Battery Storage Systems For Peak Load Shaving Applications Part 1 Operating Strategy and Modification of The Power Diagram

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Battery storage systems for peak load shaving

Part 1: Operating strategy and modification of the power diagram

Enrico Telaretti, Luigi Dusonchet

Università di Palermo
Palermo, Italy;

Abstract— Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) are more and more attention in the current global energy
gaining more and more attention in the current global energy landscape, thanks to some peculiar characteristics such as the
landscape, thanks to some peculiar characteristics such as the versatility, modularity, scalability, fast response time, etc..
versatility, modularity, scalability, fast response time, etc.. BESSs BESSs can advantageously be used in the ancillary services
can advantageously be used in the ancillary services market, in market, in order to provide all the services necessary to ensure
order to provide all the services necessary to ensure the stability the stability and the reliability of the power system.
and the reliability of the power system. Among other Furthermore, battery costs are coming down and performance
applications, BESS can also be used to shift electricity demand are improving, although several problems remain to be solved,
from on-peak to off-peak periods, also contributing to relieve
such as safety issues, regulatory barriers and utility acceptance
peak demand charges, thus ensuring a saving for the customers.
The BESS is charged when the electricity prices are the lowest
[7]. Although their significant advantages, BESSs are still too
(during the night) and discharged when the prices are the expensive, and their deployment in different countries is
highest (during the daily hours), contemporary achieving a mainly driven by favorable policies and supporting measures,
leveling of the daily usage pattern. This paper is the first of a two- especially at the household level [8, 9]. As a consequence of
part series, aiming to evaluate the economic feasibility of their favorable performances and decreasing costs, battery
electrochemical storage systems in peak load shaving projects are being deployed across countries, for different
applications. The sizing and the operating strategy of the BESS applications [10]. Custom devices need always to be used to
are defined, so as to obtain, at the same time, the flattest daily ensure a proper interconnection and a reliable control system,
usage pattern and the maximum benefit for the customer. A case according to national technical specifications [11-14].
study is analyzed, showing the modification of the power diagram
when the BESS is added. The simulation results show a customer The excess of electricity consumption during peak periods
daily power profile perfectly leveled in shoulder seasons and a turns out to be expensive for transmission system operators
peak shaving effect in all other days. (TSO) and distribution system operators (DSO), affecting the
stability and the reliability of the electricity grid. Among other
Keywords— battery energy storage; peak load shaving; TOU applications, BESS can also be used to shift electricity demand
tariffs; peak demand charges; case study from on-peak to off-peak periods (energy arbitrage), also
contributing to relieve peak demand charges, thus ensuring a
I. INTRODUCTION saving for the customers. The customer electricity bill is
The deployment of renewable energies in the power grid normally composed by two main components, an energy
has seen a strong uptake in the last decades, mainly driven by charge component (€/kWh), proportional to the consumed
advantageous support policies implemented around the world energy, and a capacity charge component (€/kW), proportional
[1-4]. Especially photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy to the maximum power draw. Peak demand charges are
experienced the strongest growth among all renewable energy typically calculated based on the maximum demand during a
sources (RESs) and this expansion is expected to continue in given month. Thus, if the BESS is operated so as to smooth the
the future [5]. However, the integration of increasing shares of customer load diagram (peak shaving effect), peak demand
RES energy into the power system creates challenges to the charges will be reduced.
stability and reliability of the electricity system [6]. Indeed, Energy arbitrage consists in buying inexpensive energy at
production and consumption of electricity need to be in balance off-peak hours, through battery charging, and reselling it back
at all times, and the fluctuating nature of the energy produced to the grid a few hours later, at a higher price, through battery
by RESs makes this task difficult, creating stability issues to discharging. If the difference between on-peak and off-peak
the power system. Stationary energy storage systems (ESSs) prices, added to the saving from the reduction of peak demand
can advantageously be used in the modern electricity networks, charges is enough to compensate for the BESS losses and for
providing the necessary flexibility to the power system. Among the cost of the storage system (initial investment cost, O&M
ESSs, battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are gaining cost, replacement cost), the use of the battery will be profitable

