
ii. the level of happiness of the students in question number 3.
iii. the Likert-type questions in the Impact of COVID-19 pandemic.
iv. the Likert-type questions in the Coping Mechanism of students.

3. Show your complete solution in each question. Write your answer in long size bond

Statistics and Probability Module | 93

4. Use the rubric below to come up with a quality output. To get a passing grade for the
milestone, make sure to target at least Level 3 across all criteria.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(Beginning) (Developing) (Intermediate) (Proficient)
I express and I express and I express and I express and
interpret ideas in interpret ideas in interpret ideas in interpret ideas in
an unclear a somewhat a clear manner a clear manner
manner, with no clear manner, with mostly with obvious
obvious with somewhat obvious connection to
connection to obvious connection to the topic at
the topic at connection to the topic at hand;
hand; the topic at hand; goal/purpose is
Of The Problem,
goal/purpose is hand; goal/purpose is well-defined and
Interpretation, &
not well-defined goal/purpose is mostly clear; all steps
and unclear; somewhat well-defined and needed to meet
Skills (20%)
steps needed to well-defined and clear; most goal/purpose
meet clear; some steps needed to are listed and
goal/purpose steps needed to meet defined
are not listed meet goal/purpose
and defined goal/purpose are listed and
are listed and defined.
I do not I somewhat I mostly I demonstrate
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an an
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical
thinking by thinking by thinking by thinking by
accurately using accurately using accurately using accurately using
the data given the data given the data given the data given
and the and the and the and the
relationship relationship relationship relationship
between between between between
numbers and numbers and numbers and numbers and
quantities; with quantities; I quantities; I quantities; I
no evidence of somewhat mostly follow a follow a logical
Clarity &
following a follow a logical logical order order and
Prioritization Of
logical order order and and progression progression that
Steps (25%)
and progression progression that that is clear and is clear and can
that is clear and is clear and can can be easily be easily
can be easily be easily understood understood
understood understood
I show a mostly I show a
I show an I show a detailed, detailed,
incomplete, somewhat comprehensive comprehensive
fragmented, or detailed, and logical and logical
illogical solution comprehensive solution in solution in
in answering the and logical answering the answering the
problem. solution in problem problem

Statistics and Probability Module | 94

answering the
I do not use I use (1) relevant, I use relevant, I use relevant,
relevant, (2) accurate, or accurate, or accurate, and
accurate, nor (3) complete [at complete (at complete data
complete data least 1 of the 3] least 2 of the 3) for analysis.
for analysis. data for data for
analysis. analysis. I select and
I do not select apply the
nor apply an I can select and I select and appropriate
appropriate apply a fairly apply a mostly statistical
statistical appropriate appropriate analysis for the
Analysis and
analysis for the statistical statistical given data set.
Interpretation of
given data set. analysis for the analysis for the
Data (30%)
given data set. given data set. I can show,
I cannot show, extract, and
extract, nor I can (1) show, (2) I can show, explain the
explain the extract, or (3) extract, or patterns, trends,
patterns, trends, explain [at least explain (at least and
or relationship(s) 1 of the 3] the 2 of the 3) the relationship(s)
among data. patterns, trends, patterns, trends, among data.
or relationship(s) and/or
among data. relationship(s)
among data.
I state an I state an I state an I state a correct
incorrect or answer that is answer that is or logical
illogical answer. somewhat mostly correct answer.
correct and or logical
I cannot provide logical. I can provide a
Final Answer,
a definite I can provide a precise
Conclusion &
conclusion nor I can provide a precise conclusion and
show the conclusion, and conclusion, and show the
Of The Milestone
expected I somewhat I can mostly expected
content in show the shows the content in
completing the expected expected completing the
output content in content in output
completing the completing the
output output
I create a I create a fair I create a good I create an
poor-quality quality output - quality output - excellent quality
output - not somewhat mostly output -
organized, organized, organized, organized,
Creativeness &
creative, and creative, neat creative, neat creative, neat
neat, and it has and has some and has a and has a very
little to no impact/appeal. strong strong
impact/appeal. impact/appeal. impact/appeal.

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the milestone a little difficult, you may go back
with the Data Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 95


Albert, J. T. (2016). Statistics and probability: Teaching Guide for Senior High School.
Philippines: CHED.

Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, Seventh Edition.

Semantic Scholar.

Glen, S. (2014, December 10). Grouped Data / Ungrouped Data: Definition, Examples.
Statistics How To.

Glen, S. (2014, January 23). Weighted Mean: Formula: How to Find Weighted Mean.
Statistics How To.

Statistics and Probability Module | 96

The goal of this section is to prepare you to make additional descriptive statistical
analysis of your data.

You will learn how to calculate and interpret the range, variance, and standard
deviation of grouped and ungrouped data.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Describe data dispersion or variability by reading the wiki.

Calculate the variance and standard deviation of ungrouped data.

Calculate the variance and standard deviation of grouped data.

Earn a Flexibility Badge on calculating measures of variability for grouped and

ungrouped data

Measures of Variability Wiki Week 10

Breaking Records Week 10

Errors on a Typing Test Week 11

Assessment on Measures of Variability Week 11

Statistics and Probability Module | 96

Title Data Analysis Measures of Variability Wiki
Timeline Week 10
Objectives Describe data dispersion or variability by reading the wiki.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Dictionary, and Calculator

1. To help you in answering the following activities and milestone, you need information
on how to describe a set of data with the use of measures of variability or dispersion.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "Data Analysis: Measures of Variability". Make sure that you
read it very carefully. Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the concepts.

3. Circle or list down the word/s that you think is/are not familiar with you. Look at their
definitions in a dictionary or synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What are measures of variability?
b. Why do you need to learn measures of variability?
c. How do you calculate range, variance, and standard deviation?
d. How do you interpret measures of variability?
e. What is the difference between central tendency and variability?

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

Another way to describe statistical data numerically is by saying something

about how widely spread the data values are. Such statistics ­which measure how close
or far apart data points are from each other­­are called measures of variability.

Measures of variability describe the spread of the data values, and this is useful
information when one wishes to compare samples. It also describes how much data
points deviate from the mean. With scores as data, measures of variability can help us
judge the consistency of students or athletes in their performance. In the context of
business, measures of variability can be used to check for points wherein there is a
significant change from the average sales, and these crucial points may be studied

Statistics and Probability Module | 97

Figure 5-1. Comparison of Variability and Central Tendency

Brand A Brand B
10 35
60 45
50 30
30 35
40 40
20 25


The mean for Brand A is The mean for Brand B is

µ= 𝑁
µ= 𝑁

10+60+50+30+40+20 35+45+30+35+40+25
µ= 6
µ= 6

210 210
µ= 6
µ= 6

µ = 35months µ = 35months

Statistics and Probability Module | 98

Since the means are equal in Example 5-1, you might conclude that both brands
of paint last equally well. However, when the data sets are examined graphically, a
somewhat different conclusion might be drawn. See Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Examining Data Sets Graphically

As Figure 5–2 shows, the spread, or variation, is quite different even though the
means are the same for both brands. Figure 5–2 shows that brand B consistently
performs well and is less variable.

Range, variance, and standard deviation are three procedures which are usually
used for the spread or perhaps variability of any set of data. Each measure will be
reviewed in this section.


The first measure of variance is the range. It is the difference between the highest
and lowest values among the data points.


The range is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value
among the data points.

The range depends on the extremes; it ignores information about what goes in
between the smallest (minimum) and largest (maximum) values in a data set. The larger
the range, the larger is the dispersion of the data set.

When outliers are present in the set, the range does not give a fair picture of how
widely spread the values are.

Statistics and Probability Module | 99

Formula for Range

𝑅 =range
𝐻𝑉 =highest value
𝐿𝑉 =lowest value

Using the data in Example 5-1.1, find the ranges of each brand of paint.


For Brand A, the range is For Brand B, the range is

𝑅 = 𝐻𝑉 − 𝐿𝑉 𝑅 = 𝐻𝑉 − 𝐿𝑉

𝑅 = 60 − 10 𝑅 = 45 − 25

𝑅 = 50months 𝑅 = 20months

One extremely high or one extremely low data value can affect the range
markedly, as shown above.

Population Variance and Standard Deviation for Ungrouped Data

Find the variance and standard deviation for the data set for brand A paint in
Example 5–1.1.


Step 1 Find the mean for the data.

Σ𝑋 10+60+50+30+40+20 210
µ= 𝑁
= 6
= 6
= 35

Step 2 Subtract the mean from each data value.

10 − 35 =− 25 50 − 35 = 15 40 − 35 = 5

Statistics and Probability Module | 100

60 − 35 = 25 30 − 35 =− 5
20 − 35 =− 15

Step 3 Square each result.

