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Rev. Neurosci.

2015; 26(3): 253–268

Zareen Amtul* and Atta-ur-Rahman

Neural plasticity and memory: molecular

Abstract: Deciphering the cellular and molecular mecha- Introduction
nisms of memory has been an important topic encom-
passing the learning and memory domain besides the
The encoding, storage, and retrieval of memory result
neurodegenerative disorders. Synapses accumulate cog-
from the coordinated activity and interaction of millions
nitive information from life-lasting alterations of their
of neurons and synapses in the brain. A change in this
molecular and structural composition. Current memory
interactive efficiency of neuronal or synaptic signaling,
storage models identify posttranslational modification
also known as plasticity, is a critical characteristic of com-
imperative for short-term information storage and mRNA
munication among synapses and neurons. For instance,
translation for long-term information storage. However,
Hebbian forms of long-lasting synaptic plasticity, that
the precise account of these modifications has not been
is, long-term potentiation (LTP) (Hebb, 1949) and long-
summarized at the individual synapse level. Therefore,
term depression, are well documented and considered
herein we describe the spatiotemporal reorganization of
to form the molecular basis for certain types of memory.
synaptic plasticity at the dendritic spine level to elucidate
LTP is also explained an electrophysiological event with
the mechanism through which synaptic substructures are
an increase in postsynaptic potentials after synapse teta-
remodeled; though at the molecular level, such mecha-
nization. It is considered to ensure long-term alterations
nisms are still quite unclear. It has thus been concluded
in synaptic efficacy in distributed networks, leading to
that the existing mechanisms do not entirely elaborate
persistent changes in the choices, actions, and behavioral
memory storage processes. Further efforts are therefore
patterns, which are often interpreted as the retention of
encouraged to delineate the mechanism of neuronal con-
information, that is, memory. These alterations, however,
nectivity at the chemical level as well, including inter- or
have not been explained at the individual synapse level.
intramolecular bonding patterns at the synaptic level,
This review highlights recent work on molecular and
which may be a permissive and vital step of memory
structural events specifying the alterations in short- and
long-term synaptic plasticity and memory development.
Based on different conceptual and methodological
Keywords: learning; long-term potentiation; memory
advances, we propose to reconsider the synapse as a hard-
encoding; synapse; synaptic plasticity.
wired element built for fast electrochemical transmission,
which has a function tightly linked to the dynamic organi-
DOI 10.1515/revneuro-2014-0075 zation of hydrogen binding patterns (reviewed by Amtul
Received November 6, 2014; accepted December 14, 2014; previ- and Rahman, 2014).
ously published online March 3, 2015

*Corresponding author: Zareen Amtul, Division of Geriatric

Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, Schulich School of Medicine
Components of neural circuits
and Dentistry, Western University, London N6A 5W9, ON, Canada;
H. E. J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for
or ensembles
Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi
75270, Pakistan; and Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular Medicine The brain gathers, manipulates, stores, and retries
and Drug Research, International Center for Chemical and Biological sensory perceptions as memory as well as classifies
Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan, encoded information. This remarkable ability of the brain
e-mail: depends on the quantitative construction of a precisely
Atta-ur-Rahman: H. E. J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International
wired synaptic connection network (connectome) with
Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Karachi,
Karachi 75270, Pakistan; and Dr. Panjwani Center for Molecular
functional property of the synapses (synaptomes) (Frey
Medicine and Drug Research, International Center for Chemical and and Frey, 2008; Hernandez and Abel, 2008). Such data
Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi 75270, Pakistan patterns or maps are constructed from the quantitative

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254      Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory

reckoning of molecular and functional diversity both at a Neural extracellular matrix

particular brain area and at the individual synapse level.
A neuron is encased in a complex, nonhomogeneous,
highly aqueous gel-like extracellular space or environ-
Memory centers in the brain
ment known as the neural extracellular matrix (nECM)
(Dityatev et  al., 2010). The nECM is a reticulum that is
Precisely wired brain circuits established by axons and
comprised of electron-rich moieties, polyanionic biopoly-
dendrites are targeted to precise sites on the surface of
mers, glycosaminoglycans, and various other proteins
particular neurons in specific brain areas or ensembles
(Scott, 1995). Electrical and chemical synapses, nodes
(reviewed by Williams et  al., 2010), which include the
of Ranvier, integrins and gap junctions help a neuron to
make contacts with the surrounding nECM. nECM not
–– Medial temporal lobe and hippocampus: Declarative
only functions as a computational matrix but also pro-
or explicit memory for events and facts and for places,
vides structural support to the neuron (reviewed by Marx
objects, and people is targeted to the medial temporal
and Gilon, 2013). There is a significantly larger volume of
lobe circuitry and hippocampus. The hippocampus
nECM found in human brains compared with chimpanzee
is the brain subregion vital to establishing long-term
brains (Balter, 2007), indicating a greater learning compe-
episodic and spatial memory (Squire, 1992; Amtul
tency for higher cognitive activities.
et al., 2014a,b).
–– Cerebellum, striatum, and amygdala: In contrast to
the explicit memory, procedural or implicit memory
Elemental metals
for motor and perceptual skills is targeted to various
cerebral regions, including the cerebellum, the stria-
The homeostatic equilibrium in the levels of cerebral
tum, and the amygdala, depending on the type of the
metal ions is critical for neurotransmission, myelination,
skill. Simple reflex pathways are used in the most
mitochondrial function, various enzymatic activities, and
elementary instances.
learning and memory (reviewed by Duce and Bush, 2010).
–– Amygdala: Processed information from the neocor-
Neurons also release metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+) containing
tex and direct auditory information from the thala-
vesicles. Trace monovalent metal cations, such as Rb+, Cs+,
mus are targeted to the amygdala, which is vital for
and Li+, are found in the brain at millimolar concentra-
both learned and instinctive fear (LeDoux, 1996). The
tions (with diffusion coefficients in the range of 13–21 × 10-6
amygdala synapses with the hypothalamus to regu-
cm2/s), whereas K+ and Na+ are found in high enough quan-
late autonomic fear responses. Experiments focused
tities to produce high intraneural voltage potentials. A great
on the amygdala provided the best evidence linking
majority of metals reside in the neural cells, a considerable
procedural fear memory to LTP (Moriya et al., 2000).
number (∼10%) are also found in the nECM (Scott, 1995).
Consolidation or reconsolidation (mechanisms that
Although the nECM allows free diffusion of some metals,
transform short-term memory into long-term memory)
others still require metal transporters, or metallothioneins.
of a reactivated declarative or procedural fear memory
Little is known about the process that helps neurons to
results in either protein synthesis or modification in
selectivity accumulate these elemental cations or their
the temporal lobe circuitry and amygdala, respectively.
redox activators (ascorbate, glutathione, etc.).

