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Sehkheferu, the Forgotten Pharoah........... 4

The Oslo Pack................................................. 6

Jacques Lauterne........................................... 8

Barghest........................................................ 10

The Blood Harlequin.....................................12

Adventure Seeds...........................................14
Sehkheferu, the Forgotten Pharoah
A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors

Discovered by members of the Deutsche Orient-

Gesellschaft (DOG) in 1930, the tomb of Sehkheferu was
old even by ancient Egyptian standards. The tomb was
simple: no frescoes adorned the walls, no gold statues, no
material wealth of any kind to accompany the pharaoh

d this
on his journey to the afterlife. The sarcophagus was also

The mummy returns, an

empty, instead containing canopic jars used to store the
viscera of a ruler for the afterlife. Normally there were

one is an absolute nightm
four of these, holding the intestines, stomach, lungs, and
liver. The fifth contained a desiccated heart – normally
this would have been left within the body since it

- Professor Richard Deadma
contained the soul.

A sandstorm appeared out of nowhere when the jars were

removed, and only handful of survivors made it out of
the desert back to Cairo. The opening of the tomb awoke
the spirit of Sehkheferu, a cruel and bloody pharaoh
whose reign was cut mercifully short by a rebellion. So
vile and despicable were his deeds, his name was stricken ++Top Secret++
from history.

A powerful sorcerer and worshipper of Yog-Sothoth, he Possession of one of Seh

kheferu’s jars
is trapped in a bodiless state and seeks to return to the
land of the living. To do so he must find all his canopic grants + 2 Power to the caster, and
jars including the one containing his heart. To maintain
a physical presence he must kill, taking the organs of his Fast Recovery 2 specia
l ability – but once
victims and placing them in his rotted innards. Each of his
canopic jars holds a portion of his life essence, his ka, and used, Sehkheferu is awa
re of both the owner
they must be reassembled so he can return to unholy life,
but the DOG scattered them far and wide after 1939. and their location. Seh
kheferu can only

manifest when there is

no moon and on the

darkest nights. Until

he locates all his jars

and has absorbed the org

ans, he appears as a

rotting or mummified cor

pse, still clad in

the gold finery of his


++Message Ends++

SEHKHEFERU, Spells and Rituals

A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors

THE FORGOTTEN PHAROAH Sehkheferu is a spellcaster who uses Will to cast spells
and knows all spells and rituals of Yog-Sothoth.
Nemesis NPC

Rotting corpse hungering for life

Cruel immortal



Skills & Focuses

Academia 4 (Occultism), Athletics 2, Fighting 4
(Physical Fortitude, (Hand-to-Hand Combat),
Observation 1, Resilience 4, Stealth 3, Survival 2

Power: 4


Semi-substantial Claws:

(Hand-to-Hand Combat), 6 , Piercing 3

Fearful Aura:

(Mental attack) 6 Piercing 1, Stun mental damage

Special Rules
Extraordinary Brawn 2

Fast Recovery 2

Fearsome 4

Immune to Cold, Disease, Fear, Pain, Poison,


Threatening 2

Ethereal Evisceration: If Sehkheferu successfully

hits a victim and spends 6 Threat, he plunges a claw
into the victim’s torso and attempts to rip out one of
their organs in a shower of blood. Such a traumatic act
inflicts an additional 4 and is nearly always fatal to
the victim. Sehkheferu immediately heals 4 stress or
a single Injury.

Sands of Time: By spending 2 Threat, Sehkheferu

turns into a cloud of red sand, allowing him to seep
through cracks or keyholes. He cannot make attacks or
cast spells while in this state and cannot be damaged
by anything other than intense heat, magic or items
with the Bane quality.