2 2 2
(− 25) = 625 (15) = 225 (5) = 25
2 2 2
(25) = 625 (− 5) = 25 (− 15) = 225

Step 4 Get the sum of the squares.

Step 5 Divide the answer in Step 4 by N to arrive with the variance.

Step 6 Take the square root of the variance to get the standard deviation.
Hence, the standard deviation is equal to 291. 67, or 17.01. It is
helpful to make a table.

Values X 𝑋− µ (𝑋 − µ)
10 - 25 625
60 25 625
50 15 225
30 -5 25
40 5 25
20 - 15 225
Σ(𝑋 − µ) = 175

First column shows the raw data X. Second column shows the differences 𝑋 − µ
obtained in step 2. Third column shows the squares of the differences obtained in step 3.

You might wonder why the squared distances are used instead of the actual
distances. One reason is that the sum of the distances will always be zero. Add the
values in the second column of the table in Example 5–1.3 to verify this result for a
specific case. When each value is squared, the negative signs are eliminated.

Finally, why is it necessary to take the square root? The reason is that since the
distances were squared, the units of the resultant numbers are the squares of the units
of the original raw data. Finding the square root of the variance puts the standard
deviation in the same units as the raw data.

When you are finding the square root, always use its positive or principal value,
since the variance and standard deviation of a data set can never be negative.

Statistics and Probability Module | 101


The variance is the average of the squares of the distance each value is from
the mean. The symbol for the population variance is σ (σ is the Greek lowercase letter
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The symbol for the
population standard deviation is σ .

Formula for Population Variance and Standard Deviation

Population Variance

σ =population variance
σ =population standard
Population Standard Deviation 𝑥 =value in the data set
µ =population mean
𝑁 =total number of
values in the population

Find standard deviation and the variance for the data set for brand name B paint
in Example 5–1.1. The months were

35, 45, 30, 35, 40, 25


Step 1 Find the mean.

Σ𝑋 35+45+30+35+40+25 210
µ= 𝑁
= 6
= 6
= 35

Step 2 Subtract the mean from each value and place the result in the
second column of the table.

Step 3 Square each result and place the squares in the third column of
the table.

Values X 𝑋− µ (𝑋 − µ)
35 0 0
45 10 100
30 -5 25

Statistics and Probability Module | 102

35 0 0
40 5 25
25 -10 100
Σ(𝑋 − µ) = 250

Step 4 Find the sum of the squares in the third column.

Step 5 Divide the sum by N to arrive with the variance.

Step 6 Take the square root to get the standard deviation.

Hence, the standard deviation is 6.46.

Since the standard deviation of brand A is 17.01 (see Example 5-1) and the
standard deviation of brand B is 6.46, the data are more variable for brand A. In
summary, when the means are equal, the larger the variance or standard
deviation is, the more variable the data are.


Don't ROUND too soon! When working with the formulas for variance and
standard deviation, be careful to avoid rounding too soon. If calculating by hand,
always carry more decimal places within the calculations than is expected for the final
result. If working with a calculator, carry the full value of the calculator entries until you
arrive at the final result.

Find the population variance and standard deviation for the ages of 10 retirees of
a company in 2015 as shown in Example 4-1.1. The data is shown below.

62, 60, 58, 59, 60, 61, 60, 61, 35, 60


Find the mean.

µ= 𝑁
= 57. 6as shown in Example 4-1.1.

Find the variance and standard deviation.

Statistics and Probability Module | 103

Values X 𝑋− µ (𝑋 − µ)
62 4.4 19.36
60 2.4 5.76
58 0.4 0.16
59 1.4 1.96
60 2.4 5.76
61 3.4 11.56
60 2.4 5.76
61 3.4 11.56
35 - 22.6 510.76
60 2.4 5.76
Σ(𝑋 − µ) = 578. 4

2 Σ(𝑋−µ) 578.4
σ = 𝑁
= 10
= 57. 84

σ= 𝑁
= 57. 84 ≈ 7. 61

Hence, the standard deviation is 7.61. This suggests that the data are a bit
dispersed but by looking at the data above, you might say otherwise. It is because of one
value in the data set which is 35 that is too far from the other values.

Sample Variance and Standard Deviation for Ungrouped Data

Formula for Sample Variance and Standard Deviation

Sample Variance

𝑠 =sample variance
𝑠 =sample standard
Sample Standard Deviation 𝑥 =value in the data set
𝑋 =sample mean
𝑛 =total number of
values in the sample

These formula are used because the expression does not display
probably the best estimation of the population variance because once the population is

Statistics and Probability Module | 104

big and the sample is small (typically under thirty), the variance estimated by this
particular system usually underestimates the population variance. Thus, locate the
sample variance by dividing by n-1, rather than dividing by n, providing a somewhat
bigger value and an unbiased estimation of the population variance.

Shortcut formulas for calculating the variance and standard deviation are shown
below. These formulas are mathematically equivalent to the formulas above and do not
involve using the mean. They save time when repeated subtracting and squaring occur
in the original formulas. They are also more accurate when the mean has been rounded.

Shortcut Formula for Sample Variance and Standard Deviation

Sample Variance

𝑠 =sample variance
𝑠 =sample standard
Sample Standard Deviation deviation
𝑋 =value in the data set
𝑛 =total number of
values in the sample

Examples 5–3 explains how to use the shortcut formulas.

Find the sample variance and standard deviation for the number of European
auto sales for a sample of 6 years. The data are in millions of dollars.

11.2, 11.9, 12.0, 12.8, 13.4, 14.3


Step 1 Find the sum of the values.

Step 2 Square each value and find the sum.

Step 3 Substitute in the formulas and solve.

Statistics and Probability Module | 105

The variance is 1.28 rounded.

Hence, the sample standard deviation is 1.13.

Variance and Standard Deviation for Grouped Data

The steps in solving the variance and standard deviation for grouped data is
similar to that in solving the mean for grouped data, and it uses the midpoints of each

Formula for Variance and Standard Deviation of Grouped Data

𝑠 =variance
𝑠 =standard deviation
𝑓 =frequency
𝑋𝑚 =midpoint
Standard Deviation 2
𝑋𝑚 =square of the
𝑛 =total number of

Locate the variance as well as the standard deviation of the frequency

distribution of the given in Example 2-17. The data symbolize the record high

temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit ( 𝐹) for each of the fifty states.


Step 1 Make a table as shown below, and find the midpoint of each class.

Statistics and Probability Module | 106

Step 2 Multiply the frequency by the midpoint for each class and place
the products in the fifth column.

2 • 102 = 204, 8 • 107 = 856, etc.

Step 3 Multiply the frequency by the square of the midpoint and place the
products in the sixth column.

2 2
2 • 102 = 20808, 8 • 107 = 22898, etc.

Step 4 Find the sums of the third, fifth, and sixth column. The sum of the
third column is n, the sum of the fifth column is Σ𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚, and the
sum of the sixth column is Σ𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚 . The completed table is shown.

Class Class Frequency Midpoints 2

𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚 𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚
Limits Boundaries (𝑓) (𝑋𝑚)

100 - 104 99.5 - 104.5 2 102 204 20,808

105 - 109 104.5 - 109.5 8 107 856 91,592

110 - 114 109.5 - 114.5 18 112 2016 225,792

115 - 119 114.5 - 119.5 13 117 1521 177,957

120 - 124 119.5 - 124.5 7 122 854 104,188

125 - 129 124.5 - 129.5 1 127 127 16,129

130 - 134 129.5 - 134.5 1 132 132 17,424

𝑛 = 50 Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚) = 571 Σ(𝑓 • 𝑋 2) = 65389


Step 5 Substitute in the formula and solve for 𝑠 to get the variance.

2 2
2 𝑛(Σ𝑓•𝑋𝑚 )−(Σ𝑓•𝑋𝑚)
𝑠 = 𝑛(𝑛−1)

2 50(653,890)−(5710)
𝑠 = 50(50−1)

2 32,694,500−32,604,100
𝑠 = 50(49)

2 90,400
𝑠 = 2450

𝑠 ≈ 36. 9

Step 6 Take the square root to get the standard deviation.

Statistics and Probability Module | 107

𝑠 = 36. 9

𝑠 ≈ 6. 07

Make sure you make use of the number present in the 3rd column (i.e., the sum of
the frequencies) for 𝑛. Do not use the number of classes.

Using the data in Example 4-4, find the variance and standard deviation for the
frequency distribution of the data. The data symbolize the number of miles ran by 20
runners for one week.