A neural cell is the most important component of a neural
ensemble and capable of operating as an autonomous unit. A neuropil is a complex felt-like mesh formed by den-
It is closely linked to its surrounding using many superfi- drites, axons, and astroglial processes, where most of the
cial receptors, sensors, and electroeffectors. The number synaptic interactions occur.
of neurons in the human brain approximates the number
of stars in the galaxy. On average, one neuron is intimately
connected to its surrounding via 1000 contacts. The Organization of the neuropil
neurons also contain vesicles (loaded with neurotransmit-
ters, ions, and trace metals), released by nerve impulses The composition and structure of synapses may vary
(spikes or neuronal firing) called action potentials. during maturation, normal aging, development, trauma,

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and neurological disorders as well as across brain regions. –– Synapses: Tens of thousands of synapses are richly
A deeper appreciation of their plasticity and structural decorated on dendritic arbors that are usually extraor-
diversity may lead to novel insights into the processes that dinarily branched and travel hundreds of micrometers
govern the formation, maintenance, growth, and elimina- away from the soma of most neurons. The synapse is an
tion of synapses. A transmission electron micrograph may incredibly complicated and deeply diverse structure,
illustrate the following ultrastructural features of the neu- mediating highly plastic signaling, spanning sensory/
ropil compartments (Figure 1): presynaptic and motor/postsynaptic neurons, and
–– Axonal boutons: Individual axons weaving through- consisting of many diverse protein species expressed
out the complex neuropil form presynaptic boutons by spanning parent neurons. The brain consists of
that contain neurotransmitter-filled vesicles. The 1010–1011 neural cells; each constituting upto 104 excit-
large majority (∼75%) of these vesicle-containing bou- able synaptic contacts. This leads to an extraordinarily
tons constitute a single synaptic contact, ∼21% form intricate and highly developed network composed of
multiple synapses, and ∼4% lack a postsynaptic part- approximately 100 trillion (1014) synapses.
ner (Sorra et al., 2006).

Classification of synapses

Initial studies of synaptic transmission classified syn-

apses into electrical synapses (where ions flow between
neurons through gap junctions of connexin proteins) and
chemical synapses (in which transmission is conducted
by neurotransmitters). In 1959, Gray identified two main
categories of chemical synapses based on their actions:
excitatory and inhibitory (Gray, 1959). Later on, the follow-
ing modulatory synapses were added to the list:
–– Excitatory or type I or asymmetric (later shown to be
glutamatergic) synapses: Excitatory synapses use glu-
tamate as the major neurotransmitter. For cognitive-
related plasticity, it is possibly the most significant
neurotransmitter system. Excitatory synapses are
primarily located on dendrites, dendritic spines, and
postsynaptic density (PSD) components. N-methyl
d-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-5-hydroxy-3-
methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) ionotropic
receptors are the subtypes of glutamate receptors. The
AMPA receptors (AMPARs) are the main mediators of
basal synaptic transmission. Calcium (Ca2+) influx via
NMDA receptors (NMDARs) is central to the induction
of both LTP (Carasatorre and Ramirez-Amaya, 2013)
and long-term depression (LTD). The glutamatergic
transmission is considered a significant initial step
in the mechanisms underlying the formation of new
synapses, stabilizing synaptic contacts and structural
synaptic plasticity. For example, increased spine den-
Figure 1: A transmission electron micrograph of Golgi-impregnated sity observed in the hippocampus 24 h after trace eye
neuronal cell in the hippocampus illustrating the ultrastructural blink conditioning is blocked by NMDAR antagonists
features of the key physiologic neuropil compartments, soma and (Leuner et al., 2003) (Figure 2A and B).
apical and basal dendrites. The inset shows an axon passing by
–– Inhibitory or type II or symmetric (later shown to
dendritic spines protruding from the shaft of apical dendrites.
Image was adapted from Harris and Weinberg (2012), with permis-
be GABAergic) synapses: Inhibitory synapses use
sions from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press © 2012, John gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) as the key neu-
Wiley & Sons © 1959, and Elsevier © 1980. rotransmitter. Inhibitory GABAergic synapses are

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256      Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory

Figure 2: A schematic drawing showing an axon passing by dendritic spines, pre- and postsynaptic terminals (inset), molecular mechanism
for encoding LTP and LTD, and phenomenon of recall showing synaptic cleft, neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter receptors, ion channels,
vesicles, and stalk of axon. PKC, protein kinase C; NMDAR, N-methyl d-aspartate receptor; AMPAR, α-amino-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-4-isoxazole
propionic acid receptors; AC, adenylyl cyclase; PKA, protein kinase A; CaMKII, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II; MAPK, mitogen-acti-
vated protein kinases; PKMζ, atypical PKC; EC, endocannabinoids; NO, nitric oxide; TrkB, tyrosine kinase B; mGluR, metabotropic glutamate
receptors; G, glutamate; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Image was modified from (Amtul and Rahman, 2014), reprinted with
permission from SAGE © 2014.