The Oslo Pack – the Andreassen Werewolves
A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors

Three generations of the Andreassen family live within The Andreassen pack aren’t just found in Oslo. They have
a large townhouse a short distance from the notorious cousins in Tromsø who share the same bloodline and
Victoria Terrasse, the HQ of the SS and Gestapo in Oslo. abilities. The largest werewolf there, Ingvar’s first son
The patriarch of the family – or alpha, in this case – is Henrik, chafes at Ingvar’s leadership and thinks “his” pack
Ingvar Andreassen. A solid mountain of a man, he is should be independent of Oslo’s control. Both branches
soft-spoken and very light on his feet for a man of such of the family form their own resistance groups, staunchly
imposing size. He and his wife Kirstin are the heads of a opposing the occupation and making a point of attacking
family that spans four generations across Oslo and beyond. groups of Nazi troops, including Black Sun, throughout
Norway. Henrik goes out of his way to make his attacks
The family appear human and hold down regular jobs, but as brutal as possible, arranging the bodies in grotesque
have a dark secret: they’re all lycanthropes, able to assume patterns and fashions. Such tactics put him at odds with
the form of a wolf while still retaining their intelligence Ingvar, and a battle for leadership of the pack seems
and reason. Not quite the moon-crazed savage killers of inevitable…
legend, they are nevertheless savage and deadly predators,
as the Nazi occupiers of Oslo have come to discover.

A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors
Shred their Attacks

flesh, grind their

Sten Mk IIS Suppressed SMG (Human):

(Close Quarters), Close range, 3 (Salvo: Stun),
Inaccurate, Subtle

bones, make them Bite (Wolf):

(Hand-to-Hand Combat), 4
fear us! Wolf’s Howl:

(Mental Attack), 4 Area, Stun

- Henrik Special Rules

Grasping (wolf form): After a successful attack, spend

1 Threat to add the Snare effect to the attack. While it
has a target ensnared, the werewolf cannot make melee
attacks against other targets, but reduces the difficulty
of attacks vs the ensnared target by 1.

Keen Senses (Scent): The creature reduces the

difficulty of all skill tests relating to smell by 2, to a
minimum of 0. It can detect things by scent which
normal humans cannot.

ANDREASSEN PACK WEREWOLF Pack Hunter: The Andreassen Werewolves gain

Trooper NPC Morale equal to the number of werewolves present
in the scene, to a maximum of 5 Morale. In addition,
Truths when attacking a creature that has already been
attacked by one or more werewolves that round, the
Staunch resistance fighter and werewolf

? Andreassen may re-roll a single d20.
Human Form Shapeshifter: By spending 1 Momentum or by using

a Major action an Andreassen pack member can switch
Attributes between their human and wolf forms. Anything held
AGILITY 8 BRAWN 8 or carried is dropped. They retain their intelligence
COORDINATION 9 INSIGHT 7 in their wolf form although they cannot speak (but
can bark, growl etc.). Any injuries or scars are
REASON 7 WILL 9 retained although they heal any other physical stress
Wolf Form in the change.

Wolf Form: The wolf form of the Andreassen

werewolves resembles an unusually large humanoid
AGILITY 11 BRAWN 11 wolf of the grey wolf family.
COORDINATION 9 INSIGHT 10 Wolf’s Howl: Werewolves can make a mental attack,

REASON 7 WILL 9 listed above.

Skills & Focuses

Athletics 2, Engineering 1 (Explosives), Fighting 2
(Close Quarters), Observation 3 (Smell and Taste),
Resilience 3, Stealth 2, Survival 2 (Tracking)


Jacques Lauterne
A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors

Born to a wealthy family in Marseilles, Jacques’ father Lauterne relishes causing fear and terror in others. Already
boasted his son was meant for great things. The young a sadistic psychopath, he came to the attention of Black
Jacques quickly made a name for himself with the Sun because of his unnatural abilities, for Lauterne is a
local children: they often were hurt when they played mesmer, able to compel others and control their actions
with Jacques, and local parents quickly saw a pattern through his thoughts alone. Rising through the ranks of
emerging. Small animals and pets were found dead near Black Sun, he developed an aptitude for the magic arts
the Lauterne house. His family paid hefty bribes to local as well, quickly rising to the rank of Canon. The black
police and officials in Marseilles just before the war broke silk mask he wears has a reflective set of eyepieces, and
out after he got in trouble with some of the local girls. His he uses these to focus his mesmerism powers. Lauterne is
response? Turning on his own family and betraying them photosensitive and does his best work at night, where he
to the authorities. is usually accompanied by two Toten bodyguards.