Frequency Midpoint 2
Class 𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚 𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚
(𝑓) (𝑋𝑚)
5.5 - 10.5 1 8 8 64
10.5 - 15.5 2 13 26 338
15.5 - 20.5 3 18 54 972
20.5 - 25.5 5 23 115 2645
25.5 - 30.5 4 28 112 3136
30.5 - 35.5 3 33 99 3267
35.5 - 40.5 2 38 76 2888
𝑛 = 20 Σ𝑓 • 𝑋𝑚 = 490 Σ𝑓 • 𝑋 2 = 13, 310

2 2
2 𝑛(Σ𝑓•𝑋𝑚 )−(Σ𝑓•𝑋𝑚)
𝑠 = 𝑛(𝑛−1)

2 20(13,310)−490
𝑠 = 20(20−1)

2 266,200−240,100
𝑠 = 20(19)

2 26,100
𝑠 = 380

𝑠 ≈ 68. 68

𝑠 = 68. 68

𝑠 ≈ 8. 29

The Uses of Variance and Standard Deviation

1. Variances and standard deviations can be used to determine the

Statistics and Probability Module | 108

spread of the data. If the variance or standard deviation is large, the
data are more dispersed. This information is useful in comparing two (or
more) data sets to determine which is more (most) variable.

2. The measures of variance and standard deviation are used to determine

the consistency of a variable.

3. The variance and standard deviation are used to determine the number
of data values that fall within a specified interval in a distribution.

Statistics and Probability Module | 109

Title Breaking Records
Timeline Week 10
Objectives Calculate the variance and standard deviation of ungrouped data.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. Since you are done reading the wiki, test yourself if you can calculate the variance
and standard deviation by performing this activity.

2. For this activity, you will use different sets of data given below.

3. Using these data, try to answer the following questions. Write your answer in your
a. Compute the mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation.
b. What measure of central tendency best describes the data, and why?
c. How will you describe the variability of each set of data?
d. Which data set is the most widely spread? Which is the least spread data set of
all? Explain your answers.

4. Then, add one more data value in your data set--the world record for the given
category. The world record data are shown in the table below.

5. Next, think and try to answer the next set of questions below.
a. How do you think your data set will change after the existing world records are
added to it?
b. Which measures of central tendency or variability will be affected? Which ones
will remain unaffected?

6. After that, add the existing world record-values into each data set, and compute the
new mean, median, range, variance, and standard deviation.

7. Then, compare your new statistics with the old ones. Were your predictions correct?

8. If you feel stuck with this activity, you may go back with the Measures of Variability

Statistics and Probability Module | 110

Title Errors on a Typing Test
Timeline Week 11
Objectives Calculate the variance and standard deviation of grouped data.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. The previous activity focused on calculating the measures of variability of ungrouped

data. Now for this activity, the emphasis will be on grouped data.

2. Below is the distribution of the number of errors that 25 students made on a typing

Errors Frequency

0-2 5

3-5 3

6-8 4

9 - 11 6

12 - 14 7

3. Using these data, do the task and answer the question below. Write your answer in
your notebook.
a. Find the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation.
b. What does the information tell you about the variability of the number of errors
made by 25 students?

4. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Measures of Variability Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 111

Title Assessment on Measures of Variability
Timeline Week 11
Earn a Flexibility Badge on calculating measures of variability for
grouped and ungrouped data.
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. After going through this section, you are now ready to answer the assessment on
calculating measures of variability for grouped and ungrouped data.

2. Prepare the materials needed and whenever you are ready, answer the assessment
and show the complete solution.

3. Take note that you need to get 80% to earn the badge. Do your best! Good luck!

4. Write your answer on a long size bond paper.



1) Given the set 19, 21, 24, 20, 18, 16, 22, find the following.
a) Range
b) Standard deviation

2) What is the standard deviation of

a) the set 2.9, 3.4, 4.1, 2.2, 5.3?
b) the set 3, 6, 9, 4, 8, 2, 6?
c) 5 consecutive integers with the mean of 11?

3) Macky got a score of 87% on his first math quiz, 89% on his second math
quiz, and 83% on his 3rd math quiz. What is the standard deviation of his
scores on the 3 quizzes?

4) The raw scores of 12 students in a 20-point exam are 13, 11, 17, 19, 20, 15,
17, 18, 16, 19, 20, 18. Given this set of scores, find the following.
a) Range
b) Standard deviation

5) If x is a natural number in the set x, x+2, x+4, then what is

a) the range?
b) the variance?

6) The scores of 10 students in a 20-point diagnostic test are recorded as 13,

18, 20, 11, 19, 17, 18, 16, 12, and 18. What is
a) the range of the scores?
b) the standard deviation of the scores?

7) Given the set 3.2, 4.4, 3.8, 4.4, 4.1, what is

a) the range?
b) the standard deviation?

Statistics and Probability Module | 112

8) The weights (in lbs) of 5 patients in the pediatric ward are recorded as 100,
92, 98, 99, 96. What is the standard deviation of their weights?


Trigonometry practice problems to be worked via the net is being assigned by

a high school Math teacher at a small private school. Password must be used by
the students to access the problems and the time of log-in and log-off are
automatically recorded for the teacher. At the end of the week, the teacher
examines the amount of time each student spent working on the assigned
problems. The data is provided below in minutes.
15 28 25 48 22
43 49 34 22 33
27 25 22 20 39

a. Find the Range, Standard Deviation, and Variance for the above data.
b. What does this information tell you about the variability of a student's length of
time on the computer solving trigonometry problems? Is it homogeneous or

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the assessment a little difficult, you may go back
with the Data Analysis: Measures of Variability Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 113


Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, Seventh Edition.

Semantic Scholar.

Statistics and Probability Module | 114

The goal of the section is to introduce you to probability distributions, particularly the
normal distribution.

You will learn about probability distributions, the normal distribution, and the standard
normal curve. Moreover, you will learn how to convert actual scores to z-scores and
describe a distribution in terms of each point's deviation from the mean.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Construct and analyze normal distribution by reading the wiki.

Construct a histogram or a curve for a distribution.

Identify the area under the normal curve to represent the probability for a
phenomenon to happen.

Standardize Health/ Business/ Social Data using the Normal Distribution.

The Normal Distribution Wiki Week 12

Shoe In Week 12

Waiting to Be Seated Week 13

Standardizing Data Milestone Week 13

Statistics and Probability Module | 114

Title The Normal Distribution Wiki
Timeline Week 12
Objectives Construct and analyze normal distribution by reading the wiki.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Dictionary, and Calculator

1. To help you in answering the following activities and milestone, you need information
on how to construct and analyze normal distribution.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "The Normal Distribution Wiki". Make sure that you read it very
carefully. Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the concepts.

3. Circle or list down the word/s that you think is/are not familiar with you. Look at their
definitions in a dictionary or synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What is the normal distribution?
b. Why do you need to learn normal distribution?
c. How do you say if a data is normal or not?
d. What is skewness?
e. What is kurtosis?
f. How do you construct a normal curve?
g. How to calculate the area under a normal curve?
h. What is z-score?
i. How to compute for z-score?
j. How do you analyze a normal distribution?

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

The normal distribution is a probability distribution with the mean as the highest
value. It is denser in parts close to the mean and becomes less dense as the values move
farther from the mean.

Although it may be true that it is almost impossible to find a data set that shows
perfectly normal distribution, there are many real­-life data that approximate the normal
distribution closely enough. These data sets can be analyzed with a certain degree of
accuracy if they are assumed to be normal.

Data such as height, weight, and IQ are just some examples of real-­life data that
follow a normal distribution.

Statistics and Probability Module | 115

Moreover, a sampling distribution
becomes closer and closer to a normal
distribution, as the number of samples
increases. This is the essence of the
Central Limit Theorem. This sampling
distribution is created by getting different
samples from a population and
calculating a statistic such as the mean
for each sample. The distribution of the
means is referred to as a sampling
Figure 6-1 Normal Curve

Properties of Normal Distribution

Normally distributed data have the following characteristics: ­

1. A normal distribution curve is bell-shaped.
2. The mean, median, and mode are equal. This value is also the highest value in
the data set and is thus the peak of the curve. ­
3. A normal distribution curve is unimodal (i.e., it has only one mode).
4. The curve is symmetric along the line containing the mean. ­
5. The total area under the curve (bounded by the x­axis) is 1 or 100%. ­
6. The curve comes closer and closer to the x-­axis without touching it on either
side. ­
7. 68% of the values in the set fall within 1 standard deviation away from the
8. 95% of the values in the set fall within 2 standard deviations away from the
mean. ­
9. 99.7% of the values in the set fall within 3 standard deviations away from the

Values that fall within more than 3 standard deviations away from the mean are
considered outliers of the data set.

There are further statistics that describe the shape of the distribution - skewness
(describes asymmetry) and kurtosis (describes peakedness).

Skewness and Kurtosis

A distribution is said to be a symmetric distribution when the data values are

evenly distributed about the mean. (A normal distribution is symmetric.) Figure 6–2(a)
shows a symmetric distribution.