mainly located on axonal shafts and dendritic soma, such as the plasticity, kinetics, and strength of synap-
while a sparse distribution along both spiny and non- tic transmission. Vesicular transporters, receptor sub-
spiny dendritic shafts is also noticed. units, adhesion molecules, scaffold, housekeeping,
–– Synaptic proteins: Immunohistochemistry reveals and signaling proteins as well as molecules regarded
multiple isoforms of synaptic proteins (more than as neurodevelopmental cues are few members of the
3000; Filiou et  al., 2010), spanning deep intratype rapidly growing lists of synaptic proteins.
molecular diversity between various regions of the –– Adhesion proteins: Current interest has shifted
brain and types of neurons at the subcellular level. toward mapping or encoding molecular markers that
This diversity includes both their distinct relative form brain circuits and synaptic connections. Adhe-
expression levels and the distinct complement pro- sion proteins are well positioned to provide a code or
teins expressed. The activity record of a particular clue, also known as molecular signature, about the
synapse or network is built in the identity of its par- identity of parent pre- and postsynaptic neural cells
ent pre- and postsynaptic neurons. Similarly, a pro- as well as their connectivity pattern within the brain
tein primarily reflects the molecular architecture of its circuit. Adhesion proteins participate in regulating
synapse and the molecular signature to its parent neu- the development of specific neuronal circuits in the
rons’ identity. Importantly, such protein expression developing brain. In the mature brain, a large number
diversity often appears to mirror functional diversity, of these molecules are retained at synapses (Arikkath

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and Reichardt, 2008; Sudhof, 2008). Ephrins and Synaptic plasticity or mutability
immunoglobulin superfamily members (Dalva et al.,
2007) are important classes of adhesion proteins. At present, synapses are considered exceptionally plastic
–– Synaptic vesicles: Presynaptic axonal boutons of in composition, function, and architecture. The history of
excitatory synapses contain round, clear transport self use-dependent plasticity, impulse traffic, homeosta-
packets or vesicles (∼35 nm diameter; Qu et al., 2009) sis, and modulatory effects or signals from neighboring
loaded with at least 410 different proteins in synaptic glial and neuronal cells strongly influence the synapses.
vesicles fractions (Takamori et al., 2006) and 200 in To study the experience-dependent plasticity, a pioneer-
clathrin-coated vesicles (McPherson, 2010). To load ing work by Wiesel and Hubel stands as the primary
the vesicles, the vesicle membrane is equipped with example. According to their findings, when one eye is
ion pumps and neurotransmitter transporters for vesi- occluded early in development (to treat monocular dep-
cle delivery to the membrane (with docking and traf- rivation), a shift in the dominance of ocular neurons in
ficking proteins), to help endocytosis (with clathrin the cortex results. The cortical neurons activated by the
and associated proteins), and to expedite exocytosis open eye are robustly increased in number, and time the
(with priming proteins). number of cortical cells that respond to the occluded eye
–– The presynaptic active zone: The presynaptic active is reduced at the same (Wiesel and Hubel, 1963).
zone is equipped with molecular machinery to speed
up the release of synaptic vesicle to respond to Ca2+
influx. The cytomatrix electron-rich region close to the Synaptic plasticity and learning
neuronal membrane contains the proteins needed for
the exocytosis of vesicles, such as voltage-gated Ca2+ Synaptic plasticity is elementary to learning and memory
channels, actin signaling proteins, scaffold, cytoskel- development, remodeling, and homeostasis of complex
etal proteins, and proteins necessary for endocytosis. neural circuits. In the most widely accepted prevailing
A reliable estimate of the proteins found in this com- paradigm of memory storage, learning-associated activity
partment is not available because of the difficulties in modifies the strength of synaptic connections, communica-
isolating this component. tion, or transmission and subsequently render them stable
–– The synaptic cleft: A neurotransmitter is released from to persevere the memory trace (Mozzachiodi and Byrne,
a docked vesicle into the synaptic cleft. The synaptic 2010). At the electrophysiological level, synaptic plasticity
cleft is a tight junction where different cells contact one is reflected in phenomena known as LTP and LTD.
another. In glutamatergic synapses, this specialized
site is precisely spaced around 25 nm apart with rigid
parallel membranes. The synaptic cleft is spanned by Short-term synaptic plasticity
more than 1000 isoform members of major adhesion
protein families (Zipursky and Sanes, 2010). The initial perseverative activity is also called short-term
–– The PSD: PSD is rich in proteins responsible to memory/facilitation or protein synthesis-independent
generate a response to neurotransmitter release. phase. Short-term plasticity (lasting up to 30 min) is
Scaffold proteins stabilize the ion channels and neu- conducted by the continual covalent posttranslational
rotransmitter receptors in the PSD membrane. Protein modification (PTM) of preexisting proteins of primarily
kinases and signaling proteins (which modulate the presynaptic sensory neuron (reviewed by Routtenberg and
synaptic activity such as phosphatases) are found in Rekart, 2005). Short-term plasticity is sensitive to physical
abundance in the PSD. At glutamatergic synapses, interference. The application of electroconvulsive shock or
PSD is rich in cytoskeleton proteins that extend into cooling (within seconds to minutes) after the acquisition
the dendritic spines (small membrane protrusions of information may result in the loss of short-term memory.
from dendritic shafts and the sites of excitatory input
of pyramidal neurons). From 200 to more than 1000
different proteins are found in PSD according to pro- Long-term synaptic plasticity
teomic studies (Dosemeci et al., 2007). The reduction
of PSD-95 was the initial noticeable alteration in syn- The later consolidative phase is also called persistent
aptic components. PSD-95 is a master regulator of the synaptic plasticity or long-term memory or protein syn-
anchoring and assembly of glutamate receptor subu- thesis–dependent phase. The long-term synaptic plastic-
nits, the PSD components. ity is characterized by the rapid transcription of mRNA

