International Tour Final Presentation

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Online International Tour Final Presentation

Yong Ping High School, Malaysia X YZU, Taiwan

Topic: Introduction to Malaysia

Agenda: After completing the course, each group has to introduce one/two topics related to Malaysian
Culture, traditions, food, tourist spots, etc. This is practical presentation to showcase the skills learnt
during the course, English speaking ability, time management, presentation skills, introduce Malaysia.

Time: 15min presentation and demonstration, 3 min QnA session

Session1: 15:00-15:20 (UTC +8) Group2: Dipta’s Group

Topic: Malaysia demographic, language, currency, social and multiculturism specific to Malaysia
Session2: 15:20-15:40 (UTC +8) Group3: Razat’s Group
Topic: Malaysian food and drinks
Session3: 15:40-16:00 (UTC +8) Group1: Subham’s Group
Topic: Culture and Traditions, Ethnic Attire, public holidays, tourist spots

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