The distribution is said to be skewed when the majority of the data values fall to
the right or to the left of the mean. Negatively or left-skewed distribution happens when
the majority of the data values fall to the right of the mean. The mean is to the left of the
median, and the mean and the median are to the left of the mode as shown in Figure
6–2(b). Positively or right-skewed distribution happens when the majority of the data
values fall to the left of the mean. The mean falls to the right of the median, and both the

Statistics and Probability Module | 116

mean and the median fall to the right of the mode as shown in Figure 6–2(c).

The “tail” of the curve indicates the direction of skewness (right is positive, left is

Figure 6-2 Normal and Skewed Distributions

The other common measure of shape is called the kurtosis. The outliers in a
sample, therefore, have even more effect on the kurtosis than they do on the skewness.
In a symmetric distribution, both tails increase the kurtosis, unlike skewness where they
offset each other.

A normal distribution has kurtosis exactly 3 and is called mesokurtic.

A distribution with kurtosis <3 (less than 3) is called platykurtic. Compared to a

normal distribution, its tails are shorter and thinner, and often its central peak is lower
and broader.

A distribution with kurtosis >3 (greater than ) is called leptokurtic. Compared to a

normal distribution, its tails are longer and fatter, and often its central peak is higher and

Figure 6-3 Kurtosis Distributions

Statistics and Probability Module | 117

Empirical Rule

The values given in the last item of the properties of normal distribution follow the
empirical rule for data.

The following statements, which make the empirical rule, are true when a
distribution is bell-shaped (or what is called normal).

Figure 6-4 Empirical Rule

Standard Score

There is a special type of normal distribution, for which the mean is 0 and the
standard deviation is 1. Such a distribution is called a standard normal distribution.


The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a

standard deviation of 1.

Sometimes, the actual data do not display a normal distribution. In such cases, it
is possible to standardize the scores to convert it to a normal distribution. This is done by
converting the actual scores to a “normal score” and looking at the values in terms of the
amount by which they deviate from the mean.

To convert the values to a normal score or a z-­score, we use the following formula:

Standard Score Formula

𝑧 =z-score or standard
𝑥 =value
µ =mean
σ =standard deviation

Statistics and Probability Module | 118

A standard score or z score tells how many standard deviations a data value is
above or below the mean for a specific distribution of values. If a standard score is zero,
then the data value is the same as the mean.

The scores of 20 students in a 30-­point test are recorded. The scores have a
mean of 23, and a standard deviation of 1.5. What z­-score corresponds to a raw score of


𝑥−µ 20−23 −3
𝑧 = σ
= 1.5
= 1.5
=− 2

This means that a score of 20 is 2 standard deviations away from the mean.
Since the z­score is negative, then the observed score is 2 standard deviations less than
the mean.
Figure 6-5 Graph of Example 6-1

1. Convert the ages of 10 retirees of a company as shown in Example 4-1.1 into z -

scores. The data are shown below.

62, 60, 58, 59, 60, 61, 60, 61, 35, 60

2. What range of values falls within 3 or more standard deviations away from the

3. What information can you get from this distribution?


Find the mean.

µ = 57. 6as shown in Example 4-1.1.

Find the standard deviation.

σ = 7. 61as shown in Example 5-2.

Values X z - scores

Statistics and Probability Module | 119

62 0.58
60 0.32
58 0.05
59 0.18
60 0.32
61 0.45
60 0.32
61 0.45
35 - 2.97
60 0.32

The table suggests that most of the data fall within 1 standard deviation away
from the mean. Only one data fall within 2 standard deviations away from the mean
which is 35 that has a z-score of -2.97. Even though there is one value that is too far from
the other set of values, still it is not considered an outlier.

Area Under a Normal Curve

Another number that statisticians are interested in is the area under the curve,
bounded by the x­-axis and a given z-­score. To get the area under a curve corresponding
to a z­-score, we refer to a statistical tool called the Areas Under the Standard Normal
Curve Table.

Below are the steps to follow in solving problems using the standard normal

Step 1 Draw the normal distribution curve and shade the area.

Step 2 Find the appropriate figure in the table below and follow the
directions given.

The Procedure Table below summarizes the 3 basic types of problems. Note that
it is presented to visualize the problem and better understand how to use the standard
normal distribution table.

How to find the Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve

Statistics and Probability Module | 120

How to find the
Area Under th
e Curve of a Normal

What is the area to the left of z = 1.99?


Step 1 Draw the figure. The desired area is shown in Figure 6-7.

Statistics and Probability Module | 121

Figure 6 - 7 Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Example 6–3.

Step 2 Look up the area in the table since this is an example of the first
type of problem shown in the Procedure Table. It is 0.9767. Hence
97.67% of the area is less than z=1.99.

Probability Distribution Curve

A normal distribution curve can be used as a probability distribution curve for

normally distributed variables.

For probabilities, a special notation is used. For example, if the problem is to find
the probability of any z value between 0 and 2.32, this probability is written as
𝑃(0 < 𝑧 < 2. 32).

What is the probability of each of the following?



a. means to find the area under the standard normal

distribution curve between 0 and 2.32. First, look for the area
corresponding to 2.32 which is 0.9898. Then, look for the area
corresponding to 𝑧 = 0which is 0.5000. Subtract the two areas:
0. 9898 − 0. 5000 = 0. 4898. Therefore the probability is 0.4898, or
48.98%. This is shown in Figure 6–8.

Statistics and Probability Module | 122

Figure 6-8. Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Part a of Example

b. 𝑃(𝑧 < 1. 65)is represented in Figure 6–9. Look up the area corresponding
to 𝑧 = 1. 65in Table 6-1. It is 0.9505. Therefore, 𝑃(𝑧 < 1. 65) = 0. 9505, or

Figure 6-9. Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Part b of Example

c. 𝑃(𝑧 > 1. 91) is shown in Figure 6–10. Look for the area that corresponds
to 𝑧 = 1. 91. It is 0.9719. Then subtract this area from 1.0000.
𝑃(𝑧 > 1. 91) = 1. 0000 − 0. 9719 = 0. 0281, or 2.81%.

Figure 6-10. Area Under the Standard Normal Distribution Curve for Part c of Example

Statistics and Probability Module | 123

Table 6-1. The Standard Normal Distribution

Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution

Statistics and Probability Module | 124

Table 6-1 The Standard Normal Distribution (continued)

Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution

Statistics and Probability Module | 125

Statistics and Probability Module | 126
Title Shoe In
Timeline Week 12
Objectives Construct a histogram or a curve for a distribution.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. After reading and understanding the wiki, you are now equipped with the tools you
need to perform the next activity which is about constructing a curve using

2. For this activity, you need to gather data on the shoe sizes of the six members of your
family. If the members are less than six, you may ask your relatives.

3. When all data are complete, do the tasks and answer the questions below. Write your
answer in your notebook.
a. What is the mean shoe size of the members of the family?
b. Convert the shoe sizes into z-scores and complete a table with the actual sizes
and their z-scores.
c. Construct a curve for the distribution.
d. What range of shoe sizes falls within 68% of the distribution?
e. Are there any outliers in the data? Explain how you identified outliers from the
f. Is the distribution a normal distribution? If not, what is it? Explain.

4. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Normal Distribution Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 127

Title Waiting to Be Seated
Timeline Week 13
Identify the area under the normal curve to represent the probability for
a phenomenon to happen.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. This activity will make use of your knowledge about solving for the area under a
normal curve discussed in the previous wiki. This is used to represent the probability
of a phenomenon to happen.

2. Read the problem below about the context of the activity.

3. Answer the questions above with complete solutions. Write your answer in your

4. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Normal Distribution Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 128

Title Standardizing Data Milestone
Timeline Week 13
Standardize Health/ Business/ Social Data using the Normal
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. You now have analyzed the data through measures of central tendency. You would
like to see how the data deviates from the mean.

2. Using your data in the first and third milestone, you try to standardize the scores
based on their responses. Do the following tasks depending on your chosen problem.

a. Convert the General Weighted Average indicated by the respondents into
b. What range of values falls within 3 or more standard deviations away from
the mean?
c. What information can you get from this distribution?

a. Convert the budget for food indicated by the respondents into z-scores.
b. What range of values falls within 3 or more standard deviations away from
the mean?
c. What information can you get from this distribution?

a. Convert the number of people in the household indicated by the
respondents into z-scores.
b. What range of values falls within 3 or more standard deviations away from
the mean?
c. What information can you get from this distribution?