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258      Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory

genes into proteins and the longer duration of ( ≥ 1 day of mechanism is also not completely known, although it
the increased) synaptic efficiency. This gene transcription relies on both presynaptic and postsynaptic expression
and translation are required for newly growing synaptic mechanisms.
connections between the neural cells (Bailey and Chen,
Spike timing-dependent plasticity

Types of long-term synaptic plasticity According to spike timing-dependent plasticity, the polar-
ity of synaptic change is determined by the timing of pre-
LTP and LTD are two forms of long-term synaptic plasticity. synaptic and postsynaptic spikes (action potentials). LTP
results if a presynaptic action potential is followed by a
postsynaptic action potential repeatedly within approxi-
Long-term potentiation
mately 50 ms, whereas the reverse order leads to LTD.

In LTP, repetitive presynaptic stimulation or synchronized

input (of 50 Hz, 100 Hz, or theta burst frequency, with
distinct mechanisms for each) (Kumar and Mehta, 2011) Molecular mechanism of synaptic
increases the sensitivity and strengthens postsynaptic
synapses. The notion that neurons that fire together and
plasticity or learning or LTP
wire together has been heavily influenced by the postulate
A variety of signaling molecules, receptors and enzymes
of Donald Hebb (1949), a Canadian neuropsychologist.
participate in the molecular underpinnings of LTP
LTP is also referred to as Hebbosomes (Husi et al., 2000)
(Figure 2). LTP offers enormous nearly indefinite compu-
or Hebbian plasticity. The meaning of Hebbian plasticity
tational capabilities (Gallister and King, 2009).
is that each experience we have regarding our thoughts,
sensations, feelings, and even muscle actions, is rooted in
the simultaneous activation of certain neuronal cells in a
Action potentials
network that generates that experience. Each time a spe-
cific thought (action) is repeated (synaptic tagging), the
The temporal sequence of electrophysiological action
connection between a group of neuronal cells is strength-
potentials or electrical activity was first observed in 1849,
ened. This phenomenon provides a biological basis or
formally described and mechanistically defined in the
mean for errorless learning, memory rehabilitation, or
1940s and 1950s (reviewed by Nosyreva and Huber, 2005).
storing an engram. Engram is a retrievable memory trace
In the absence of action potential, animal species would
or form, in which the brain transforms new memories.
respond like plants to external stimuli, for instance,
Long-term synaptic changes are not only highly input
slowly moving away or bending toward predators or nutri-
specific but also synapse specific or stimulate only those
ents on a time scale of hours or days. Action potential is
synaptic connections that have been activated or tagged
emitted (fired) by a neuron and is called an impulse or
by previous experience or signal (without affecting neigh-
spike train. Dendritic spines of any given neuron prin-
boring synapses). LTP results in the expression of genes,
cipally receive tens, hundreds, or thousands of discrete
synthesis of proteins, and recruitment of new receptors or
excitatory and inhibitory stimuli, which are gathered at
even synapses.
the soma. When an activation threshold is exceeded, the
neuron instigates a neural spike that is transported away
from the soma down the axon, resulting in the release of
Long-term depression the neurotransmitters at the axonal terminals synapses
and directed for intracellular transport (dendrite to soma
As a result of LTP, when synaptic connectivity reaches to axon to synapse).
the maximum level of efficacy and makes it difficult to
encode new information, a complementary process of LTD
selectively weakens such sets of synapses to maintain the Neuronal depolarization
synaptic strength. The low threshold of synaptic stimula-
tion instead can also stimulate NMDAR to produce LTD A stimulus received by the dendrites drives the inside
(Nosyreva and Huber, 2005). For LTD, the maintenance resting potential of the cells from -70  mV to -55  mV by

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allowing Na+ influx. Usually, the interior of the neuron potential (neuronal spike broadening) with an asso-
is 70  mV less than the outside, with relatively more Na+ ciated elevation in excitability. This is manifested by
present outside and more K+ present inside the neuron. lowering the threshold potential, and it illustrates the
This increases the inside potential of the cell membrane easiness of successive impulse generation process
up to ∼+30 mV to result in neuronal depolarization. by a neuron (Byrne and Kandel, 1996). The resultant
increased Ca2+ influx contributes to the enhanced
release of neurotransmitters.
Neuronal hyperpolarization –– The spike broadening–independent mechanism: This
mechanism acts directly on the exocytosis and mobi-
The closing of Na+ channels results in the opening of K+ lization of presynaptic neurotransmitters containing
channels. The system becomes neutral and impedes the vesicles (Braha et al., 1990).
initiation of action potential if both channels (Na+ and
K+) open simultaneously. The depolarization has time to A transsynaptic postsynaptic pathway involves an EphB
be completed because the K+ channels open very slowly. receptor–ephrinB (type of adhesion protein) ligand inter-
With the K+ channels open, the membrane gets back to its action, which is activated by amplification in intracellular
resting potential by the process of repolarization. When Ca2+ within the postsynaptic neurons. For the mainte-
repolarization overshoots, hyperpolarization results and nance of an ongoing synaptic dialogue and its homeostasis
resting membrane potential exceeds to around -90 mV. (Kleschevnikov and Routtenberg, 2001), this retrospective
Consequently, the threshold for receiving another stimu- signaling activates PKA. PKA activation further stimulates
lus is raised during this time, or hyperpolarization pre- neurotransmitter release (as shown from the mossy fibers)
vents the neuron from receiving any new stimulus and (Contractor et al., 2002).
assures that the signal is unidirectional. After hyperpolar- Modulatory neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin,
ization, the membrane eventually establishes its resting noradrenaline, and acetylcholine) act on their respective
potential of -70 mV via Na+/K+ pump. receptors to activate cAMP-dependent signaling. This
serves as physiological effector of various brain states that
modulate the longevity of memory and synaptic plastic-
Activated PKA and PKC ity (such as reward, arousal, punishment and attention;
reviewed by Bliss and Cooke, 2011).
Action potentials result in the activation of presynaptic
cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent kinases (protein kinase
A [PKA] and protein kinase C [PKC]). Activated PKA and Postsynaptic depolarization
PKC that detect elevated levels of Ca2+ serve several func-
tions in synaptic plasticity with independent but over- The strong depolarization of postsynaptic membrane
lapping spheres of action. Activated PKA and PKC entail allows the repulsion of magnesium (Mg2+) ions, which
the covalent modification of a majority of proteins such block the NMDAR ion pore (Nowak et  al., 1984) at near-
as the phosphorylation of two major (voltage-dependent resting membrane potentials.
and voltage-independent) K+ channels (Baxter and Byrne,
2013) (Figure 2C).
Glutamate binding to postsynaptic receptors