978-1-5090-2320-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

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for the storage owner [15]. The ability to shift energy arbitrage accommodation. The algorithm calculates the
consumption obviously depends on the variability of the economic benefits of distributed ESSs at the end consumer
electricity prices during the day. Electricity prices show short level by determining the cost optimal charge-discharge-
term fluctuations for two main reasons: schedule. The authors conclude that the most important factors
affecting simulation results are the cost and the efficiency of
• the electricity demand varies significantly during the the ESS. A linear optimization model is used in [19] to find the
day and the generation is not always able to follow load storage power and energy capacities that maximize the internal
variations; rate of return (IRR) in arbitrage applications, considering 14
• recent moves toward competitive and deregulated different storage technologies. The authors find that the optimal
electricity markets have increased the volatility of sizing of a storage device depends mainly from the
electricity prices, due to the increased competition technological characteristics of the BESS, while the volatility
among actors [16]. of the electricity prices mostly influences the IRR. In [20] the
authors propose an optimal operating strategy to maximize the
In the last years, electric utilities are starting to offer storage profit, in presence of real-time electricity prices. The
variable tariffs to their customers, in order to better reflect the algorithm is based on a sequential quadratic programming
costs associated with electricity production throughout the day, method. The authors consider two electrochemical
also contributing to increase the demand flexibility of the technologies, vanadium redox battery (VRB) and polysulfide-
power system. Time-of-use (TOU) pricing is a rate structure, bromine battery (PSB), concluding that PSB is the better
particularly convenient for residential sector, typically investment choice. Unlike linear programming techniques,
involving two or three billing periods (on-peak, mid-peak and unable to take into account the stochastic nature of loads and
off-peak periods), reflecting the different costs associated to the the variability of electricity prices, dynamic programming
electricity production throughout the day. Electricity customers methods are employed to overcome this limit. In [21], Oudalov
can take advantages of the rate structure, shifting their et al. present a sizing methodology and an optimal operating
consumption from on-peak to off-peak hours or by using strategy for a BESS used in peak load shaving applications.
energy storages. The operating strategy, based on dynamic programming, is
This paper is the first of a two-part series, aiming to aimed to maximize the customer’s economic benefit, while
evaluate the economic feasibility of electrochemical storage satisfying the BESS physical constraints. In [22] Riffonneau et
systems in peak load shaving applications. The analysis refers al. present an optimal power management mechanism for grid
to a lithium-ion (li-ion), an advanced lead-acid, a sodium- connected PV systems with BESS. The objective is to help
sulphur (NaS) and a flow battery. In this first paper, the sizing intensive penetration of PV energy by proposing a peak
and the operating strategy of the BESS are defined, so as to shaving service at the lowest cost, using a dynamic
obtain, at the same time, the flattest daily usage pattern and the programming algorithm. In [23] the authors address the
maximum benefit for the customer. A case study is analyzed, problem of organizing home energy storage purchases to
showing the modification of the power diagram when the minimize long term energy costs under variable demands and
BESS is added. The simulation results show the variation of prices. The problem is modeled as a Markov decision process
the daily power diagram as a consequence of the storage showing that the optimal policy has a threshold structure. In
operation. The customer power profile is perfectly flattened in [24] the authors develop an adaptive dynamic programming
shoulder seasons, while in all other days a peak shaving effect able to achieve the minimum electricity cost for residential
is obtained. customers. The algorithm is able to improve the performance
as it learns and gains more experience in real-time operations.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section In [25] a multipass iteration particle swarm optimization (PSO)
II reviews the current literature in battery operation algorithm is used to solve the optimal operating schedule of a
optimization and load leveling. Section III describes the case BESS for an industrial TOU rate user, with wind turbine
study, showing the rate structure and the hourly power profile generators. The algorithm can be used for real-time
of the electricity user. Section IV defines the sizing, the evaluations, under the assumption of wind speed and load
operating assumptions of the BESS and the selected uncertainty. In [26] the authors evaluate the economic
operational parameters. Section V shows the modification of feasibility of electricity storages using a simple operation
the power diagram as a result of the BESS operation. Finally, strategy of the BESS in the spot market, subject to simple
Section VI summarizes the conclusion of the work. constraint conditions. In [27] the authors estimate the economic
feasibility of storage systems used for aggregate applications,
II. CURRENT LITERATURE such as energy price arbitrage, TOU energy cost reduction,
The optimal operation of storage systems is traditionally ancillary services, and transmission upgrade deferral, through
studied by linear programming [17-19], nonlinear the maximization of an objective function. In [28], the
programming [20] and dynamic programming [21-24]. Other economic feasibility of a residential BESS for energy arbitrage
charge/discharge strategies are described in [25-34]. In [17], a is evaluated, in presence of a TOU tariff structure. The
linear programming technique is used to study the optimal stochastic nature of the household’s hourly electricity demand
operation of an ESS installed in a small power producing is taken into account using a Monte Carlo method. In [29]
facility. The algorithm can be solved using a standard Purvins and Summer propose an optimal battery system
technique without much computational effort. A linear management model with the main purpose of maximizing the
optimization model of a storage system is proposed in [18], for utilization of distributed RESs in distribution grids, preventing