3. Show your complete solution in each question. Write your answer in long size bond

4. Use the rubric below to come up with a quality output. To get a passing grade for the
milestone, make sure to target at least Level 3 across all criteria.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(Beginning) (Developing) (Intermediate) (Proficient)
I express and I express and I express and I express and
Understanding interpret ideas in interpret ideas in interpret ideas in interpret ideas in
Of The Problem, an unclear a somewhat a clear manner a clear manner
Interpretation, & manner, with no clear manner, with mostly with obvious
Comprehension obvious with somewhat obvious connection to
Skills (20%) connection to obvious connection to the topic at
the topic at connection to the topic at hand;

Statistics and Probability Module | 129

hand; the topic at hand; goal/purpose is
goal/purpose is hand; goal/purpose is well-defined and
not well-defined goal/purpose is mostly clear; all steps
and unclear; somewhat well-defined and needed to meet
steps needed to well-defined and clear; most goal/purpose
meet clear; some steps needed to are listed and
goal/purpose steps needed to meet defined
are not listed meet goal/purpose
and defined goal/purpose are listed and
are listed and defined.
I do not I somewhat I mostly I demonstrate
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an an
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical
thinking by thinking by thinking by thinking by
accurately using accurately using accurately using accurately using
the data given the data given the data given the data given
and the and the and the and the
relationship relationship relationship relationship
between between between between
numbers and numbers and numbers and numbers and
quantities; with quantities; I quantities; I quantities; I
no evidence of somewhat mostly follow a follow a logical
following a follow a logical logical order order and
Clarity &
logical order order and and progression progression that
Prioritization Of
and progression progression that that is clear and is clear and can
Steps (25%)
that is clear and is clear and can can be easily be easily
can be easily be easily understood understood
understood understood
I show a mostly I show a
I show an I show a detailed, detailed,
incomplete, somewhat comprehensive comprehensive
fragmented, or detailed, and logical and logical
illogical solution comprehensive solution in solution in
in answering the and logical answering the answering the
problem. solution in problem problem
answering the
I show an I show a I show a mostly I show a
incomplete, somewhat detailed, detailed,
Solution, fragmented, or detailed, comprehensive, comprehensive
Procedure, illogical solution comprehensive and logical and logical
Strategy & in answering the and logical solution in solution in
Technique (30%) problem. solution in answering the answering the
answering the problem problem
Final Answer, I state an I state an I state an I state a correct
Conclusion & incorrect or answer that is answer that is or logical
Completeness illogical answer. somewhat mostly correct answer.
Of The Milestone correct and or logical

Statistics and Probability Module | 130

(15%) I cannot provide logical. I can provide a
a definite I can provide a precise
conclusion nor I can provide a precise conclusion and
show the conclusion, and conclusion, and show the
expected I somewhat I can mostly expected
content in show the shows the content in
completing the expected expected completing the
output content in content in output
completing the completing the
output output
I create a I create a fair I create a good I create an
poor-quality quality output - quality output - excellent quality
output - not somewhat mostly output -
organized, organized, organized, organized,
Creativeness &
creative, and creative, neat creative, neat creative, neat
neat, and it has and has some and has a and has a very
little to no impact/appeal. strong strong
impact/appeal. impact/appeal. impact/appeal.

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the milestone a little difficult, you may go back
with the Normal Distribution Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 131


Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, Seventh Edition.

Semantic Scholar.

Brown, S. (2016, May 22). Measures of Shape: Skewness and Kurtosis. BrownMath.

Standard Normal Cumulative Probability Table. (n.d.). The University of Arizona.

Statistics and Probability Module | 132

The goal of this section is to introduce you to the concept of correlation and regression

You will learn how to determine the direction and strength of association between 2
variables, and to model a linear correlation with a regression equation that can be
used to make predictions about the dependent variable.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Analyze data through correlation and regression by reading the wiki.

Identify the correlation between height and weight.

Compute for the value of correlation coefficient r of the data.

Describe the correlation between 2 variables given the Health/ Business/ Social

Correlation and Regression Wiki Week 14

Height and Weight Matters! Week 14

Car Rental Companies Week 15

Correlating Data Milestone Week 16

Statistics and Probability Module | 132

Title Correlation and Regression Wiki
Timeline Week 14
Objectives Analyze data through correlation and regression by reading the wiki.
Tools Notebook, Pen, and Dictionary

1. To help you in answering the following activities and milestone, you need information
on how to correlate data.

2. Read the wiki entitled, "Correlation and Regression Wiki". Make sure that you read it
very carefully. Repeat reading the wiki until you understand all the concepts.

3. Circle or list down the word/s that you think is/are not familiar with you. Look at their
definitions in a dictionary or synonyms in a thesaurus.

4. To help you understand what you are reading, answer the questions:
a. What is correlation and regression?
b. Why do you need to learn correlation and regression?
c. What are the different types of correlation?
d. What is Pearson r?
e. How do you solve for and interpret Pearson r?
f. How do you do correlation and regression analysis?

5. Write your answers in one to two sentences per question in your notebook.

Correlation is a statistic that measures the direction and strength of the

association between two variables. Based on this correlation, a regression equation can
be created to predict values for the dependent variable. This prediction method is called
regression analysis.

Correlation analysis is used to answer a big chunk of research questions--those

that ask what effect or impact one variable has on another. Thus, it can be used to
accept or reject a major type of hypothesis.

When a study involves variables that cannot be manipulated, such as age and
weight, any scientific conclusion made is commonly based on evidence of correlation.


Correlation is a statistic that measures the direction and strength of

Statistics and Probability Module | 133

association between two variables.
Regression is a statistical method used to describe the nature of the
relationship between variables, that is, positive or negative, linear or nonlinear.

Figure 7-1. Example of Correlation and Regression

Correlation analysis begins with constructing a scatter plot­­, a diagram consisting

of points plotted on a Cartesian plane, with x as the independent variable and y as the
dependent variable. The points show a trend that corresponds to a correlational

Figure 7-2. Types of Correlation

We say that there is positive correlation if the points approximate a line with a
positive slope. The closer the points are to making a perfect straight line, the stronger the
correlation. On the other hand, there is negative correlation if the points approximate a
line with a negative slope. If points approximate a horizontal line, or are scattered all over
the plane without a visible linear trend, then we say that there is no correlation between
the variables involved.

Statistics and Probability Module | 134


A positive correlation means that as one variable increases, the other also
increases. Similarly, if one variable decreases, then the other one also decreases.

A negative correlation means that as one variable increases, the other

decreases, or vice versa.

Note that when we say there is no correlation between two variables, we mean
that there is no linear correlation. It is possible that a different type of correlation exists,
but it is beyond the scope of the lesson. It is also possible that no correlation of any type

Construct a scatter plot for the data obtained in a study on the number of
absences and the final grades of seven randomly selected students from a statistics
class. The data are shown here.

Student Number of Absences (x) Final Grade % (y)

A 6 82

B 2 86

C 15 43

D 9 74

E 12 58

F 5 90

G 8 78


Step 1 Draw and label the x and y axes.

Step 2 Plot each point on the graph, as shown in Figure 7–3.

Statistics and Probability Module | 135

Figure 7-3. Scatter Plot for Example 7–1.

The plot of the data shown in Figure 7–3 suggests a negative relationship, since
as the number of absences increases, the final grade decreases. It suggests a strong
negative correlation since the points seem to fit a straight line, although not perfectly.

The table below shows the average monthly temperature and the sales of Yum
Bars ice cream for the first 6 months of 2016.

Month Average Temperature (C) Sales (thousand pesos)

January 23 82

February 21 76

March 29 96

April 32 98

May 33 105

June 26 92

A scatterplot for the table is shown below.

Statistics and Probability Module | 136

Figure 7-4. Scatter Plot for Example 7–2.

The scatter plot shows that there is positive correlation between temperature and
sales. This means that as the average monthly temperature increases, the sales also
increase. This could be largely due to the fact that the environment is warmer on months
when the temperature is higher.

However, one has to keep in mind that correlation does not imply causation. This
means that the only conclusion we can make is that the variables are associated
positively, so change in one variable results in a similar change in the other variable. But
we cannot conclude that it was the increase in the independent variable that caused the
increase in the dependent variable.

So while it makes sense to say that the warmer climate caused the increase in ice
cream sales, this is not part of the correlation analysis. Thus, it may also be attributed to
other factors, such as an increase in the number of tourists in the area during the
summer months.

Aside from identifying the nature of the correlation between two variables, it is
also possible to quantify the strength of the correlation. One of the most commonly used
statistics to measure this is the Pearson product-­moment correlation coefficient,
denoted by r.

Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient

The Pearson product-­moment correlation coefficient takes on values from ­-1 to 1,

with ­-1 implying a perfect negative correlation, and 1 a perfect positive correlation. A
negative value for r implies negative correlation, with the correlation getting stronger as
the number approaches -­1. A positive value for r implies positive correlation, getting
stronger as the number approaches 1. A value for r that is very close to or equal to 0
implies no linear correlation.