Allied forces gave him the code name “Jack O’Lantern”

since the mask’s eyepieces appear to glow with a strange
witchlight. Lauterne prefers to terrify and scare his
enemies before killing them off – and Black Sun have
given him the means to do so. Before the great rift when
Nachtwölfe separated from Black Sun, scientists found a
way to weaponize a gas that evokes a fear response. Since
it doesn’t work on Lauterne, he fits gas dispensers to his
wrists when in the field and often combines it with the
Nameless Mists spell for extra efficacy.

A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors
Fella has a real feel for causing terror.
Ain’t gonna lie: if I see him, I’ll shoot him -
then shoot him twice again, just in case.

– Sgt. Brandon Carter


CANON AND AVATAR OF FEAR Fanatic: Fanatics gain +1 to Courage (included

Nemesis NPC above) and gain +X Morale, where X is the number
of Fanatics on their side present in the scene
Truths (maximum of +5 Morale).

Black Sun Canon

? Fear Gas: The weaponized gas carried by Lauterne

gives him the Fearsome 2 special ability. When
Master of Fear

? combined with the Nameless mists spell, his Fearful
Presence gains the Area quality.
Feed upon Fear: The NPC relishes the fear of others,

AGILITY 8 BRAWN 8 becoming bolder and more dangerous in the presence
COORDINATION 9 INSIGHT 9 of panic. Whenever a character suffers a mental injury
within Medium range of the NPC, generate 2 Threat
which he alone may use.
Skills & Focuses Immune to Fear

Academia 4 (Occultism), Athletics 1, Fighting 2 (Close
Mesmer: Lauterne can mesmerise an opponent as a

Quarters), Medicine 2, Resilience 3 (Discipline),
Major action if he can speak to them directly, using a
Survival 1, Stealth 1, Tactics 3 (Battlefield Tactics)
mix of neurolinguistic programming, hypnotism and
Power: 4 his mental prowess. Lauterne speaks both English and
French, as well as German. If Lauterne wins an opposed
Will + Resilience skill test, the victim will comply with
any reasonable request from him e.g. “drop the gun”
ARMOUR 2 COURAGE 4 but will not wilfully endanger themselves. Lauterne
must continue to speak to the victim to exert control.
Attacks The victim normally has no recall of such events
Black Sun Degen:

? afterwards. By spending 3 Threat, Lauterne can cause
(Melee Weapons), 4 Piercing 1, Hunger, Bane, the victim to indulge in more dangerous activities or
Parrying acts contrary to their nature.

Walther P Series:

(Handguns),Close range, 4 (Salvo: Vicious), Close Spells and Rituals
Quarters, Hidden, Reliable As a Black Sun Canon, Lauterne knows four spells from
the Spellbook of Nyarlathotep and uses Reason to cast
Fearful Presence:

? spells. He will always carry the Nameless Mists spell and
(Mental Attack), 5 Piercing 2
others at the GM’s discretion.

