Translated Lista de Exercà - Cios em Interaà à o Fluido-Partà - Cula

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Unit Operations A
3rd List of Exercises - P1
Prof. Rodrigo Souza

Content: Fluid dynamics of an isolated particle

1. Obtain the terminal velocity value of a glass microsphere that has a specific mass
of 2.43 and a diameter of 250 µm, which falls into water at 30°C (ÿ= 995.7 kg.m
-3 and ÿ = 0.83x10-6 m 2 .s-1 ).

2. Evaluate the wall effect due to the pipe diameter of a hydraulic conveyor of DT =
2.54 cm under the terminal velocity value of the previous problem.

3. Evaluate the effect of the volumetric concentration of solids on the terminal velocity
value of problem 1, considering a population of 0.00184 cm3 .cm-3 . Use the
Richardson and Zaki correlations.

4. In a sedimentation experiment of a suspension of particles in kerosene, consider

that the fluid has known properties (ÿ = 0.9 and µ = 2.3 cP) as well as the
particles (ÿp = 2, 3 , mean diameter of 0.8 mm and ÿ = 0.8). Given a
concentration of solids in the suspension of 260 gL-1 , sedimentation rate of calculations a
this suspension.

5. You are responsible for a sedimentation experiment of a suspension of particles.

The fluid has known properties (ÿ = 0.9 and µ = 2.3 cP) as well as the particles
(ÿp = 2.5 , dp = 0.85 mm and ÿ = 0 ,85). Calculate the terminal velocity of

6. Estimate the terminal velocity of particles trapped between the 0.147 and 0.175
sieves. The retained material consists of limestone (ÿp = 2800 kg.m-3 ). The fluid in
question is water at 30°C. The force field in question is the terrestrial gravitational field.

7. Considering the same problem as above, what would be the percentage increase in
terminal velocity when this event is occurring in a centrifugal separator imposing an
acceleration 50 times Earth's?
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8. Sphalerite particles (ÿp = 4.0 ) are being sedimented according to terrestrial gravity in carbon
tetrachloride at 20°C (ÿ = 99.42 lb.ft-3 and µ = 1, 03 cP). The particle diameter is 0.1 mm and the volume
fraction between the mineral and the fluid is 0.2 cm3 .cm-3 . Within this context, calculate the terminal velocity
of the particles.

9. Assuming an upward flow of atmospheric air heated to 125°C, you must consider the flow velocity required
to enable separation between the following materials.

Substance ÿsolid ( ) dp(mm) ÿ

Quartz 2,65 1,00
Galena 7,58 0,69
Below is additional information that may help resolve the issue.

• Density of atmospheric air at 20°C ÿar = 9.81 ms-2 1,2 kg.m-3

• Gravitational acceleration Calculate g

first the terminal velocities of the particles of galena and quartz for the situation of interest and determine the
variation of the Reynolds number between all situations of interest throughout its resolution.

10. Determine the sedimentation time of spherical particles shown below, considering water at rest and at
20°C as the fluid of interest. The free fall of particles takes place in a pipe of sufficiently large cross section
and a length of 2 m.

Substance ÿsolid ( ) D (mm)

Quartz 2,65 0,25
Galena 7,58 0,25
Mineral coal 1,3 6

Steel 7,7 25
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11. The flow of benzene drops rising in water can be evaluated in terms of the drag coefficient. Calculate
CD for the conditions below.
D (mm) ub (mm.s-1 )
3,17 82,2
4,27 105
4,76 107
5,40 117
8,20 121
9,61 113
Within this context, evaluate the CD versus Rep graphic relationship of this system and compare it with that
obtained for smooth spheres.

12. Calculate the drag force that the air exerts on a Toyota Corolla, year 2011, traveling at 80 and 120
km.h-1 on a flat, horizontal road in the absence of wind. Consider that the fluid in this situation is atmospheric
air at 20°C. (

13. Considering the same situation, now with a frontal wind of 60 km.h-1 ,

what will be the percentage increase in the drag force in relation to the previous proposal.

14. A small silver disk (D = 0.6 cm and H = 0.1 cm) falls, under the action of the earth's gravitational field,
into an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid 60% (by weight) at 20°C and 1 atm . Within this context, it is asked:
(a) Characterize the particle by the diameter of the sphere of the same material that, under the same
conditions, reaches the same terminal velocity as the disk in that fluid; (b) Answer whether this is the Stokes
diameter of the particle.

15. Knowing that sodium chloride (NaCl, table salt) forms perfectly cubic crystals, it is asked to calculate
the terminal velocity of a crystal with a 1 mm edge, when falling, under the action of the earth's gravitational
field in: (a) benzene at 30°C and 1 atm; (b) apple juice at 25°C; (c) carbon tetrachloride.

Note: A crucial step in the practical solution of problems and situations involving unit operations is identifying properties
of the materials involved, or at least estimating their values. In most cases, the exercises present the data needed to
solve the problems. However, in order to familiarize the student with this proposal, it is possible that some data are not
presented in the statements, as well as the necessary formulas for their resolution. In this sense, the student must carry
out bibliographic research and consult the class notes in order to solve the exercises.

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