To calculate the Pearson product­-moment correlation coefficient, we can use the

following formula:

Statistics and Probability Module | 137

Correlation Coefficient Formula

𝑟 =correlation
𝑥 =value of independent
𝑦 =value of dependent
𝑛 =number of data pairs

Compute the correlation coefficient for the data on temperature and ice cream
sales in Example 7-2.


Step 1 Make a table as shown here.

Temperature 2 2
Month (thousand 𝑥𝑦 𝑥 𝑦
(C) x
pesos) y

January 23 82

February 21 76

March 29 96

April 32 98

May 33 105

June 26 92

2 2
Step 2 Find the values of 𝑥𝑦, 𝑥 , and 𝑦 and place these values in the
corresponding columns of the table. The completed table is

Temperature 2 2
Month (thousand 𝑥𝑦 𝑥 𝑦
(C) x
pesos) y

January 23 82 1886 529 6724

February 21 76 1596 441 5776

March 29 96 2784 841 9216

April 32 98 3136 1024 9604

May 33 105 3465 1089 11025

June 26 92 2392 676 8464

Statistics and Probability Module | 138

Total Σ𝑥 = 164 Σ𝑦 = 549 Σ𝑥𝑦 = 15259 Σ𝑥2 = 4600 2
Σ𝑦 = 50809

Step 3 Substitute in the formula and solve for r.

𝑟= 2 2 2 2
[𝑛(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥) ][𝑛(Σ𝑦 )−(Σ𝑦) ]

𝑟= 2 2
[6(4,600)−(164) ][6(50,809)−(549) ]




𝑟 = 0. 9736...

𝑟 ≈ 0. 97

This result shows a very strong positive correlation between average temperature
and monthly ice cream sales.

For ease in computation, we may use Google spreadsheet to get the Pearson
product­-moment correlation coefficient using the following steps.

Step 1 I­nput the values for the independent variable in 1 column, and the
values for the dependent variable in another column.

Step 2 Use the syntax PEARSON(A2:A100,B2:B100) by selecting the first

value and highlighting the column all the way to the last value.

Step 3 Press Enter.

Compute the value of the correlation coefficient for the data obtained in the study
of the number of absences and the final grade of the seven students in the statistics
class given in Example 7–1.


Step 1 Make a table.

Statistics and Probability Module | 139

2 2
Step 2 Find the values of 𝑥𝑦, 𝑥 , and 𝑦 and place these values in the
corresponding columns of the table.

Number of
Final Grade 2 2
Student Absences
% (y) 𝑥𝑦 𝑥 𝑦

A 6 82 492 36 6,724

B 2 86 172 4 7,396

C 15 43 645 225 1,849

D 9 74 666 81 5,476

E 12 58 696 144 3,364

F 5 90 450 25 8,100

G 8 78 624 64 6,084
2 2
Σ𝑥 = 57 Σ𝑦 = 511 Σ𝑥𝑦 = 3745 Σ𝑥 = 579 Σ𝑦 = 38, 993

Step 3 Substitute in the formula and solve for r.

𝑟= 2 2 2 2
[𝑛(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥) ][𝑛(Σ𝑦 )−(Σ𝑦) ]

𝑟= 2 2
[7(579)−(57) ][7(38,993)−(511) ]




𝑟 =− 0. 9442...

𝑟 ≈− 0. 94

The value of r suggests a strong negative relationship between a student’s final

grade and the number of absences a student has. That is, the more absences a student
has, the lower is his or her grade.


Statistics and Probability Module | 140

When a correlation is established, the next thing a researcher asks is usually how
to predict values of the dependent variable given a specific value of the independent
variable. Such questions can be answered by looking at the scatter plot as a line of best
fit, and finding the equation of that line.

Line of Best Fit

Figure 7-5 shows a scatter plot for the data of two variables. It shows that several
lines can be drawn on the graph near the points. Given a scatter plot, you must be able to
draw the line of best fit. Best fit means that the sum of the squares of the vertical
distances from each point to the line is at a minimum. The reason you need a line of best
fit is that the values of y will be predicted from the values of x; hence, the closer the points
are to the line, the better the fit and the prediction will be. See Figure 7–5. When r is
positive, the line slopes upward and to the right. When r is negative, the line slopes
downward from left to right.

Figure 7-5. Scatter Plot with Three Lines Fit to the Data.

Determination of the Regression Line Equation

The regression equation will be of the form y = ax + b, since we are looking for the
equation of a line. The slope a and y­-intercept b are given by the following formulas.

There are several methods for finding the equation of the regression line. Two
formulas are given here. These formulas use the same values that are used in computing
the value of the correlation coefficient.

Formula for the Regression Line y = ax + b

𝑎 =slope of the line
𝑏 =y - intercept

Statistics and Probability Module | 141

Rounding Rule for the Intercept and Slope. Round the values of a and b to three
decimal places.

Find the equation of the regression line for the data in Example 7–1, and graph
the line on the scatter plot.


The values needed for the equation are 𝑛 = 7, Σ𝑥 = 57, Σ𝑦 = 511, Σ𝑥𝑦 = 3745
and Σ𝑥 = 579as computed in Example 7-4.. Substituting in the formulas, you get

𝑛(Σ𝑥𝑦)−(Σ𝑥)(Σ𝑦) 7(3745)−(57)(511) 26,215−29,127 −2,912

𝑎= 2 2 = 2 = 4,053−3,249
= 804
≈− 3. 622
𝑛(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥) 7(579)−(57)

(Σ𝑦)(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥)(Σ𝑥𝑦) (511)(579)−(57)(3745) 295,869−213,465 82,404
𝑏= 2 2 = 2 = 4,053−3,249
= 804
≈ 102. 4
𝑛(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥) 7(579)−(57)

Hence, the equation of the regression line y = ax + b is 𝑦 =− 3. 622𝑥 + 102. 493.

To graph the line, select any two points for x and find the corresponding values for
y. Use any x values between 1 and 15. For example, let 𝑥 = 3. Substitute in the equation
and find the corresponding y value.

Let 𝑥 = 3 Let 𝑥 = 14

𝑦 =− 3. 622𝑥 + 102. 493 𝑦 =− 3. 622𝑥 + 102. 493

𝑦 =− 3. 622(3) + 102. 493 𝑦 =− 3. 622(14) + 102. 493
𝑦 =− 10. 866 + 102. 493 𝑦 =− 50. 708 + 102. 493
𝑦 = 91. 627 𝑦 = 51. 785

Then plot the two points (3, 91.627) and (14, 51.785) and draw a line connecting
the two points. See Figure 7–5.

Statistics and Probability Module | 142

Figure 7-6. Regression Line for Example 7-5.

Find the equation of the regression line for the data in Example 7–2, and graph
the line on the scatter plot.


The values needed for the equation are 𝑛 = 6, Σ𝑥 = 164, Σ𝑦 = 549,

Σ𝑥𝑦 = 15, 259and Σ𝑥 = 4600as computed in Example 7-3. Substituting in the formulas,
you get

𝑛(Σ𝑥𝑦)−(Σ𝑥)(Σ𝑦) 2
𝑎= (Σ𝑦)(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥)(Σ𝑥𝑦)
𝑛(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥)
2 𝑏= 2 2
𝑛(Σ𝑥 )−(Σ𝑥)
6(15,259)−(164)(549) (549)(4600)−(164)(15,259)
𝑎= 2 𝑏= 2
6(4600)−(164) 6(4600)−(164)
91,554−90,036 2,525,400−2,502,476
𝑎= 27,600−26,896 𝑏= 27,600−26,896
1518 22,924
𝑎= 704 𝑏= 704
𝑎 = 2. 156 𝑏 = 32. 563

Hence, the equation of the regression line y = ax + b is 𝑦 = 2. 156𝑥 + 32. 563.

The graph of the line is shown in Figure 7-7 below.

Statistics and Probability Module | 143

Figure 7-7. Regression Line for Example 7-6.

The sign of the correlation coefficient and the sign of the slope of the regression
line will always be the same. That is, if r is positive, then a will be positive; if r is negative,
then a will be negative. The reason is that the numerators of the formulas are the same
and determine the signs of r and a, and the denominators are always positive.

The regression line can be used to make predictions for the dependent variable.
The method for making predictions is shown in Example 7–7.

Use the equation of the regression line to predict the sales of Yum Bars ice cream
in July if the average temperature in degrees Celsius in that month is 40.


Substitute 40 for x in the equation.

𝑦 = 2. 156𝑥 + 32. 563

𝑦 = 2. 156(40) + 32. 563

𝑦 = 86. 24 + 32. 563

𝑦 = 118. 803

Hence, when the temperature in July reaches 40, the sales of Yum Bars ice
cream will be approximately ₱118,000.

