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*never say no i cant do it if you say your mind work like that if you say yes i can
do this you will surely able to do our consious mind is ship captain(thoughts) and
our subconsious mind is engin workers similar examples{woman want bag but she cant
afford it she said this bag is mine and late that evening on christmas her fiance
gifted her same bag}
*think right it will be right in short your consious mind is a gate keeper allow
good constructive thought to come in then see the magic of sub consious mind many
example are discussed {like a lady was nervous for singing audition so she relax
her body and said many times a day she can do this and fortunately it happened}{an
old lady was having memory lost problem with help of subconsious mind she overcome
this problem} sub consious mind cannot think this work is of consious mind so think
*prior to sleep, turn over a specific requestto your subcon#scious mind and prove
its miracle-working power to yourself
*imagine happy ending of the problem feel the thrill of accomplishment, and what
you imagine and feel will be accepted by your subconscious mind and bring it to
* WITH YOUR subconsious mind you can heal any disease in short there is only one
process to heal and that is faith and only 1 healing power that is subconsious mind
*imagine the end desire and feel it reallity follow it through and will get
definite result /always do prayer just before sleeping without stating your problem
ex i am good at maths like this/our mind has capabilities to do whatever we think
*chapter has many methods main one is relax your body to no effort at night and
pray for what you want around 5-10 min / what you think will happen/ always be
thankful examole thank you shiv ji my maths is superb/affirm

*What you affirm consciously and feel as true will be made manifest in youpnind,
body and affairs. Affirm the good and enter into joy of living
*your subconsious mind needs a clear idea
*while using subconsious mind do not think of wrong(opponent) just try to imagine
after feeling of work completion without any doubt
*believe is to accept something as true,or to live in the state of being as you
sustain this mood you will experience joy of your prayer
*The three steps to snccess in prayer
The usual procedure
is as follows:
1. Take a look at the problem.
2. Turn to the solution or way out known only to the
subconscious mind.
3. Rest in a sense of deep conviction that it is done.
*You avoid all conflict between your desires and imagina#tion by entering into a
drowsy, sleepy state which brings all effort to a minimum. The conscious mind is
submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The best time to impregnate
your subconscious is prior to sleep When you imagine the reality of the ful#filled
desire and feel the thrill of accomplishment, your subcon#scious brings about the
realization of your desire. A great many people solve all their dilemmas and
prob#lems by the play of their controlled, directed, and disciplined
imagination, knowing that whatever they imagine and feel as true will and must come
to pass.
*You avoid conflict between your conscious and subconscious in the sleepy state.
Imagine the fulfillment of your desire over and over again prior to sleep. Sleep in
peace and wake in joy
CHAPTER9 (How to USB the Pnwer of Your Subconscious for Wealth)
*Repeat the word, "Wealth," to yourself slowly and quietly for about five minutes
prior to sleep and your subconsious mind wiU bring wealth to pass in your
experience./ The feeling of wealth produces wealth. Keep this in mind at all times

* you can become rich just think you have abundance of money money is flowing in
your life and you are using it in a constructive way as will as for good purpose
*always use imagination power to feel your desire as reallity and definetly it
will! so in short if you want to own a car think imagine what brand colour how you
are riding just before sleep by keeping body relax or my waking up in morning best
time to sow seed in your subconsious mind

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