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DelftX ET3034x
Solar Energy

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Week 1� Introduction to Solar Energy

1.1 Introduction to the Course

Introduce Yourself

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Course | Solar Energy | edX

1.2 Energy Conversion

1.3 Photovoltaics

1.4 History of Solar Energy

1.5 Status and Prospects of Solar Energy

1.6 Solar Light

Assignment 1
Assignment due Apr 14, 2021, 20�04 GMT�5�30

Extra: Feedback Week 1 � Practice Question 1.6.2

Week 2� Working Principle of a Semiconductor Based Solar Cell

2.1 How to Transform Light into Electricity

2.2 Band Gap

2.3 Charge Carriers

2.4 Semiconductor Junction

Assignment 2
Assignment due Apr 19, 2021, 03�27 GMT�5�30

Week 3� Solar Cell Operation, Performance and Design Rules

3.1 Solar Cell Operation

3.2 Solar Cell Performance

3.3 Solar Cell Design Rules

Exam 1� Recap Week 1, 2 and 3

Exam 1� Recap Week 1, 2 and 3

Exam 1 due Apr 27, 2021, 18�13 GMT�5�30

Week 4� PV Technology Based on Crystalline Silicon Wafers

4.1 Properties of Crystalline Silicon

4.2 Manufacturing of Crystalline Silicon

4.3 Design Rules of the Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell

4.4 High-Efficiency Concepts of c-Si Wafer Based Solar Cells

4.5 From Solar Cells to Solar Modules

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Course | Solar Energy | edX

Assignment 3
Assignment due May 2, 2021, 01�36 GMT�5�30

Week 5� Thin-Film PV Technologies

5.1 III�V PV Technology

5.2 Thin-Film Silicon PV Technology

5.3 CIGS PV Technology

5.4 Thin-Film CdTe PV Technology

5.5 Organic PV Technology

Assignment 4
Assignment due May 6, 2021, 08�59 GMT�5�30

Week 6� Third Generation PV and Other Ways to Utilize Solar Energy

6.1 Third Generation PV Technologies

6.2 Solar Thermal Technologies

6.3 Solar Fuel Technologies

Exam 2� Recap Week 4, 5 and 6

Exam 2� Recap Week 4, 5 and 6

Exam 2 due May 14, 2021, 23�46 GMT�5�30

Week 7� PV Systems - Components and Concepts

7.1 Introduction to PV Systems

7.2 PV Modules in PV Systems

7.3 Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT�

7.4 Inverters in PV Systems

7.5 Storage in PV Systems - Batteries

Assignment 5
Assignment due May 19, 2021, 07�09 GMT�5�30

Week 8� PV Systems - Applications and Design

8.1 Stand-Alone PV Systems

8.2 Grid-connected PV Systems

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Course | Solar Energy | edX

8.3 Economics of PV Systems

8.4 Environmental Considerations of PV Systems

8.5 Final Thoughts

Exam 3� Recap Week 7 and 8

Exam 3� Recap Week 7 and 8

Exam 3 due May 27, 2021, 21�55 GMT�5�30

What's next?

Message from the Course Team

Extra: Student Material

Student Submission: Your Own PV System

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Upcoming Dates
Wed, Apr 14, 2021

Assignment 1

Sat, May 1, 2021

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Sat, Jun 5, 2021

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Course Handouts

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Twitter: @ArnoSmets

Twitter hashtag: #delftxsolar

LinkedIn: ET3034TUx: Solar Energy

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