Statistics and Probability Module | 144

Title Height and Weight Matters!
Timeline Week 14
Objectives Identify the correlation between height and weight.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. After reading and understanding the wiki, you are now ready to perform this activity
about the correlation between height and weight.

2. For this activity, you will use the data you gathered in the Measure Up! Activity in
Section 4.

3. After reviewing the data in the said activity, you will now construct a scatter plot for
your friends’ heights, and another scatter plot (in a different color if possible) for your
friends’ weights. Use your notebook in constructing the scatter plot

4. Then, answer the question below.

a. Is there a correlation between height and weight? Explain your answer.
b. If a correlation exists, is it sensitive to gender? Explain how you arrived at your

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Correlation and Regression Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 145

Title Car Rental Companies
Timeline Week 15
Objectives Compute for the value of correlation coefficient r of the data.
Tools Notebook, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. The first activity focuses on the correlation between two variables using the scatter
plot. In this activity, you will work with the correlation coefficient.

2. Below is the data for car rental companies in the Philippines for a recent year.

Company Cars (in ten thousands) x Revenue (in billions) y

A 63 7
B 29 5
C 20 3
D 19 4
E 13 2
F 8 1

3. Using these data, do the following tasks. Write your answer in your notebook.
2 2
a. Find the values of 𝑥𝑦, 𝑥 and 𝑦 .
b. Compute for the value of the correlation coefficient r.

4. After getting the value of r, describe what the value suggests.

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the activity a little difficult, you may go back with
the Correlation and Regression Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 146

Title Correlating Data Milestone
Timeline Week 16
Describe the correlation between 2 variables given the Health/
Business/ Social data.
Tools Long Size Bond Papers, Pen, Ruler, and Calculator

1. You now have standardized the data through normal distribution. You now wish to
answer the questions that will prove or disprove your claim.

2. Using your data in the first and third milestone, you look into the association between
variables in your data. Do the following tasks depending on your chosen problem.

a. Create a scatter plot to show the relationship between the number of
hours of sleep and the grades of the students.
b. Compute the correlation coefficient and interpret the result. Show the
complete solution.
c. Is there a correlation between the number of hours of sleep and the
grades of the students?

a. Create a scatter plot to show the relationship between the budget for food
and the number of times a student buys in the stalls.
b. Compute the correlation coefficient and interpret the result. Show the
complete solution.
c. Is there a correlation between the budget for food and the number of
times a student buys in the stalls in the campus?

a. Create a scatter plot to show the relationship between the quality of social
life of the students during lockdown and the level of happiness they feel
these past months.
b. Compute the correlation coefficient and interpret the result. Show the
complete solution.
c. Is there a correlation between the quality of social life of the students
during lockdown and the level of happiness they feel these past months?

3. Write your answer in long size bond papers

4. Use the rubric below to come up with a quality output. To get a passing grade for the
milestone, make sure to target at least Level 3 across all criteria.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(Beginning) (Developing) (Intermediate) (Proficient)
Understanding I express and I express and I express and I express and
Of The Problem, interpret ideas in interpret ideas in interpret ideas in interpret ideas in
Interpretation, & an unclear a somewhat a clear manner a clear manner

Statistics and Probability Module | 147

Comprehension manner, with no clear manner, with mostly with obvious
Skills (20%) obvious with somewhat obvious connection to
connection to obvious connection to the topic at
the topic at connection to the topic at hand;
hand; the topic at hand; goal/purpose is
goal/purpose is hand; goal/purpose is well-defined and
not well-defined goal/purpose is mostly clear; all steps
and unclear; somewhat well-defined and needed to meet
steps needed to well-defined and clear; most goal/purpose
meet clear; some steps needed to are listed and
goal/purpose steps needed to meet defined
are not listed meet goal/purpose
and defined goal/purpose are listed and
are listed and defined.
I do not I somewhat I mostly I demonstrate
demonstrate an demonstrate an demonstrate an an
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical of mathematical
thinking by thinking by thinking by thinking by
accurately using accurately using accurately using accurately using
the data given the data given the data given the data given
and the and the and the and the
relationship relationship relationship relationship
between between between between
numbers and numbers and numbers and numbers and
quantities; with quantities; I quantities; I quantities; I
no evidence of somewhat mostly follow a follow a logical
following a follow a logical logical order order and
Clarity &
logical order order and and progression progression that
Prioritization Of
and progression progression that that is clear and is clear and can
Steps (25%)
that is clear and is clear and can can be easily be easily
can be easily be easily understood understood
understood understood
I show a mostly I show a
I show an I show a detailed, detailed,
incomplete, somewhat comprehensive comprehensive
fragmented, or detailed, and logical and logical
illogical solution comprehensive solution in solution in
in answering the and logical answering the answering the
problem. solution in problem problem
answering the
I do not use I use (1) relevant, I use relevant, I use relevant,
relevant, (2) accurate, or accurate, or accurate, and
accurate, nor (3) complete [at complete (at complete data
Analysis and
complete data least 1 of the 3] least 2 of the 3) for analysis.
Interpretation of
for analysis. data for data for
Data (30%)
analysis. analysis. I select and
I do not select apply the
nor apply an I can select and I select and appropriate

Statistics and Probability Module | 148

appropriate apply a fairly apply a mostly statistical
statistical appropriate appropriate analysis for the
analysis for the statistical statistical given data set.
given data set. analysis for the analysis for the
given data set. given data set. I can show,
I cannot show, extract, and
extract, nor I can (1) show, (2) I can show, explain the
explain the extract, or (3) extract, or patterns, trends,
patterns, trends, explain [at least explain (at least and
or relationship(s) 1 of the 3] the 2 of the 3) the relationship(s)
among data. patterns, trends, patterns, trends, among data.
or relationship(s) and/or
among data. relationship(s)
among data.
I state an I state an I state an I state a correct
incorrect or answer that is answer that is or logical
illogical answer. somewhat mostly correct answer.
correct and or logical
I cannot provide logical. I can provide a
Final Answer,
a definite I can provide a precise
Conclusion &
conclusion nor I can provide a precise conclusion and
show the conclusion, and conclusion, and show the
Of The Milestone
expected I somewhat I can mostly expected
content in show the shows the content in
completing the expected expected completing the
output content in content in output
completing the completing the
output output
I create a I create a fair I create a good I create an
poor-quality quality output - quality output - excellent quality
output - not somewhat mostly output -
organized, organized, organized, organized,
Creativeness &
creative, and creative, neat creative, neat creative, neat
neat, and it has and has some and has a and has a very
little to no impact/appeal. strong strong
impact/appeal. impact/appeal. impact/appeal.

5. If anything troubles you or if you find the milestone a little difficult, you may go back
with the Correlation and Regression Wiki.

Statistics and Probability Module | 149


Antonio, J., Melosantos, L., Bruce, R., & Robles, S. (2016). Mathematics Connection in the
Digital Age, Statistics and Probability.

Bluman, A. G. (2012). Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step Approach, Seventh Edition.

Semantic Scholar.

Statistics and Probability Module | 150

The goal of this section is to give you time to put together your partial outputs from the
milestones into a coherent and creative infographic.

You will conceptualize the layout and content of the infographic for the final output,
and will execute your planned concept.

At the end of the section, you should be able to:

Create a Statistical Infographics using the Organized, Presented, Analyzed,

Standardized, and Correlated Health/ Business/ Social Data.

Create Infographics Week 17

Statistics and Probability Module | 151

Title Create Infographics
Timeline Week 17
Create a Statistical Infographics using the Organized, Presented,
Analyzed, Standardized, and Correlated Health/ Business/ Social Data.
Tools One (1) Cartolina, Art Materials, Coloring Materials, Scissors, Glue, etc.

1. You need to be proud because you finally reached this part of the course! Your task is
to put together your partial outputs from the milestones into a coherent and creative
infographic showing the result of your case study.

2. You may refer to the sample final output below as a guide. However, please refrain
from trying to copy the sample output too much. Be creative! Also, do not forget to go
back to the context of your problem before you execute your ideas.


Statistics and Probability Module | 152

3. Use the rubric below to come up with a quality output. To get a passing grade for the
final output, make sure to target at least Level 3 across all criteria.