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situations of reverse power flow. In [30] the authors present an • on-peak hours (F1): Monday–Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to
estimate of the economic benefit from using BESSs for TOU 7:00 p.m.;
energy cost management at a consumer level, exploiting a
simple operating strategy. The economic benefit is estimated • off-peak hours (F2): Monday- Friday, from 7:00 p.m. to
performing a parametric analysis, by varying the capital cost of 8:00 a.m.; all day Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
the batteries and the difference between the maximum and The electricity costs, …୊ଵ , …୊ଶ , include all components and
minimum electricity prices. In [31, 32] The authors describe taxes. The demand charges are assumed equal to:
the application to a medium-scale public facility of a simple
BESS operating strategy which aims to maximize the arbitrage …୩୛ ൌ ͷͲ€Ȁ ή ›‡ƒ” (2)
customer savings in presence of real-time electricity prices.
The experimental evaluations highlight how the power profile Weekdays power diagrams show two daily peaks, the first
of the public facility changes as a result of the proposed in the morning, at about 11-12 a.m., the second in the
charging strategy. The battery operating strategy has been afternoon, at 3-4 p.m.. Conversely, Saturday only has one peak,
further expanded and generalized in [33]. Finally, in [34] the at 11-12 a.m.. Peak demand charges are often applied to
authors evaluate the economic potential for energy arbitrage commercial and industrial consumers and are calculated based
using the Hotelling rule, to determine a strategy for on the maximum power draw during the billing period (usually
maximizing the value of the BESS. They conclude that the a month). Demand charges are applied by utilities as a way to
current BESS costs are too high to generate a sufficient amount cover the fixed cost of electricity provision, providing an
of arbitrage revenue. incentive to commercial and industrial consumers to reduce
III. CASE STUDY their peak consumption.
The case study focuses on a tertiary facility, an office IV. SIZING AND OPERATING ASSUMPTIONS
located in climatic zone E [35]. The hourly power profiles of The BESS is sized and operated so as to obtain, at the same
the facility in winter, summer and shoulder seasons are shown time, the flattest daily usage pattern and the maximum load
in Fig. 1 and 2, on weekdays and Saturday respectively. The shifting benefit for the customer. The choice of the BESS
customer power profiles on Sunday/holidays have not been capacity is driven by a trade-off between gaining more
reported, since they are flattened, thus irrelevant from the arbitrage savings during days with relatively high peak loads
viewpoint of the battery operation. The tertiary facility is billed (summer season days) and wasting idle capacity during days
through a TOU electricity tariff, composed by two billing with low peak loads (shoulder season days). Among all the
periods [9]: possible solutions, the one that ensures the minimum upfront
investment cost for the storage owner has been chosen.
…୊ଵ ൌ ͲǤ͵€ȀŠ ; …୊ଶ ൌ ͲǤͳͷ€ȀŠ (1) Thereby, the battery has been sized and operated so as to
completely smooth the customer power diagram in the day of
2500 Shoulder seasons
the year corresponding to the flattest power profile (i.e. the
2000 shoulder season day), consistent with the charging/discharging
constraints and with the need to charge during off-peak periods
Power diagram (kW)