Presynaptic glutamate release After release, glutamate binding to postsynaptic NMDAR

(known as depolarization) opens postsynaptic internal
When sensory neuron fires a subsequent action potential, reservoirs, including voltage- and ligand-gated cations
activated PKA and PKC enhance the release of presynap- or Ca2+ channels, to allow Ca2+ influx to dendritic spines
tic glutamate (that plays a central role, in assisting the (Lisman and Hell, 2008), shafts, and neuronal soma.
early phase of LTP) via the following two mechanisms
(Figure 2C):
–– The spike broadening-dependent mechanism: PKA Ca2+ influx
and PKC reduce specific K+ currents by phosphoryl-
ating K+ channels. It allows Ca2+ influx into the pre- Ca2+ influx triggers an intricate set of oscillatory and tran-
synaptic neuron via the extended span of an action sitory signaling events, as follows:

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–– In actin polymerization: Ca2+ can interact with the activity and to maintain kinase activation state. This
actin polymerization cytoskeletons to remodel the shows a critical means to continue signaling and has
membrane blebbing or structural synaptic plastic- a great significance for the consolidation of long-term
ity of the synaptic bouton. This paves the way for synaptic plasticity. In fact, at least 3 days after learning,
dendritic or axonal process outgrowth (reviewed by PKC can remain functional to parallel the length of acti-
Oertner and Matus, 2005). vation observed after LTP (Lovinger et al., 1985).
–– In activating kinases: Within dendritic spines, the ini-
tial inflow of Ca2+ activates at least three key protein
kinases in the postsynaptic neural cell either directly CREB-1 activation
or indirectly. These are Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent
broad specificity Ser/Thr protein kinase II (CaMKII) Work on Aplysia californica that has very few (approxi-
(Hudmon and Schulman, 2002), PKC (Nishizuka, mately 20,000) neurons (Martin et al., 1997) and Drosoph-
1992)/PKA (Lau et al., 2009), and the tyrosine kinase ila (Drain et  al., 1991) demonstrated that with repetitive
Fyn (Grant et al., 1992). training or persistent activation, synaptic PKA is trans-
ported to the nucleus to activate the transcription factor
cAMP response element binding protein 1 (CREB-1). CREB-1
CaMKII then stimulates the formation of new synaptic connec-
tions by acting on downstream genes and activating the
CaMKII is considered a memory device, triggered by protein synthesis. This eventually results in long-lasting,
synaptic Ca2+ and is highly enriched in the postsynaptic much more robust changes in the strength of synapses.
region. CaMKII is required to transform or interpret the Hippocampal CREB activation is absent in memory-
diversity of Ca2+ signals into a more stable and perdur- impaired rats with fornix lesions (Taubenfeld et al., 2001).
able message and to activate the cascade of intracellular
events that contribute in synaptic plasticity stabilization
(Lisman and McIntyre, 2001). CaMKII phosphorylates Immediate early genes
various postsynaptic intraneuronal protein substrates,
such as PSD-95 (Yoshimura et al., 2000), F-actin (Allison There are estimated to be tens to hundreds of immediate
et al., 2000), densin-180 (Walikonis et al., 2001), and par- early genes (IEGs). The IEGs reflect the earliest genomic
ticularly NMDAR and AMPAR (Lee et  al., 2003). These response to stimulation. In response to a particular
substrates are implicated in LTP expression via a likely intense stimulus, the activity-dependent increase in the
as-yet-unknown mechanism to encode, store, process synthesis of IEG products either represents the replenish-
memory, and regulate synaptic plasticity (Figure 2E). ment signals from the accelerated activation of protein
–– In translating Ca2+ signals: CaMKII keeps track of syn- turnover or forms new synapses. The translocation of
aptic events and retains a record of past Ca2+ influx transcription factors that are present at the synapses
activity in terms of activated phosphorylation states. results in protein synthesis for replenishment (Freuden-
CaMKII is even capable of interpreting or decoding thal et al., 2004). Several IEGs have been identified, such
messages carried in the amplitude and duration of as the so-called effector IEGs (Narp, Arc, Cox-2, Rheb, and
individual Ca2+ spikes into different forms of long- Homer; Lanahan and Worley, 1998) that support effects
lasting Ca2+-independent activity (Raveendran et al., such as plastic changes by acting directly on cells and
2009). factors that are transcription regulators of other genes
–– In microtubules: Microtubules are the candidate (c-jun, c-fos, Egr-3, and zif268). One important example
sites for CaMKII phosphorylation-encoded molecu- of IEG induction occurs when an altered light-dark cycle
lar memory. By facilitating cellular cargo transport, stimulates animals to reset their endogenous circadian
microtubules efficiently maintain neuronal archi- rhythms (Takeuchi et al., 1993).
tecture. A reorientation of this network is needed for
memory formation.
–– In potentiating LTP expression: CaMKII regulates its Targeting of newly synthesized proteins
activity via an intrinsic feedback mechanism such as
PKC. The catalytic subunit of CaMKII phosphorylates The proteolytic susceptibility of newly synthesized indi-
the pseudosubstrate via protein kinase autophospho- vidual proteins, the homeostatic regulation of their levels
rylation to prevent the inhibition of phosphotransferase (calculated by their half-life), and the concentration