A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors

Named by the Allies after the legends of monstrous ghostly The purpose of the barghest is simple – hunt down and kill
bears or hounds, this mutated creature was inspired – or a specific individual. The barghest’s senses are acute, and
spawned - by one of Oskar Richter’s childhood nightmares. it is relentless once it has been provided with a scent, such
Scientists believed tales of something capable of scaring as from a personal item belonging to the victim. It has a
the Nachtwölfe Wolfszahn leader as a child should be sly intelligence and prefers to terrify its prey before killing
utterly terrifying to the enemies of Nachtwölfe. The it with a toxic bite.
creation of such a beast is a closely guarded secret but
Section M believes the creature is the result of the warped
and twisted imagination of Nachtwölfe personifying the
legend of the night wolf . It is neither bear nor hound but
combines the worst features of both.
b a r gh e st’s howl is
To hear t he
Glowing with the flickering blue phosphorescence of
blauer kristall, the creature resembles a nightmare.
d ea t h a pp r oa
Bulging muscles (the result of a Vitalität injection) bulks
out the creature’s frame, and tubes pulse throughout the
to hear
– Ariane Dubo
flesh and skeleton. The creature’s jaws drip with an acidic
drool revealing several rows of sharklike teeth reinforced
with steel plates and sharpened to a razor’s edge. The
barghest also possesses a terrifying howl, the acoustics
carefully modulated by Nachtwölfe to specifically affect the
amygdala to stimulate an enhanced fear response.

Nemesis NPC

Monstrous Nachtwölfe-augmented hound



Skills & Focuses

Athletics 3 (Running), Fighting 3, Observation 4 (Smell
and Taste), Resilience 2, Stealth 1, Survival 2 (Tracking)


A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors
Attacks Keen Senses (Hearing, Scent): The barghest reduces

the difficulty of all skill tests relating to hearing and
Toxic Bite:

? smell by 2, to a minimum of 0. It can detect things
(Hand-to-Hand Combat), 6 Intense, Persistent 3
which humans cannot.

? Natural Armour 2

(Mental Attack), 4 Area, Piercing 2, Stun
Night Vision

Special Rules
Relentless Hunter: Once it has its target’s scent, the

Brutal 1: The creature makes and defends against

? barghest is a relentless hunter and its pursuit can only
melee attacks with Brawn instead of Agility. It also
ended by the death of its victim, or itself.
adds +1 to its melee attacks, included above.
Toxic Bite: Whenever a target is affected by the

Fearsome 2: The creature inspires fear. It can make

? Persistent effect of an Barghest’s Toxic Bite, they
mental attacks, including +2 and the Piercing 2 effect
immediately suffer a Poisoned truth. While this truth
(listed above). In addition, the first time a character
remains, the target will suffer the Persistent damage
sees this creature, they must immediately attempt a
every turn, adding Intense and Piercing 2 effects.
Will + Resilience test with a difficulty of 1 or suffer
Removing the truth requires urgent medical attention
mental stress as if from that mental attack.
(Insight + Medicine, difficulty 2) or some equivalent
Grasping: After a successful attack, spend 1 Threat to

? treatment for poison.
add the Snare effect to the attack. While it has a target
ensnared, the barghest cannot make melee attacks
against other targets, but reduces the difficulty of
attacks vs the ensnared target by 1.

A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors

The Blood Harlequin, Adek Wisniewski

Inspired by the work of Joseph Grimaldi, Adek Wiśniewski
was an unsuccessful harlequin clown who found quicker
ways to achieve fame - or notoriety. While his harlequin
clown act was nothing special, his illusionist skills and
sleight of hand on stage were nothing short of miraculous.
While touring Czechoslovakia with an ensemble in 1855,
Wiśniewski came into possession of a strange piece
of jewellery. How he obtained it is unknown, but it’s
likely he stole it from the owner. A set of heliotropes
(bloodstones) set in a strange grayish-green metal amulet,
Wiśniewski was seen to speak to it in hushed tones on
occasion when he believed no one was watching him.

The amulet permitted him to bend reality in a small

way, allowing him to successfully perform his illusions
to fool the audience. At the time, no one questioned the
coincidence of disappearances where Wiśniewski toured –
although absences were noticed after he had left town…

Wiśniewski had an appetite for murder, and the younger

the victim the better. Unfortunately for him, one teenage
victim escaped and revealed the clown as the would-be
murderer. An enraged mob swarmed the stage and
lynched the killer while still in in his whiteface makeup
and harlequin costume, battering him to death hanging
his body from a butcher’s hook. The amulet was never
found. Legend says that Wiśniewski haunts the streets of
Vinohrady district of Prague at certain times of the year
when the river mists are thick, still dressed in his clown
costume, dripping with blood. Other reports suggest he
may have started to appear at other locales too. He may be
searching for his amulet or out for revenge, but he leaves
a bloody trail of victims in his wake before disappearing
at dawn.