1500 and discharge during on-peak times. The simulations are

carried out assuming that the BESS is operated all days except
Sundays and holidays (around 300 days per year). Table I
500 shows the main operational parameters for each BESS
technology, according to the above mentioned sizing condition.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 V. MODIFICATION OF THE POWER DIAGRAM
Hours (h) Figs. 3a shows the weekdays power diagrams when the
Fig. 1. Hourly power profile of the office, in winter, summer and shoulder BESS is sized and operated according to the procedure
seasons, on weekdays. described in Section IV, for each reference seasonal period.
Power diagram (kW)

Shoulder seasons
2000 Summer BESS operational parameters
1500 Capacity (kWh) 3700

1000 Power rating (kW) 800

500 N. of cycles per day 1

0 N. of cycles per year 300

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
DOD per cycle (%) 80
Hours (h)
Project life (years) 10
Fig. 2. Hourly power profile of the office, in winter, summer and shoulder
seasons, on Saturday.

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Shoulder seasons 2000
2000 Shoulder seasons
Winter (a) (a) Winter

Power diagram (kW)

Summer 1500
Power diagram (kW)

1500 Summer
0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Hours (h)
Hours (h)

BESS power profile (kW)

600 Shoulder seasons
BESS power profile (kW)

400 Winter
Summer 200
0 Shoulder seasons
-200 (b) Winter
-400 (b)
-600 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Hours (h)
Hours (h)
Fig. 5. (a) Facility power diagram when the storage is operated; (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Facility power diagram when the storage is operated; (b) corresponding BESS power profile, on Saturday.
corresponding BESS power profile, for each of the reference seasonal periods,
on weekdays. 2000 Shoulder seasons
Power diagram (kW) Winter
As can be observed in Fig. 3a, the facility power diagram in 1500 (a) Summer
a shoulder season day is now completely leveled, as a results of 1000
the proposed sizing and operating strategy of the BESS.
Otherwise, a peak shaving effect is produced in all summer and 500
winter season days. The corresponding BESS power profiles
are shown in Fig. 3b. Positive values of the BESS power
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
profile mean energy stored, negative values energy discharged. Hours (h)
Fig. 3b shows that the BESS is operated at variable power,
within its energy and power constraints. 400
BESS power profile (kW)

Fig. 4 shows the customer hourly power diagrams with and
without BESS and the BESS power profile, in a weekday
summer day, under the above mentioned sizing conditions. As
Fig. 4 clearly shows, the BESS is charged from 7:00 p.m. to Shoulder seasons
6:00 a.m. and discharged from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. The (b) Winter
BESS operates at variable charging and discharging power. Summer
The energy absorbed from the BESS during the charging phase 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
is greater than that supplied to the grid during the discharging, Hours (h)
because of the roundtrip losses. The BESS parameters and cost
components for each electrochemical technology are reported Fig. 6. (a) Facility power diagram when storage is added and the billing
in the part 2 of the two-part series. period is chosen according to the hourly facility power profile; (b)
corresponding BESS power profile.
The daily power profiles on Saturday and the corresponding
BESS power profiles are reported in Fig. 5a, b, respectively. As it is clearly shown in Fig. 5a, the power profile is not
perfectly flattened on Saturday shoulder seasons. This is
4000 Facility power diagram without BESS because the billing periods are not correlated to the customer
BESS power profile daily consumption, on Saturday. Indeed, the BESS would need
Power profile (kW)

Facility power diagram with BESS

2500 to be charged after 2:00 p.m., so as to result in a load profile
2000 perfectly flattened in a shoulder season day, according to the
1500 billing periods described in Section III. But the BESS can only
1000 discharge from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m., since these are on-peak hours
500 (F1). As a result, the BESS will remain idle and the customer
0 power diagram will follow the shape shown in Fig. 2, from
-500 2:00 to 7:00 p.m.. It is worth noting that the power peaks could
have been further reduced if the billing period had been chosen
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
according to the hourly facility power profile (for equal BESS
Fig. 4. Facility power diagram with and without BESS and BESS power sizing). Such a result would be obtained if on-peak hours
profile in a weekday summer day.

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