365 Days With Self Discipline

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Doing things that might not be entirely pleasant is key to achieving

long-term objectives.

Day 2

Sleep in and barely get to work on time or wake up at 5 a.m. to work on

your side business before going to work at your day job.

Day 4

Your chances of cheating on a diet are higher if you have forbidden foods
at home. Removing them from your house – a simple act that requires
little willpower, as long as you’re satiated while doing so - will protect
you when you get hungry and the urge to gorge on them hits you like a
ton of bricks.

Day 5

It’s not that you lack willpower to exercise – people always want
something from you and you never have the time to develop this healthy

Day 7

No matter what they say about money not bringing happiness, at least
several months’ worth of income kept as savings in the bank means the
difference between a relatively stress-free life and the soul-crushing fear
when you can’t cover an urgent, important expense.

Day 8

Periodically try living without something that you consider a necessity.

You’ll benefit in several ways.

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