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Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory      261

gradients guide their transport. These proteins are trans- called myristoylation. Palmitoylation greatly alters
ported to the subcellular compartment, to the synaptic the sorting and function of protein by affecting their
nodes, and to axonal and dendritic processes that are hydrophobicity (reviewed by el-Husseini and Bredt,
recently activated (by a process that is not well under- 2002). Palmitoylation controls neurite outgrowth,
stood), making the modification not only specific but axon pathfinding, and neuronal differentiation and
also permanent. This can affect the sensitivity, shape, regulates neurotransmitter release, membrane asso-
and therefore size of the pertinent synapses permanently. ciation, and receptor-clustering function of various
These stabilized synapses form the network that becomes proteins in both presynaptic and postsynaptic nerve
the part of the brain’s long-lasting memory. terminals (reviewed by el-Husseini and Bredt, 2002).
Notably, palmitoylated PSD-95 seems to have an
important role in specifying synaptogenesis. In addi-
Synaptic tagging
tion, the binding of other fatty acids, such as oleate,
arachidonate, and stearate, has also been described
Frey and Morris (1998) introduced the concept of synaptic
(reviewed by el-Husseini and Bredt, 2002).
tagging. There are several theories of synaptic tagging. For
–– Glycosylation: The glucosamine, fucose, and N-acetyl-
instance, one theory proposes that a molecular tag placed
neuraminic acid sugar moieties are attached to the
at recently potentiated synapses ensures that the newly
glycoproteins via glycosylation soon after they are
translated relevant effector proteins are captured only
synthesized (Rose, 1995).
by synapses undergoing change and expressing the tag
–– Acetylation: The acetylation of lysine residues on
(Redondo and Morris, 2011) not their neighbors. Another
histones by histone acetyltransferases is an obliga-
theory states that a molecular tag triggers local protein
tory component of transcription (Swank and Sweatt,
synthesis from newly transcribed or existing ribosomal
mRNAs found in the dendrites. Local translation would
–– Chelation: Electron-rich (Lewis base) moieties of
radically decrease the quantity of protein molecules
various polyanionic biomolecules cooperatively che-
needed to contribute to consolidate synaptic potentiation
late anionic coordination groups or binding pockets
or depression (Sutton and Schuman, 2006). The molecu-
with individual elemental cations confined to spe-
lar tags are not identified yet.
cific chelating nodes of the nECM. Trace monovalent
metal cations form short-lived monovalent metal
Posttranslational modifications complexes [nECM/M+1]. Such metal complexes typi-
cally include water to form tetrahedral complexes
It is also believed that the construction of fresh memo- with coordination radii in the range of 0.2–0.3  nm
ries instead relies on activity-dependent synaptic PTMs (2.2–3.3 Å) (reviewed by Marx and Gilon, 2013). For
(reviewed by Routtenberg and Rekart, 2005). Although it long-term storage of cognitive information (Smirnov
is not possible to describe all the PTMs that have an effect et al., 2011), these monovalent metal complexes can
on synaptic plasticity, a greater description would consist be stabilized as polyvalent metal complexes [nECM/
of the following: M+2/3/4/5]. The binding of Zn2+ to the transmembrane
–– Phosphorylation: Protein phosphorylation has been protein tenascin (a component of the nECM) alters the
implicated in different forms of neural plasticity such local lattice geometry of the haptide epitope of tenas-
as neurite outgrowth, hippocampal LTP, and neu- cin. As a result, this conformational change perturbs
rotransmitter release (reviewed by Pasinelli et  al., the polarizability, elasticity and resistivity of the neu-
1995). ronal membrane, which membrane-embedded piezo-
–– Fatty acylation: The S-acylation of 16-carbon long electric or iontophoretic actuators recognize as an
saturated fatty acid palmitate via a labile and revers- encoding event. Knockout mice deficient in tenascin
ible thioester linkage to cysteine residues of neuronal exhibit defective memory (Kawakami and Matsumoto,
proteins (including secreted signaling molecules, 2011).
synaptic scaffolding proteins and neurotransmitter
receptors) is referred as palmitoylation. Likewise,
the posttranslational binding of prenyl moieties to Reversible modifications of genomic DNA
carboxy terminal of cysteine residue is called isopre-
nylation. The cotranslational binding of myristic acid The development of the neural circuitry in the brain
to the amino-terminal of glycine-containing motifs is can be perceived as reversible modifications of genomic

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262      Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory

DNA or epigenesis when many diverse components come and Bear, 2004) (Figure 2F). As a result, PKMζ main-
together at the right place and time. Only recently, it has tains LTP expression for its lifetime at least possibly
been shown that memory storage and other brain func- by continual expression and autoregulation, which is
tions involve epigenesis without changing the sequence not yet completely known. Such neural plasticity pro-
of underlying DNA. Epigenetic processes underlie cellu- duces long-term changes in the postsynaptic AMPAR
lar processes and molecular cascades crucial for memory number and the AMPAR/NMDAR ratio. Concentra-
by influencing learning-associated transcriptional tions of NMDAR remain comparatively stable at these
changes. synapses that participate in the maintenance of long-
lasting synaptic LTP (Bliss and Lomo, 1973).
3. Via CaMKII: CaMKII also participates in the long-
lasting LTP of synaptic transmission because it can
Queen and worker honey bees
remain autonomously active by autophosphorylation
for longer period in the absence of elevated Ca2+. This
The role of epigenetic regulations in synaptic plasticity
enables CaMKII to act as a molecular tag to permit
is illustrated by the differences in the behavior of worker
the staffing of newly formed proteins at recently acti-
and queen honey bees. Despite having identical genetic
vated synapses as a maintenance mechanism for LTP
makeup, worker and queen honey bees do not have identi-
(Redondo and Morris, 2011).
cal behavior, including reproductive capacities, morphol-
4. Via rehearsing and updating PTMs: Previously acti-
ogies, and synaptic connections, which are found less in
vated memories, including past events, are preserved
the brains of queen bees. The reason for these striking dif-
by updating and rehearsing the status of protein
ferences is their diet: worker bees are given royal jelly just
PTMs via endogenous network activity (Ikegaya et al.,
in the initial 3 days of their larval period, whereas queen
bees are fed with royal jelly throughout their lives. Inter-
5. Via multiple memory networks: One memory (even
estingly, reducing the levels of DNA methyltransferase
for elementary procedures) is distributed among
mimics the effects of royal jelly (Kucharski et  al., 2008).
multiple pathways and represented by different net-
Therefore, royal jelly in addition to controlling the epige-
works. A set of multiple re-entrant pathways that
netic development of canalization also keeps queen bees
are not indistinguishable maintain one memory.
from performing nonreproductive cognitively challenging
These neural circuits are sufficiently analogous to
tasks. The reason to the behavioral plasticity of adult bee
protect from memory loss even when majority of the
must be altered synaptogenesis, as there is no noticeable
pathways are lost. Thus, no single consolidated net-
neurogenesis in the worker bee brain.
work is exclusively critical to a particular memory
(­Handelmann and Olton, 1981).
Potentiating LTP expression 6. Via brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF): CREB
and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal-
To maintain prototypical Hebbian LTP and LTD, persis- ing results in the synthesis of BDNF. BDNF is a neuro-
tent molecular modifications of individual synapses are trophic factor; its role in neural plasticity is complex
carried out via a number of mechanisms, such as the and multimodal. It is coreleased with presynaptic glu-
following: tamate to take part in the early LTP and LTD phases.
1. Via lack of dendritic mRNA: Little or no dendritic As pro-BDNF, BDNF binds to two postsynaptic recep-
mRNA is found for three postsynaptic proteins critical tors that result in the promotion of subsequent LTD
for memory and neural plasticity (Kuhl and Skehel, induction: the P75 receptor, which leads to the modifi-
1998), that is, glutamate receptors, atypical isoform of cation of NMDAR subunit composition when activated
the Ca2+-dependent PKC (PKCγ), or neurogranin. (Woo et  al., 2005), and the tyrosine kinase B (TrkB)
2. Via PKMζ: Plasticity-induced changes in postsynaptic (Figurov et al., 1996) (Figure 2G). BDNF also initiates
receptor trafficking involve insertion (increasing the structural changes, critical for memory consolidation
number) and removal of the AMPARs at the synaptic at tagged synapses, such as dendritic growth, axon
membrane of glutamatergic synapses by the atypical path finding, neuronal migration, and formation and
PKC, that is, PKMζ, for long periods. PKMζ is missing preservation of the synaptic contact, for example, the
a regulatory domain that is needed to put a brake on sprouting of hippocampal mossy fiber (Epsztein et al.,
its activity when elevated Ca2+ dissipates (Malenka 2005) (Figure 2H).

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Offspring of undernourished mothers associated with synaptic development, maintenance, and

plasticity. Although majority of new spines have short life
In addition to decreased synaptogenesis, neuronal sur- span, training-specific spines are created and last longer
vival, synaptic plasticity, reduced object, and spatial rec- after the task, and around 0.04% are estimated to last
ognition, offspring of undernourished mothers also show until the end of the mouse’s life (Ziv and Ahissar, 2009).
decreased hippocampal BDNF mRNA and protein levels At the morphological level, LTD is associated with the
(Fischer et al., 2007). shrinkage or loss of spines and removal of postsynaptic
AMPARs, whereas LTP can generally induce the enlarge-
ment of dendritic spines (Zhou et al., 2004). In addition,
Structural synaptic changes with dendritic spines are greatly motile during development.

learning Stimulation of either AMPARs or NMDARs inhibits this

motility (Fischer et  al., 2000). The dendritic spine mor-
phology is also regulated by astrocytes involving bidirec-
Structural reorganization of synapses is one of the ways to
tional ephrin/EphA signaling through a contact-mediated
preserve synaptic plasticity. It is not clear yet up to what
mechanism (Carmona et al., 2009).
degree structural synaptic alterations (accompanied by
the long-term memory storage) occur in an adult brain.
For instance, during sensitization and habituation, the
Presynaptic terminals
gill-withdrawal reflex learning results in striking structural
changes along with abrupt and short-term alterations in the
The sensory neurons from the habituated Aplysia (behav-
function of synapses. These changes occur in the synaptic
ioral memory) retract some of their presynaptic terminals
strength not only between sensory and motor neuronal
to weakly associate with motor and interneurons com-
connections but also between the sensory and interneu-
pared with the sensory neurons in nonhabituated Aplysia
ronal connections (Frost and Kandel, 1995). The studies
(Bailey and Chen, 1988a). By contrast, the number of
illustrated that different learning forms at different stages
presynaptic terminals of the sensory neurons, after long-
of memory can alter a single synaptic connection in oppo-
term sensitization, increases more than two-fold (Bailey
site ways for minutes to weeks. Results show that even very
and Chen, 1988a). Sensory neurons are not exclusively
basic forms of learning and memory are accompanied by
affected by this learning-induced synaptic growth. An
obvious alterations in the structure of both pre- and post-
augmentation in the size and number of active zones on
synaptic neurons and the number of functional synapses
each side of the synapse has also been reported.
that decisively participate in behavioral modification.

