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Course Overview - Member

May 5, 2018

Course Overview

Hi, I’m Verena.

I am excited to have you as a member of Ugly Shirts Fortune.

In this course, I’ll show you how to sell simple text based t-shirts that will allow
you to make a lot of money on the side while working on your 9-5.

If you have any questions as you go through the lessons, just email me and I’ll get to you as soon
as I can.

My email is

If you want, you can reach me via my support page as well. You’ll find the link in the navigation
bar at the top of this page.

I’m quick to answer questions and usually reply in less than 24 hours, Monday through Friday.

Alright, that takes care of housekeeping.

AND NOW IT’S TIME for you to roll up your sleeves, grab a pad to take notes, settle down in a
quiet spot, and start learning how to build your t-shirt business online.

Selling t-shirts online

If you have been in the online marketing space for a while, you may have seen people talking a lot
about selling tees back in 2014-2016.

Back then, when every e-commerce guru pitched about how much money they made selling tees
on Facebook, the business model burst. All of a sudden everyone jumped on the tees wagon.

People were excited, got sucked into the craze and fired up Facebook ads. The ads were bidded
up sky high in pretty much every major t-shirt niche.

Towards early 2016, the cost of sales acquisition went so high that it killed most newbies’ ad
campaigns. That led to disappointment and they called it a day saying that the business model
didn’t work anymore. The tees wave then gradually faded and died out the same year.

In the make-money-online space, people are always attracted to the next shining object; they
don’t think long term. That is exactly what they did.

Today, if you Google it up, many successful tee stories are dated to 2014-2015, the latest come
around 2016. If you asked anyone in forums and Facebook groups today about it, you’ll be told it’s
an outdated business model.

But they’re wrong.

It’s not dead. It’s very much alive.

In fact, there are many out there still making money, including myself. Quietly, of course.

Today, the ad cost in every major t-shirt niche is far lower thanks to less competition. The tee buzz
is gone. Lower ad cost plus fewer competition for people’s Facebook newsfeed only means one
thing- it’s easier to make money today selling tees vs back then.

Not only that, the online t-shirt market size has increased over the past few years in line with
rising worldwide internet connectivity.

For example, Threadless (an online tee site), clocked in a million shirt sales in a year and
Teespring admitted they shipped out 7 million shirts a year. These are just the bigger players,
there are countless other smaller operators in the same space. The market is only going to grow
for many years to come.

Today, I’m going to teach you how to get your slice of the big online t-shirt market cake.

You see, I’ve been making quite a bit of money selling t-shirts as a side project for a couple of
months already. Making this work isn’t rocket science; with a little guidance, anyone can do this.

In this course, I am going to walk you through my process and show you how to put my entire
system to work for you. No hype, no theories, all are tested and proven formulas.

It’s my sincere hope that by using the knowledge I gained, you will soon be running a profitable t-
shirt business of your own, working from the comfort of your home.

I would recommend that you read this course in its entirety without opening up any other site
(Facebook, Teespring, etc.). Leave them alone during your first read through; just consume the
information and take notes.

Once you have finished, you can get to work setting up your campaigns the way I show you in the

Before I show you the how-to; let’s go through the big picture.

#1: We’ll use Teespring and Facebook to run our business.

We will sell t-shirts using Teespring, an online t-shirt fulfilment site. Teespring allows us to create
and sell shirts with no upfront investment.

We will buy ads on Facebook – the world’s favorite social networking platform. Facebook ads
allow us to reach people based on their occupations, interests, hobbies and favorite Facebook

For example, if we sell a firefighter shirt, our ad will show up on a firefighter’s Facebook newsfeed
(I’ll show you how to do that later in the course). When they click on it, they will get sent to our
shirt on the Teespring website.

Teespring will handle transaction + fulfillment and then deduct their percentage of the profit and
send us the rest when our t-shirt campaign ends. We can set how long we want it to go on for: 1
week, 2 weeks, 1 month… It’s totally up to us.