A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors
a l ly h a t e c l o w n s .
I re
t h is o n e r e a ll y m a kes
my flesh crawl!
– Sally Armitage

Nemesis NPC
Butcher’s Hook:

Deranged killer

? (Melee Weapons) 5 Intense, Vicious
Ghost Clown

? Fearsome Aura:

(Mental Attack), 4 Area, Piercing 4
Special Rules
Fast Recovery 2 (Gamesmaster’s Guide, p.153)

Fearsome 4 (Gamesmaster’s Guide, p.153)

Feed Upon Fear (Gamesmaster’s Guide, p.153)

Skills & Focuses Bloody Revenge: If Wiśniewski kills a victim he tears

off a diamond-shaped portion of their skin and it
Athletics 4, Fighting 4 (Hand-to-Hand Combat, Melee),
becomes a patch on his harlequin costume. He gains
Observation 2, Resilience 4, Stealth 4, Survival 2
+1 natural Armour from each kill.
STRESS 15 INJURIES 3 You Cannot Kill That Which Doth Not Live: If

ARMOUR 2 COURAGE 1 defeated, Wiśniewski cannot manifest for a year.
The only way to truly destroy him is to destroy the
bloodstone amulet completely – if it can be found.

When you die in dreams: Wiśniewski also haunts

the Dreamlands of Prague and stalks potential
victims there.

Adventure Seeds
A Grimoire of Terror! Halloween Horrors


Section M gain possession of two of Sehkheferu’s The ghosts of an old world war one German infantry
canopic jars (the stomach and liver) from a Black Sun battalion are rumoured to haunt an old castle ruin. As All
archaeological site. Unfortunately, no one told them Hallows’ Eve approaches, a mist rolls in and the dead
about the curse. When expedition members begin to rise as Die Gefallen.
disappear, the agents are ordered to investigate.

RED PICKET FENCE A Nazi super-soldier project goes massively awry creating
Something keeps attacking Allied lines. It stalks then a hideous hybrid wolfman that escapes German control
kills, leaving bloody corpses behind – a survivor babbles – can the agents hunt it down or will they also become
about a massive phantom hound. The Barghest involved infected and start to turn?
is seeking out a very specific target – perhaps even one
of the agents themselves…
FEAR ITSELF Wiśniewski’s amulet is found in an abandoned house
formerly owned by an SS Colonel. Unfortunately,
Jacques Lauterne plans to mass-produce his fear gas in the American GI finder kept it as secret loot – and
a factory on the France-Germany border in collaboration Wiśniewski’s looking to claim it back. Can the agents find
with Nachtwölfe scientists. Can the agents foil his scheme the GI or defeat Wiśniewski before too many die?
before he deploys the gas in a major counter-offensive?

THE SILENT VILLAGE U-950 of the Monsun Gruppe assigned to Black Sun
Not far from a Nachtwölfe weapons research facility, disappeared off the coast of Jakarta in 1942. Now it’s
a small village has fallen silent and the population back and appears to be adrift in the Indian Ocean –
disappeared. All that is left are large holes leading deep where has it been and is there anyone still aboard the
underground. Is a sheehad or a massive die draugar U-Boat? The agents are sent to find out…
responsible? The agents must find out!

The agents learn that not all the Allied troops are hostile
to the Mythos. Some Allied forces have joined a local
Cult of the Indisi and have been carrying out their own
rituals – and sacrifices – in the woods nearby.


One of the Andreassen Werewolves falls into the hands of
Black Sun. Ingvar Andreassen calls in some favours from
the Allies and a group of agents are sent to help him and
his family break out the lupine captive.


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