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(Beginning) (Developing) (Intermediate) (Proficient)
Flow of image Flow of image Flow of image Flow of image
and text is not and text is and text is and text is
well-organized, partially mostly well-organized,
with ineffective well-organized, well-organized, with effective
compositional with partially with mostly compositional
choices effective effective choices
(design, compositional compositional (design,
formatting, and choices choices formatting, and

Statistics and Probability Module | 153

graphics) (design, (design, graphics)
formatting, and formatting, and
graphics) graphics)
Layout is Layout is Layout is mostly Layout is
cluttered and partially compelling and compelling and
lacking in compelling and uncluttered, uncluttered,
impact, uncluttered, with a good ratio with a very good
Layout (25%) with an with a partially of text and ratio of text and
unbalanced acceptable ratio graphics to graphics to
ratio of text and of text and whitespace whitespace
graphics to graphics to
whitespace whitespace
Color scheme is Color scheme is Color scheme is Color scheme is
not pleasing partially mostly pleasing pleasing and
and pleasing and and well-coordinate
well-coordinate well-coordinate well-coordinate d, and
d, and d, and d, and color coding is
Color Scheme
color coding is color coding is color coding is effective in
not effective in partially mostly effective visually
visually effective in in visually separating
separating visually separating content
content separating content
Synthesis of the Synthesis of Synthesis of the Synthesis of
data is not data is partially data is mostly data is
comprehensive, comprehensive, comprehensive, comprehensive,
and and some of and most of and information
information is the information the information is presented
Presentation of
not presented in is presented in a is presented in a in a clear and
Data (30%)
a clear and clear and clear and cohesive
cohesive cohesive cohesive manner
manner manner manner

4. Write your name and section at the back of your final output.

Statistics and Probability Module | 154

Statistics and Probability Module | 155
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 93

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 76

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 94

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 98

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 94

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 94

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 88

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 75

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 99

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 95

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 97

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 98

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 96

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 98

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 98 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 93

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 94 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: C
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 93 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: C
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 94 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 93

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 94 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 92 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 98

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 94 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 96 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
​ ssessing the Effects
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the A
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 99 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. 97 _________

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 99

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS D
Section: ________________
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 97

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:________________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Assessing the Effects
of Sleep Deprivation towards the Overall Health of Grade 12 Students in the
University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2016-2017.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What is your General Weighted Average for the Second semester last SY 2019 -
Please indicate it here. _________ 94

2. I feel sleep deprived and I do not have adequate sleep.

❏ NO

3. These past few days, how many hours of sleep have you been getting?
❏ 1 - 3 hours
❏ 4 - 6 hours
❏ 7 - 9 hours
❏ 10 - 12 hours

4. Rate the quality of sleep that you have been getting in the past week.
❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent


Choose the respective frequency of how often the activities below cause your
sleep deprivation. Use the scale below:
4 - Always 2 - Seldom
3 - Sometimes 1 - Never

CAUSES 4 3 2 1
Doing homeworks
Browsing social media
Playing computer games
Attending job
Doing household chores
Experiencing sleep disorder
Drinking caffeinated beverages
Binge-watching television shows or series


Rate the effects of sleep deprivation to your health. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

EFFECTS 4 3 2 1


I experience sudden weight gain/loss.
I easily get tired doing a task or an activity
regardless of its intensity.
I feel that I have less energy throughout the day.


I find it harder to stay awake or focus on what I am
I feel that my memory retention ability suddenly
I feel that lack of sleep negatively affects my
academic & extracurricular performances.
I experience hallucinations or having auditory and
visual illusions.
It is hard for me to interpret the emotions of other
It is hard for me to make decisions.


I feel that there’s a stress level increase
I feel overwhelmed.
I feel anxious/ nervous.
I feel depressed.
I feel irritable.
I experience mood swings.


I feel apathetic.
I am having a hard time dealing/ communicating
with my team members.
I am less sensitive to others.
I make self-centered decisions.
I choose to be alone than to be with others.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
145 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
150 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
156 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
156 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
150 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
151 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
152 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
153 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
152 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
111 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
150 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
150 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
120 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 100 ____________
php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: A
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
250 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: C
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 151 php
____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 120 php
____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. ____________
135 php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: A________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
143 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 122 php
____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: C
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 161 php
____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. ____________
145 php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
105 php
food? Pls specify. ____________ inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. ____________
260 php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 300 ____________
php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the F ​ ood Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. ____________
50 php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. ____________
137 php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 135 ____________
php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. 150 ____________
php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Food Choices and
Characteristics of Staff that Influence the Decision of Grade 12 Students in Buying
Food from Stalls in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. How much is your daily budget for 4. What type of meal do you usually buy
food? Pls specify. ____________
142 php inside the campus?
❏ Breakfast
2. Where do you usually buy food? ❏ Snacks
❏ inside the campus ❏ Lunch
❏ fast-food chains
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby 5. Based on your answer in number 4,
the first gate what type/s of food do you commonly
❏ cafeteria/food stalls nearby buy inside the campus?
the second gate ❏ Bread and pastries
❏ Crackers
3. How often do you buy inside the ❏ Sandwiches
campus on a daily basis? ❏ Pasta
❏ 0-2 times ❏ Rice meals
❏ 3-5 times ❏ Vegetables
❏ 6-8 times ❏ Fruits


Rate the factors that can be your bases in buying food by checking the box that
corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

FACTORS 4 3 2 1

I will buy the food if it’s delicious.

I will buy food if it fits my budget.

I will buy even if the food stall is far from my


I will buy food if it has an adequate amount per

I will buy food if the stall is clean.

I will buy food if it is newly cooked.

I will buy food if it looks appealing and tasty.


Rate the characteristics of food stall staff that encourage you to buy food by
checking the box that corresponds to your answer. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree



I like the staff to be patient especially when there’s

a lot of customers.

I like the staff to be approachable.

I like staff who treat their colleagues nicely.

I like the staff to stay calm and professional

especially when some customers are


I want the staff to practice proper storage of food.

I like the staff who wear proper uniform, or if not,

with hairnet, gloves, etc.

I like the staff who maintains the cleanliness of

their utensils and equipment.

I like the staff to practice proper waste disposal.


I want the staff to be cheerful, especially when

talking to customers.

I want the staff to have good communication skills.

I want the staff to be polite.

I want the staff to be attentive when taking orders.

J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS A
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ MALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. 5_________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: C
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS B
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. 6_________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: MALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: B
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: A
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. 1_________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: FEMALE

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. 6_________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS C
Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the I​ mpact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life a ​ nd the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: D
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. 6_________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ FEMALE
Gender: ________________
Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________

2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City
Senior High School Department

Name:_______________________________ Gender: ________________

Strand: ___ ABM ___STEM ___GAS Section: ________________
Good day! We are students from UNC Senior High School. Through this survey, we
would like to know your thoughts and/or opinions regarding the ​Impact of the COVID-19
Pandemic on the Social Life ​and the Coping Mechanism of the Grade 12 Students
in the University of Nueva Caceres for the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Directions: Check (✔) the box that corresponds to your answer. ​Choose one answer
only, except the question asks for multiple answers. Please answer the questions with all

Disclaimer: The name and other personal information of the respondents gathered from
this survey will remain confidential, and will be used for academic purposes only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​ ​- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. How many are you in your household? Please specify. _________


2. Rate the quality of your social life during lockdown.

❏ Poor
❏ Fair
❏ Good
❏ Very Good
❏ Excellent

3. Rate the level of happiness that you feel this past two months.
❏ Very Unhappy
❏ Unhappy
❏ Not so Happy
❏ Happy
❏ Very Happy

4. Which of these best describes your current situation?

❏ I go out of the house as much as I did before the COVID-19 pandemic
❏ I am mostly at home, but leave the house on occasion (for example, to visit
❏ I only leave the house to get groceries
❏ I am not allowed to leave the house under any circumstances

5. Which of these best describes your household situation? ​Multiple answers are
❏ I live alone
❏ I live together with a partner
❏ I live with one or more pets
❏ I live together with (non family) housemates
❏ I live together with family (for example: siblings, parents, grandparents)
Please state below if you agree or disagree with the following statements. Use
the scale below.
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

IMPACTS 4 3 2 1
I have more spare time at the moment.
I am picking up old hobbies I haven't practiced for a
I am trying to learn a new skill or hobby.
Since the quarantaine I forget more appointments, for
example, when I’m supposed to call a friend.
I get to spend more time on social media.
I exercise more than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
I get to spend more time with my family.
I experience FoMO (the fear of missing out).


Rate how you cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Use the scale below:
4 - Strongly Agree 2 - Disagree
3 - Agree 1 - Strongly Disagree

I take action to make the situation better.
I talk to others to learn more about the situation.
I invest time in being more productive.
I pray or meditate to feel better.
I simply joke about the situation.
I make fun of the virus.
I turn my concern on the issue into criticism.
I deny the situation.
I change things in my life to be able to cope
better with it all.
I’ve been thinking about what I usually do with
other viral infections.
I’m doing something completely new that I would
never have done in other circumstances.
I get to walk and make some time to connect
with nature.
I spend limited time on listening/reading news.
I stay updated about the pandemic.
I exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.

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