Postsynaptic dendrites
The dendrites of the postsynaptic motor neurons have been
Alterations in the morphology of preexisting synapses
shown to be remodeled and grown to aid in the receipt of
constitute such structural changes. It also includes the
ancillary sensory input (Bailey and Chen, 1988b).
formation and persistence of new synaptic connections
(as observed by the appearance of augmented distribu-
tion and density of new dendritic spines) as well as the
strengthening, weakening, and elimination of existing or
old synapses. In this regard, the astrocytic thrombospon-
Neuronal migration and axonal guidance also constitute
din family of extracellular matrix proteins has been iden-
synaptic structural changes. The structural remodeling of
tified as the synaptogenic signal (Christopherson et  al.,
the synaptic bouton and actin cycling (Fitzsimonds and
2005). Glial cells have also been shown to play a key role
Poo, 1998) is also observed at active synapses.
in synapse formation (Bolton and Eroglu, 2009).

Dendritic spines Receptors

Under normal physiological conditions, alterations in the Structural changes may be driven by initial activation of one
number and morphology of dendritic spines are frequently or several neurotransmitter receptors all the way through the

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264      Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory

memory consolidation process. The number and/or loca- Down syndrome

tion of postsynaptic receptors, ion channels, and synaptic
scaling of the AMPARs (to stabilize firing rates up or down) A great majority of studies have shown that uncontrolled
can also be modified over both short and long periods. levels of inhibition in the medial temporal lobe of Ts65Dn
mice caused a failure of long-term synaptic plasticity in
their hippocampus, resulting in cognitive impairment
Memory loss (Kleschevnikov et  al., 2004; Fernandez et  al., 2007).
In addition to the increased immunoreactivity for syn-
The breakdown of the neural networks/arrays at any criti- aptic proteins at cortical and hippocampal inhibitory
cal point is manifested as circuit or storage failure, includ- synapses, these defects in synaptic plasticity are also
ing memory loss, as the cognitive information encoded associated with striking alterations in the structure of
therein also decays. synapses. Similarly, active zones at inhibitory synapses
are selectively enlarged (Belichenko et  al., 2009; Porez-
Cremades et al., 2010).

Synaptic abnormalities are now identified as primary for

Neuronal depolarization
various neurological and mental disorders, such as those
related to neurodegeneration, trauma, addiction, and
Interestingly, through epigenetic dysregulation, neu-
aberrant development.
ronal depolarization can result in the alternative splicing
of certain genes (Schor et al., 2009). Access to memories
lost due to severe neural degeneration can be reinstated
Autism by sodium butyrate treatment, which can also increase
synapse numbers and induce dendritic sprouting (Fischer
At present, the etiology of autism is poorly understood. et al., 2007).
Deficits in synaptic refinement and synaptogenesis are Spinal muscular atrophy, Rett syndrome, and schizo-
being proposed to be a primary basis of autism. Mutations phrenia are linked to alternative splicing (Licatalosi and
in genes that generally direct the synaptic maturation Darnell, 2006).
pattern of specific subpopulations of neurons are shown
to segregate with the pathological phenotype (Polleux
and Lauder, 2004; Gatto and Broadie, 2010).
Synaptic proteins

Recently, in screens for genetic mutations associated with

Alzheimer’s disease psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders, a big
milestone has been achieved in discovering the primary
Patients with this progressive neurodegenerative syn- role of synaptic proteins in many brain diseases (Bayes
drome of the association and limbic cortices have well- et al., 2011). There is a likelihood that some subsets of spe-
preserved motor and sensory functions and cannot cific brain circuits/synapses are more susceptible to a par-
store fresh memories anylonger, initially of minor type ticular pathological condition than others, as a majority of
and then significant details of life. Many morphological synaptic proteins associated with different diseases have
and biochemical measures indicate that Alzheimer’s regionally diverse distributions. This raises the intriguing
disease (AD) is characterized by an attack on syn- possibility that by unique molecular signatures of atypi-
apses, at least initially, in addition to the neurotrans- cal synaptic protein expression patterns, we may one day
mitter alterations (Terry et  al., 1991; Sze et  al., 1997). recognize a particular neurological and mental disorder
Increasing evidences imply that subtle alterations in (Bayes et al., 2011).
LTP and/or basal synaptic transmission of hippocam- In AD, alterations in the levels of synaptophysin,
pal synaptic efficacy precede the massive degeneration a presynaptic vesicle protein in the hippocampal and
of neurons observed later in AD. Diffusible oligomeric association cortices, has been linked with the extent of
assemblies of the β-amyloid (Aβ) protein cause the syn- memory dysfunction in AD patients (Terry et al., 1991; Sze
aptic dysfunction. et al., 1997).

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Z. Amtul and A. Rahman: Synaptic plasticity and memory      265

Metals and cellular mediators of the hydrogen bonding pattern

may uncover this interplay between individual neurons.
As with many proteins, the perturbations in metal ion In that review, we have proposed the hydrogen bonding
homeostasis within the brain may also result in cerebral pattern as a compensatory form of change in synaptic
damage (reviewed by Duce and Bush, 2010). The altera- strength and the molecular mechanism that counteracts
tions in the optimum concentrations of elemental metals alterations due to LTP and LTD to assist in stabilizing the
such as metal toxicity or deficiency are manifested as activity of neuronal or synaptic network. We further pro-
clinically observable changes in various behaviors (con- posed developing the theories and experiments that may
fusion, disorientation, poor learning, and personality elucidate the inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonding
changes) as well as dysfunctional memory or memory loss patterns in detail.
(Llinas, 1988; Jefferys, 1995; Lieleg et  al., 2009; Smirnov
et al., 2011). Acknowledgments: The authors disclose the receipt of
financial support from the Higher Education Commission,
Pakistan, for the research, authorship, and/or publication
AD and Wilson’s disease of this article.

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