#2: Set aside $30 to test a new shirt you create

For every campaign, we’ll set aside $30 for Facebook ads.

To get the most out of the investment, we’ll let each ad run for a test period of 24 hours, collect the
results, and decide if the shirt is a good seller.

If it turns out to be a winner, we will scale our ad budget, making the campaign as profitable as

If the test ad doesn’t turn out as well as we hoped, we’ll kill the ad so it doesn’t eat up our budget
and move on to the next campaign.

$30 is the maximum we’ll set aside for each test. In most cases, you don’t need to spend that
much to spot a winner. Later in the course, I’ll show you how you can detect a loser quickly so that
you can kill a non-performing ad before it gets anywhere near $30.

The point is, we will use very little money to test each ad campaign, limiting the downside. Once
we scale our winners, the upside is huge.

#3: It’s not just about skill, your mindset is as important to your success

Even if you are doing this part time, you need a business mindset.

When you’re in business, you obviously need to invest money to make money.

You will invest very little money compared to conventional businesses, but doing it is still a must.
Do not freak out even if your first few campaigns flop.

Any business needs seed money for necessities like rent, inventory, staffing, etc.

The difference is that on the Internet, we can leverage infrastructure invested by giant operators
like Teespring.

Teespring’s million dollar infrastructure in action!

While fulfillment companies like Teespring are investing on facilities and stocking tees, you are
investing less than a bag of groceries to acquire targeted buyers using ads on Facebook. Think
about that!

Now, Facebook. There’s no need to elaborate. Biggest social media platform in the world. Anyone
knowing how to leverage its users, and make profit out of doing it is a lucky business owner.

By dishing out some money to run ads on Facebook, you can test a t-shirt campaign with the
potential of making thousands of dollars. No more huge, upfront investment on facilities, fulfilment,
customer service and what not. That wasn’t even possible a few years back.

Learn to master the skill set I’m going to show you in this course – pump out campaign after
campaign. Once you hit your first winner and fall in with the rhythm of the system, your Eureka
moment will kick in and the rest is history.

Trust me, I’ve been there. Once you get the hang of it, making money is natural.

Now that you have a good overview of the business, I want to give you an overall picture of your
profit potential.

Your profit potential

Alright, let’s do some simple math.

Let’s assume that you’re doing this part time. You have a day job and other family responsibilities
and you can’t roll out multiple campaigns each day like a full-time t-shirt marketer.

You only do it during the weekend. Let’s just say 4 campaigns. 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday.

Fair enough?


Now, 4 a week. That’s 16 campaigns a month.

Let’s say that out of 16 campaigns, only 30% succeed, so you’ll have 4.8 successful campaigns.

Nearly all of my successful campaigns exceed 300 shirts sold.

Using an average of 300 shirts, that’s 300 x 4.8 campaigns x $12 profit per shirt*, which equals
$17,000+ in revenue. Yikes!

*Teespring pays approximate $12 per shirt once sales exceed 200 shirts in a campaign.

Generally, after deducting their Facebook advertising costs, marketers net around 50% of their
revenue. That leaves you with net profit of $8,000+ per month.

Not bad.

That’s more than what a lot of folks get each month from their 9-5.

That just gives you an idea of the potential income that you’re going to make doing this business
part time.

Of course, the numbers vary.

You might make less.

Or you may make more when you hit a very responsive crowd in a large audience group. It’s not
impossible to net 10K with just 1 or 2 campaigns.

Therefore, there really isn’t any limit to the money you can make. Once you have mastered the
skill of running ads on Facebook and have a feel about your audience’s taste, you’re good to go.

Also, when a successful campaign ends, you can relaunch it right away and keep doing so until it
wears out. If you are marketing to a large audience, one design can last you several months.

That’s super cool.

Now that you have a good idea of the business profit potential, it’s time to learn how to put it to

The first step?

Find your niche market.

In lesson 1, I’ll show you how to do just that. Let’s hop on to it


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